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Everything posted by anime_guy

  1. only one of my frineds watch anime, it sux too, i can only talk w/ him, and join sites like this... well, a lotta people dont care about anime, so the dont watch it, they'd rather watch crap like jerry springer (wich is kinda funny if u assk me)
  2. no one can sue.. they have disclamers, and if u let ur kids saty up till 4 in da moring watchin tv, then, ur pretty stupid
  3. never really seend much manga.. i like anime.... i geuss people watch wahtever they wanna.....
  4. thats a pretty cool show, i've only seen two episodes, but its funny, it hink taht the one im thinking of.. oh wel.. lol
  5. thats so stupid,, i never say anytrhing violent tho... *turns on Scar Face w/ Al Pacino* lol....
  6. dude, i just got an account on theotaku.com (the site not the bords) and it wont let me sign in! i activated it via e-mail, i made sure it was the right username and p/word, it still didnt work! some one HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
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