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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. [center][color=blue][i]Driving down the highway Doin 94 Daddy blew a big one It blew me out the door The engine couldnt take it The wheels all fell apart All becuse of daddys Super sonic fart I knew that for something like this to happen it must be the work of Big really REALLY big BIG enormouse oh my god its coming at me objects in mirror may be closer than they appear HUGE ALIENS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I set out, a 12 year old with a parent in the hospital, to check it out. I grabbed a helmet, a pop gun, and 6 darts. I called a bunch of friends to join me. I knew that our parents wouldnt believe us so we snuck out. As the other 4 arrived I briefed them, and I dont mean with underwear. "Alright peeps, last night while driving down the highway in the SUV, dad let off a big one. The car went kaboom. You realize what this means. Weather you believe me or not I know its true." But I didnt realize how true.... I will let one of you guys start it off. [/center][/i][/color]
  2. As soon as they walk out side a bullet flies into Ashleys shoulder. "WHAT THE H*LL!!!!" he screams. Mr. Kyoshiro stands in the doorway holding the gun in one hand and a sword in the other hand. "hahaha! I live close to here, its a good thing I decided to walk home Ashley grabbed his shoulder and stumbled back into Tanyas arms. Kyo steps out of the door. "Ill take this guy." He readied his konai in one and and knife in the other. "HAHAHA! Now its ime for our final battle! I will put you in an eternal detention. Calista was a bit angry but stood down. Kyo got ready to charge...
  3. When I said change genes I meant like in the movie the anial where he gained animal genes and began to be like them. And for the hair, cant they pull it out from the roots and like, just give you a wig? Hide your identity.
  4. Oh I wouldnt say that Asuka. They can change your hair, they can change your geens, they can give you facelifts, heck they can probably change your voice for the right price, youll be unrecognizable.
  5. Tried to commit suicide. I know how that feels. Only twice? Well how. If he just tried to suffocate himself or something he must not hav gone to crazy. Oh well. I cant argue on the subject. "Follow your heart no matter how damn psycho you are."
  6. I got the first one and watched the whole thing and loved it! you should really watch the rest it gets increadibly good. I think this series was done really well. My favorite part is the first episode where the red haired guy cut down the demon in hyperspeed. WOW.
  7. WOW. I had been wondering if that was actually possible but I had no clue it really was. So if some guy did that would they gain the ability to have babies? I had heard of a guy having a baby in the past but I never thought it could go this far. You do seem to have a habit of creating sic yet interesting threads. Seeing as how Im the first poster I dont have much to say.
  8. But thats just it. They DID have that kinda stuff. How could a chat go with 1 moderator? I didnt. And Im SURRE there were the same rules as OB. "thread closed"
  9. Well I guess I couldnt havve said that better though I havent been here long ANYWAY. I voted nay because people can get away with too much in there. My mom always used to say stay away from those. NOW "thread closed"
  10. Tanya kept getting faster and faster. Kyo finally blurted, "dang girl dont press 100 this is gettin scary". "shut it retard" she spoke back. Kyo just shut up. There was no way he was going to argue. When she got angry she got angry. Ashly opened his mouth to sppek but Kyo put his hand in front of him and shook his head. Talking was futile. "So...where are we going?" Kyo asked a few minutes ater. She began...
  11. There used to BE a chat in this bord but it was rid of due to certain problems. Why would it be returned? Pointless. THREAAD CLOSED (not really)
  12. I love it! But on paint it wont use inverted colors so no more of that. I like the line a the bottom... anyway i would be better if it lasted 1 full second on each image.
  13. Kyo no Ryu


    OOC: wow this is getting really interesting. Kyon kept tunneling along the earth. He suddenly heard a radio playing the news. He realized one lab hadnt been destroyed. He raised up from the Earth, red eyes blaring. He grabbed the radio and began walking away. "hey get back here theif!" a woman yelled. "I wish to use the voiced machine to help me locate a location. "no your not!" she yelled. "excuse me. do you know who I am?". "your dead meat!" Kyos eyes got deep orange. He swung his kitana and the woman burst to peices. T)he husband got outside and saw the carcus. "YOU KILLED HER!!!" "yes, would you like to join her in H*ll?" He swung again and watched the carage. He took the radio and began walking. He looked in the window of the house to see a clueless 12 year old kid. He rose up on a spike and opened a window. "hello child." "woah howd you do that?" "would you like to help me find a place called China?" "hahaha, sure Ill help." "Alright but when we get outside youll have to close your eyes for a bit." "so you can abduct me?" "whats an abduct?" "nevermind lets go."
