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White Digivise

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Everything posted by White Digivise

  1. Correct :) Glad youv'e changed your mind. :rolleyes:
  2. Raye- *Put hand on your face and looks down* Not another huge problem. OMG :smirk:
  3. "I call upon the spirit, [COLOR=darkblue]WATER!!![/COLOR]" *Puts the flames out,* Did he hurt you? :rolleyes:
  4. Can I see some of your ppls art? :D
  5. I like fire AND Bush I listen to my elemental spirits [COLOR=royalblue]Ice[/COLOR] is there first gardiun followed by these other elementals in no particular order. [COLOR=darkblue]Water,[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]energy,[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]fire,[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]wind,[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]forest,[/COLOR] and [COLOR=deeppink]flower.[/COLOR] Don't make fun of me. I just believe they give me support and guidence. :angel:
  6. Raye- First, we all need to agree on where were going. Then, we have to decide on the means of transpertation.
  7. Raye- Okay, I think youv'e all learned something today. Stay away from giant bugs. I knew it was a bad idea. :smirk:
  8. Spikes is so.... What's the word I'm looking for..... EVIL. Why did you have to hurt your elders! :cross:
  9. Raye- Do you actually think that will work. *Bug comes over.* Amber- Yep. Bug- uhh Lunch! Raye- that worked! *They all start running.* :eek:
  10. Raye- And how would we tell the bug were we wanted to go. Where do we even want to go! :cross:
  11. Raye- Well, it's better than your thought on cheerios. :mad:
  12. I would have to say either Cardcaptor Sakura or Digimon. :D
  13. Raye- I don't think the cheerio matters right now you guys. We must get big again. *Raises hands in the air as if asking the almighty ruler.* :D
  14. Raye- "Hello" *They both start walking into the jym and look up.* Warwick- "Ouch!" *Looks down and see's the other three people." MysticBabe- "OMG. Other small people." Raye- "We hit the small people jackpot!"
  15. Raye- Right after school! Okay now what. How do we get big again. The government shall pay for this. This must mean there are other little people right." MysticBabe- "I don't know, I certaily hope so." *Both start woundering looking for more little people.*
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~*Anime Girl*~ [/i] [B]Where the hell is digimon? [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah that and Cardcaptors are in a tie for #1, but there both not there. Plus Anime Girl, I love your avatar!
  17. Most of my friends call me [COLOR=deeppink]Becky[/COLOR] but never call ne Rebecky or Reb!cthy. Don't even go there. Jeremia loves to make fun of my names. I hate his guts. :mad:
  18. *Walks up to her front door.* Raye- "No! I'm locked out. Now what." *She starts walking out into the street and bumps into someone.* Raye- "You're little too. Thank God! What's your name?" [COLOR=blue]I need someone to help me with this. Okay my question. Who bumped into me? __________ Fill in the blank.[/COLOR] :)
  19. Wow! I was chosen. That makes me sooooo happy. Congrats to The Darkness Bu and Digital Monster. Sorry if I'm rubbing it in, but I wasn't sure if Raye was really original enough. But I made it. "Yes!" "PARTY AT MY PLACE":D
  20. Like a theme in the dating game or what. I need alittle more detail. But I love to see what people think of my ideas. Between me and my sister I'm the more creative one with drawings, story's(I love fiction!) and poetry. That's something me and her can actualy agree on. Well gotta go. It's 10pm over here.:)
  21. Hi, this is why my sister ~: Suger :~ had to get off. So that I could write this. I could say that I'm constant, but on the 17th our internet will be unplugged for a while. I'll think about that though. :)
  22. I'm not sure yet. Of course you bring up a good point. She could go into the book to another world, but she could also fight on both sides with her crystal. You people could play it out if you wanted. I've got no prob with that. In fact I'd love to see how some people would change the story. Thanks for that great idea. :)
  23. Can someone tells me what it means then? :(
  24. I feel that this one idea for a story has plagued my mind although it probably means not what I think. I book. An antique book with the power to break a seal and show the way to save worlds. As a young girl opens the book a key comes and then the seal on the cover is broken. By what she knows not. But the darkness or the light she only guesses. I young boy named Eli is to pull her away from the dark energy and save her from many deaths. She must find the crystal and use it to create a staff more powerful then Eli's. She must destroy the dark woman and save her from destroying all of her friends, her destiny, her life with her family and the world as she know it.. What do you think of this idea. I might or might not put the story on the boards, but the question I would like to state is what you, as you would be the reader think.
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