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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. You DREW that? Oh my gosh. *checks your profile* how old are you? That is a drawing capable of being a manga. You do wright manga right? Anyway I love the hair. How did you DO that? thats amazing. I love the chain ring thing to. The only slight dwnside is the ear. It looks finished to me... great job. [b]10/10[/b]
  2. Really? Oh well I was just trying to make a point. I guess you gave me away...
  3. Are you saying I live under a rock? LOL. I am not a big baseball fan but I know which teams I want to win. Personally, no offense, I do not LIKE the Yankees. My favorite teams are probably the dodgers and the Mets and neither are in there. Its too bad I dont know any Japanese teams. They worship baseball there (j/k). Out of those teams I say GO FLORIDA
  4. I noticed many people insulting the art. This series was made in the early 90s people, it was digitally restored. I agree the designs were almost as bad as Cyborg 009 but they arent really that that bad. It just goes to show they were trying for story and not graphics. Just like no matter how fancy they make Tetris its the same old game. And Dan I would like to thank you for clearing that up.
  5. Aw well, I was gunna enter but Im not a good drawer. Maybe Ill enter next year. Im gunna start now so Ill have plenty of time. May we see your entry?
  6. [color=silver]Fandom watched the battle just sitting there. You could tell he was deprssed. InuYasha had been closed for a week. King looked around. He was out in the open while the gunman hid? That didnt seem right. But this guy musta picked a great hiding spot. King saw a bullet pass his shoulder. He looked back to see the red Eva running through rubble. King: DONT UNDERESTIMATE ME!!!! He threw his sword thing. It was spinning toward the enemy. He shot at it but the bullets bounced off so he ran only to find that the road was being "blocked" by a konai flurry on a collision course with him. He turned and ran the other way, only to find King in his path. King thrust his arms out and grabbed his opponents neck. His fingers began to chip through the metel. The red eva had blood coming out of its mouth. It grabbed onto Kings arms and began to crush them. The opponent then summoned a two sided sword to cut Kings hands off. ???: Whats the matter? Cant keep fighting? Blood poured from the hands. King: Ill have you dead before I lose to much blood. Your good but Im better...[/color]
  7. Wow now thats good advise. But I can never find the first volume att Best Buy. I dont have $30 right now though. I was asking b/c everytime I go to get it I buy 3 manga instead. I cant decide!!! And now I have $10 and cant decide manga, .hack deck, or save up! Im so confused. Keep the advise coming.
  8. I just got done watching it for the twelth time, I picked up some stuff I hadnt noticed before, I like the inuYASHa rulez!!!1 Goku SOCkS part. The mod-in-training reminds me of myself. Hey mal maybe you should be a newbie-wraith to....
  9. Kyo no Ryu


    [i][color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Experiment #2 Kyoto Shinoshiro [u]Age:[/u] ???? [u]Appearance:[/u] Black fuzzy hair, white gi, freaky purple eyes, evil smile, his feet are roots. [u]Weapons:[/u] [b]Kitana no EARTH:[/b] A kitana that when stabbed into the ground can create a tremor. [b]Konai no ROCK:[/b] Konai with the power of Earth on their side, they are strong enough to penetrate metal. [b]Konai no EXPLOSION:[/b] Konai that burst on command sending small rocks flying at high speeds. [u]Bio:[/u] Was once ruler of the ground. He protected it with all his might. He is very friendly around the others but has never been seen by humans. He always had a bit of a feud with wind because of wat tornadoes do to his preciouse earth. One day he was givin the cruel gift of roots from the god anubis. He was awakened by scientists in a lab. Confused by this new world he killed them all. He decided to find his old home if it still exists. [u]Abilities:[/u] [b]Raging Earth:[/b] All the area around him is covered in large spikes. (around=5 foot radius) [b]Shaking Earth:[/b] A grade 4 earthquake that is used to knock enemies off their feet. [b]Dig:[/b] Take a guess. Please accept me this time.[/i][/color]
  10. Ive heard a lot about this series and I have never seen it but I really want to. Is it worth the 30 dollars? Share your thoughts. Is it all itts cracked up to be? tell me people!
