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Snake Pliskin

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Everything posted by Snake Pliskin

  1. I think that its crap to sue cn for anime. I mean jez everything that ive seen on adult swim isnt that bad, i mean regular television has worse stuff on it than adult swim. I mean its adult swim for a reason people. Its ok to try to protect your kids from watching inapropriate stuff by suing cn isnt going to be the answer for this. I think some parents just need to calm down. Anyways those are my thoughts on that:flaming: .
  2. Trigun in my opinion is one of the best animes out there because it has a great storyline, awesome caracters, and many other things(o yea the music is great to).
  3. Well zelda wasnt the hardest but it sorta is considering that I havent done everything that the game allows you to do.:blowup:
  4. I was sorta in that situation but all you really can do is catch fish, collect berrys, and collect weird vegitable things till you can get chickens(which produce new chickens every couple of turns and you can sell the eggs). Anyways thats what I did(and it took me forever to!:flaming: )
  5. Snake Pliskin


    Dang you got a great deal! I wish i could get prices that low:flaming: . And you got good titles ecpecialy halo.
  6. My favorite mech is the atlas. Because of its heavy firepower it can kill almost any thing(I do wish it was faster though:D ).
  7. No Problem. They were good after all.
  8. I thought that Dickie Roberts was gonna be good, but im sorry that movie SUCKED!
  9. well you heard good things from me.
  10. I thought your poems were good! But you will never learn the truth if you dont want to hear criticism.
  11. I havent heard that but I think its stupid to try to pin this on the government, its terrible that her husband died but she shouldnt blame the government for that! The government didnt kill her husband. That makes me mad that someone could blame the government for that:flaming:. Anyways thats what I think.
  12. I think that honor is still around, just not as appearent as it was in medieval europe. I think that is is still valued though(even though it should be). Anyways thats what I believe.
  13. Has anyone else read Battle Royal? I thought it was a great book because it showed what a government could do if we let it get out of control. Anyways I was wondering if the magna was as good as the book?
  14. Mine would be pain,because if there was no pain if we got hurt we could get back up and laugh. Anyways thats all I gotta say.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B]Halo is an amazing game but theres one thing that they need to change. some of the levels are WAY TOO LONG! The Silent Cartographer and other ones take over an hour on legendary! it makes me get kinda bored lol. [/B][/QUOTE] They need to make the levels longer and harder man, it way too eazy.
  16. HALO! Halo is the best game of all time(probably untill halo 2 comes out). It is a great fps! It allows for stealth kills. It has an awesome multi-player and has great vehicles! Anyways thats all I got to say.
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