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Everything posted by Itami

  1. There's such a big lack of good partenting these days it isn't even funny. Parents figure the kids will figure it out themselves, thats why I fear what our generation is going to do when we have one of us as president. But there should be an instant response in kids and adults when they see the words "[B]Adult[/B] Swim" Kids should think, "Oh, shouldn't watch this" and change the channel. Parents should say, "Better not let the kids see this." and give them a bed time. In reality though, kid sees it, "Oooooh, cool!" and the adult "Ooooooh, cool!"
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rein Sakado [/i] [B]Its Tsukasa.All the Japanese dialects spell his/her character this way.I hate the fact on what Tsukasa's real gender is!! You don't know whether to say guy,or girl. [/B][/QUOTE] I have to say that Tsukasa is a boy, but the player is a girl.
  3. If she's so worried about the whole guns thing, why doesn't she protest against Loony Tunes?
  4. Oh boy, I remember the first time I fought [SPOILER]Gospel[/SPOILER]. Not pretty. It was so hard at the time, but now I've got that folder loaded with Gater PA's. I still think that [SPOILER]Alpha[/SPOILER] was a lot harder. If I hadn't had Shadow style for that, I would have never beat him...her...it...whatever.
  5. Ok, nevermind what I said. If its only recieving brain waves, that sounds a lot more safe.
  6. O' The wondeful pain and joy that comes from trying to beat Orca. I've never felt so "in the zone" before. While I was fighting him, I felt nothing, it was just him and me duking it out to some techno music I put on. As soon as finished, I dropped the controller and it felt like every pain I had even felt shot straight to my fingers. It was weird, until that point I didn't feel any pain in my fingers. I had to lay down for a bit after that.
  7. I didn't like the fight all that much, besides the fact that Sora lost. If you're going to kill Sora, at least have a longer fight with him. They showed 2 minutes of them talking a bit and jumping around once or twice and then Sora fell. There should have been an entire episode of them fighting, that would have been great. .hack//sign THE LOST EPISODE : Sora vs. Crim *ooooooooooh* MORE JUMPING AND STUFF! MORE OF CRIM STATING THE OBVIOUS, BUT SOUNDING SMART AT THE SAME TIME!! MORE COCKY A** REMARKS FOR SORA!!! Now thats an episode.:D
  8. I've read a similar post like this on another site. At first glance, you instantly think "That would be awesome!" And it would be cool if it were to work. But they brought up something I had never thought of, hackers. If the game is connected to your brain, what do you suppose a hacker could do with that? Not pretty, eh? Gets past the all kinds of protection and they could screw your brain up for life.:drunk: We'll just have to settle for normal MMORPG's
  9. I really don't pay to much attention to the dubbing unless its really good or bad. Good: .hack//sign Possibley the worst dubbing ever: Megaman *shudder* NT Warrior. I had seen this fan subbed before WB mangled it and beat to the ground with a stick. I'm a huge Megaman fan and I loved the subbed version, but when I saw this I could of cried it was so bad. The least they could do was play the games or do something to figure out what the characters were really like and not make up their weird and twisted version of it. I can't help laughing at this pathetic excuse for dubbing. In the subbed: Iceman had a cute little voice which fit him very well. In the *shudder* dubbed: He sounded like a fourty year old construction worker! I've seen lists and lists of errors in the show, which are pretty funny to read.
  10. If its random, I'll say it. *ahem* "Happiness is a two-headed demented baby." *crowd applause* Thank you. "Having your hopes crushed is like a bag of kittens on the highway" *more applause* *Itami takes a bow and trips off the stage* UPDATE! "Can I go mambo dog-face in the banana patch?"
  11. Yay, some Megaman fans! I've beaten all of the games from the Battle Network Series(1-3 and Transmission) They keep getting better and better with each one. The fouth one is coming out sometime in 2004 and just like the third one, it'll have two versions, Red Sun and Blue Moon. Did any one here think that Transmission wasn't as hard as EGM made it out to be. They had problems with the first two bosses, which are fairly hard, but they really hated this game. I personally thought it was great. It was like playing one of the old Megaman games on the NES. Good times.
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