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Everything posted by RioLaskand

  1. Malsek froze at the battle around him. Everyone knew what to do, and had sprung into action. Even his digmon partner flew into the fray, firing small, clear bubbles at the ghosts. As they fell one by one, more appeared. The Phantomon, as Patamon had called him, caught sight of him staring up in disbelief at the battle. ?How can I make him digivolve? I still don?t even know what the hell is going on!? Malsek screamed at David, who was watching WarGrowlmon X?s large metallic hands whip through the attacking Bakemon. ?Use your digivice. That is all I can tell you. Patamon will know what to do,? David did not even glance over at Malsek as he spoke. He fumbled with the device in his hand, but kept dropping it. He pointed it at Patamon. ?Patamon, digivolve!? he screamed. Nothing happened. Patamon continued to fight the Bakemon, but was having a hard time with them. The Phantomon slipped behind a few Bakemon, and streaked toward Malsek with lightning ease. ?Looks like a scared child! I shall enjoy putting you out of your misery, boy!? he spookily spoke as he lifted his scythe in the air. Patamon caught a glance of his partner. ?Malsek!? he cried as he rushed over to go after his partner?s assailant. ?Ghost Chop!? one of the Bakemon hit him from behind, cutting short his rush to Malsek?s rescue. ?Gah!? Malsek screamed as Phantomon?s scythe rushed down on him. His digivice burst a blinding light at Patamon, stopping the descent of Phantomon?s weapon. He looked as the blinding, but warm light enveloped Patamon. For a few seconds the battle died as all looked on at the blinding spectrum. From the depths of this light flew out an angel with a helmet on, pure-white, except for a deep blue robe across his chest. He had his face covered, but orange hair flew from behind it. He was holding a staff that was as tall as he was. ?Hand of Fate!? he yelled as a blast of energy exploded form his hand, piercing three Bakemon, and disintegrating them. ?Whoa,? Malsek breathed.
  2. ?..We are about to be found,? David said calmly, as if expecting their fate. ?What do you mean found?? Malsek retorted, with a hint of anger and fear in his voice. ?There are Digimon looking for us. Those who serve the one we need to destroy,? David continued to work on his laptop, ignoring the Malsek and Angel. Malsek got a chill from the boy?s words, and looked up into the clearing sky. Patamon, who had been sleeping while he sat, slid down his head and landed with a soft thump on the soft and moistened grass. His ears perked up as he saw the shadows of numerous digimon bearing down on them from the sky. ?Look, Malsek! More digimon! I don?t think they are on our side though,? he added with caution. One of them had on a crimson cloak, and was holding a scythe. The others were white ghosts bearing their fangs. ?Bakemon and a Phantomon. What do they want?? the words were barely out of Patamon?s mouth when the enemy digimon charged the digidestined from above.
  3. Malsek could not believe his ears as David assault his mind with new information about his deestiny, these strange creatures called Digimon, and the device that had pulled him into his computer, called a digivice. Patamon, while all of this was going on, bounced playfully in his lap, giggling uncontrollably. ?Hey Patamon?? he turned to his new partner. ?Yeah?? ?David said that the Digidestined are sent here because something threatens the digital world, right?? ?I think so, but all the talking made me confused!? Patamon continued to bounce as innocently as a child. He also said that there are other ones that are coming. I wonder if they know what is going on. But I don?t want to be the only one in the dark. He rose and turned to face David. ?So what is the deal with you leading me here? Why didn?t you tell me that I was going to get pulled into a huge scheme that I don?t understand. I realize that I need to be here to save this world, but why me? I?m not special. I?m just a regular kid who goes to school, and does homework, and gets yelled at by his parents for not wearing clean socks. What makes us so special? And you look completely at ease. How long have you been able to travel here? Why couldn?t I come before now? Did you summon me here and send my digivice?? all of these questions had been reeling in Malsek?s mind, and he wasn?t one to keep things inside. David stood in silence under the rain-soaked tree. The thundering rain had let up, leaving a cheerful sun to poke its way over the hills. ?I don?t want to waste my time repeating the same thing twice, and frankly, some of those things I don?t really know. All I know is not necessarily not what you need to hear, so sit tight, shut up, and wait. More will come soon,? He resumed staring at the sky, and began to talk to his partner, whom he had said was named Guilmon X. Malsek stared blazingly at David, but decided against assaulting him. The kid seemed alright, but definitely not very good at making friends. He looked up at Patamon, who had been resting on his head while he verbally attacked David. ?What do you think we should do?? he asked him ?I think we should find some food. I?m hungry,? Malsek noticed a definite droop in his ears, and decided that that may be a good idea. He patted all his pockets, and found a half-eaten granola bar that had been in a small pocket by his ankle. ?Here ya go, Patamon,? he offered the squashed bar to the digimon, who at it eagerly, and pepped back up. ?Thanks!? he greatfully shouted, elated at his partner?s generosity.
