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Everything posted by anime_guy

  1. Well, I just made a new sorta grungy Killzone sig... Here it is: [IMG]http://img90.exs.cx/img90/1405/Goodonewithrichardo941.jpg[/IMG] [Edit] yeah, I know it sucks...I fixed it up a little bit, and I'll put that one up soon...
  2. Not me...lol...There isn't anyone famous named "Anime_Guy" or "Richardo941" anywhere that I know of...Even if there was, I probably woldn't act like them...I think that's just a little freaky...Unless you're playing them in a role play or something, then it's normal.
  3. YellowCard is good the first few times, but they get annoying as hell after that...And the LostProphets just roxxor ^-^
  4. I now have photo shop and I made a few pix, and soon I'm going to make more, but here's what I made so far. Give me a rating on a scale of 1-10 and maybe some constructive critisism... By the way, these are all clickabel thumbnails... Here's my first one, ever: [url="http://img2.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img2&image=mgs3snake_eater.jpg"][img]http://img2.exs.cx/img2/6710/mgs3snake_eater.th.jpg[/img][/url] My Next one: [url="http://img2.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img2&image=ninjafinn.jpg"][img]http://img2.exs.cx/img2/181/ninjafinn.th.jpg[/img][/url] Heres a Grungy type abnner I made, it's not done yet though... [IMG]http://img83.exs.cx/img83/4175/Grunge.jpg[/IMG] So, what do you think? I'm going to be making more soon, so I'll post them up later...
  5. oh... I like, I like ^_^ The first and last one. I'll end up using both, eventualy...Well, thanks Nomad :D
  6. Could some one please make a Slipknot banner. The picture should be from the album "Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses" and it should say "The pulse of the maggots" {Or, if you're nice enough to make this a .gif, it should say "We are the new diabolic" [Then] "We are the pulse of the maggots!!!"} Oh, and the colors and font should be sorta "grungy-like" or something like that... {By "gungy" I mean like the writing at this site [Url]http://slipknot1.com[/url]
  7. anime_guy

    The Cure

    isn't the lead singer of The Cure a transforming person? Can't he transfrm into a big butterfly..hmm..didn't he kill Barbara strysand (Sp, I know...) Heh, (if you've seen taht episode of South APrk, you'd know) And, I just wnat to say, I;ve never heard them, but I'm sure they're good.. *scoffs*
  8. Alright, why did you put "a good singer but likes to expose herself"? Everyoen knows she can't cing, and everyone knows that "they" are fake... And yes, she is too slutty, but hey, I never said it was bad ^_^
  9. Ah yes, Jet, I like them ^_^ Jet is different from most things I like to listen too...like punk, and Linkin Park, SOAD, Mudvayne, Static-X but i love Jet. {P.S. Haven't posted in a while, but I'm here :-D}
  10. Could someone make me a Naruto banner please. All I want is Kakashi reading "Makeout Paradise" on it, sorry, but you'll ahve to use your own pics ^_^
  11. I'm Roman Catholic, viva la Italia, eh? Well, about The Passion, I haven't seen it yet, I want to though...I, personaly, don't think it's anti-semistic (Sp?). Mel Gibson also said it wasn't meant to be, and he said if it was meant to be, he'd be sinning, because, in the Catholic religion, it's a sin to be descriminatory (sp?) (I think...) I myself, am pretty religious, I go to church every Sunday, you know...I do whatever I'm supposed to do, fast, pray, you know. Err, can't think of anything else to say..so yeah...
  12. Hmm...Well, they're both good, but, I think I'll use K.K.C.'s banner...Thanks!
  13. I need a Trigun banner please ^_^ Something with Vash on it, and it has to say "Anime_guy". That's my only criteria, you have to find your own pictures though, sorry about that.... :p
  14. Toonami has sucked for a looooooooooong time now, years ago it was good, now it sucks, plain and simple, I've just given up on it changing for the better...I've sent hundreds of hate-mails saying it sucks now, and hundreds of things saying to put the good anime back on, but nothing. :flaming:
  15. [quote name='xbloodfightx']Hah, you basically...You've been owned. Ok, glad you understand.[/quote] I've been owned? ha! I'm just sick of arguing with the likes of an idiot like you O_o Yes, I know, I shouldn't have said that, but whatever... [Edit]: Don't bother responding to my post, since I left the OB, and I don't post anymore after this
  16. Ugh... Whatever...trace it back, without the "crappy" metal, you wouldn't have death metal etc....I'm done argueing with you....politics is mroe my bag ^__^ That's my final word...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by xbloodfightx [/i] [B] I hate all classic rock and classic metal, it sucks.[/B][/QUOTE] Did you ever think, that without that, you wouldn't have death metal, or heavy metal, or nu metal now?Without Edison, we wouldn't have a light bulb..without..Einstine, we wouldn't have..er..anything! By the way, AC/DC rules ^__^
  18. I love mushroom head, they rule ^_^ When I ghot bored durrin world, I wrote mushroomhead all over my hand.... I haven't heard too many songs of theirs though...I heard one on the Ozfest Summer Sampler I have, and a couple others somewhere else...
  19. [quote]Do you feel better saying that? Because it was just a waste of your time. Slipknot is one word. I think I'd know, do you see any of their CD's have the name like Slip Knot as two words. Maybe the text on some cds might look like SlipKnot. But it's really Slipknot.[/quote] Alright, so I was wrong about Slip Knot being one word, I'm sorry O.o And as for that being a waste of my time, no, it wasn't, I had nothing better to do O.o
  20. anime_guy


