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Everything posted by elf_gurl_kagome

  1. ok heres me!! name: jen age: 14 hair color: red (i dyed it its supposed ta be really dark) eye color: green, blue hieght: 5ft 3 clothes: tight jeans, tank tops and t-shirts and sumtime (very rarely) a dress personality: quiet but loud when i get goin or am on sugar :tasty: different, i dont care wha other ppl think bout me hair style: long long hair fav. music: rap, metal, rock, hip hop fav. artist: 2 pac and AFI hobbies: anime (duh) rpin and umm...other stuff tha dont need ta be said
  2. it aint jus u skool sux big time. but at least i get ta see my friends and get the teachers in trouble. it fun to sit there and taunt them...then they swear at u and they get in trouble. but hey wha else is skool for?? i cant see n e thin else but gettin in ta trouble.
  3. my theory of y ppl r alive is tha we evolved from single cellular organisms from the sea and then we gradually became wha we r today...i dont really no bout the other stuff...its kinda confusin.
  4. When i was lil i went to this place to see santa clause and i pulled off his beard. it waz funny. but i still do sum pretty stupid thins now and i'm a lot older now...it's pretty funny to see a fourteen year old fall UP the stairs...there was also this time i got mad at my bro and shaved his legs...i'll neva do tha again...he chased me around the house wit a knife...it was funny though...i put make-up on him too. i pushed my sis outta the window before too...i was funny cuz there r pumpkins under her window and she broke one. Well i'm sure u dont wanna hear no more of my stupid stories so...check ya lata!
  5. u aint crazy and i aint a 'guy' i'm a gal. well n e way i guess the shower ta me is a place ta get clean...umm...i'v never really thought of the shower as a solitude. i guess it's because my place of solitude is the forest around my house. i spend more time in the woods then i do wit my own family. my ma dont like tha but i really dont care, there aint nuttin ta do at home n e way. Besides my ma is always yellin at me. y would i wanna stay in a place like tha?? Well tha's wha i think of the shower.
  6. I sing the Barney Song in the shower...and sumtimes the national anthem. I also sing My Will my Dream and My Immortal by Evanescence and Bring Me To Life by Evanescene too...I used to sing sum really weird song but i forgot it. I think tha's it...:babble: Well anywho...tha's all i think i sing in the shower...
  7. I didnt even right that!!! My friend did!!!
  8. if u would have read more of the thingys u would hav seen that i said i was sorry...besides it wasnt even me who posted that...it was my friend!!
  9. i was only kiddin...sheesh...everybody takes thins so seriously...but hey who cares i dont. does anybody know what day it is?? ITS NATIONAL *** GRABBING DAY!!! HA HA HA!! lol...jus thought i'd tell everybody...
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