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Everything posted by anime_guy

  1. anime_guy


    Anyone ever heard of the band "Gorillaz"? PErsonaly, I lik 'em. They're kinda techno-ie i think.. I haven't listened to them in a while.. But if you heard of 'em tell what yoyu think of 'em! The videos are pretty cool, by the way....
  2. This is the battle of the lands! There are4 lands. Lands may ally (sp) and may declare war, they may declare a temporary stop to war, whatever. The leader of each land shall decide what they want. They lands are: Fei, Wuy, Lom and Mong. Each leader wil have an army beneath them. The ranks in an army goes as follow (From highest rank to lowest): Leader (the highest, there can beonly one) Officers: (They may fight if they choose too) General Major Liuetenant Recruits: (Must fight) Segent Corperal Private Not every army must have all of these. at least one general, one Lieutenant, two sergents and four privates, at thye very least. The more the merior. Oh, and the leader of a land may fight if they choose to. So, like I said, The lands will do as they please, have a war, be at peace, talk dipplomatically (Sp?) etc. Sign-Up Sheet: Name: Land: Rank in Land: Weapons: privates 3 max, corperal 3 max, sergents 4 max, Oficers 5 max. they can be any wepaon you desire, permitting that if fits the time period (Feudile Japan) Special abilites, Skills: Any Extra notes: Well, that's all! Heres my sign-up: Name: Vash Land:Fei Apperience: look at picture on the bottom of the post Rank in Land: Leader Weapons: Katana, spear, cross bow, mace (doesnt exaclty fit the time pireod but. w/e) Any Extra notes: Is an expert swordsman, nothing else [IMG]http://www.tenjo.com/Images/Horseback.gif[/IMG]
  3. Name:Cave Eversman (Call me Eversman) Age:29 Occupation: None Weapon of choice: Uzi, sniper-riffal (Sp) and a U.S. Marines issued hunting knife Ship:The Hunter, a simple, medium sized ship, with living quaters and a kitchen Aprearance: Tall, wears a black cloak, has black ahir, and bron eyes Bio: Memry was eresed when he was taken to a prison camp durring a war no one knew about I may not have RP experience here, but I have Rped many times before.
  4. Did anyone read my post? Well, i'll choose what I want to be, but whoever wants me to follow them just tell me and I will basic soldier sheet Name: Shadow Gender:Male Rank:Sergent Weapon:Sword kingdom you follow under:Whoever wants a baisic soldier Bio:Family was killed by ¥akuza, went out for revenge but gave up, and is now joining the army of any kingdom in need of him Appearance:Regular japanese samurai (picture in attachment)
  5. BOOOOO! *hits maladjusted on the back of the head* by the way, i found a cartoon about the cubs fan taht caught that foul ball and made the marlins (SP) win
  6. yeah, teams like that, and like the sox, that dont have a trillion dollars, are better in some ways.. I like teams like that...I mean, the red sox are one of the best teams in the whole MLB, I'd say maybe 2nd-4th in MLB, and they got there by their tallents and the little bit of money they ahd, now though they have more moeny, but they still aren't like, Yankees rich or anything...
  7. YANKEES SUCK!!! YANKEES SUCK!!! But I can't belive the Sox lost.. 5 to nothing, and it was the 5th inning too! :'( thi sucks.. I hate this... well, we have next year! The year of the sox [i]will[/i] come, by then, i may be an old man, or dead.. or it may be next year.. who knows? well, i geuss all my fellow red sox fans will have to wait another year.... Oh yeah, and this year we barely even got into the series! we had to get the magic card or whatever it is to get it...
  8. I woundlt be suprised, but we seem to be very lucky lately... I mena, with Trot's (I think) 3 run home run, and, a lot of other stuff...Pedro is pithing, so I tihnk we're gunna win tonight! DO OR DIE SOX! Do or Die.....
  9. well, it's Predro going against Roger.. so I think with Pedro, we'll do [I]pretty[/I] good... and if not...I will swear so loud the people over in Japan will hear me.. then i'll jump off my roof so I get hurt and can [I]try{/I] to forget we lost... But we wont loose! Sorry.. I'm just ranting on about the Sox... heh....
  10. I'll do this.. one of you tell me to be something in your kingdom, and i'll be it... first one to reply to me i'll follow them... guess thats it...
  11. Who thinks the Sox are ging to beath the yankees tonight! I DO! what does everyone think?? what's your opinion? Personaly, YANKEES SUCK! Lets go Red Sox!! But that's just me... What do you all think about pedro defending himself by throwing 72 year old Zimmer to the ground? If zimmer hadnt of charged at Pedro, the he wouldnt have gotten thrown on the ground! What do you think of Trots 3 run homer last night? Eh? DO OR DIE toinght! At Yankee stadium! on Fox! I think... (Soory if this sounds liek spam, but it isn't! I just wanna know what epople think of all this stuff!)
  12. anime_guy


    Noir.. hmm.. oh yeah.. i remember that now.. taht was a pretty good show.. it's really confusing though.. but they are pretty good assassins, but (of corse) the true Noir is bettter, because, she is Noir.. you know...
  13. well hey, most of us here have some kind of "problem" all people do.. i sugest you get an exersist (that movie is the all -time scariest EVER i saw it when i was 6 and im still freaked out by it.. ugh..NEVER watch it...) well, we should forget our "problems" of this kind, and tehy will go away... I think... maybe... i dont know! i'm jsut trying to help..lol well, that's all for now on this freaky topic.. for me at least.. gotta wacth the Sox obn TV (Even though i live in NY i'm a MAJOR red Sox fan)
  14. this thred is creepin me out man.. at 18.. this stuff still scares me.. and no, i don't see things that aren't there, unless I see them and no one else does and i never know if it's tehre or not.. ro something like that......
  15. lol.. well if i move to the UK i can watch it, un cut to... but, i'm staying here in Brooklyn wihout it... well... of to teh store to buys ome more tapes i guess.....
  16. you use kazaa and you get sued.. or a virus.. not the smartw ay to go.. and dowloading makes it so we dont get any mroe anime because the companies are loosing money, so just svae some moeny and buy it, unless you wanna get sued....
  17. its a comedy action, the anime is good.. um.. the company is.. im not sue.... well.. you should watch it! thats all i have to say! :) lol
  18. whoa.. those are cool.... ima get this game! looks sweet!
  19. ok! sorry! jeez...didnthey put it on at 3:00 AM? then i tihnk they put it back on toonami, didnt tyhey? er.. they put it on toonami again.. and moved back to adult swim, er... um... it went back and fourth for a while didnt it? then they took it off.. well... its something like that
  20. they didnt come up... it says "you are trying to access an image that belongs to gamers.com, you must go to gamers.com" it says the for every picture
  21. well... i geuss i could grivel, and get smacked, and grovel.. and smack and grovel and get smacked.. etc...
  22. lol... i wouldnt let my sibs watch that stuff... not that i ahve a lot *wink wink* lol....
  23. idid read the thread, but, i cant find any myself.. thats all i was saying, but i cant really go to any... no car or anything... and my friend is less compitent in a car than me, and my parents would drive me so i cant go.... life sux, eh?
  24. best show on earth... or was... and dont download! cuz then the companies wont put it on or make anymore! i need to buy some more tapes and DVDs of it... and fast... i cant find them in too many places now... but i know where to find them..and im so cold, my fingers are numb, and i can't type! :(
  25. well, i looked and looked, i looked online, i didnt see ANYTHING, i must just have bad luck, or not know very good sites..... well, if i find a convention, i'll go! even if its in maine, or massachusetts, or florida!
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