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Everything posted by Kieko

  1. That's really good! I like it! I especially like the glowing dots, I think that looks cool ( i can't tell if it's stars or snow or neither). But, if it's a banner, you need to make it smaller. The maximum dimentions are 500X100. Seeing as your picture is almost square, I would suggest making it 300X100. but I really like it ^_^! good job! 7/10
  2. This is my first greyscale banner, so let me know what you think. I think it looks a bit crowded -_- [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/161103-tsukasabanner1.JPG[/img]
  3. I did NOT put you up to this! you wanted to know how to do it, so I told you! It was your choice, not mine!
  4. AMAZING!!! I liked the first version fine and then WHAM!-you come out with a COLORED version! Outstanding! Best web art I've seen! 9/10(I never give 10/10s)
  5. Kieko

    Yum Yum

    Well, I have news for you, us "people" do reply, but we just have a hard time replying to some of the images that are extremely bad, or exremely good. (this is the case for me anyway, it might not be the case for you, though). Anyway, I think your banner is unique. It's a little plain, but I don't see how else you can make it without it being plain, at least none that will make it look good. Now that I look at it, it looks like an advertisement, or one of those brandname symbols. lol. I like the way the panda blends with the backround. Very nice. 5/10
  6. Kyo, it's not what you save it in, the font is like that because it's too small to be bolded. You can't use bold on smaller fonts because it'll come out fuzzy like that.
  7. Kyo, I really like it! But I think K.K.C. is right, you need some practice. but hey, it takes practice! And since you just learned how to do it, I think it's really good! Find some good pictures, crop 'em, put them with a good backround and font and saying and you got yourself a great banner! Good job!
  8. It had been some time since they had gone to the fortress and no one knew what was happening outside. Rin and Shippo had fallen asleep in the now sleeping Kagome's lap. Sango was asleep on a sleeping Miroku's lap and Miroku's hand was absentmindedly stroking her hair. A sleeping Kaira was leaning against Inuyasha who was wide awake. Tsicoro was leaning against the wall, eyes closed, but still awake. Kyp had fallen asleep on a couch while Kitty was curled up on a chair. Inuyasha: Anyway you can tell what's going on out there? Tsicoro: No... um... does she do that often? *pointing to Kaira* Inuyasha: What? Oh, Kaira? *looks at Kaira* Kaira? ?? Who said she was sleeping? Kaira then wakes up. Kaira: Ow.... *puts her hand on the side of her forehead*?my head? Inuyasha?s eyes widen in fear. Tsicoro: Um? Inuyasha: This isn?t good? Tsicoro: Umm?? Inuyasha: When Kaira gets a headache, it means that someone close to us has been badly wounded. Tsicoro: Then it can only mean one thing? Inuyasha: Sesshomaru. _____________________________ Raven: I wouldn?t have done that if you hadn?t tried to stop me! Sesshomaru: Shut up, Raven! I don?t care if you hate them, I?m here to keep you away from them! Raven: What? Did you promise ?daddy?? Daddy isn?t here to save you this time. Tsicoro: No, but we are! Kyp and Miroku appear behind him. Raven: The cavalry?s arrived: a child and a worthless human. Sesshomaru: Don?t interfere. Kyp: We can help. Miroku: We? Then they noticed the huge amount of blood around Sesshomaru. Raven: I?ve decided to let you live? this time. Then she disappeared. ____________________ By now, everyone was up. And when the door opened, Kagome and Rin were the first to it. Kagome: Sesshomaru? Rin: Daddy! Inu Yasha: Brother. Kaira: He?s unconscious. Miroku: I think we can see that! ********************* Kagome: Sesshomaru? Are you all right? Sesshomaru: Fine? what happened? Kagome: You?ve been out for a few days, Kaira wasn?t so lucky. Sesshomaru: Hmm? *Flashback* Miroku: I think we can see that! Kaira: Shut up! Tsicoro, I need your help with something. Kaira puts her hand over Sesshomaru?s injuries and a white light comes out, Tsicoro silently does the same thing. Then the light from Tsicoro?s hand stopped. Kaira: Do you have any healing powers, Kagome? Kagome: I don?t know, but I?ll try. Kagome copies Kaira, but a purple light comes out of her hand. Then Sesshomaru?s wound fully healed and the lights from both their hands disappeared. Kaira tried to stay standing but fell backwards. Inu Yasha rushed over and immediately caught her. Miroku: Not again! Inu Yasha: Shut up, monk! *End flashback* Kagome: And she?s been out ever since. Sesshomaru: Damn. I promised father to protect them and now look what happened! Kagome was startled. She had never thought of Sesshomaru as someone who could cry, yet here he was, silent tears rolling down his cheeks, in front of a human (who was also a miko), non the less. Kagome: Sesshomaru? ? Sesshomaru: I?m fine? Rin: Can I see daddy now, Kagome-chan? Sesshomaru: How many times do I have to tell you, don?t call me daddy! FYI: OK, you guys can post now!
  9. HAHA! Diarrhea! HAHA! I love all your banners! Well, pretty much all of them. And the ones I don't really like are the ones that I don't like the pictures to. but other than that, they're great ^_^!
  10. I'll IM you about it. I might be able to help you.
  11. Kieko

