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Everything posted by RioLaskand
Lex Talionis lay prone on the rooftop of a nearby building, in perfect view of the bar. His high-caliber sniper rifle was set on a stand in front of him. He trained his crosshairs on Trace, just for fun, "Bang," he whispered, amusing himself. He had been stationed here because of the notoriety of the place. Many hits had gone down where his captain now sat. Some said that the while the rest of the bar was a mess, the walls and floor were constantly cleaned because of the blood that flowed. Lex trained his eyes back onto the now-accompanied Trace. A Ctarl-Ctarl and another creature that Lex did not recognize, although the silver fur reflected off the light and blinded him for a split second. "Strange company he's taking. Those beasts better not be let in. The fur would be murder to deal with," he chuckled at his private joke. His finger trained on the newcomer's head as he saw Trace pull back, grasping the hidden rifle in his coat. A flash of sparks surprised him as the Ctarl-Ctarl slammed her knife into an approaching stranger's face. [i]Lex, you are losing your touch. Gotta focus, man! You should have picked him off! The boss is NOT going to be happy about tha-[/i] Men in the bar trained their guns on Trace's small group. "SHIT!" Lex trained on the lead one, his finger pulsed, but the man lowered his gun, and walked his crew out of the bar. A small sigh escaped Lex's mouth, followed by disappointment. "I really DID want to do something tonight..." he complained to himself, but focused once more on the scene at hand. The beast with silver fur stalked out of the bar, and seemed to be heading towards the dock. [i]She better not be heading toward the Midnight. I can't watch two different people at once.[/i] "Hey, you! Are you Lex Talionis?" a voice asked from behind him. "Yeah, that's me. You lookin' for a hit? I could always use the extra-" a blade whistled by his ear and a metallic clang rang through the air as he reflexively rolled, his black trenchcoat billowing under him. He threw himself up to see three people that looked all too familiar. "Remember us from Blue Heaven? Ya know, Lex, you are one hard-ass man to track down. That payment was a counterfeit! Where's Trace?" Lex had pulled his hands slowly back behind his coat, and the men hadn't seemed to notice yet. He got a firm grasp on his pistols. "Trace is a little busy right now, but lemme tell you that the information that you provided was invaluable! We caught Kei Klikag, got the bounty, and were out of there before anyone was the wiser. I do appreciate you coming back to see me, though. You Dust Bandits have always pissed me off, and seeing your blood spill will satisfy my revenge for my fallen comrade. Thirty years ago you spilled the blood of the only Luck Killer ever. That does not sit lightly on our hearts, and while we did take care of your leader, you bastards still seem to survive. How do you do it? I appreciate you finding me. I was originally just going to let it slide until we met next. You made my job much easier," He slipped the pistols out of his holsters. Three shots rang out, and three bodies fell, each with a red circle in the upper forehead. [i]Dead before they hit the ground[/i]He shoved his pistols back into their holsters as the bodies came to rest. He pulled out a cigarette, and felt the nicotine steady his hand once more, taking the edge off of the adrenaline that was flowing through his body.
Hey guys! I figured you would want an update, and I want to tell the update, because I am really happy, but at the same time apprehensive. After I saw her on Saturday, I wrote a poem about her, and put it in my profile. I like putting my poetry in my profile, but a small part of me wanted her to read it. She did, and asked me if it was about anyone. I asked her what she thought. She said yeah, and I said, "You are right, it's about you," When I saw her, she had on one of those rings that had a heart on one side, and a crown on the other. If the heart was turned outward, then that means that your heart was free, and vice versa. Her's was turned so the crown was up, and I had mentioned that in my poem. I told her that it was a very pretty ring, just wasn't turned the way that I would've liked. She said, "It might be turned back very soon," She said that she was probably going to break up with her boyfriend because she realized that he is more of a friend than a boyfriend. I know that whether or not a break-up is mutual and easy, or one-sided and heart-wrenching, it's still hard, but I do want to see her again. So now the situation has changed in my favor, but I don't want to do anything that would rush anything, or pressure her, or anything like that. Again, thank you all for posting, and advice, comments, E-mail addresses of local soap operas, anything like that would be great. Thanks again!
my body courses with fear as my brain belittles a life that was lived through its perception the master attacks the disciple What have I done wrong? I have shown you, my most intimate of parts everything about my life, you are the one that analyzes all, showing me ideas, dreams, sorrow But you are still the dominant voice, ridiculing my every move, the mirror of myself inside my head attacking my every thought, second guessing everything I want to be happy, WHY CAN'T I BE HAPPY?! You won't let me [i]I[/i] won't let me but when will my inner demons tame? OOC: This is a bit of my dark side I guess. I would love to hear what others think of it. Comments&Criticism always welcome. Ja ne!
