you don't need any bleach actually, after you get thru the bookstore. You should get the simple password, then walk around for a bit. You should be back where u first start.... or around there ... if not just walk around for a bit and you will end up there. I think that is after the elevator where u pick up the radio. And u start seeing the big things and the dogs. Don't worry about killing any of those, you should then make your way back to the first shop. Where the movie was ... (killing the best frigthened) you should noticed the door u came thru is now lock. Pick up a hanger by the door, and the bullet proof vest. Don't equip the vest yet it will only slow you down. Then you should either before that or after enter a jewelry store pick up the walnut. Then walk thru the back door, kill the beast things, pick up the bullet walk thru the back door down the short hall and u should enter a room with a ladder hanging from the ceiling use the hanger and u should be on ur way. On the third floor is the door to get out, or at least to the main floor. But u have to find something to crack the walnut. The jewel is inside.