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Everything posted by anime_guy

  1. I like it, I'm not sick and twisted, but it's funny! Some of the stuff on ondemand though is whacked out...But Golden Boy is good ^_^
  2. This is, by far, in my opinion, one of the best games I have seen. Anyone else have it? What do you think of it? I think they did it well, the graffics are good, the enemy AI is pretty good, and the online play RULES ^_^. But, in online, the firefights aren't very realistic. All you do is straffe back and fourth trying to dodge the other persons bullets and trying to shoot them. But, other than up-close firefights, it's realistic and good. If anyone has the game, ad me to your friends list, my name is Stealthy657. And, if you wnat an invite to a good clan (Clan Otaku) ask me, I can get you in ^_^
  3. MXC rules! Oh, and by the way, it's (the new) TNN, not TNT. And, that show could be offending, but, it isn't! it's jus plain funny, I like "Ken", he's funny ^_^ They do some really crazy stuff on that show...That's why i love it!
  4. Well now I'm 18 so I can vote, and I'm gunna... know who I want to vote for, and why, but I think if you don't knoe why, or who, then don't vote, it ruins the point if a million people just go and pick some random guy for president.
  5. I'm back at it...still writing depressing stuff... [I]Let there be a new darkness in the world Let the world turn upsidedown for the men Let the men keep darkness through the night Let the night be dark from the fight Let the fight be won. Let darkness be at the end.[/I] *Bows* Thank-you! Thank-you! What do you think? **Only compliments and constructive critisum are welcome!**
  6. Both shows are funny, I like Family Guy a lot, but I tihnk the Simpsons are beter ^_^ SOme episodes of fmaily guy, are really, really funny, and I'd have to say that those episodes are better than some of the Simpsons episodes ^_^
  7. I got their Discovery album a few years ago, I liked it alot, and I still do, I only got the albu because of the cool anime music videos ^_^. But I ended up loving the music to!
  8. Yeah, I geuss there isn't much need for this thread, I'll just PM everyoen with the questions and they can PM me back with the answers....And I didnt get answers from XeEmO and Morpheus so hurry up and send them to me or you'll be disqualified. [edit] I have everyones answers. And if you can edit posts after a thread is locked, then lock it, but if you can't then don't lock it ^_^ Becuase I want to edit everyone's scores and annouce a winner.[/edit]
  9. Err... I didn't plan this too well, ok, PM me the answers, if you already posted your answers, still PM them to me, once I have all the PMs then I'll post the answers and everyones scores. Sorry about that.... So, once again, in the following rounds (and this one) PM me with your answers.
  10. Well, we have one problem, more than six people asked to sign up (as you can see) and so, I'll just let everyone that asked sign up, and now the sign-ups are CLOSED. We'll do it one round at a time, I'll put up all the questions and you just copy them and put your answer in. I'll put up the first round questtions soon! Edit: Alright, I've decided to just put up the round one questtions now. here they are: (remember, these are round one, extreamly easy) 1. [B]Who is Cheif Wiggums son?[/B] 2. [B]What is the name of the store that Apu runs? (spelling counts)[/B] 3. [B]Who is Apus wife?[/B] 4. [B]Who is Homers boss?[/B] 5. [B]Who does Smithers love?[/B]
  11. like me, but a cartoon ^_^ That means spikey blue hair with white tips, 6'3" (I know, I'm tall :D ) baggy pants and a Static-X shirt ^_^
  12. [I]Sign-ups are [B]CLOSED[/B][/I] I have an amazing amount of Simpsons knolage!(yet I don't have any knolage of spelling....) So I'm gunna make a contest to see who knows as much as me! Heres how it goes down: Round 1= easy (1+1=2 that's how easy) Round 2= medium round 3=hard there will be 5 questions per round, three rounds, 5x3=15, so whoever gets the most out of 15 wins ^_^ If there is a tie, we'll go into sudden-death questions ^_^ The Bonus was worth one extra point if it was right. [I]Scores:[/I] Semjaza Azazel:11 Chichiri's Girl:11 G/S/B Master:5
  13. I saw it, I think it was pretty good ^_^ I watched it two times! Mr. Ma was kind of an ***...And, if the school was in so much trouble, why didn't Hakrim just break out of jail and waste all the teachers? ya know? With his powers, he definately could!
  14. I'm planning to bleach the tips of my hair. Then spike it, so then I'll ahve light blue hair with white tips ^_^ Oh, and sorry mods if that was off-topic...