Wow. I never expected such a response from everyone. I really appreciate this. Also, I accepted Bloodsin's ideas as his own, and while I did not heed them, I would rather you guys didn't fight. I mean why would you bash someone for expressing their opinion, however depressing and pessimistic it may be? I may just be a crusty young hippie, but feel the love guys. James, you have analyzed my situation better than anyone I have ever talked to, and I appreciate for that. Island girl, I have considered sending it into a shojo (girl) manga company, see if they can go with anything like that. More updates coming soon, so I would still love to hear from other people. Thanks all!
The problem with the whole coma thing is that I would not be able to do that, WC. I have these damn little things in my head called morals. And Kelsey would also not cheat on her boyfriend while he was in a coma. That would probably be the same as the whole car crash thing. And Double B, I don't think that she is holding onto him because of the car accident. I never thought of that, but I think that if she was going to break up with him, she probably would've done it. I think that this is the whole thing that he asked her out (I am a sophomore in high school, although I don't believe in the whole "asking out" idea. I think it sounds like asking someone to marry you) and she felt that she should say yes. Also, a good friend of hers is dating a good friend of his. Connection? mayhaps. The one thing I would be afraid of is that he is a senior. She is a sophomore. I would be afraid that he is trying to pull a Sail-and-bail. Not cool. Although from what I have heard about the guy he probably won't, but that could always be a possibility. Gotta love the Shojo manga that is Rio's high school life ;)
Greetings OB people! I have read many threads about people helping others with relationship help, and I have been brooding over this issue over many a time, so I think I'll just let it fly. There is a girl. Let's call her Kelsey, that I met during a summer theater program. It took a while, but gradually we became friends, and hung out a lot backstage. The little monkeywrench in this was that I had a girlfriend at the time. I really did like Kelsey, but I was still dating my gf at the time. The theater thing ended, and we left our contact info with each other. I gave her a hug and that was that. Things eventually fizzled out with my girlfriend, and I got back into the swing of things. The Homecoming dance came up, and I decided to call Kelsey and ask her if she would be interested in coming. Keep in mind that we had not talked very much over the time, about 2 months. We talked on AIM when she was on and I was on, but not much besides that. Anywho, I called her up, and asked her if she wanted to be my date to homecoming. She then uttered four very painful words, "I have a boyfriend," Ouch... So I didn't go to homecoming with her, I figured that this was bad timing, and maybe in another life the date would've worked, and maybe we would see each other again, and then...I don't know. But it seems fate is not without a sense of irony. About two weeks after Homecoming, about three weeks after I had talked to her, I went to the Relay for Life. Basically it's a cancer walk that goes from 11AM on Saturday to 11AM on Sunday. So as I am getting settled in with my team, who should I see but Kelsey, walking up with camping stuff in her hands. I give her a big hug, help her find her site, and then go home to get some stuff. I figure that today will be a very good day. I will be able to hang out with Kelsey, and just catch up, and we will have fun. I come back and she is walking, same as always, but her hand is occupied by another. I spent the day trying to avoid them because it just hurt me so much, and I don't even know why. I had prior knowledge of this, but it still hurt all the same. I guess I had never known how much I cared for her. Night fell, and the luminaires, which were put out around the track to symbolize all those who were lost in cancer, glowed peacefully. Kelsey found me. She asked me to take a walk. She talked about how she saw her friend's dad's luminaire, and a couple other people she knew, and it was too much for her. She found me because she said I was one of the only people she trusted enough to cry in front of. I gave her a big hug, and she cried as we walked. It was okay, though, because I think that she felt a lot better afterwards. We then walked around for 2 hours, just talking about small things, nothing really big, nothing truly deep, but just walking with her, seeing her next to me, and listening to her felt so right! It's unexplainable, but the night was peaceful, and it was just perfect. We then hung out at her campsite for a while, played twister, stuff like that. Someone had stolen her seat, and I offered her a seat on my lap, which she surprisingly accepted. We hung out and walked for a while longer until about 4AM, and then she stayed in her tent, I went to mine, and nothing more was said. