Kyo no Ryu
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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu
I am a freaky little person but the thing i regret most is the F I got on my report carrd last year, but what makes me regret it is that I never told my parents. Please do not spread word or quote.
[i]Based on my anime Grim vs. Cupid Hello everyone. I am the Grim reaper. Many think of me a a demonic evil entity whos soul purpose is to take the souls of others. Well Im not a psycho, Im quite an intelligent individual and When its not my shift I tend to catch up on my reading. I could go on about the stories I read and how wonderfull Edgar Allen Poe's literature is but I havent the time. You see that imesell Cupid has begun his rain of happiness. He is spreading his infernal joy all over hades. I have sent many a demon but the angels keep defeating them. My troops are being tortured in the worst way, they are being forced to watch TVs until Christmas songs are burnt into their skulls for eternity. We must stop these psychos. Thats why I summoned you, my 5 greatest demon warriors, to bring down this joyful empire, and bring darkness back to the land of hades so that I may once again read my literature in peace. You are dismissed. As you most likely guessed you are going to be the demon warriors. Heres the sign up. Name: Grim Age: ???? Race: You must be demon or skeleton like me. Bio: The Grim reaper is thousands of years old and it is his job to take the souls of people who die. Though most people think of him as a dark evil entity he is a reading fanatic. He loves edgar allen Poe and darkness and hates not having them Appearance: Black robed skeleton. Weapon: scythe Personality: Dark, loves poetry, very intellegant.[/i]
Writing The eternalness of death (sad poem...)
Kyo no Ryu replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Creative Works
thank you, its my first one I did by choice, maybe ill make more... -
If Im an Eternal_Otaku does it last through death? Eternity is a long time but is it eternity if your dead? if you dont know your an otaku can you be one? for eternity? through death? if I loose interest will my life be in debt? for promising eternity and going back on my bet? I made a promise I signed an oath that anime would always be what I prased most so when i die did I lie? in the face of satin if i liyed do I go to H*ll or heaven? Itsan unfair choice if Im dead and had to rest my head eternally in bed otaku through death? Ill find out then weather I went back on my promise again
[color=silver]King nearly went into shock from what he read. He broke loose of ULX and Dondar. He dashed out of the Kenshin thread. Several people stared at him. He took off toward his beloved Eva forum. He burst in, tons of newbie threads had popped up. King: I dont have time for this DANG NEWBIES!!! He summoned his Eva and fired a ocket launcher at the threads. He hopped out and ran toward the adventure area. There was a thread called "the evas demise". It was started by a newbie yet was the most descriptive piece of work in there. It seemed lie something a.... THATS IT!!! He dashed toward the sign up. He posted 6 urls and screamed sign me up! Only one more person was needed. He called Zoey over PM. King: Please join this! You dont have to post if you dont want to just sign up. Zoey: only if I can bring... King: Yes bring her but hurry this is an emergency.[/color] Erin ill get your prize soon Im so sorry about that.
Cars. I would take a bunch of toy cars and line then up across the room. Then I would spend hours perfecting my line. That was at 2. Around 5 I gained a major addiction to the Japanese shows power rangers and Beast Wars. I began collecting the BWs. I have the whole origonal set.
Thaat website is strick as heck. I was delited to see that Ninja Ressurection got such a low ranking. But I was overjoyed that FLCL was number 2. Another good review site is this one!
Oh yes, In a top 22 rock bands how could they forget the band that sings Bohemian Rhapsody? Thats the ultimate rock song of all time!
Wow nice banner. I like the brightness it makes my eyes dance. As for death to symmetry... I happen to be a symmetry fan so that was just plain scary.
Oh yeah asuka, I like the banner but he avatar is BORING. Ill se how tha one looks with inverted colors... yep! it turns a really cool blue!!!
OK my class had to take one of 6 subjects our teachers gave us and write a report. It will be redone on computer and printed and stuck on index cards so they must be short. Here goes, How to take care of Plants PS: It must have at least 6 prepositional phrases. The most important thing to remember about plants is water them daily. Do not overwater them. Dont forget to pull all the nearby weeds. Also keep them sheltered yet give them lots of sunlight. DO NOT TOUCH THEM! Do not overdue the pesticides. If you taunt them with fire or insult tem you will hurt their feelings. The last thing you want is a crying plant. Once it is done growing check to see if its poisonouse or not. If it is then by all meens EAT IT.
Yeah, thats true. I was surprised when I read this. And Harry, Kut being a drug atick that shot himself wasnt cool, they probably got first because everyone calls that the saddest celebrity death ever around here. Im a bit surprised that Metalica wasnt number 1 and I believe its 22 best rock bands.
Hey OtakuSennen, just to let you know your banner looks much better when you invert the colors. Trust me. Try it.
That was a bit rough Semjazza. Could you explain that better?
Linkin Park is definetally my favorite band. All of their songs are just so.... wow. This is a big LP ssite so expect a lot. Ive been meaning to join that fan club... anyway I love all there songs and videos. Unfortunetally I lost my Meteora album...
That is one messed up little dude. I love it. 10/10.
AHAHAHAHA! That was BRLLAInt! I like it. Very good. The background rules, hilariouse designes, great text and a joy to look at.
It was copieng South Park and I fully understand the eyebrows. They make you mature. I like the banner. Its cool, especially the way all the pics blend. Kinda sad that no one ever replied to my banner thread.
OOOOOO me likey. THe banners were alright but are kinda dull but the avatar rocks. Keep makin um!
ADV is my favorite. I own quite a few of there DVDs. I recommend Rave Master. Plety of action and funky humor. Its also a prety nice developing plot with a nice author. Another goody is FLCL. That is the crazyiest anime ever. If you check out certain sites you can find the plot but other wise woah. Its also got great action scenes.