  4. The rain was coming harder, beating down on his cap. He strained to see what was ahead, but saw nothing except a flash of trees hidden by the rain, and a strange creature with wings on its ears. He squinted harder, looking, but the creature disappeared. The rain was coming down harder, and lightning threatened him from behind, but still he trudged on, his pants weighed down by the rain. It grew darker and darker as some buzzed loudly into his ear. He squinted again to see through the darkness, but the buzzing grew louder, and louder, until it drowned out the rainstorm completely. 23:46 read the time, and the alarm of the suspect clock screamed in his ear as Malsek groggily got up to shut it. His computer tower emitted a cool blue glow from the far corner on a desk that was strangely cluttered, as opposed to the rest of his room, which was squeaky clean because of his mother's constant nagging. His alarm pierced his ears, interrupting his thoughts of the strange dream. He brought his hand down, and blindly fumbled for salvation from the alarm, but his hand rest on something, but it felt like a small hand-held device. He dismissed it as his cell phone, and cast it aside to turn off the bleating alarm clock. He blinked a couple of times in the semi-darkness, and reached for his lamp, turning it on. The light sparked and went dead, signalling the bulb had popped. "Of course it does, stupid thing," he cursed the lamp as he staggered over to his computer, unaware that he had fallen asleep in his clothes the night before. His well-worn cap laid to rest on the back of the business swivel-chair that was moth-eaten in many places. With expert ease he flipped it onto his head, and laid his artificially hazel eyes on the flickering screen that flashed many windows of people asking where he went. "PING! Rio has signed on!" "MALSEK!" a voice screamed through the speakers. Malsek lunged for the volume as he heard his mother rustling out of bed downstairs. "Rio, shut up! My mom is going to kill me!" he said through the headset that he plugged into the large speakers. "Sorry dude, but I wanted you to see this!" A large message from someone named David. "It's supposed to be a gateway to the digital world! You remember that thing we heard about? It's REAL! Or at least I think it is. I can't figure out how to get there though, I think that you....." Rio rambled on as Malsek saw something out of the corner of his eye. His alarm clock was glowing, or at least the device next to it was. Placing the headset gingerly on the keyboard, he picked up the glowing device. "Rio?" he placed the headset back on and kept staring at the device. "Yeah Mal?" "I think I just found something," he pointed the device experimentely at the computer screen. The screen went dead, Rio stopped in mid-word. The screen went white, illuminating Malsek's tiny room. He felt a tug on his arm, and saw that it was going through the screen. He did not fight the pull, but was mesmerized by the white, welcoming light. "Malsek, turn that damn computer off and go to bed or I'll take your plugs away!" his mom's fading voice shouted from the other side of his thin door. He turned to look as his room shot away from him in a flash of binary code and flashing data around him. He landed with a thud on damp ground as rain pelted him, his brain acknowledging the deja vu. Two figures stood in shadows under trees, the face of one was buried in a laptop, and he was obviously human, but the other figure looked like a hunched-over red dinosaur. He stepped back in fright, but his head bumped into something light and fluffy. Afraid of what he might see, he turned around slowly. Looking back at him were two clear blue eyes and a pudgy body held up by two furiously flapping wings where its ears should be. "Hi! I'm Patamon!" Malsek almost screamed, but was so startled and weirded out that his voice caught. "H-h-h-hi, P-p-p-patamon. I'm Malsek," OOC: If this is waaaay to long or waaaaaaaay to descriptive, I would be glad to cut it, and will happily accept criticizm in the form of a PM (I am kinda new to this, and got the creative juices flowing kinda late)