    My Avatar

    Here's one I made out of bordum, so it's not very good: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=513855[/img]
  12. Jan wandered helplessly on into the blackness of the night. He had not expected to see anything accept the rugged landscape and the gravel path up the mountain. But he was mistaken?thankfully. He was lost in a train of thought, replaying the accident over and over in his mind, seeing what could have happened differently to prevent it, when he saw his shadow. It took him a few moments, but he turned around and looked into the blaring lights. It was almost like looking into the sun, nothing but a lot of light, but at least it was better than the darkness. The car slowed to a stop and a window went down. ?You alright little guy?? A man spoke from within the car. He had the deepest voice Jan had ever heard and the gruffness in it made him sound tough. He had shrunken eyes and a large nose, skinny lips and cheeks, and small ears. Jan could tell he was looking at him. More specifically, the gash on his left arm near the shoulder, the cut on his head from where he hit his head, and his lip which was bleeding. They were all bleeding. ?Yeah.? Was all he could say. ?You don?t look alright.? The man said, and he was telling the truth. On top of his injuries, he was soaked to the core with rain and cold. ?Get in the car and I?ll drive you home.? Home. There was a word he hadn?t thought of since the accident. He didn?t want to go home. His dad was killed in a random shooting when Jan was 8 and his 18-year-old brother was either dead, or didn?t care enough to come home afterwards. Jan hadn?t been a good student, so he didn?t need to worry about school, grade or behavior. He was a punk, beating up people since his dad died. He had worked out a lot at gyms instead of at school, which meant he got bad grades, too. Now that he thought of it, he had treated everyone, including himself, bad after his father died; life just wasn?t a big deal anymore. ?You need a ride, little guy?? the line was repeated from inside the car. Yeah? yeah, ok.? Jan said. He didn?t like being called a little guy, especially because he worked so hard to become a big guy. ?Where to?? The man said when Jan was in his seat. He didn?t even bother to buckle his seat belt. ?Anywhere. It doesn?t matter anymore.? ?You don?t want to go home to your folks?? ?What folks?? With that the man was silent. They were both silent. Silence, darkness, one was just as bad as the other. He hated silence. It was silence that was before ?it? happened. The crash. Jan must have drifted to sleep, because what little light there was began to spin and fade away as he was back in the car, earlier that evening with his mom in the driver?s seat?. He was drowsy. He had been woken up for school by his alarm and had not gotten enough sleep. Like the work he got at school helped that. He was getting in the car after cross-country, it was another typical day. Another typical long ride home. By the time they got to the road on which their street was only one right and then a left away, it happened, the world, Jan?s world, ended. ?How was school? Did you have fun?? his mom asked. Jan, who was hot because he had done sprints in 100-degree weather, was agitated. ?Why do you always ask me that? The answer?s going to be the same every time!? ?I was just trying to make conversation.? ?Yeah, well, don?t! I just want to relax!? ?Ok, fine." ?Just don?t say anything mom! I don?t want to here it! ? and she was silent, and so was Jan. He couldn?t believe what he?d just said. He regretted it the moment the words slipped from his tongue. There was silence. A deadly silence that Jan will never forget. They were driving down the road and were trying to make the green light, they did, but not all the way. A turquoise Tahoe ran into their little car from the left. They were riding in a little blue beetle and the truck hit his mom?s side of the car. It was almost like an electrifying jolt. He lurched towards his mom, and she into the window, shattering it. A piece gashed his left arm, and another grazed his lip. The car was spinning out of control. It fell off the street and into the trees beside it. Jan was flung out his window and hit a tree with his head first. The rest of his body followed and then slumped to the ground. He lay there for about 5 minutes, slightly dazed, then, ran to the car. The left fender was busted and the wheels were spinning uselessly as the car was on it?s back, the right side leaned against a tree. Jan summoned his courage and bent down to look in the left window at the driver, his mom. The picture was terrible. He knew right away she was, or was going to be, dead. Her face had blood all over her cheeks and down the side of her head, her eyes still frozen in terror. Her black hair hung loosely over her shoulders and mouth. Jan looked down. Her right leg was twisted in an unnatural angle and had blood at the knee. She was leaned against the driving wheel. Jan couldn?t believe it, so he ran. He ran even though it was pitch black outside. He couldn?t believe that his mom was dead, that her future had been cut off, that she had already lived her life to it?s fullest, but, in running away, he showed he truly accepted? ******************************** Jan awoke. He didn't even remember falling asleep. Was earlier on this evening a dream? The wreck, was it a figment of his imagination? As he regained his senses, a bubble of hope swelled inside of him; he was in a moving car. He turned to the driver to make sure it was his mom. The bubble popped. It was a strange man. Jan suddenly remembered everything. "Pretty long snooze. You ok now?" The man said in his gruff voice. "Yeah, I'm ok." Jan sounded so feeble. It irritated him. "Hmm." The man said, obviously ending the conversation. This being done, Jan ressumed looking out the window. It was like a never ending night. He just wished that the car ride would go on forever, but it didn't. About an hour later, they stopped.
  13. Yes, I did notice it was a little big as well. I also found it hard to see some of the characters. Try fixing that by maybe taking out some people and resizing it. Good job though, 6/10.
  14. Um...I realize that you're new here, so I'll just tell you: these kind of threads go in the Art&Design forum right above this one. But it is a really good banner. I liked the theme the best but the picture is a little blurry and hard to make out. 7/10 good job ^_^!
  15. You are a really good artist. I love the character and thought he looked very evil/mysterious. Very good shading and details, I look forward to seeing more!
  16. Did you make that? Well, duh! Why did I ask that? Anyway, it's really REALLY funny! I LOVE it! Could I use it as a banner sometime? I especially like the little character sliding and the "ow..." at the end, it reminds me of one of my friends ^_^!
  17. Well, I wouldn't say it's "DARK"..... just sad kind of..... I DON"T KNOW! It's a very nice banner, though. I like the way the light comes from the corner like that, very nice. I also like your picture and frame/border. Great job! (of course, what else is there to be expected in your work but greatness?)
  18. That last one is much better! Although, I think Kauro's (sp?) in the wrong place and both Kenshin and her are poorly cropped. Also, you should get a brighter/easier to see picture of Kenshin. But it's really good ^_^!
  19. Could I see the picture? That might help.^_^
  20. You really like that fire effect don't you? Well, yes, your avatar is hard to make out. I only figured it out by the name, lol. Why don't you do a close-up on the gun in mid-fire? I do like the fire effect on your banners though. Keep it up^_^!
  21. Kieko


