Kyo no Ryu
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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu
Writing A song I made (warning, its crazy)
Kyo no Ryu replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Creative Works
Wow thanks for all the positive comments. Most people find it stupid but I like this feedback. Keep it coming peeps. -
Writing A song I made (warning, its crazy)
Kyo no Ryu replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Creative Works
I heard the part before the chorus from some kid and I loved it. My little bro wouldnt shut up about it so I made a song. That slow part changes a lot sinse I never remember it. -
wow I wish i had seen that! I am 12 but I spent the second 2 years of my life as one of the booth people in a rock tour. I listened to red Hot Chili Peppers and Nirvana for years. I was angry when the lead cut his hair. Around 3 years ago I grew an undying love for Linkin Park whis is my new fav.
This exact same thread was made by Tsukasa.hack and it was closed. He had your same avatar. Are you the same person?
Kyo blushed "i was in a rush and figured if you were in the hall you had just beet the crap out of Mr. Mark." The car kept driving. "So who are you?" He asked Ash. "Im ashly and Im" he looked out his rearview mirror to see some cravy driver with 2 people in the car "UNDER ATTACK BY PSYCHO TEACHERS!!!" He hit the petal herder and began swirving. Not caring where he was heading he quickly switched onto the interstate as bullets whizzed by the windows.
Some of you have seen the beggining of this on my RPG... It a punk song [center]Driving down the highway doin 94 daddy blew a big one it blew me out the door the ingine couldnt take it the wheels all fell apart all because of daddys super sonic fart Driving down the higwaaaaay Driving down the higway in my SUV Driving down the higwaaaay driving down the higway in my SUV driving down the highway doin 95 mommy blew a big one Im surprised Im still alive (offbeat) OH MY GOD THAT FREAKIN FART IT TASTED LIKE 10 ZILLION SWEET TARTS! Driving down the higwaaaaay Driving down the higway in my SUV Driving down the higwaaaay driving down the higway in my SUV (slow) Every Tiiiime Im in that car Someone bloooows a freakin fart never agaaaain will we go that fast I dont waaaant any more gas Driving down the higwaaaaay Driving down the higway in my SUV Driving down the higwaaaay driving down the higway in my SUV Driving down the higwaaaaay Driving down the higway in my SUV Driving down the higwaaaay driving down the higway in my SUV (instrumental)
Kyo dodged several swings from Kyoshiro. He bounced off a desk and flipped over him. "whats the matter Mr. Psycho, am I to quick for you?" Kyoshiros eyes lit up "you little b*st*rd!" He came in at top speed blocking konai like mad. Kyo dodged a swing that ripped his shirt. He was running across desks. Kyoshiro was hot on his tail. Kyoshiro flipped over him and slid. He lunged his sword but Kyo caught it in between two konai. Kyo tok the koni and threw them, one lodged into Kyoshiros shoulder. "AUGG!! YOU!!!!!" he raised his sword. "OH *****!!!" Kyo ran no burst out the door and saw Tanya he grabbed her arm and jumpd out the window.
This first one is for my comics first 2 seasons. Im working on number 3. Here it is [img]http://hpphoto.com/servlet/LinkPhoto?GUID=34cc1f96-115d-6dd3-7316-4fdd64561bf9&size=lg[/img] I know its small but that was an accident. More soon.
Now THAT is good. The house is a bit lopsided but I can live with it. Your skill is likely equal to mine. I must post a pic soon... I like it.
As smoke clared a yellow eyed shadow rose. The smoke cleared. He stood up. His cape blew in the wind of his energy. His voic sounded freaky "you are ready to die I hope, thats what youll be doing". He shot a huge energy blast at Tsuki. She tried to block but her shield faded and she was hit with 4 bolts. She wearily began to fall as Selenay who didnt want to fight took blows. "Us 1 you nothing" he said as he held a daark bomb. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He prepared an attack.
Umm... exactly how fast did you make that? No offense but woah lay off the caffein and take your time dude. I mean that looks like it could have been good but floating heads scare me a little
I like it, very nice. Ill have to look up that picture, and dont give them all the credit, you drew it.