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at Relay, so I called her up a week later, and told her how I felt. I knew she had a boyfriend, but I wanted her to feel how I felt, and I wanted to know how she felt. She told me that she did have a boyfriend, but that she had really liked me during the show, and when she had heard that I had broken up with my gf she was almost happy, but she felt bad about that. She also said that she had a wonderful time at Relay as well. I told her this. "I know that you have a boyfriend, but if there was any chance that we could have something in the future, be it near or far, I would wait, because you are way too amazing to forget about," She was pretty speechless about that,but we still talked. We talked about some things, and she mentioned her boyfriend a couple of times. It seemed strange. She seemed to be talking about him as if he were a bad cold. She had done the same when I had asked her to homecoming, like he was an excuse. I didn't say anything out loud about that, but said if she wanted to talk to me about anything or anyone, she could always call. From then, which was about October sometime, to now, I was trying to see her again, but again the fates decided to throw a carrot in a string for me. I was going to see her one day, but her mother wouldn't let her go. I was going to see her another day, but she felt funny about seeing me because her boyfriend had just gotten in a car accident. This made me step back a bit. Was I trying to break them up? Well obviously some part of my mind would want that, but that would cause Kelsey pain, and I just want her to be happy. The last thing I want is for her to be hurt. So I backed of for a while. I probably was being to hasty, and I did not want to be hasty about anything, especially a situation as soap opera-like as this. This changed when my brother came home from college. My brother is good friends with Kelsey. In fact, he is the way we met each other. I was originally going to see her afterschool the first day of Thanksgiving break. Me and my bro would bike down and see her and a bunch of other people. She got sick, and couldn't come. Then, we were going to go to her house and see her on two days later. My bro came home too late from a friend's house. On Saturday, she was going to come on a walk with us. My mom decided that I wasn't allowed to see her if she was sick, because she might have the flu. At this time I was very mad, because I had almost seen her three times, and would probably not see her at all now. My brother gave me a way to see her, and I did see her. Oh how wonderful life feels when you are enthralled with someone inside and out. The feeling of just seeing her again was enough, and we didn't go anywhere, do anything, we just sat on her deck and talked. But that was so much more that it was euphoric. No words can describe the pure unaldultered happiness that I felt from just us two, standing on a porch, being. We didn't even have to talk. So now I am still completely in turmoil. I am enraptured by this girl. Her playfulness, sweetness, focus, deep hazel eyes, ebony hair, quiet but sincere smile. But she still has a boyfriend. So I am still lost. If you guys have any suggestions, comments, anything, then it would make all the difference. Thanks for listening
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RioLaskand replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
She was there, still unreachable but still she was there reaching for embrace, and I met her halfway We held together for a moment too long, she is unreachable, but not so much now for she is still here we are on the porch a breeze has kicked up, she stifles a cough because of it I should not be there the fates' detestable joke throw sickness at the opportune time but my mind cares not I will brave the invisible assault, because she is there, and nothing has changed, but it still feels right so why does nothing change? why am I still waiting for the chance to come when the heart on the ring is turned outward and the love will flow back in again So I can just wait and hope that it feels right once more -