    _Name: Stephanie _Age: 12 _Hair Color: Brown _Eye Color: Hazel-Green/brownish _Height: 5' 3" (i think, maybe 5' 4") _Wardrobe: NO DRESSES/SKIRTS ALLOWED IN MY CLOSET!!!!! _Personality: I'd say I get along with pretty much everybody, but I like my solitary time. I'm an electronics fanatic (especially with the computer) and I love to play sports, video games, and Yu-Gi-Oh. _Favorite Music Type: I like them all ^_^ _Hobbies: Writing, reading, sports, watching anime, video games, posting on Otaku Boards, and just plain being on the computer, normally making banners and avatars for people. (adding a new one) _Favorite Sport: Hmm... either Soccer or Football, you chose.
  22. I agree with everyone on the other two banners, so, since they took what I was going to say already, I will comment on your last banner. The only think I would say is to try to make the font color one that will be more clearly seen and that you should add a border/frame. It would make your art all the better. I have Paint, too, and I've figured out a way to make borders/frames, so if you need to know you can PM me or just ask on this thread ^_^
  23. Here: [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-AVATARriku.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-BANNERriku.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-AVI4you1.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-BANNER4you1.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-AVI4you2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-BANNER4you2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-AVI4you3.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-BANNER4you3.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-AVI4you4.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.uploadit.org/files2/041103-BANNER4you4.jpg[/img] These are just some I'm really proud of. I made them for people in the past.
  24. Yes, you should try to make it within the size restrictions of 500X100 max. Only because if someone were to want to use it, they wouldn't be able to because it's too big. But it's really good. It has a lot of feeling/inspirement to it. Keep it up.
  25. Ummm, just so you know, you're not suppose to double post. you just edit your first post. Any way, I like your last banner, although I think you should choose pictures that are brighter/easier to see. I would also choose a different color font or a different font. But, I'm pretty new at this, so I don't really know, that's just how I see it.
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