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Everything posted by Amity

  1. Amity


    Here's another one I thought of while I was gone!!! Trust me when I say this, You see the way I miss? I can't stopfeeling happy, Now that you're here... I know you're always near... There's someone I would like to thank... To me you're like a saint... An angle from above... Better than a dove.... I will be coming soon... When looking into the pale moon... I dream about that moment everyday... When I can't wait to say...'hey!' You're that person I want to meet... I appreciate how you got me back on my feet... I hope we can be the best of friends... A friendship that never ends.... I dedicate this poem to Burori...even though his words weren't appointed to me...he still had me believing my sister would come home and she did. Thank you Burori...
  2. I think this is just...err! I can't put it into words. What's the point?? You aren't 14, 15, or even 16, I think this is just some middle school crap. That's what I think. Middle shoolers (such as my sister), have these dumb little crushes and such, and they pull this. This is one of the best examples I have ever seen... By the way, Harry, where do you get that idea?? Honestly, I don't think you should assume. You may take this the wrong way, but I have the right to state my thoughts too. I have never seen sombody post that before. That's not right. I'm not sure where you got that idea but I would personally, take that as an offense. You may have not been specifically stating any girl, but any other way I would still have taken it as an offense.
  3. Ok...I'm not to good at this. Usually my poems are short. Ok, this one is short, but I hope you like it! To be and flee, No ones there, I'm so ashamed, I cannot bare... Which way do I slide? To go and hide? Why do you taunt me? Others just haunt me... In the living day, I shall stay, Hidden... Forbidden... To ever see, What can truly be...me. I feel so ashamed to also be claimed... As a prisoner in my own game... Can you see my shadow? I didn't think so... I'm alone... In the dark... So help me to be free... Take me from the darkness, And show me light... And show what is right... I cannot take this place, For all this time... My life has been such a waste... Nevermind... Do not save me... For in the darkness I cannot see, But this is how it has to be... **It made no sense to me at first. It's just one of those things that pops into your mind. I understood it after a while. So I'll explain it. I'm kept in the darknees where no one can find me. I'm forbidden to ever see the light. Once freed from the dark, I find out, I'm supposed to stay out of the light for my own saftey...
  4. I think I used the wrong words... But ok, thank you. Just wanted to see what you actually meant. Sorry for the trouble though! I don't mean to aggravate you! ^_^
  5. Ok, I'm sorry, but I got nothing out of that. What do you mean? I'm confused. I know dating and all, but could you clearify that for me? It's a little vague.
  6. Queen! I've seen a few of your drawings on fanart, and I think your drawing are nice. I've only put one picture on but my scanner is broken so, I would post more, but yep. I have some older ones that are kind of cool, but I'm not as good as Dagger!!!
  7. Ok, I still need more people!!! Ok, this is really embarrassing. Now I'm going to have to ask people around if they want to join in on my thread. This is insulting, aggravation. So I'm going to see who I can get!!!
  8. Ok, you're how old again? 12?13? I forgot. Why do you even bother? I'm not trying to sound icy and cold, but, well I don't see the point in you doing this stuff if you're only 12. Why take her out on a 'special' date? If I were you, I would wait until I had some money. When I say money, I money you worked for, not the stuff your parents gives you. Like after you get a job, and that, well that depends where you live first. Grow up some too. I didn't start going out with guys until I was 16 because it was pointless to do it at the age of 12. But all you're doing now is experiencing heartache now, so you know what's coming later...
  9. Huh? I wasn't taking about drowning! I meant do you like to sleep? Or would you rather take long hot showers/baths! I don't want to die yet. Trust me on that part!^_^ Barbies! I used to do that until I discovered this site...it was fun while it lasted, but now I love being here so much!!!
  10. Ha ha ha! Lol! You people are about as crazy as myself. Which is good! Ok. That would be an encore! Seeing the three bickering at eachother then spotting Serentiy with Kaiba. Their looks, would be priceless! In my opinion anyway. **Ahem** But yeah, I really don't know anymore. Who Serenity would choose. I mean Duke tries to keep her safe and all and then you see Tristan who is trying to be the sweetest he can be and also keep her away from Duke. It's quite a show, watching them go on biting eachothers ankles over Serenity...
  11. I'm sorry Arcadia, as well as you James. I think I put it in the wrong terms. I didn't mean to offend any of you. I know you don't have to be lonely or anything. Out of these two wich one would you might do the most? Sleep or take long baths/showers? I think I do both on a regular bases...
  12. She knew because of her mellinium necklace. Ha ha ha! Yeah, Yugi is too short to kiss tea but she can bend down. When I look at the purspective of it, I see Yugi and Tea pairing up, Joey and Mai pairing up. And then I see Duke and Serenity pairing up. What about Tristan though!? Here's another qusetion, who do you think will win Serenity's heart? Tristan or Duke?
  13. immortALdeath, love does bring you heartbreaks and heartaches and pain, but things come out of that. There are advantages in being broke up, and there are disadvantages. One of the advantages is you find someone else you can love. But the disadvantage is that it hurts you. Trust me, I've been there. I was supposed to get married, but I caught my fiance` cheating on me, but then I found someone else. Who probably does care about me. So even if you break up with your girlfriend and that other girl doesn't like you anymore, don't give up, there are more girls out there...
  14. Amity


