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Everything posted by Amity

  1. Amity

    8D your name looks familiar, like I've seen it on a different site.

  2. [quote name='James P. Galvatron' date='09 September 2010 - 05:24 PM' timestamp='1284017049' post='700350'] No specific size actually just regulation Banner length here I would be so happy if someone could accomplish this feat I haven't had a banner on Otaku for quite some time. [/quote] And you did mean Jim Hawking and not Hawkins, right..? Unless you just really like Treasure Planet...
  3. [size="1"][font="Verdana"]Hi, I'm Amity, and I'd like to shamefully admit that I've never been to a convention before. I know, pitiful. Well, in my city they hold a con every year called OMGcon and next year I'll be going to my first convention. What I'd like to know is if anyone cosplays, if you've ever thought about doing it, who you would/did go as. Also, if I decide to cosplay (which I doubt I will), what steps would one take in order to achieve perfection and jealousy from others at a convention? -Amity[/font][/size]
  4. [size="1"][font="Verdana"]CS5 is lovely. I'm trying to actually get into making 3D art, but apparently it's not my forte : /[/font][/size]
  5. [size="1"][font="Verdana"]Yo, name's Amity. Definitely not new, haven't been on this site in...way too long. Reintroducing, and hopefully back for a good while. Don't really see any familiar names, except for Charles. I guess that's all.[/font][/size]
  6. [font=times new roman][size=2]Hm, I don't wanna do this, but since I'm too busy to really even go on the computer now... [b]I'd like to withdraw from this tournament[/b]. Time... something I don't have.[/size][/font]
  7. [font=times new roman][size=2]Lesser animes? I know what you mean. Anime series like Silent Mobius don't seem like big time, everyone knows what it is, anime series. But there are less popular known animes, that are ten times better than the big time animes. Silent Mobius is an excellent anime, that hardly anyone I know, ever watches or has even heard of. And it's way better than let's say hmm.. InuYasha. I watch a lot of animes on G4TV.. or whatever they changed the name to.. I know it as TechTV. But whatever.. shows like Duel were on there. Great show, one I also think can replace any big shot anime, any day. But there are also some shows I dislike that seem to me like lesser animes compared to the more popular ones. I'm so sure I'm not making sense, but eh, oh well...[/size][/font]
  8. [font=times new roman][size=2]Oh gosh... I was ten when I learned how to swim. I asked my dad if he could teach me how to swim in the "deep end" of the pool. So he took me, and tossed me in the deeper portion of the pool. Knowing, I had no knowledge of how to actually swim. He made me learn on my own. Ugh. I hated that. Almost drowned that day. Now I know how to swim, and I'm an assistant teacher at the Y., for swimming class. So I love swimming. I can swim pretty well.[/size][/font]
  9. [font=times new roman][size=2]Funny last names? Well I changed my last name to Lynn. Before it was Cothern. I was the only one known in every place I lived in, that had such an awkward last name, because it was the only one anyone had ever known..? I didn't like it... hence the change.[/size][/font]
  10. [font=times new roman][size=2]Haha, Boom Boom Dollar... took me forever to learn how to play that song on the pad.. it was the first I played. My favorite? That'd be either Dream A Dream by Captain Jack, or V by DJ Taka.[/size][/font]
  11. [font=times new roman][size=2]Today I've listened to: Dir en grey- Beautiful Dirt Soroban-RAM Pierrot-Agitator Kagrra-Nehankyo Kagrra-Togenkyo Kagrra-Kami no Uta Kagrra-UreI Kagrra-Omou Kagrra-Sou D'espairs Ray-Gemini Shiina Ringo-Aozora Shiina Ringo-Odaiji Ni Strawberry Jam-Tokyo Taste[/size][/font]
  12. [font=times new roman][size=2]Hm, a tournament? Graphics? Cooli-o. I'm not the best person to go for when it comes to graphics, but who cares? At least I can make stuff, right? = / I just hope I'm not booted on the first round..? [b]I would like to participate in the Official OtakuBoards Graphics Tournament.[/b][/size][/font]
  13. [QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Why is it stupid or juvenile? It's just two people using each other for kicks, or to help connect with their long distance partner. There's hardly anything stupid about it, and I don't think see how anything sexual can be juvenile. In it's simplest form, if it's not between devoted and in love individuals cyber is somewhat like a swingers party without the risk and more fantasy. If it is with a loved and cherished individual, it's akin to phone sex. No more. No less. I don't think you've ever done it, or don't understand it very well. I have done it, and it was enjoyable and very erotic. It was pretty much interactive erotica, in essence, but the person I was interacting with was (and still is) a treasured and beautiful woman I am madly in love with it instead of some lame bot or whatever. Nothing we've ever done has been 'juvenile or stupid'. I don't see where your opinion is even stemming from.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=times new roman][size=2]Every word I was to type. You already put it in.. There's nothing wrong with cyber-sex. Who cares if you've done it or not? Like I said, nothing wrong with it. As it may not be the real thing, at least it still shows that you can be/are sexually active. It is a whole lot safer too. Sure, it may strike others as, "Haha, you can't get any.." but still, it's really nothing to be ashamed of. It does have more fantasy, and to some, enoyable. No, I've never done it, but it's my opinion. It's not a stupid, nor is it a juvenile act.. I would add more to this, but Aiyisha has already made the point I was aiming for..[/size][/font]