  15. I'd say I am...I geuss... I don't own a lot of anime, but I watch a lot on TV. I have a bunch of Newtype-USA magazines, i have a lot of anime posters and stuff, and I know some Japanese...not much, not even enough to get around in Japan...just a few words here and there....And just so everyone knows, I have never cosplayed...and never plan to...I think that's a little bit over the "obsesed" line.....And if I could draw better than a chicken, I would probably be drawing anime/manga 24/7......
  16. I've never had a bad expirinece doing it. My hair is light blue right now ^_^ it's cool... Heh, well, eventually everyone has a bad hair day/color. I bet the next time I dye my hair, it'll get messed up, I don't know why, but it probably will ^_^
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]OUt of Topic: GTA still has hookers in my game and I'm in the US. Strange... Into Topic: I think Manhunt shouldn't even be considered as a game. It should've been taken out of production. Rockstar games has taken adult games to a new level. Manhunt is way to violent, nonetheless too gruesome to watch. The only pros about it, that it actually has a decent storyline lol. If adult actually play games, I think they need a hobby. [/B][/QUOTE] Taken it out of production? That's a little too far. Some people like the insane amount of bloode, gore and violence. The game will probably sell millions, in this day and age, violence and blood sell better than "Huggy The Bunny Leaves For Preschool". I think they should put a little bit more warning on the box though, enstead of just a little square in the back saying "M" And, many adults do play games, more than most kids (surprisingly). If you look at any gaming comunity site, you'll find lots of adults there, more adults than kids, I can garenty (SP) that.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SasukeUchiha [/i] [B] And yes in Chicago the only new things I can do is vote and buy cigarettes, so no difference really there.. [/B][/QUOTE] IN Brooklyn, you can do a lot more, such as buying guns, knives and things like that, wich, you may end up needing here.. depending on where you live in Brooklyn...And yeah, other than that, not much else I can do, the lotto some ciggarette and vote...that's it.....
  19. Yeah, I know taht part was kinda wierd... Well, It's pretty good for my first poem [I]ever[/I] ^_^ I'm trying to tihnk of another one soon... My next one will be better!
  20. Turning 18 didn't change my life at all, it just made me older.. And I'm happy to be an adult ^_^ not just for the stores... lol I wouldn't go there.. but really, it doesn't make a difference to me.
  21. I have too mnay to name. I got a million for PS1 and PS2, i got a bunch for N 64, and a bunch for the good ol' NES ^_^ I like those old school type games (burgertime being my favorite) Some of my favorite game sthat I have are: GTA1, 2, 3, and VC MG, MGS, MGS2 and soon to be MGS3 ^_^ Oh, and Tenchu Wrath of Heaven rules too!
  22. I know why.. I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about it being banne din GErmany (they ban a lot of games) or any otehr places in Europe... Well, that's one reason I love to live in the U.S. They can't ban games. I'm getting it ^_^ I don't see why they ban games. They're rated, the labe says what content is in the game, and peopel are warned by magazines stc. so they shouldn't ban games. I tihnk that sort of thing is just pretty stupid....
  23. Thanks ^_^ I have to think up another morbid, depressing/goth poem... I'm pretty good at writing those I geuss ^_^ Oh, and this is off-topic, but I like that "frisbee seppuku"^_^
  24. [Mature for violence language etc, things in mob/gang stories] (Yeah, kind of a rip off, but it will be fun ^_^) [I] Life in Natas City it tough... Especially with the biggest turfwar ever going on. Betwen two mafias, and a gang of pimps. The mafias are Gotorelli and Zanorelli, And the gang is pimps is called the South Side Hoods. They all worked in their respective turfs for a while, the Gotorelli family in the west, the Zanorelli in the east, and the South Side Hoods in the South. But now, all the gangs want the north as their turf too. The gangs need leaders to bring them to victory in this bloody turf war. They need hitmen (and women) and lots of other peopel to help them do that.[/I] Basically, the gangs fight to the death until only one gang is left standing, and they will have the turf they want. Sign up: Name: (Can also be a callsign if you don't want a real name) Gang: Position: (Positons are Head, Right hand man, hitman and thug) Weapons: (Five max, new age wepaons please, like gangs would use) Vehicles ( Two max) Description: (picture please) Any extra notes: (A bio, anything) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Name: Stealthy Gang: South Side Hoods Position: Head Weapons: Uzi, baseball bat, colt .45, MP5, golf club Vehicles: Cadalac Escalade, Corvette Description: [url]http://animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=cowboybebop&image=33[/url] Any extra notes: When it comes to murder, he's [I]very[/I] dangerous, and violent...
  25. I read this book in August, and i finished it in about, er, three days. I couldn't put it down! It's a wicked great book ^_^ the story is great, and the mian character, Holden Caufeild, he has a good personality. He's funny, he's sorta like me... Anyone else read this book? What did you think of it?
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