    Thank you Dagger. That has helped quite a bit!
  15. Well, guys do do that at times. So do girls. I think I'm not that lonely to do that though. No offense to the ones who do. Long, hot showers??? I would be pruned!LOL. I love taking long showers though. It clears my thoughts and everything. But when I come out I always have a runny nose and that annoys me.
  16. Amity


    Ok!? Casn somebody help me? I'm not sure if this type of thread is posted a lot, but I forgot, how many post until you reach junior member?? I know, it might be in the rules, but I totally forgot! There are a lot of Rule threads and I'm not too sure if that's in there. So if someone could...please help?:whoops:
  17. I love Silent Mobius. I have seen every episode and thought that it was a great anime. The idea of the characters and such, like lucifer hawk, striked me as odd, but when I got to watching more episodes, I loved it. I personally think that Techtv has some of the greatest animes that I have ever seen. I have watched most of the animes they show on there. Like Crest of the stars, Betterman, Silent Mobius, Duel, Gatekeepers21...they're all good animes.
  18. Who has thoughts about Yugi and Tea!?! I do...I watched this mornings episodes and now it's real obviouse that Tea and Yugi have a real close connection. Respond to this if you'd like...I can handle whatever you throw here...:smirk:
  19. Haha ha! The computer maze screen savers always get at me! I'll sit there and watch them go through the maze and I'll just sit...stare...people think I'm crazy!^_^
  20. Amity


    No. It's too late now Runa. Come home and talk it out. What pressure!?! I'm the only pone in this house who has had the most pressure on her! I have been in and out of the hospital, and I've been to funeral services trying to get the best for mum's grave! I don't see you doing anything except for running away from our problems! That's all you do! You're scared Runa! Well guess what?! So was I but now I'm fine...almost if you would just come home....
  21. Amity


    Don't yopu think I don't feel that way too?! Why do I even bother!? Fine, you have no family now. You don't want me to be your sister, then fine! You don't have to be my sister...go on with your life, you've already broken me into pieces with the PM you sent me! I don't need anymore!
  22. Runa. Please talk to me. I want you to come home but you say no. I read your post and I know you miss me!! So just come home with me...
  23. No problem! What all animes are those? I think I know two of them...Devil Hunter Yohko? And maybe...uh Vampire Princess? Not too sure...
  24. I love doing that!!! I don't know why but nutrition facts jusrt intrest me so much. Kind of awkward for me. But I can't help it. I'll sit down with some type of food or something in front of me and I'll read the ingrediants and nutrition facts!!!! A habit!!! By the way Gaurdian, I love your banner!
  25. Sorry. I wasn't trying to sound shallow. Really. Ok, I have another thing. I just sit and watch the screen saver. Weird I know, but the colors were pretty cool and all. So yes, I have my weirdness too. Which makes me interesting, as people might say.
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