  14. [QUOTE=Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Aw, you beat me to it... All right, I think everyone here (except those currently engaged in the argument) agree that the metal vs non-metal argument can die now. Who, honestly, gives a flying rats behind about what the music is called as long as you like it? There are far too many genres and subgenres and macrogenres floating around these days. Can't we go back to the simple days, when things were just Rock, and Classical, and Country, and Rap, etc.? Wouldn't that make everything so much easier on everyone? However, if you insist on being bitchy about semantics...take it somewhere else. It's annoying for those of us who [I]aren't[/I] completely anal. Thank you.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=times new roman][size=2]Agreed. Somewhat, anyways, do I agree. I was not part of this conversation (by the way might I say, is absolutely absurd..), but I can honestly say, the argument is pointless. But as for the going back to the "simple days" where we still had genres, I don't think that'd be too much different from now. Because there's still different types of music being categorized into genres...so, yeah.[/size][/font]
  15. [QUOTE=Rasetsutaisho]you know... if you know anything about christianity... you know god condones suicide... but... if you sit down and read the bible... you'll see that god kills ppl off all the damn time! even his own son he sacrifices! if the creator of the univers doesnt give a **** for human life why should i? the only ppl who god suposedly cares about are those who live for his sake... and those ppl usualy dont flip out and chose to be suicidal one day... ofcourse im not some christian evangilizer (at least not anymore) but even for thouse with out some sort of faith, if they have a resone for living.. i say let them live... and if they dont like life enough... let them kill themselves off... ofcourse this isnt an absolute rule... i only would say this if the person was absolutely confident and clear of mind that their done with living... most of the suicidal ppl you see actualy have chemical imbalances and cant help it... and in that case i say give them treatment... because when i was in high school little 17 yr old wannabe gothy girls were always trying to kill themselves... it was stupid... i've seen it alot... but whatever i dont really care...[/QUOTE] [font=times new roman][size=2]Nahaha, see, and some thought my perspective was bogus... Okay, I know I said that whoever wanted to be ignorant enough to kill themselves, should do it. But I also care about human life on the planet. I've been reading your posts. They're... I don't even agree with them. No one really deserves to die without a reason. You're saying you don't care about who kills themselves in the world, because it's their own fault? So let me ask you, if your mother, brother, father, or possibly sister, were to take a gun to their head, and blow out their brains, you wouldn't care? Because 'God' "kills people off" all the time? That right there isn't ignorant.. that's utterly stupid. That has to be the most idiotic thing I've read in my life. That's like everyone in the world, agreeing with each other, saying you should die, because 'God' takes the lives of others away all the time, so now 'He' should take away your life, now. I don't really think you'd want that. Nor do I believe you'd actually think that would happen, yet alone is the actual truth itself. Here's a question, [b][i]what the hell?[/i][/b] Seriously. Are you that naive? Are you so cruel as to not care about anyone but yourself? And such audacity you must have for thinking you can judge the value of one's life..[/size][/font]
  16. [QUOTE=Chaos]Amity, I'd first like to say to you that I do understand your point, but also to point out a problem; humans are impressionistic beings. Someone's words can affect us even if we don't immediately realize it. Granted, if someone is so far off the deep end that they constantly think about suicide, you probably won't be able to do much simply by smiling as you pass them by or saying hello once in a while. Not only do I understand your point of view, I somewhat share it...but even if you advocated the whole "one life, one chance" thing, you should do everything in your power to try to help someone if you can, regardless of your feelings on suicide. Doing anything else makes you just as bad, if not worse, for forsaking someone. Yes, I know how hard it can be to connect with someone that simply wants to end it all, but any little thing might be a grand miracle in their eyes.[/QUOTE] [font=times new roman][size=2]And hun, I do agree. I really do. But I never said I didn't try helping. I have tried helping, many times before. I still try. But isn't trying the only thing you can do? Trying and having faith that this person will change their mind? Mhm. I know what you're saying. But not always, is it like that. As said, it can be inevitable to get the point across the person's mind. I will try and help, but I still say that if they want to kill themselves, fine. That is, if my words, don't help. There's a point where you've tried everything in your power, to change this person, what they want to do, and you couldn't help anymore, that all you could do.. can do.. is stand by and wait to see what happens.[/size][/font]
