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White Digivise

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Everything posted by White Digivise

  1. Not bad, Gohan. Not bad at all. *Smiles* :) :devil: :angel: :)
  2. I'm with everyone else. Introductions. But oh well. Welcome!!! *Smiles* :cool:
  3. I noticed that most of my poetry was of feelings or emotions. While other poets can write of items or things. That's pretty hard for me. *Smiles*;) :) ;)
  4. Own what? Seen what? *Smiles* :cool: :cool: :cool:
  5. I would vote off Kione. *Smiles* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. I like Tenchi in Tokyo best. *Smiles* + an evil grin = :devil: :devil: :devil:
  7. I used to. It's okay. *Smiles* :angel: :angel: :angel:
  8. I thought it was okay. *Smiles* :wigout: :wigout: :wigout:
  9. I lost interest a long time ago. *Smiles* :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:
  10. I think all of them are annoying. They can tell when to leave him alone. Oh well. Calm down. *Smiles* :) :) :)
  11. I can't tell which is which so I voted Kamadake. His name sounds better. *Smiles* :) :) :)
  12. I voted for the space ship one, But I like the rabbit on best. *Smiles* :cool: :cool: :cool:
  13. I've never seen any of the movies. :( :( :( Oh well. *Smiles*
  14. Being a cheerleader must be awesome. *Smiles* :angel: :angel: :angel:
  15. Wow! Crazy White Boy, your name goes with your poetry. Soul Keeper that was awesome. I love the twist ending. I tryed writing one today and I like it. That is the most important thing. That you like your work. My art teacher once told me that you are your worst cridict and when one may hate it another may like it. I think of You As Darkness engulfs the planet, I see you. The look in your eyes, Tells me something is wrong. Fear has overtaken the lives of others. As life comes to an end, During these darkest of hours, I think of you. -White Digivise August 24,2001 I think that it doesn't matter if poetry rymthes or not. I think it's how it makes you feel inside. *Smiles*
  16. Hi. I love poetry. If you read me signature you can just about tell. If you have any good poems I would love to see them. Thank you. :) :) :)
  17. I must say that Digimon is a copy off Pokemon. But Digimon is still much better. *Smiles* :D :D :D
  18. I'm not mean. I'll tell you my real name. It's [COLOR=deeppink]Becky[/COLOR] If I could change my name it would be to [COLOR=blue]Raye[/COLOR]. :) :) :)
  19. [COLOR=firebrick]I hate it when people do that![/COLOR] :mad: :mad: :mad:
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