  14. wow, that was long [i]fall fall is so boring I hate that dang Halloween though I like candy there once was a time called fall the most boring season of all but Thanksgiving is cool an Halloween cruel I dont know any more rhymes with all (ouch) the leaves change collors and fall from the trees I love at the forest clorful as can be so humble I am a nut falls on my head with such a great pressure I should have died I long for winter and summer and spring I wonder what other terrors the fall will bring will I ever live to see another thing? I hope so[/i]
  15. As they ran kyu grasped the earing. They got outside. Kyo looked up to the others at the roof. He chucked te earing up to ashley who caught it, "I dont know how to get you down" he called. He turned to Calista and asked, "are you okay". She looked at him and punched him right in the face, he went flying back. He hit the ground, "shes okay".
  16. I didnt say that was all I liked. Im a punk fan too (sum 41, Green Day, AFI) I adore J rock and Jpop, and video game theatricals.
  17. calista was falling down. Kyo reaced for her hand and caufght her but there was no chance he coul hold. He tightened his legs around the rope andused his other hand to cut of the end of the rope. He told her to grab it while he held the other side. He slowly lowered her to the ground. He couldnt go any lower, the fire was starting to come through the window. The other 3 climbed back up to the roof. He almost made it but the het of the chimney was melting the rope. He bagan to fall when he grabbed the windowsil. he could see inside the apartment. one of Ashleys earings had fallen on the ground! He quickly clmbed in. "KYO WHAT THE H*LL ARE YOU DOING?" CAlista screamed. Weather he replied or not the fire drowned out his voice. Was he alive?!
  18. OOC: what? Kyo looked around at the others,"so were just gunna sit here?" Suddenly there was a sound. It was Mr. Marksman, "see Kyoshiro, if i hadnt taken control we wouldnt have found this place." There was a ound of car doors closing. Everyone quickly looked to the window. Kyo sudenly pulled a long rope out from his belt. He tied a noose and threw it up to the chimney. It wrapped around the metal pole. They began climbing. When they reached the roof they heard Mr. Marksman bust down the door. "Kyoshiro, look in there." "their not here, I told you they were smarter than that." There was a faint sound of wisper. Kyo shiro laughed. A minute later the 2 psychos were leaving he kids waited 5 minutes before they got ready to go back down. There was a smell of smoke. Ashley looked into the apartment to find it up in flames!
  19. here comes one hmmmm....topic topic topic....hmm..... THATS IT!!! [i]topic[/i] dedicated to my uncle everything always has a topic everyone seems to classify especilly in school, if you dont have a topic your teacher will never let it fly some people think theres no need for cadegory but think of when your doing laundry "oh now thats a different story" well, not really think about it, when I say "what kind of music do you like?" yo always reply "music doesnt neep to be classified" but it does or else youd have to memorize the name of every song youve ever heard in your life so before you try to sound all smart think about what I said be dumb like the rest of us until the day your dead That wasnt very good but it reminds me of my uncle.
  20. There are lots of Disturbed songs in DBZ movies. There songs , I agree, are very interesting. In one song they say "now here we go Im droppin plates on our *ss, now here we go Im droppin plates on your *ss, plates on your *ss b*tch, plates on you *ss, now here I go m droppin plates, Im droppin plates, plates on your *ss b*tch plates on your *ss here we go Im droppin pletes, here Im droppin plates." That cracks me up every time.
  21. Im a huge fan of Linkin Park and Eminem, Disturbed and Ludacris, Slipknot and Nelly, Im a rapper and a rocker and a poet and an anime fan combined. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  22. Wow that sounds like a nice RPG. Those banners are pretty cool. I was always wondering why your baners change so often, anyway Ill be sure to join that RPG if I can.
  23. Hmm, yes it is very good but I wasnt sure what you meant by taunting till the end. I didnt realive it was a zoo theme. Its alright but sinse I didnt know it was a little weird.
  24. When I said onother good one is this one I meant where we are right now, theOtaku.com.
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