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Everything posted by Amity

  1. Ok? That's kind of awkward, but ok. I don't have too many...I just surf the net, talk to people you know? I think that's all I do. Or if I get real bored and have nothing better to do...then I'll watch all these kiddy shows like Sawgwa. Then I'll watch really old episodes of Dragon Ball Z or even Dragon Ball. It's get so tiring though, but those are my pleasures when I'm bored...
  2. Hmm. Yes you are twelve. I am nineteen and I've had worst situations. Your posting, it's sloppy. You should get some hits and tips from Chaos. Really. Back onto topic. I'm not sure why you would need advise when you have many years to worry about girls. You're twelve, not even a teenager yet, almost, but not quite. But here is my advise to you, which one do you like?
  3. There has been strange actions occuring in many worlds. Many have reported to have seen a black figure lurking about towns. They have known the creature to be a demon known as Ghenoza. Some think he's not demon but lucifer hawk. Ghenoza has been to different worlds causing chaos all over. After destroying the homes and lives of people, he destroys the world. His next target, Earth. Theere have been no reports on him yet, so we need to form a small group to stop this mad man. Kill him and save Earth from destruction. Man have tried to fight him but were too weak to do so. I need at least four more worriors to do this. There are four worriors from different worlds willing to participate in this event. I will be one of those four. So that will leave three. The names are: Zuma, Shiva, and Ichi. *** Protect your world by killing Ghenoza. Are you up for the challenge? I will be the one named Amity. Sign ups: Name: Age: Species: Weapons(four max) Abitlites(three max) Appearance: *** I will put in my information as soon as I know I have worriors willing to fight.
  4. I love my family, or what's left of it anyway. Sometimes my sister and myself can fight, but we are family no matter what. We do support eachother at times and we also say nothing at all to eachother. We're opposites, and I think that the only true thing we have in common is we both love anime. We also loove some of the people around us. Like her boyfriend for instance. I'm not totally sure I can love my boyfriend too much, but I do care about him. We are sisters, we have our moments, but we still love eachother and that's what counts. We hardly let eachother know how much we care, but we know in our hearts, we feel the same way. So I love my sister and I also support her in most of her decisions...
  5. Exactly. By the way Burori, I agree. You shouldn't feel something for him when he feels nothing for you. I think I'm lucky to have found someone. There is a person for a person. You just have to trust that your heart will know when the time is right. When that time comes, you'll know for sure that there is the one you've been waiting for. That will be when you really like the person. There's something else too. Someone told me that, you shouldn't really like a person for their looks, it's their personality. Right Burori?
  6. I know how you feel. I couldn't get over him. But now I have. And I've also met somebody too! He's a sweet-heart and I really think he's cool. He has a great sense of humor and I think I'm going to go visit him sometime! I think you know who you are! He's on this board...somewhere, and I just hope he will accept me for me and not just flirt with me...my advise to you is, there are more people out there, get over the one right now if he ignores your feelings. That's what I did. Take it from someone like myself, love is harsh, but there comes better things when you move on...
  7. Thanks...Everyone of you. I really appreciate it, really. You know...I do have friends and I will talk to them...right now, I consider each of you a friend for trying to comfort me. Even though I haven't really talked to any of you too much, it still doesn't mean that you aren't my friends. I'm talking to friends right now. And those people, are you guys. Thanks.
  8. Have you ever felt so needed? As if you want someone to be with you and for tghem to never parrish from your life? My mum died last night....please tell me....how did you feel? Right now...I feel nothingness....
  9. Sorry Gentle. Fine, your thread. Do what you want. I was just trying to hgelp you. That's all. Do your thing. I'm leaving...there is nothing to do here seeing that no one else but me is responding to this thread. By the way, I have stress put on me, I would like to take it out on someone. I would enjoy a simple battle with you...that is if you can handle. I will have no one but you to respond to that thread. See you around the battle arena hun...