[color=blue][i][center]WARNING, THE FOLLOWING RPG IS CRAZY AND MAY DISTURBED YOU, IT WAS WRITTEN BY PSYCHOS Driving down the highway Doin 94 Daddy blew a big one It blew me out the door The engine couldnt take it The wheels all fell apart All becuse of daddys Super sonic fart I knew that for something like this to happen it must be the work of Big really REALLY big BIG enormouse oh my god its coming at me objects in mirror may be closer than they appear HUGE ALIENS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I set out, a 12 year old with a parent in the hospital, to check it out. I grabbed a helmet, a pop gun, and 6 darts. I called a bunch of friends to join me. I knew that our parents wouldnt believe us so we snuck out. As the other 4 arrived I briefed them, and I dont mean with underwear. "Alright peeps, last night while driving down the highway in the SUV, dad let off a big one. The car went kaboom. You realize what this means. Weather you believe me or not I know its true." But I didnt realize how true....[/center] If you sign up youll be one of the other 4 OR the main charachter. If you pick him Ill PM you the stats. Name: Gender: Age: Bio: Appearanc: Weapons: (toys)[/i][/color]
Mr. Marksman stared at the class doing there work. He spotted a kid writing a note. He picked up a pencil and flung it at the kid. It pierced through the kids arm. He screamed in pain. Mr. Markman pointed at kyo, "He fell asleep and landed on the pencil, take him to the nurse." Kyo took the kid up by the other arm and carried him out. "And dont try anything." As he carried the kid he realized it was a student who had just arived yesterday. "dont worry itl be okay. I suggest you change schools". He filled out the nurse's paper and left. Mr Marksman stared him down the whole time he wrote his paper.
Sign Up attack of the evil chickens (slightly gory)(kinda like Resident Evil)
Kyo no Ryu replied to Kyoske's topic in Theater
Kyo 19 white gi, black fuzzy har, purple eyes, evil smile well not much to tell, he loves martial arts, hates chickens and has joined the force for the sole purpose of this mission Persona: *caughcrazycaugh* weapons: kitana, konai, firecrackers. -
Kyo laughed evilly. He summoned a thunderbolt sword to his hand. He slammed it foreward barelly mising. Tsuki fired an energy wave, but Kyo blocked and absorbed it into the sword. He swung and launched it back with extra energy. Tsuki created a barrier but it didnt hold long. She was blown backward. Kyo fired several lightning bolts after her. When she dodged them the forced up spikes which caused a tremor. Kyo was truly more powerfull as an evil entity.
[color=blue]I am EXTREMELY sorry for my absense. Kyo finished his lunch and walked into mister marksmans class. He was the 3rd person there, Mr. Marksman wasnt one of them. Surprised he took his seet. More people flooded in. Mr. Marksman walked in last. He shot a glare at the class. "work." Everyone opened their texbooks. Mr. Marksman had the obvious "who can I kill in this class" expression. Kyo was writing with one hand and had 3 konai in the other. He was prepared for anything. He already had a detention with Kyoshiro he didnt need 2. [i]flippin evil techers. dang.[/i] He continued his notes when someone burped. Mr. Marksman glared......
[color=blue]Komyoma's plane approached the docking bay when suddenly a spike came flying out of the ground and stabbed through the plane. It pulled striat down. The plane exploded on ground impact. Komyoma came down in a parachute. Kyo rose out of the ground. "so your the guardian that alex wants power from." Kyo glared "you are the one who awakened me". Komyoma took out his gun "well guess what, I happen to be the traitor here". Kyo" so killing me makes you the good guy, sounds interesting." Komyoma opened fire. Kyo swung his sword. Komyoma was knocked of his feet and his gun exploded. He took out a sabre and charged. The swords clashed. Kyo then screamed "raging EARTH!" The ground around him shook, a spike rose from under Komyoma. "NOOOO!" the spime went right through him. A tape recorder fell from his coat. It was entitled "incantation." Kyo sliced it in half. "and so you are rid of your weekness."[/color]
Yeah I know, I cant import anything because of credit problems. Oh well. It is coming to Cartoon Network in 2004 and will have 51 episodes and 18 manga books. 5 are out in English owned by Tokyopop. The next will be released early december. Other manga that are like it: n/a. Other anime: n/a, though its a little like that Jing anime. The origonal ceator was Hiro Mashima. He created it for a shonen magazine when he was 21. It has video games, anime, merchandise, the works.