Malsek stared at the silvery fluid of armor that was creeping over his body, as if alive. [i]like mythril...[/i] he snapped back from his wonderment to find a nunchuka in his hand, glowing with the same silvery energy. "I'm really glad I took those martial arts classes as a kid!" he said out loud. He whipped it around a couple of times experimentally. [i]So light...I could get used to these![/i] He expertly flailed the weapon around in the air, snapping it under his shoulder in a ready position. "Seraphimon! I'm going to need an opening!" Malsek yelled to his partner. "You got it!" White energy from seven points on his body converged into one, and slammed into the energy shield surrounding Galfmon. The digimon pulled back, but his shield held. Malsek shot forward, amazed by the litheness of the armor. It moved forward just from a thought, and he shot some more cover fire at the spot that Seraphimon attacked. The blaster's rounds shrilled out of the barrel, scorching the air around it with a dazzling orange light. "Here we go!" he landed on the energy shield, and began to flail at the digimon, expertly whipping around in mid-air. Many of the blows bounced off of his energy shield, but a few passed through the weakened barrier, catching him off guard. He caught a glimpse of Katt's digimon firing a huge ice blast at Galfmon, but did not see Katt. [i]I hope she's okay...[/i] He stopped for a second, but quickly resumed his assault, hoping that Galfmon would not notice him for a couple more seconds. He was not so lucky The energy shield expanded, blasting him back. He saw David in similar armor, brandishing two poles, flying back away from him on the opposite side. "Why do you humans and your..pets...persist? I could wipe you out with a thought!" He spoke the word "pets" with a distinguishable disgust. "Because we have something that is worth fighting for!" Malsek cried as he stopped his descent, and barreled back at the digimon, his nunchuka a whirlwind in his hand.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RioLaskand replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
The bite of the tiger my blood runs cold he pierces my gaze with his own, yellow I am frozen in my tracks the blood streaming from the wailing wound baring its weight onto my brain The screen grows dark in my eyes as my brain watches from afar, a weak and dying place a flash of orange leaves my site As the fangs pierce my spirit, and crush my soul -
Sign Up Matrix: Rebooted (Adult: Contains language, sexuallity, and violence)
RioLaskand replied to Burori's topic in Theater
Name: Sparky User Name: Sparky Rank: 1st Mate Name of Ship: Blitz Desciption: about six feet, with wavy blonde hair that reaches his ears. He has crystal blue eyes, and a fair very fair complection He usually wears a black bandanna to hold it back, and is always in baggy clothing. Wears dark baggy pants, and a white T-shirt. Matrix Description: A white bandanna, the ends of which reach down to his lower back. A white trenchcoat, and a black T-shirt with black baggy pants. He has a rough interwoven belt that conceals his knives, and twin uzis in shoulder-holsters hidden by his jacket. He always has black combat boots, and his eyes are concealed by black oakleys Weapon of choice: Twin .45 uzis on shoulder holsters, and twin crystalline daggers that he integrates into all of his known martial art styles. OOC: I hope this one gets off the ground, unlike "Live the Matrix" This looks fun. PM me if there is anything that you need changed. Ja ne! -
The dust cleared as the last arrow of light blasted the weak minions apart. Angemon rose up from behind the rock he had been using as cover, and hovered a few feet from the ground. The minions that had been streaming in endlessly had ceased, although many buzzed angrily in the valley below. "I think that our help has arrived!" the injured Piddomon called from the edge of the cliff. Angemon hovered over to the edge. The minions created an endless blanket of darkness across the normally green field, their foul stench choking the life from the nearby vegetation. Even as their dismembered pieces lay on the ground around Heaven's Angels, the plants that they touched rapidly decayed and reeked of a dying stench. The minions seemed to be multiplying again. Concitomon was conjuring more from thin air it seemed, and they were all creating a seemingly endless row of ranks. From the other side of the valley charged the last resistance of the digimon. Heaven's Angels had seen this army before, but was still awed by the sheer magnitude and spectrum of digimon. Many of them marched through the hard ground of the valley, but many flew, carried on wings, or just floating, suspended by nothing. Angemon strained to see the two ambassadors, but Angewomon spotted them first. "Ophanimon! Seraphimon!" she called into the collective of flying digimon. Ophanimon and Seraphimon flitted above the main group, searching for Heaven's Angels. They spotted their group, and ricocheted off of the air, bolting towards the faraway cliff. "Angemon! It is good to see that everyone is alive! I see that you got in a bit of a tussle," Ophanimon eyed the Piddomons' healing wings. "It was fine. We handled them accordingly," Angemon spoke with a humble nature, being addressed by his leaders. "That is good, but we must continue to be focused on the task at