    1. I have two favorites, (sorry I can't remember the names..) THe one when they made a giant cannon log, and the one where they tested if you could be electricuted by peeing on the "third rail" I liked the canon one cuz, well, that was just cool ^__^ And the third rail one, cuz, it was funny...And even though it was a dummy, they blocked out where the urine substance was coming from... 2. I can't remember who's who..so, the one that got a stud in his toungue ^__^ 3. Yes, I would, because it's a cool show, and they do some interesting things...And cuz if you know of a myth, and they bust it, then you know it's not true ^_^
  21. anime_guy


    Ahh..Subime...Personally, they are my all-time favorite. They were just really musically tallented. I love all of their songs, I don't think they have a bad one.... But, alas, they are no more...Well, thank God for CDs, cuz we can still listen to them ^__^
  22. [quote]First off, 95% of the bands that you all named besides OlgaTheDwarf and DeathKnight are nu metal or really crappy metal. And not one of you mentioned Cannibal Corpse. They are the DEFINITION of death metal. Slipknot is one word.[/quote] 1. Slip Knot is not one word. 2.Note the title of the thread "Heavy/Dark/Death METAL!" Nu metal, may not be as "Heavy" as you like, but, some people don't like it that heavy, so they would say that Nu metal is heavy. [quote]it just seems apparent that these forums know absolutely NOTHING about what they speak. [/quote] Is the name of this forum "Heavy metal Boards"? No, so, people shouldn't need to know that here. And, as my final word, as Semjaza Azazel said, [quote]Regardless, you might want to work on a better way of explaining your thought processes than simply insulting people. I can't argue that many people here think anything remotely hard is heavy/death metal, but there's a better way to go about informing them of their lack of knowledge on genres than by calling them idiots and fools lol. I'd have to agree with Olga that it won't have much effect no matter how you do it, though.[/quote]
  23. Lol Charles, sounds much better ^__^ Even though im Lt. Commander..I'm still rank 193,601, I think...And, my clan no longer has a butterstick, and we now have three members with wings ^_^ This game is adicting..IT's all Ive been playing for, err...months now...Now and then I play C&C:Generals online though...They're the only games I've been playing^__^ I'm a game-addict! (and I probably always will be)
  24. [quote]I agree with you, anime_guy. Socom II is absolutely a superior product--as it relates to online gaming anyway. I've barely touched the single player campaign at all. I've heard it's quite good, but I'm not much of a military strategist, so I feel a tad overwhelmed by the complex team system. Rainbow Six 3 was much easier to pick up and play in that regard. Not necessarily better per se, just more simplified.[/quote] I'm not much of a military stratigest either, I've only played the first two single-player levels, but they were pretty good ^_^ [quote]The online component is very addictive. Sometimes it can be frustrating (like when you get lousy partners that kill you or opponents that camp in your respawn point) but the interface has legs and it's no trouble at all finding players in your skill range. I like how it's broadband only too. I've rarely encountered any lag (but it is still there on occasion). [/quote] It annoys the hell out of me when guys camp at my respawn point and waste half my team three times over. And also, the only lag I've encountered, was in the Vigilence map, when people go into the glitch where you hide in the walls (which is the cheapest glitch ever). [quote]But yeah, I'll add you to my buddy list, anime_guy. That way I can hunt you down and destroy you online. XD[/quote] One question, what's your rank? I'm Lt. Commander ^__^ so, unless you have your wings, I'm better, lol. Oh, and my clan, is pretty big, I'd say more than 30 members, in the second faction, the first one was full ^_^ in the second one, two members have their wings, and it's mostly Lt. COmmanders, except for a few Lt.s and a "butterstick" Sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging about my clan, because I'm not...
  25. I'm a HUGE fan of hevey metal ^_^ Ever heard of Static-X? Mudvayne? They're pretty good too ^___^ Slip Knot, is one of my favorite bands, I don't really have any heavy metal Cd's though... I should start to buy some....Do you like Trapt? not really heavy metal, sorta punk, but they're still good! Heavy metal and punk for me ^_^
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