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Everything posted by slickcat

  1. Well, you are where I am... well, do not go on the tracks .... walk all the way to the tracks then back track some. You must have forgotten to pick up some stuff. I'm not sure ... I will try to get back to you... Give me till next weekend... I'll give it some play after my friday classes. I just play the first part becuase I don't want to get hooked.
  2. you don't need any bleach actually, after you get thru the bookstore. You should get the simple password, then walk around for a bit. You should be back where u first start.... or around there ... if not just walk around for a bit and you will end up there. I think that is after the elevator where u pick up the radio. And u start seeing the big things and the dogs. Don't worry about killing any of those, you should then make your way back to the first shop. Where the movie was ... (killing the best frigthened) you should noticed the door u came thru is now lock. Pick up a hanger by the door, and the bullet proof vest. Don't equip the vest yet it will only slow you down. Then you should either before that or after enter a jewelry store pick up the walnut. Then walk thru the back door, kill the beast things, pick up the bullet walk thru the back door down the short hall and u should enter a room with a ladder hanging from the ceiling use the hanger and u should be on ur way. On the third floor is the door to get out, or at least to the main floor. But u have to find something to crack the walnut. The jewel is inside.
  3. Def. the slayers is excellent. I've been watching them since I was in 10th grade, well, I have them on VHS. Time to up grade to DVD. Lina inverse is the most awesome main blow them up type character you could ever meet. You will love her, and her small little girlish type figure. If you have seen them you will know what I mean. You have to watch them they are just so funny, so funny. I'm not so sure about FCLC but I have to check that out, the tapes have to be more funny then the adult swim version. It's always that way.
  4. Actually, I've never seen Vandred, is it any good. I need a new series to start collecting anyway since saiyuki takes so long to come out. I've been collecting that and just finished up berserk what a awesome series totally awesome. I can't wait for the second series to hit the market. Well tell me about this Vandred? I wanna know. Slick
  5. Well, I checked out this anime last weekend, the animation is totally cool, the story line has yet to totally unfold but its cool. Possibly becuase I'm all in to science and what not. I just want to know if anyone else heard of it and knew anything about it. Slick
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