hand," Seraphimon noted. "We have talked with Flamedramon, and he intends to attack the minions head-on with his army. Now I have contacted several other freelance groups. Flamedramon does not think his army will be enough, and he will most definitely need to do more than just have his army attack head on. He has split his army into several groups. What you see here is the entire army, but they should split very soon..." as he spoke these words, the army split into three different groups. The two groups disappeared into various crevasses. "What're they?" Angemon began to question Flamedramon's decision, "That small group will be slaughtered! There is no way they can take on the entire army by themselves!" "They won't. Look at where they are going," Seraphimon pointed out. Angemon looked, and saw the other digimon overlooking the valley on another cliff, as they were. This cliff was different because it was shallow enough to run down for the ground digimon. He saw a glint of armor, and saw MetalSeadramon and MetalTyranomon leading them up. "You trust the androids? They have not been the most sacred of the digital world. How do you know that they will not turn on our army?" Angemon questioned again. "Because their homes were wiped out by minions as well," Angewomon whispered, "And now they are here to reclaim what is theirs," The other third of the army had come up near their peak, but chose a peak that overlooked the main branch. They were being lead by DoruGremon, a very respected leader of the Light-hearted Beasts. "We will move in position as soon as the three armies have converged, and will provide cover fire," Seraphimon planned out their attack strategy., "Piddomon, I want you to refrain from using your Apollo tornados. They are very powerful attacks, but if you get surrounded by this many minions, you are dead. Do you understand?" The Piddomon nodded quietly. "This is the final stand for the digital world. If we fail, then Concitomon will create more and more minions to destroy all that we know and love. We CANNOT let him do that. Now we must wait, and from then, our world will be decided," Ophanimon ended quietly, and turned to watch the glinting figure of Flamedramon, charging forward towards the endless black.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RioLaskand replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
dank and dark pages of life and death are bound together in a single tome twisting and burning at each other's touch but still coexisting, the twin snakes of scripture the pages grow, and the life becomes real the dark fights light, for dominance of the spine the white shines bright, relentlessly holding they both stand fast, a blistering stalemate Neither side softens, and both move on, the battle sparks burst the fragile pages to a roaring inferno, not splendid or bright but a ghastly pale, thrusting down the light in its wake now the black is in ashes, and the white is in dust now the tome lays decrepid set ablaze by the battle that ended the world... -
Malsek watched as David and Angel disappeared into their portals, followed by Katt and Slade. [i]You know what's coming. Don't try to fight it. Just be at peace. Know what happened, and solve it.[/i] It was raining, only he felt it. He was not a ghost of the scene, but rather a part of it. He saw Yakuza bolt out of the house, and immediately sprinted after him. [i]Not again...[/i]"Yakuza! Don't go!" the boy turned at the sound of his name, but kept running when he saw Malsek sprinting after him. The same gang came from the same place. The younger Malsek's words echoes through Malsek's skull... (echoing) "Leave him alone!" the same thump on the back made him lifeless. [i]Not again![/i] he rushed towards the gang. They turned, and saw him again, their weapons brandished in preparation from Yakuza. "Didn't we ice you already? That's ok. We'll just finish what we started!" The leader rushed at Malsek with a baseball bat. Malsek dodged it, and ran. "Get him!" the gang sprinted after him. He was a trained runner, so these boys would never catch up to him. [i]Yakuza you better get away. I'm lucky these gangs have enough pride to chase me. They must really want to kill me...[/i] he thought as he sprinted through an alley that would eventually lead back to his house. The gang was long since exhausted. He rounded the corner to his house to hear a wailing sob. [i]NO! I'm too late?