Think of it this way. She feels bad so she tries to find agreers to make her feel better then BOOM banned.
[color=blue]Komyoma glared out the window of his office. His lab wanted to save the 5 creatures and reunite them. He was just using them for information. A scientist ran toward him. "Komyona-san" it was a fellow Japanese, "a stange phenomenon i going on. They are all having the same dream." Kmyoma looked at him "...D*MN!" He rushed out of the office, he ran toward the main lab. He pushed ast several other scientists. He ran through a door and down 3 flights of steps. He came to a hangar. There were several experimental planes. He hoped on board one several scientists turned towad him. He pulled a gun out. "START THE D*MN PLANE!" hey started to panic. "You IDIOTS!" he shot them all and took control. He pressed a button and a screen came u. It was the hangar commander. "open it Jerry." "are you crazy it still a proto," he put the gun on the gun to the screen "open o all the pilots die!" The hangar opened. He took off toward Lore Tech. "I must warn Alex, he doesnt understand what this means! I found the Egiptian inscription!"[/color]
You must accept me b/c this is my true life. The long haired boy. Name: Kyoto shira Gender: male Appearance: over shoulder length blackish brown hair, always blue shirt w/ skulls, always silver pants, blue eyes, always blue and white shoes. 5' 2" 90lbs. weapons: well hidden konai (10), a well hiden ninja-to RN: Japanese Att: quiet unless with friends, very smart, acks goofy Bio: Kyo is always being insulted but he doesn care. Hes short, has long hair, and isnt very strong but could make someone feel dumber than they are. And even without strenth he is lethal. He is in te fight to defeat the crazy teachers because he was attaced himself. He enjoys the name his group was given.
[color=blue]Kyo was in a frozen state. But he coud still think. [i]Where am I? What was that place? What were those structures, who were those people, what were they doing, why cant I move?[/i] He slowly fell asleep. [b]Section 4 Kyomijen Labs Little Tokyo USA[/b] Dr. Shira walked into his lab. An asian man walked toward him. "Konichiwa Shira-san." "dont give me that ***-crap Komyona, this is important business." "Yessir I heard all about it, the test subject currently codenamed Dragon slayer escaped." "yes and he has been found in the earth." "IN the earth?" "YES IN THE FLIPPIN ERTH" "but hes still in a frozen state right?" Dr. Shira stopped before walking through a door to the main lab. He turned around "that is what we hope Dr. Komyoma." He walked into the lab and Komyoma stood there. He turned ad began walking "that is what you hope." He spoke into a watch, "Alex I have it."[/color]
Well brepare to be impresed. Im dishin out the big one. The ostrich. It all started on the Thursday wen the MTV awards was on. My mom wasnt gunna see it because she was gunna go out. She did see Ludacris talk about an ostrich coat. Thenext day she got a call from her friend. She had missed the awards c/c of her anniversary. She told my mom that the restaruant she had went to was serving ostrich. It gets wierder. The next day my uncle had come over. My mom decided o give him my dads old shirts. They were looking threw when dad said "he dosnt want the one with that stupid thing on it". It was a shirt given to him by the mom of his old dead best friend. The thing was an ostrich. Now my mom sensed something. Later that Sunday night, for me it was the second to last day before school started, me my bro and my mom were watching Teen Titans. Now remember my mom rarely watches cartoons with us. And rarely when shes watching does Beast boy turn into an ostrich. The next day, monday, we were school shopping for the big first day. We had a hard time finding boxes of tissues. My mom picked the tri-box that came with a learning disk (bleck.) When we got home my little bro put the disk in. And what animal was under O? Ostrich. By this time me and my brother were getting spooked. The next week my mom starts screaming about the new orbit gum commercial. After the lady goes "no matter what" a flock of ostrich run by! This is when me and my bro catch the disease. In the first night of the hurricane we stayed in a hotel. It had power and was safe. That night we were watching family guy. In a memory sceen the fat guy hits the road runner in his car. He says "I think I just hit that ostrich. But odly, my mom missed it. In the days to come I spent the night at my friends house. His friend was there to. His friends fav animal was an ostrich. And finnaly, on saturday, we were at the mall when bro spotted a picture of people riding ostrich's. There.