  5. Name: Sauir Cole Age: 17 Gender: F Weapon(Max Three): double Excelsior blades (crystal knives) Magic(Max five): Cure2, Regen, Barrier, Ultima, Meteor Summon(one only): Gilgamesh (Excalibur) Description: Silver-torquoise hair that comes down to her back is tied back by a navy and orange gilded bandanna that was given to her by her father. She wears baggy silk-spun pants that don't make a sound when she is slinking quietly around, and a T-shirt of cotton under a vest of fire-red and orange. She has a belt spun with the thickest leather, and encrusted with various, mismatching jewels that she has collected on her journeys. This belt holds her weapons, and theiving equipment Bio: Sauir Cole is the daughter of Locke Cole and Celes Chere, although she takes greatly after her father, she inherited the infused magic properties of her mother. Celes died in a battle between herself and a large beast of unknown power when Sauir was a baby, so she has been raised by her father, and developed his habits of finding ways into houses of the rich and "releiving" them of their wealth. Locke also taught her many mystical arts that he learned while overthrowing the Empire and the madman Kefka. Upon hearing of this threat, she goes to protect her father, who is past his prime, and uphold the dignity of her mother's memory.
  6. Name: Malsek Age: 16 Description: Short, but well-built for his size. Always wears baggy pants with ridiculous amounts of pockets and a T-shirt with a random anime on it Edit: "He has wavy, dirty-blonde hair that comes down to his ears, although it is usually hidden by a White Adidas cap that he wears backwards, and emerald eyes hidden behind hazel contact lenses" Bio: Malsek is what many would call a "firecracker" he is very fiery in his beliefs, and loves to be the center of attention. He is physically very strong, and mentally sharp, although emotionally he is an up-and-down kind of guy. Some days he will be happy, other days extremely sad. His parents take little notice of this, and place extreme expectations on his academics. He plays tennis, and is a casual hacker. Hangs out with whoever he really hits it off with, but only stays away from those who attack others for being "different," He is currently struggling with a broken family as his parents have begun to fight and sometimes yell at him for small things. The burdens of adolescence and school also bear down on him and his mind as he struggles through school and life. His escape has always been computers and the friends he makes on there. Has no knowledge of the digital world, only rumors that have been floating around forums. He is intrigued by this idea, but does not believe in it, so he is not a digidestined to his knowledge, and does not know his partner. Digimon: Rookie: Patamon Description : pudgy little creature, only as large as a stuffed animal, with small hooves and yellow fur on his stomach, orange fur on his back. He has wings for ears, and large brown eyes) OOC: if i need to make up a digimon that is fine, I have just always had an affinity to Patamon, so I like to use him when I can /OOC Champion: Angemon Ultimate: Magna Angemon Mega: Edit- "Seraphimon" Other: Goldramon Hopefully that will be fine. this should be fun!
  7. I had a strange dream that I was in a club, and a large group of demons approached me, but they were talking about selling me humans. I was a strange being that was translucent and glowing, but had strange claws, kinda like the last boss of Resident Evil 2. So they sold me some humans, and for some reason I was making them mine for clocks, and if they didn't, I would sick "Black Angel" on them,which looked like the godzilla from the old animated series with black wings and red eyes. And then I was back in my old school cafeteria during a dance, only I was human, and my crush was seducing, but I couldn't see her face very well, but I remember that she was wearing a white, ribbed sweater. I have strange dreams. Any thoughts on this one, because I think this is just my brain firing off random things.
  8. Also if you RP (roleplay) with a group of regulars who know the material (6 or 7, counting the DM) You can really have a lot of fun. I have a regular D&D squad and we have all-night parties fighting demons, solving mysteries, we've created our own town with different personalities, a royal guard, a black market, everything you could ever want in the town. We even have a shady mafia. Whatever you want to do in pen&paper style games, you can, and that's the fun of it. The books are just guidelines to keep and balance most attributes, but for the most part, you can do what you want. I hope you try it out for yourself with some seasoned and good-natured people. Otherwise the people do Lamer stuff or just don't help you and are condescending. Hope you have fun with it!
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