[/i] he got closer, but his mother was not on the floor, but rather into Yakuza's forehead as she hugged him tightly. Malsek's younger form lay on the ground, his shirt stained slightly with the blood of the impact. Malsek began to cry again, but this time it was tears of joy. "Yakuza would've wanted me to not stew on this. He would've wanted me to keep living, because that is what he would do," Malsek said aloud, finally at peace. The universe collapsed in on itself, and he was thrust onto the other side. Angel and David were already through. Angels face was tearstreaked, like Malsek. They both quickly looked away from each other at first, not wanting to show signs of weakness. Malsek eventually turned around to see Angel beaming at him, her eyes misting once more. "Tough test?" she asked. "More than I thought I could handle," he replied, sitting down from exhaustion. Patamon snuck up behind him and plopped down on his head. "You took so long, I didn't know if you would make it out!" he worried. "I can't go yet! We still have the Digital World to save!" He said with a shaky confidence, as if trying to forget his most recent sadness. [i]But Yakuza would want me to stay strong, so that is what I'll do[/i] he thought with resolve. Laying down on the ground, he waited for the rest to come from their trials.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RioLaskand replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
My frustrated cry breaks a silence gone by I strain my chords and wail through the icy snow and hail Collected at my feet, the wind and snow do meet pierce my toes with icy breath a small foreshadowing of my death The blood drips red and falls to the snow showing a wound of sullen woe the sword is withdrawn steaming with the heat of my lifeblood, clinging and drawn once more -
OOC: Happy to Oblige A swarm of minions came forth from Concitomon, and rushed towards the grassy hill. Angemon lay prone, scoping out the scene below him. The rest of Heaven's Angels lay in ambush wherever they could find cover. "They come!" Angemon bellowed as the minions approached in droves. All acknowledged his statement almost invisibly as he rose up into the air. The minions immediately saw him, and zeroed in on his position. Angemon slowly drew his hand back, drawing all of the energy he could muster into his left fist. The minions stopped 25 feet from his position. They lformed a long line of ranks instantaneously, and drew their weapons, leveling their sights on the angel. "NOW! Fist of Fate!" the sweeping blast of holy light ripped through the first row, but many more took the place of their fallen comrades. "Apollo Tornado!" two Piddomon shot out from a ditch below in a blinding whirl of feathers. They rushed upwards, cutting off the ranks of the minions. As the digimon slowed their spin, a wall of energy was blasted at them. They dodged for the most part, but one was caught in a wing, and the acrid smell of burning feathers and evaporated ozone filled the digital air. "Fist of FATE! HA!" Another sweeping blast pinned the minions back, allowing the Piddomon to retreat behind a boulder on the cliff. "You're going to need more help, Angemon. Can't play the hero all day!" the twin Angewomon rose up, flanking him. As if they were exact replicas, the twin angels created arrows of light, "Celestial Arrow!" the arrows each pierced through a large portion of the minions, but still more crowded in. More blaster shots penetrated the air, causing all of the angels to take cover. "Fist of Fate! HA!" Angemon made another sweep, leveling another rank, but still more came. They always kept coming. He crouched down behind a rockface. The minions followed their movement, and changed their blasters to close-range swords. "Angemon, we won't hold them off. One of the Piddomon are badly injured. He can heal himself, but if they keep coming like this, there won't be anything left of any of us. Where are Seraphimon and Ophanimon? We won't survive without them. Celestial arrow!" Angewomon let loose another arrow, slicing through another slew of minions. "They know that we are here. They will sense our trouble, and will bring help. For now, we need to fight for as long as we can. Someone will come. They said they would bring word from the Digimon army. They understand our cause, and will send help," Ten minions had rushed at him with their swords brandished. "Angel Staff!" he spun his staff at lightning speeds, knocking back the blows. More minions surrounded him, but their numbers seemed to be thinning. "Fist of Fate! HA!" he leveled the minions, but saw more approaching. The Piddomon were still fighting a large group, ripping through them with their tornados, but suffering more and more wounds. [i] Maybe we will not need the help of Seraphimon. They seem to be thinning[/i] The hundreds of minions had become meer groups. "Wipe them out! They are ebbing!" Angemon screamed as he fired another blast of energy. The group disintegrated, only this time no minions came to replace them. Twin light arrows pierced through another row of minions, and they too were destroyed. The Piddomon delivered the finishing blow, blasting through the last two groups of charging minions. One Piddomon took another hit to his wing, but it did not stop his attack.
