Kyo no Ryu
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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu
HAHAHAHA! The training part was hilariouse! HeyJames- lord. That was funny. The SykTraining was good 2. And the Mal first followed by DBD was so true.... It was good.
Kyo: Whee are we going anyway? Jordan: Were going to Vienna Kyo: But what about Annie? Jordan: Ive got a feeling shes going there too. They approached the plane station after around an hour. Jordan rode her motorcycle strait in to the ticketbooth. She knew theyd have to get there faster than the speed of a plane. Jet maybe. She pointed a gun to the cashiers head. Jordan: Gimme a godd*mn jet ticket. The woman handed it over and they rode threw the terminal. They sstopped at the boarding place. They showed their tickets. Guy: Ma'am you cannot bring tha She pulled out a gun: I dont go without it. They boarden the jet and it took off. It wasnt a normal jet, it had seets for up to 3 passengers. They sat down WITH the motorcycle and forced the mam to take off.
Ive dreemed of otakuboards plenty of times. Ive dreemed of just... wel.... random discossion. I think about it all the time. When Im tuning out my teacher...[I]Otakuboards otakuboards Otakuboards[/I] road trip [I]Otakuboards otakuboards Otakuboards[/I] going to sleep...you get the point
Sakura stepped toward her locker. [I]Those kids were crazy. Maybe I shouldnt hang out with them.[/I] She stared into the locker at the pictures of her old home. She snapped out of it and grabbed her things. [I]No one acted like this back then[/I]. She siged [I]Oh well[/I]. She walked toward her class and sat down. Next to Selenay and them. Selenay: Hey Sakura, hey everyone meet the new kid! [I]Least Im popular![/I]
DONT BLAME ME FOR THIS!!!! This was Seth's idea.... Name: Sakura Age: 15 Description: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=2[/url] Year: 11 Bio: She just moved into this school and doesnt have many friends. She doesnt talk much but is an overall good kid. She wants to a teacher someday and hopes to make friends. She quickly made friends with Selenay and the others but is still pretty shy. She is never late for class and is always staying organized.
Jordan started to leave. Kyo: You realize if we have a battle this house will be wrecked. Jordan: I dont care, Im moving anyway. SHe strapped on a helmet and drove away. Kyo turned around. He grabbed a chair and lit a ciggaret. He pulled it out and looked over toward the couch. Annie was gone. He stood p and felt metal barrels on his head. He put his hands up. A konai appeared in each hand and he turned around and stabbed her in the arm. She full force kicked him out the window. He landed in te street and she began firing. All the locals ran away. A bullet ripped threw his leg as she jumped out the window. They came at each other and locked fingers. He kicked her in the stomach and she fell onto the wall. He was out of fireworks so he threw some konai. She dodged them and opened fir. A bullet lodged into her shoulder. Kyo: Join us Annie! Annie: You leave them! He came at her with a konai. She flipped him and he stabbed her in both legs. SHe screamed in pain. He kicked the konai deeper and she dodged a high kick. She flipped out her magnum and planted a bullet in his stomach. They passed out. The next thing they knew they were in te hospital again.
Stupid things you thought of or did when you were young
Kyo no Ryu replied to DragonArcher's topic in General Discussion
I never did anything stupid when I was litttle. I was extremely smart. I knew Barney was fake, I could say my ABCs backward when I was 2, and I knew Beast Wars was computer animated, but I had a wierd habit of lining up cars. I would take a but load of toy cars and line them up. i would spend hours making sur my lines were perfect. Now dont get me started on my little brother... -
She could hear something weird other than Jordan tailing her. The pit pat of footsteps moving very fast. She saw a bunch of blood falling from the air. Kyo was running on fooftops! At the same time he was whipping a bandage around his side. Annie was bewildered at how he could run unless..... SHE MISSED HIS FOOT!!! She new there was no way Kyo wore that big a shoe.. He started throwing down fire crackers that she would shoot out of the air. Kyo: I wasnt trying to kill you on the plane, just letting you know that the longer you live the more they die! He threw a firecracker and started blowing out peoples tires causing jams. Never in from of her. Evry 500 feet would be another massacre. She kept getting angryier. She couldnt waist her bullets. just then, as they approached a field, he blew up her tire.
???? I never saw Evangelion. And whats with the Psycho?And whats with the FLCL pic? MY BRAIN HURTS!!! and what do the gays have to do with n00bs?
Kyo got fiery eyes. He hoped on the cycle. Jordan: Oh now you need my help. Kyo: JUST DRIVE THE D*MN THING WOMAN!!! Jordan hit the peddle and they went flying down the road. Kyos wound shot out blood every few seconds. Each time he thinks "revenge...revenge... revenge" They see the hospital and pass it. She couldnt have gotten to far could she? They kept driving looking into every alley way until Kyo spotted her in one. He hopped off and walked into the alley. He faced her. Kyo: Its finnaly time. They hopped on a fooftop.
I love AMVs!!!! Theres this one called [spoiler]die for your government[/spoiler] that has the bloodiest scenes from the bloodiest anime. Its freakin cool. Theres also a few System of a Down anime videos.
