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White Digivise

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Everything posted by White Digivise

  1. *Starts walking along bridge toward home." Raye- "Maybe someone at home can help me. Yeah, mom will understand." *Stops walking.* Raye- "If she can even hear me!!"
  2. Raye- screams,"Can anyone help me." *Sees a happy couple crossing the bridge. Starts running for her life.* Raye- "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" *They almost step on her but they pass right above her.* Raye- "Don't panic Raye. I'm sure this couldn't be a forever thing. Is there any small ppl around here." screams Raye. "Hello!"
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Little Gohan [/i] [B]45 bucks! *spits out his drink* [/B][/QUOTE] Same here. I couldn't breath when I read that. :eek:
  4. My deep state of mind is when I sit their staring into space thinking about everthing in life. About how my sister says their are to many immature ppl on the bus when she is one of them. Most of the time I would have to say I just want to laugh and go nuts, but sometimes I would also say that I am way to dramatic.:D
  5. My english teacher, Mr Best says sh!t all the time. But students saying it is not premitted on school grounds. :rolleyes:
  6. Okay I can't find some of these words in th dictionary ppl. :rolleyes: Why must you make up your unknown words. :rolleyes:
  7. In the first poems it sounded like you were a love sick puppy. In this other set it sounded like the one that had loved you had now cheated on you. And you were quite angry with them. And what's with all the ****'s. Can't you write a poem without them. :rolleyes:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B] HAHAHAHA U haven't been here 4 7 months I've been here the same time u have, 1 month. C u got 92, not 1,500, posts I have 116! N I'm still a newbie. U have 2 get 200 2 bcome a Junior Member. [/B][/QUOTE] No, I had to wait until I got 250 to become what I am today. What makes you ppl think you'd get it sooner then me? :)
  9. Monty... Python... I don't know. It sounds like something me brother would watch, or a video game he made me play. I never do like most of the movies he rents.:rolleyes:
  10. Most of my friends are playing the Violin, but I once tryed to learn to play the flute. Of course I quite right away, but to this day I wish I could have learned to pay an instrument. To be able to do something that nobody else can. Wait... did I just fall far away from the topic. I voted band, but both of them are nice to hear. :)
  11. I would have to say I like stuff like Match Box 20, but I don't really think I have a favorite. :)
  12. I want to know this, but I never got to see all the episodes. Whaaaaaa! :(
  13. I did a search for Digimon about a month ago and the Otaku came up. I had just gotten an e-mail address so I wanted mail from a couple different places. I subscribed to their letter also and when they e-mailed me in August I dicided to join. I am so glad that I did. :)
  14. *Walking home from school* *As she passes over a small bridge she thinks she hears some noise near the bushes. She looks but there is nothing there. Raye sits doen on the brigde and closes her eyes.* *When she open's them up again she almost falls backward into what now looks like a huge river.* "Ahhh," screams Raye. *She catches her balance* "What is going on? Can somebody, anybody help me?"
  15. Well this sounds like fun! And for absolutely FREE! Wow! Name- Raye Age- 15 Gender- female Shrunken height- 5 centimeters and 4 milimeters :)
  16. I loved how you used Cali time. Makes it a whole lot easier for me. I'm here. I'm ready to set the record, but 60 is alot of ppl. :)
  17. I guess I would have to say some of the cutest guys I've seen are from Digimon and second would be Julien(Yukito is his japenese name) from Cardcaptors. I like Ken's eyes, but I'm not head over heels for the guy like Gold_Angemon towards Izzy. I have seen a Julien look alike at the Sea World down here in San Diego. He was even wearing a Japenese shirt. You know, with the japenese script on it and stuff. :)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soft mush [/i] [B]Do you think that one tiny thing can change your future? eg. If Newton hadn't been hit by the apple, what would have happened? If I clap, will the future be different then if I didn't clap? OOH! [/B][/QUOTE] If I clap or anyone else at that, I think it does matter. It tells people who you are. If we clap, were happy and probably social. If not we might get used to that and never clap. Then if we don't clap ppl will think were not happy and might not want to talk to us. And you know something else, that one person could make all the difference in the world.:angel:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ruki Makino [/i] [B]I thought AW was banned [/B][/QUOTE] Me too. This must be an old topic or something. But it looks new. :confused: :confused: :confused: I'm lost in a black void where there are no answers, only questions. There is no one to talk to. Just a voice lost in this world that keeps whispering something. Like that. I know... I am good. Don't ask me why I wrote that. I started and I couldn't stop. Let's just say that that's a good question. :D
  20. Is their a spot in here for someone who just wants off. Sounds like fun. Help on trapped under the floor boards. :laugh: Really, I don't like tough and I don't like soft but I would love to be a part of this. PM if theirs a good spot. :)
  21. I have a dog named Scruffy My sister has a cat named Flowers. And we all share a goldfish named Goldy. He's been alive for other 3 years. Wow. That's pretty good for a fish. :D
  22. My house is beige, but you can hardly see it with all those trees in the way.... Wait I can just almost see a window. No wait that's a yard decoration. *Smiles* :)
  23. I has a medium level school spirit. Of course we don't really have assembles that often for it. Maybe once or twice a year and it's really short so we don't really need that much school spirit. *Smiles* :)
  24. Oh. I thought it was good, but okay. You scared me at the beginning when I read the post title and I had just posted in the create a digi destine for the rest of my person. I thought you were chucking the whole idea. I thought Ashley was a good idea, but whatever you want. *Smiles* :)
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