  11. Didnt anyone hear me say to talk about series you havent seen much of? Anyway I have more... Soultaker: I only saw 3 episodes but dang were they ones to remember. The third and second ones were pure brilliance. The first was a bit boring. The theme song was just WOW. The first time I heard it I said "Oh my goly gee" LOL. Anyway yeah I think you get it. Orphen: I saw the first three episodes and they were pretty good but it dindt really advance or show any action. I wanna see the next one though, I heard theyre better. The theme was pretty cool. Dragon Ball GT: Much better than the other 2. This series was actually very good, well, the first 7 episodes. The story is thik and very fast paced, and the action scenes are fun. We also finally see new charachters. Berserk: Ive only seen like 3 but the 1st is the only one bassically. It was pretty good but kind of annoying. It was a bit too dark for me. But I liked it nonetheless. Very bloody.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Original [/i] [b]Comedy[/b] - [color=orange]Furi Kuri[/color]. This show had me on the ground in fits of laughter. It has outright slap-stick, inside jokes from Gainax, and pokes fun at other shows. The animation is incredible, and constantly shifting (anyone see the South Park style? Classic.). This is the King of Comedy animes. [/B][/QUOTE] And how could I not list the short series that stole my heart? FLCL This is one HECK of a comedy. I saw so many jokes on other shows it wasnt even funny. If I were to list them my hand would go numb. This show was pure comedy with some AWESOME battle scenes. Kanti was da bomb. +The Pillows rock. I have even printed the lyrics to the ending theme. It just so cool. And I think I have them all recorded. ITS THE CLIMAX!!!
  13. [color=blue] I am Jiro Kikaider. It has been 100 years since I killed Dr. Gil. I have lived all this time in pure sorrow. I have become human, but, but I am evil. [I]Become so numb[/I] I have been attacked many times by the restored Dark but I cannot defeat them. I fear my end will coe soon. Maybe Ill find hapiness in death, but I must live on. I have finished creating replicas of my brothers and sisters that I so ruthelessly killed before. There are 8 of them now, each has a past that they believe is their own and they blieve they are familly... [I]Become so tired[/I] I have decided the only way to awaken them is to give them part of my own soul, this is my last log entry. I know my children will be attacked by dark but I hope they can win. Farewell... I will meet my friends soon... [I]1 year later[/I] The 8 children have sepeated all over Japn but have fallen into trouble. Dark has unleashed armies of robots to destroy the world! The children must gather in yoto to defeat the army! Name: Appearance: Transformed appearance: Bio: (the one youve been programed) weapons/attacks: (no more than 3) personality: I will not join Inspired by Linin Park Numb. [/color]
  14. Well it seems NGE and Cowboy Bebop are quite popular. But what about shows youve only seen a little of? X the series: I saw the first 4 episodes and it was pretty freakin sweet. Lots of blood, but not excessively. It was good. The first episode confused the living heck outa me. I liked it overall, the baseball gut was funny. But I had already seen the movie so i was fairly unimpressed. s.CRY.ed: I saw the first 5 episodes and wow. Its a nice blend of action and humor, its got such little blood Its fun to watch. Its like CN good. I like it and hope to see more. Generator Gawl: Ive seen the 1st 3 episodes and they are very good. i had heard about this and was able to get it for 6 bucks. Its EXTREMELY funny and has nice action. Its like Soultaker+Blu Gender+Tenchi Muyo. Tnchi Muyo: Ive seen around 15 full episodes and lots of pieces. This show is hilariouse. I love it. Ryoko is coolest along with Ryo-Oki. I still cant get over the are you a jewler line from the first episode with hat blonde girl. Ill post more later, I also have 1 more big favorite. Inu-Yasha: How could i forget? When itcame out it went right up with YYH and CB. I ove the action and humor. Its just so cool. Sesshomaru rocks. Well, not much for now on this... Later on Ill post the first anime I ever saw...