Sign Up Outlaw Star: Future Prospects [12+ for swearing and violence]
RioLaskand replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
Name: Lex Talionis Age: 19 Race: Terran Gender: Male Occupation: Trained Assassain Affiliation: Neutral Appearance: Black baggy pants, and a black muscle shirt. He keeps his pistols in shoulder holsters, which are hidden by a long black trenchcoat. His rifle is slung over his shoulder, and his daggers are hidden by his coat, but are in his belt. Weapons: Twin diamond daggers, unbreakable. 7.25 caliber rifle, as well as twin pistols for closer range Spacecraft: Midnight Wing Biography: Lex was abandoned the day he was born, but was found soon after his birth by a team of bounty hunters known as the Luck Killers, because they had only lost one member, to a stray bullet, in all of their 30 years. Their leader, Rokaku taught him to fight in his unique style, and soon enough Lex was a fighting member of the team. His incredible aim and reflexes gave him a top spot as a sniper, but he was still proficient in close combat, which has saved him from many brushes with death. He met Trance through Rokaku, who had heard that he needed someone to get jobs done. Rokaku felt that Lex was the best choice, and asked him. Lex agreed almost immediately. He has always been the designated sniper on the ship, but is occasionally called for stealth missions because of his dagger training. -
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RioLaskand replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
The stifling air chokes the senses leaving thought to the wind A man of authority towers above me, saying, "Now, begin," My hands are entities as they weave a tapestry of sound, and light, and grace and none but him do hear A stutter, rends that tapestry asunder but my hands keep going repairing the lost parts The music flows onward, picking up pace the bow floats on air the fingers race I strike the final chord, my face flushed in sweat The last streams of music flit through the room He stays, dismissing my frame and says, "thank you, we will call you," and I leave not the same -
[quote] When you get that weird feeling about something, unsure about what is the right choice, that's your subconscious letting you know something is wrong. When you hear that we only use 10% of our brain, it's not so ridiculous. The human mind has an insane amount of potential; we just need to unlock it.[/quote] I have heard that idea before, and I believe that you are right. Our brain has so much power already, and yet it can still do so much more. I have had times where something did not feel right, or something was coming, and things would happen. I have sat out in a storm, felt a pure energy coming, and have my grandpa die a couple of days later. Many might just call it coincidence, and I respect that, but I can't help but wonder. I have another question for this thread to ponder about a "sixth sense" of sorts. Has anyone ever had a dream or vision that has come true in their life? I have had many, mostly trivial things, like what would happen in a game ending, what someone would say or do exactly, but one time I dreamed that my girlfriend at the time was crying hysterically over something, and I went in the next day to find out that her dad, who had divorced her mom recently, was getting remarried to a person that he had been seeing while they had been married. I may not be making sense, but sometimes you just gotta trust yourself, and your gut feelings. The subconcsious has more potential than I think we even realize.
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RioLaskand replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
For one to fall the rest must go why must you plague me so? I want to stay and live my life not strained with falling and ending my strife My life is hard, but not that much to flirt with the wind I dare not touch the ground that beckons my broken soul I twist and turn, enraptured yet by the ledge, and bodies crashing down to the asphalt, hard and black, the gaping maw to consume my life School was school, and it won't change they fuck you hard, and stay the same the men in suits, they slap you down the mindless work to turn you around The kids they turn, in disgust at your life too weird, to different, add to your strife why must they be cruel? Why must they attack? I go, and I try, but none show slack The road below screams the solution to me when I fall, my tears fall behind me -
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
RioLaskand replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
the sickening feeling of guilt and sadness close my lids to another world sleep, my child, sleep Things that happen should not be and yet they stand before me I sleep, and thus, I dream She stands, glorious embracing my frame looking up with longing eyes but alas it, and she, are fabrications In truth she is hidden by another why must irony plague my fragile mind It shatters and fragments images and emotions to a single image that isn't real... It could be real something must give it will be me, it will be soon something must happen, the soul must weep for itself no longer and when the waves of unbridled adoration come rushing forth, will she embrace, or run scared pulled by the current of another stream? -
As soon as I get through the multitude of text you have in your first post (eyes pop) I will create a char. Please hold a spot for me. thanks!