I thought t was alright but whats ith the whole gay thing? Until I am answered 6/10
Kyo started laughing insanely. H just wouldnt stop. Tamaki got a bulging vain. He finnaly turned aroun.... Tamaki: SHUT UP WILL YOU!!!! Kyo: HAHAHA...CAN....HAHA..St...HAHAHAHAHAH..O...HA..LA...HAHAHA..LA....HAHAHAHAHAH...LAGHING...HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Tamaki: Thats doesnt sound good. Suddenly Kyos eyes turned yellow Kyo: Whats...Going....On? Suddenly Victor started floating and flew into a tree along with Kaworu. They fainted. Kyo: HEHEHEHAHAHA! Now its just me and you Tamaki!
[color=silver][I] And so it begins.... Kyo was riding down the street on a skateboard. He rolled down a hill sidewalk toward a ramp. He began to bend down. He hit the ramp and grabbed the sides of his board. He flipped pressing his legs out at the end. He landed and came to a stop. He flipped the board up and walked up the driveway. He slid the board and his helmet under the garage door. He walked inside. Kyo: Hey mom Mom: Hello Kyo. Been playing psychic skateboard again? Kyo: at least it looks real Mom: Just be carefull Kyo: Will do mom He ran upstairs into his room. Before he entered he bowed to the picture of his sensei on the door. The sensei had taught him all he knew before his death. Kyo opened the door and suddenly it went dark. He grabbed the wooden bokken...[/color][/I]
I come here thinking I had found my brothers dreamthread about mangos and I get this? My favorite food is Pepperoni and bacon pizza. I LOVE IT!!! As a child I became a bacon fiend. I also enjoyed pepperoni and olive pizza. Not olives to much though. I started eating bacon constantly. I lways had a sandwhich with precoocked bacon in my hand. Then the almighty idea hit me. I have never ordered a different pizza (well maybe twice).
1) The motorcycle girl is NOT Misuko and 01 is after Kikaider. I liked both series but agree about the endings. It was corny how [spoiler]EVERYONE is a robot[/spoiler]. 2) Kikaider the animation is based on the live action. Thats why the story seems old but the animation is crisp and new. 3)KIkaider: 8/10 Kikaider 01, 6/10
Tamaki: Alright Im ready to kick some as*! Kyo: Yeah bring it on aliens. Selenay stared off with teary eyes. [I]He....hes my twin...Saln[/I]. Kaworu started hacking away at the aliens but getting pretty beat up. Victor tried to add things up. [I]He might die[/I]. She started to cry. Tamaki: Hey whats wrong si...I mean Selenay? SHe REALLY started crying [I]I have to help him[/I] Kyo: OK no more dark and mysteriouse for me Im an official bad*ss alien killer! Selenay: KAWORU!!!! She took off after him leaking a trail of tears. Meanwhile Kaworu is getting the heck beat out of him. Everyone took off.
He flipped out a konai and came running in for a stab. Annie shot a few times but firecrackers that Kyo threw blocked them. She moved sideways for a dodge only to find 6 konai rushing toward her. She shot them out of the air not noticing the firecracker that blew up next to he arm. She dropped her gun and Kyo came charging in dodging bullets. He flipped over her and held a konai to her back but a gun was at his head from over her shoulder. He duck-flipped around slicing a large gash into her leg then he looked down at the wound. Shelooked down and saw a firecracker in the cut. She barely got it out but it exploded in her hand. Sddenly kyo had his hand on her gun tip and akonai in position. Kyo: checkmate
OOC: O_T not T_T get it right! DBD please clear thing uo.
Sorry Double Barrel but I answered first so MU!!!! Your rain of terror has ended!
Left Eye THANK GOD!!!!!!! In Generator Gawl episode 3 what Generator do they face?
OOC: Sorry but she twisted the storyline and I dont wanna make her erase that big post! Oh well, Ill delete that if she deletes that.
OOC: I am FULLY aware of that The 2 took off once again. They were after whoever Jordan was taking them to. They sped down the street at top speed. Kyo: Where are we going anyway? Jordan: The Plane terminal. Kyo: You know by the time we reach Italy he'll probably be dea... Jordan: I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN!!! He left us and picked up some chick and we killed her now he all crying that little crap. He went from rutheless killer to baby and I WONT STAND FOR IT!!!! ILL KILL HIM!!!!1 Kyo: Uhhhh Huuuuu....... well Ill come with too make sure you dont do anything crazy. EDIT: The ones your fighting are evil androids we sent.
OOC: ACK MUSHYNESS!!!! Kyo charged a Lightning punch. This time Tamaki lifted him and started flying he picked his up and flew him at top speed, he let go and Kyo went flying toward the monster. He dissapeared and reappeared behind the monster. He punched in the back of the head. He climed onto one of the monsters scales. He dissapeared onto the monsters head. He raised Earth around its feet. Tamaki grabbed onto Kyo's hand and was teleported into the monsters head. He make a bunch of wind go p and make a hole in the top of its head. He jumped out. The monster was barely alive. Kyo blasted a Psycho blast into the hole and the head exploded. Kyo: well.......um...good job.....bro
ACK!!!! You three are confusing the heck out of us poor mindless newbies! And I was trying to sign in and I got the email and thats the whole problem. Anyway it was all too confusing. Lone Bebop where did you see those episodes?