  15. Kyo no Ryu

    Dawn Spirit

    [color=silver] Kyo took the bokken up. He tried the door, it was jammed he couldnt use his powers on it either. He busted it down with the bokken. He ran down stairs to see evil eyes. They were attacking his shock filled mother. The eyes turned toward him. He heard a lloud roar. It must have been one of the causers of the earthquake. His eyes turned purple like the demons read eyes. No one could see anything but eyes and sparks but it was quite eveident a sword and claws were clashing. Kyo used his powers to teleport to the monsters back. He lunged his sword through its back. The lights came back on. He found his mother unconsiuse. He was almost out of energy from using such powefull attacks so he lifted his mother and headed toward the hospital. As he walked in he found some other people that were giving off powrfull waves...[/color]
  16. [color=silver]King and the others were watching the battle but as it raged on the mods decided to go see if these people were in their forums. King stayed. Donar and ULX might need backup. He looked over toward the battle arena door. he spotted a banned member and leaped to his feet. He ran into the arena and found the battle. The banned guy was ummoning somrething against the Saito opponent. Suddenly an Eva rose from the groud! It was the read one! King: Stand back nooB, Ill take care of this guy. Bright light shown on the ground as the berserk rose from the ground. He hoppoed in. They were in a giant field. ???: Ive been waiting for you to show King: Bring it on. King pulled out a jiant double sided blade. ??? ppuled out a gun. ???: Lets do a little hacking. King: Huh? suddenly a bunch of rubble from tall buldings arose. It was an exclusive NGE arena. This was a virus! King: YOU ARE SO FREAKIN DEAD![/color]
  17. Wow those are very good! That Subaru banner is a force to be reconed with. Keep going this could get intereting...
  18. Kyo no Ryu


    Awe man... I was typing the seond you posted this. Right when you posted I read it and posted. Unfair. I typed more, thats why I was late. Aw man, that took like a half hour.
  19. Heres my close second... .hack//SIGN Very thick plot that fills itself in SSLLOOWWWLLYY.... the only episode I didnt like was the review one. Overall I loved it. Sora always made me laugh. Silver Knight always made me wanna hurl... the guardian always makes things fun, and Crim makes you fall asleep. Overall I loved it. The last episode was just wow, the first pisode was funny, the episodes without Tsukasa were annoying and the songs ROCK. Overall, I loved it. M7y third? Hm... most good series Ive only seen 3 or 4 episodes but I think Ill pick.... OH YEAH! A tie between Yu Yu Hakusho and Cowboy Bebop. Yu Yu hakusho was very good. Ive heard many spoilers and cant wait to see them but Im angry that CN took it off right before the finals. It was good while it lasted. Cowboy Bebop should really be number 1. If it werent for all these new fangle thing it might be. This practically introduced me too anime. This series is beutiful with great songs. I love it. It has plenty of action and lots of humor. I remember the old days waiting for the new CB and YYH. Oh man. I remember dying in anticipation at the last episode. I remember tears coming to my eyes as I watched the last episode. I remember saying it was very confusing since Id only seen like 9 episodes. Then I watched it again and.... here I am
  20. Dan Dastun is haunted by a recurring dream in which he encounters a woman on a pier. The woman is shot as she turns to face him, and fireworks burst in the sky above. He takes her in his arms, and with tears in her eyes, she says, "Vous ĂȘtes si gentil," and dies It meens "you are so sweet" In big O how many times is Beck beaten?
  21. The one from Rurouni Kenshin and you were right.
  22. INCORRECT HEAVENS Soaring dragon Flash and the blue guy is puu How did Umi die?
  23. Oh MIST. Origonally the genin would have to kill each other or somethin but it changed when Zabuza killed like 100 genin. My Q above.
  24. Oh that? It was a test where you had to use the doppleganger (which Naruto hates) and it changes when that guy goes evil. Who fights in the last battle of the chuunin exam?
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