Mikhail and Devidram had dispersed from everyone else, choosing the loner's path. They floated silently through the night air "Mikhail. That devil woman does not give us orders. I want to find Ryoma and finish what we started," Devidramon growled. "That would not be wise, Devidramon. While you have healed, your wounds are still far too deep. We should find others before we choose the path of violence. You were too close to dying last time. That is a risk neither of us should take. Ah," A blip appeared near the Tokyo Towers, "We will keep track of this person, but for now we need to find a place to stay for the night. I have a strange feeling about this night. Siaga is nowhere to be seen, and this other dot is alone. Wasn't Damian with Angel?" "I agree. Something must've happened. It doesn't matter, though. They have yet to see our full power, and if things go sour, I will protect you," [i]If only that were true for everyone.[/i] Mikhail was reminded of an ambush set by his own troops many years ago in the digital world. Gazimon and him had barely gotten away, but not before he was left with a small burn scar from a glancing Pyro Barrage. The Burning Greymon that were supposed to be his artilliary had poor aim, lucky for him. [i]I won't be surprised like that again. Only safe place to put your back is to a body[/i] he smiled inwardly at his philosophy as Devidramon landed in a nearby forest, surrounded by underbrush. Devidramon flopped to the ground, exhausted, and devolved back to Gazimon, falling asleep as he hit the ground "You will need your sleep, for tomorrow shall be hell, and we shall burn," Mikhail whispered as he sat down on the brush, thinking of coming day
Name: Daikan Age: 16 Bio: Daikan was born in the ruins of Zanarkand, along with his twin, Kaidan. Their parents were killed by the undead that roamed the land, so Daikan and Kaidan learned to survive on their own in the wasteland. Eventually they found their way out of Zanarkand, and traveled to nearby Mt. Gagazet, where a small band of Ronsos took care of them, and taught them survival skills in the mountains. Because of this, they are very powerful, sensitive to the world around them, but not very sociable. Apperance: Hometown: Zanarkand Ruins Weapon: Daikan uses a twin nuchuka, which he begged the Ronsos to teach him, although they do not specialize in them. Kaidan uses a traditional Ronso spear given to him by his teacher Summons: Gilgamesh (excalibur), Alexander, Odin OOC: If there is a problem with me having both twins as characters, then please say so
Malsek cracked his knuckles, "This time they won't catch me by surprise. Patamon!" his digivice blasted to life "Patamon digivolve to....Angemon" Angel didn't say a word, and Ankokumon leaped from shining light, taking out two of the approaching digimon. "Fist of Fate! HA!" Angemon's attack impaled another one. Slade held his digivice high, "Agumon X! Digivolve!" The digimon, grew, and appeared as the much larger Greymon X. "Nova Blast!" a peppering of fireballs flew into the fray. "Not fast enough!" David called as his already-digvolved Growlmon X digivolved again. "Angemon, you heard the man!" Malsek cried. [i] I wonder what he is like digivolved again? It will rock, and these Phantomon will be wiped out![/i] A crest of hope blasted from his digivice, illuminating Angemon. His two upper wings curled over his shoulders, and his metal helmet was replaced with an extravagant purple headpiece. His rod disappeared, but a crystal sword attached to his arm replaced it, with a shield of sorts on his left arm. Gold sashes crossed his chest, and two golden wings shot out below his bottom set. "MagnaAngemon, good to have you here," David called as MetalGrowlmon X blasted through a couple more Phantomon. "Go kick their ass..." Malsek breathed in awe of the creature in front of him. "With pleasure. Excalibur!" MagnaAngemon ripped through another three Phantomon with his arm blade.
Name: Angemon Level: Champion Attack/s: Fist of Fate, Angel Staff Attack Description/s: Fist of Fate: Angemon charges his fist, and punches it at the enemy. A blast of holy light comes forth from the fist. Angel Staff- Angemon swings his staff in front of him at blinding speeds, deflecting attacks Personality: Angemon always tries to do the right thing, not that he is without fault. He talks only when he needs to, and has a good sense of other people, being able to read personalities fairly well. He does what he can, work hard, and shows no mercy in a battle. Biography: Angemon is a member of ?Heaven's Angels?, a small freelance army of angel digimon that independently battle Concitomon's seemingly endless minions. Their numbers have fluctuated, but at the moment only 7 members remain; Angemon, two Piddomon, two Angewomon, a Seraphimon, and an Ophanimon. OOC: If there are any issues I would be happy to change anything. Hope this goes well. Ja ne!