  10. Come one Gentle!!! We gotta motivate people if you want this thread going. It's a ghost town!
  11. Hmm...do you mind if I join in? I'll be a Human. Name: Hestia Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: wearing a black robe-like warriors dress. Rich deep brown flowing hair with scarlet like eyes. Crimson warriors boots for fast speed. Bio: (don't really have one...) has been fighting ever since she was 12 years old. Only to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I hope this is good!
  12. I have no clue what-so-ever what Noir is about or what it is! So I think I'm gonna pass this ok anime_guy?
  13. Oh you are the best!!!! I really appreciate the updates Ryuujin!!! Cool...Gate Keepers 33. That's gonna be the one I see!!!
  14. I'm about to watch it in about two hours^_^! but I've never really heard about it before. I just saw it on my guide and was like....ok? What's that show? So I'm going to check it out!
  15. Hey! Something called Banner of the Stars 1 is on techtv....oh by the way! Yes outlaw, it is on techtv! I love tech tv!!! It has some good animes on it. I think I'm going to check out this Banner of the Stars show...
  16. Yes, I want to know what happened to them too. But Jinto had said he returned home to his planet as did Lafiel return to hers. But sadly, Iwas not able to find out more. I appreciate ya'lls thoughts though! It's really nice to see people are on the same track as you.
  17. Yes! I'd be happy to! It's about a girl and a boy in outter space. They live on a ship called Gasiroth. Welll, one day their ship gets attacked and the captain sends the two out to get help. The girl's name is Lafiel and the boy's name is Jinto. So they take their captain's orders and set off. They never find help and Gasiroth is no longer existing. They don't trust each other at first. They never liked one another or spoke. Then Lafiel finally opened up a bit and Jinto learned that She was the princess of some place(forgot what the name was --_--!). So they fly to different places and are trying to be kidnapped by some emporer. They escape. They finally land down on Earth. Then they are in bigger trouble than before. They fight for their lives in an amusement park. They sneak away from the military and finally were saved by these outter space people and they send them back out to space. Now they fully trust eachother and are girlfriend and boyfriend. So yeah, that's basically what it is about. Well, shortened up a bit anyways. I really hope you get to see the show. It's really really interesting!
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]I was just seeing if there were any COTS lovers out here. I love the show personaly. so if anyone has anything to say about that show, please come here and say it!!!^_^ Tell me what you think about the show. Do you have a favorite character? Do you like the show? Anything!!![/COLOR] (trust me, I can take it...) :smirk:
  19. Yep Yep. I like those two too Xia. Still it would be weird with Haruko and Vash...but Haruko and Takun..hmm?? That wouldn't last at all. I like the thought of Lafiel and Roy being together. Or maybe even Lafiel with that dude from Betterman. I forgot his name though. He had bangs that were green and a type of magenta like color. Those two would be cute together!!
  20. Cool! Thanks a ton Ryuujin!!! I love that show. But I have a question, what does OVA stand for? This may make me look dumb about anime but I don't care. It's better to know than not. Well thanks again!
  21. Oh ya...sorry about that...I know Roy and Katsumi are!!! I knew that^_^! eh heh.... But yes any way. Lafiel and Jinto are so cute!!! And I think Ayane and Yaheko might make an interesting couple. Actually, very very interesting! Same with Urd and Kenshin!!!! Ohh...never mind! Scratch that out! Maybe BellDandy and Kenshin?!
  22. Same here! I really haven't gone into Big O. It really doesn't interest me too much... But there is this one anime called Silent Mobius. I love that show!!! Ralph and ohh...what's that girls name??? I just had it!!! I hate it when this happens! oh yes! Ralph and Katsumi! They were so cute...until Ralph died. I also think that Miu from Gate Keepers and Jinto off of Crest of the Stars would make a great couple too!!
  23. Haruko is from Fooly Cooly...she's a freak of nature. Which means she and Vash would be perfect for each other!!lol
  24. No problem! I just love asking for advise when I need it. So cool! I feel like I'm a match maker!!! This should be pretty interesting! Hmm...what's your opinion on Haruko and Vash? Both are strange enough...so I don't see them having any problems!
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