  17. [QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]I'd like to start off saying that yes, you indeed [i]can[/i] change one's conscience. Letting someone kill themselves is not the right thing to do... would you let your best friend drive home high on Mary Jane and drunk? I would hope not, and I would hope that you would look out for their well-being, and help them out. Suicide is the same thing. Your friend has impaired reasoning abilities, and is taking what seems to them [I]at the time[/I] the most rational course of action. Once again, I hope that you would look ahead at their life, and make the call for them that they have too much potential to just squander it all now. If you do not look out for someone like that, I don't think you're actually their friend. It's [i]not[/i] inevitable. Alot of people have been saved by friends, family, or psychiatric treatment. Whatever happens happens? I can't put into words how disgusting that is. Letting someone kill themselves, and just shrugging it off saying, "Heh. Well, whatever happens, happens, right?" is utterly vile. It's not sounding 'harsh' what you're saying, it's downright despicable that you're trying to dissuade people from stopping others suicides.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=times new roman][size=2]Yes, and I do agree with you. But it is my opinion. I would [i]try[/i] to help them. If I [i]knew[/i] I would be changing their mind and course of actions. But not every outcome can be great with them changing completely as a person, with a happy ending. I would try. You can't do more than try and hope for the best. If someone wants to be that much of a dolt to consider committing suicide, I say let them. Why? Because it's stupid for wanting to end your life. I may not know that person, or how their life was, what it's like, how it is with them, why they would WANT to commit suicide. But don't you think it's STUPID for wanting to take your own life KNOWING that you don't get a second chance at it? That is pure ignorance. Doing something utterly stupid when knowing what the outcome will be. I could care less if it's "utterly vile." "Downright despicable." What I am saying, is it's one's opinion, choice, option, to either live the life you're living in and try to make it better, or end the life you are living in, and never get a new one. I can look at it from different perspectives and tell you I agree with them all. On this topic, agree with them all. But what MY [i]thoughts[/i] are on the subject, is what I've been saying. I want to know, have you ever tried committing suicide? Have you ever had one of your friends try committing suicide? Have you ever seen one of your family members, dead because they commited suicide? I'm saying all of this, from experience. You have to do things on your own, changing is one of those things. You can TRY to change a person, and hopefully have them consider changing, but you can't do it alone, you can't do it yourself. They have to make the final decision to it all.[/size][/font]
  18. [font=times new roman][size=2]I don't think any anime boys are hot. After all, they are just drawings.[/size][/font]
  19. [font=times new roman][size=2]Hmm, my thoughts on committing suicide. Here's what I have to say. If you, wanted to kill yourself because of how your life was and how you dreaded to stay alive another moment- then you should go ahead, be your idiotic self, and go ahead and do it. But keep this in mind, once you're dead. You're dead. There are no "second chances" in life itself. Once you're gone, you're gone. That's all to it. But a person does have their rights as a person to make their own decision whether to take their own life or not. There [i]is[/i] only one being who gets to decide if you live to see another day, or die to never again live. No offense, but this being [i]isn't[/i], 'God'. Whoever that may be. It is you. You have your own mind, your own thoughts. Surely if you decide whether to take a shower or not, you can decide to kill yourself... or not, as well. It is your option, and no one else has a say in the matter. You can't control/change one's conscience. I respect everyone's point of view. Though I may not agree with some, I would have to say, that I stand by a person when they say they want to kill themselves. Unless I know for certain I can change their mind. And I don't. Because I can't predict what the outcome would be. The first post, in this thread... Ceres, if I read correctly, you informed others, to try and help, right? The chick, called you, and thanked you- but she still ended up dead. Even after seeing for treatment? It's the inevitable, what ever happens, happens. And I think everything happens for a reason. And that reason is, because their opinion/option of wanting to die, did not change..? Did not change... because if it were to have changed... she'd still be alive... sorry if this is all sounding a little..."harsh." You can't really change a person, without changing the actual.. person. Which would be, the mind. So, let them do what they wanna do. Like I said, you can't control/change one's conscience. Get what I'm saying?[/size][/font]
  20. [font=times new roman][size=2]Welp hun, this is the best I can do with it. If it were a larger image, then I'd have less trouble. I tried resizing it to where it was bigger, but then pixels became an issue. So this is what I ended up with: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v654/DaikiraiUta/kc8fh.jpg[/img][/font][/size]
  21. [font=times new roman][size=2]My type of anime would have to be something of action. Silent Mobius, Trigun, The Slayers. That sort of stuff. Serious, action, and funny in a sense.[/font][/size]
  22. [quote name='IceRose']I love my J-Rock/Pop. I listen to Hyde, Gackt, X Japan, Yellow Generation, BoA, Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, Do as Infinity and many more, believe it. My favorite tracks are Luna and Balck Stones from Gackt. Lar-ciel from Hyde, Colors from Utada Hikaru, Tooku Made from Do as infinity, etc. I love gackt, he is the best in j rock[/quote] [font=times new roman][size=2]What? Gackt is NOT J-rock. He use to be. When he was part of Malice Mizer. He isn't anymore. Especially with his latest single Black Stone. NO. Gackt is not J-rock. He's J-pop. Way, way, way, J-pop. So are Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, and BoA. Hyde is considered moderately J-rock. So is L'Arc en Ciel. Do As Infinity, is too considered J-rock, of what I know of.... sorry, but... I had to respond to that... Gackt being J-rock.. don't even kidd like that...[/font][/size]
  23. [font=times new roman][size=2]Lately, I've been listening to Asian Kung-Fu Generation. And there are only three songs I will listen to in order to get "pumped." Those songs are: Rewrite, Mugen Glider, and Sono Wake Wo. How I love Asian Kung-Fu Generation...[/font][/size]
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