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Everything posted by anime_guy

  1. i wont talk about it because its not totlay apropriate... and id ont want to get banned..... but, yes, it will probably be on agiain sometime..... i hope... but the new shows they have oten suck... well, it's their desition to make what they put on and take off air.....
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by satan665 [/i] [B]It should never be a problem if you are surrounded by people that aren't interested in anime, just don't talk about TV. Anime is great and all, but if you are watching TV, talking about TV, thinking about TV characters that crazy glowing box is going to dominate your personality. Basically there should be plenty of other things to talk about and if all you want to talk about is anime then you are pretty obsessed. Also if someone only watched anime on CN, they still can be considered pretty knowledgable about anime since CN has gotten tons of shows in the past few years. [/B][/QUOTE] CN has had good shows, and bad show, most of teh good shows the took off... but well, my friends dont even watch CN!! lol i have lots of otehr stuff to tlak about too, but anime is one of the top things..i took an anime obcestion test and im an otaku leval 6 (the highest one) lol.. i'd protect anime with my life!
  3. i hate people like that, you can watch cartoons if 1, or 101... who cares? people like that are just plain stupid man.... and sorta ignorant too..i have lots of friends liek that though :( ......
  4. ...kicks him "get up..." lol.. hey, i wuold faint, but i'd fall on my presous (bad speller) computer and breack it! lol. im such a looser....
  5. Outlaw Star [I]was[/I] my favorite anime, till C.N. took it off the air! its not on anywhere! i have one tape of it, its of the episode they never shows on TV.. ep 23... wanna know more just PM me, i dont wanna tlak bout it here....So, who else like Outlaw Star? WHy did Cartoon Network take it off the air? i hate them for that......
  6. i subscribed to GI also, but i didnt get my mags :(.. thats not right man.. well.. i shoudls tick to the topic, sorry ^_^
  7. whoa.. thats like.. whoa... just plain old whoa man... lol, get thenm to watch it, please... do that soon, very, very soon...
  8. umm. so where does that come in here? give me the reason,. and i will delete the posts i made myself
  9. o.o... w/e, i dont really care if its closed.. i was just aking if anyone wanted to be one of my friends....
  10. Hey, anyone want a new friend? PM me, i need some friends.... im a cool guy, once you knwo me, im even cooler! :D
  11. ok, i'll try and get one.. how much do they cost exaclty?
  12. does anyone egt Newtype usa? how is it? how much does it cost? and where can i get it? i need to find an anime magazine to get!!!
  13. well, to me, a big violence fan, it looks pretty damn good! :D but, it could be bad, it all depends... well, thats all for my say in this... and it does look like a major jin-roh rip-off, that looked like a pretty good movie or whatever it was.....
  14. hey.. send me a cpy of that game... j/k lol
  15. theres no conventions near me tho :(, and i hate that...i wanna subscribe to an anime magazine, but i dont know where to find one really.... i hate this... i cant find any anime, just on tv, and my 2 DVDs i have.. no other people here are into it....
  16. well, i hope it gets popuar.... my other friends are kinda stupid... all they like is being itidots and playing football, i like being an idiot, i like sports, but i like lots of other stuff too, unlike my stupid friends...
  17. thats what i do, cuz i only have one friend that waches it too... and he doesnt seem to like it as much anymore! :(
  18. i know a lot abvout it, im a HUGE MGS fan, i read a 11 page article in a magazine, it was loaded with screen shots, and had lots of info, just PM me if youg ot questions about the game, becuase i'll knwo most of the answers!^_^
  19. anyone wanna be my e-mail pen-pal? i wanna have pen pal, im 17 and i never had one before... :(, so PM me if you wanna be my pen pal
  20. anime_guy


    yeah.. i only had to try once ot get my name.. but i still agree... but, if they delete members, they'll look less popular... but whatever... not my desision (i can't spell at all...lol)
  21. oh, lol.. i meant to say IQ..... ^_^
  22. yeah, im trying, by the way, i have an ig of 157...o.o just wanted to point that out....
  23. um.. ok... u is jsut faster, and um, iunno, i got sucked into internet lino a while back so thats what i use.. sry....
  24. no, its not spam u retard! my acount would work! and thanx for the help Solo Tremaine, and thanx for the sugestion Deedlit.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IloveBebop [/i] [B] except when we talk about movies on newgrounds. [/B][/QUOTE] wow, everyone knows about newgrounds.. thas cool they rule...anyone ever been to stickdetah.com? tehy got some wicked cool games
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