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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. Then it it hit him. Kyo that is. You see.... he had been holding a blueprint and staring at it quite intently. Everything looked normal... well... normal for this school. But then he remembered something from last year. One of the special rooms. There were around 6. 5 were listed. But there was a secret door he remembered opening not on the map. It was in the back of the boys locker room. There was a floor tile covered in water that nobody touched. He once did and a secret door opened. He never bothered with it this year because it was dry. "there" he said pointing to it on the map. OOC: You can get us there just dont put us through the passage, you can even make encounters...
  2. I am the same as DBD. I have never played a DD game before but TONS of play RPGs. I still play Pokemon RPGs with my little brothers sometimes, if they give me something in return. Back when I was seven or eight, me him and a few of our friends and cousins would make EPIC movies. VERY epic. We held our own award shows...
  3. OOC: Kieko.... if ya had READ THE FIRST POST!!!! you would know why she cant. I cant post right now but I do have the MAP! Its a little funky but.....
  4. I played magic when I was 6. Im 12 now. I have only played 5 times since, but I love the cards. Man were those the days.... I stopped b/c mom wouldnt play w/ me aft5er my br was born. I have around a hundredfifty cards, but no current deck. Whenever I play, I use forest and volcano. I ALWAYS use my favorite card, the Primeval Force. Its not to good. I use lots of Panther Warriors and those spiked worm thingies. That game is why I was so easily introduced to Pokemon and last year YuGiOh.
  5. "Damn you guys are good." Kyo said as the 2 set up the ghost-like thingys. [i]things are pickin up[/i], Kyo thought smiling. He was a much bigger fan of action then sitting around. Before they left he picked up a few ultra-sharp colored pencils and poketed them. Ashes gave a bobby pin to everyone in case they got seperated which was likely. It was to bad they didnt have anything incase the power went out. oh well. They carefully left the art room and headed down the hall. It wouldnt be TO hard to get there without getting shot up would it? OOC: Im making a school map so it will be there in my next post.
  6. yes. I think Eva is the greatest anime of all time. I saw 8 episodes and I am now in love. WOW.
  7. OOC: I am EXTREMELY sorry for my absesnce but I am back and ready for story! So Im gunna let smeone else lead us out of the art room with a plan and Ill take us on the road. Once again Im very very sorry.
  8. If you have gotten the newest Shonen Jump then you have read the first vol. of Hikaru no Go! It started out as a pretty cool manga and I hope it gets better. Share your opinions... especially if youve seen/read more.
  9. Ah yes Micheal-San, a great topic to be renewed indeed. Just 2 weeks ago I began my teachings under TaiKwon Do Grandmaster Pyong Kil Ko and I have found it very interesting. I dont know about philosaphy but I find nothing wrong with Martial Arts. And that whole Jeet Kun Doo thing, ya meen flow like water stuff?
  10. [i][b][color=silver]Kyo grew furius. He handed the man 2 bucks and ran out to the pond. He was on the opposite side of Nitsuke. He cast out the line. Both were impatient but held out. They werent gunna pull inintil the other one did. Suddenly Nitsuke started laughing. Kyo looked down. His reel was almost empty! He quickly started realing as best he could. He tugged and pulled and reeled until finally he pulled so hard that Nitsuke stumbled forward. The lines had tangled! Both collapsed in anger and surprise. They untangled and cast out again. Kyo suddenly got a tug! He realed in and a Poliwag camme flying out and hit him in the face. Nitsuke laughed so hard that by the time she stopped, Hoothoot was standing on a knocked out Poliwag and a Pokeball was flying.[/i][/b][/color]
  11. OOC: Wiccan bisectual? Coulda fooled me. Wait, whats bisexual? Kyo counted everyone. He remembered hearing 7 heartbeats, so unless Kelly had 2 hearts there was anoter missing. Being a person who knew a lot of people, Kyo had to think a lot about who it could be. Sudenly he heard a thump. Then a screem, a gunshot and another thump. He thought about the possibilities, but he realized two 8th graders had snuck upstairs to get as close to sex as 15 year olds could get. And then STAB! SCREAM! POW! They were killed off. Stupid kds nowadays think there so cool until theyre head is on a classroom floor.
  12. :wow: Did you actually write that yourself? WOW! I had no clue you were a poet... you should start doing this more often! (Not to often though or youll end up like me. Blech):bawl:
  13. OOC: 3 things I forgot to mention... 1: the killers arent school kids, remember thiss is 7th grade 2: they arent just doing this for fun 3: If you want your char to get shot for some reason only you can get him killed, but you wont be granted nother char. If you dont post for exactly 10 days, anyone may dispose of your char. The 6 bad guys may only be killed with my permission. Sorry about that. IC: Kyo and Damai had made it. He quickly looked out the to see a window on the door. He saw Chris running toward them, he opened and let her in. The others didnt know about this door so he locked it and stapled a poster over the widow. Chris and Damai helped to put plaster in the cracks so sound couldnt get out. They just had to wait for the othres.
  14. [center]the shots rattled through the air[/center] Kyo immediately got under his turn table as everyone screamed and ran out. Several more shots are fired but not many kids are hit, as if the gunmen were aiming for certain kids. Kyo looked around to see a few of his friends. Them being the smart bunch, didnt run around like a stampede but took cover as he had done. [center] The area begins to clear, 2 kids lay dead on the ground.[/center] Kyo knew that soon this place would b evacuaated and only him and about 6 other kids who had the brain not to panic would be left. [center]there was a sund of ots of metal doors falling[/center] Kyo realizes all the ways out of the school have been closed. All of his friends who are hidden look over to him. He gives a signal to find a way to the art room quickly. It was behind the stage. There was no way he could be seen so he went back and hoped for his friends safety.
  15. [center]Listen to my sweet techno beat, a dance in my seet, as the music goes on, we party on, buncha 12 and 13 year olds dance across the floor, no one gets bored, dont go out the door, I play some funky songs, variouse hip-hop, as I help everyone, to make the roof drop. As the emcee drops beats, everyone thinks they so sweet, tryin to break it down, they all over the ground, gunshot sound, CD still goes round, school surrounded, all the kids confused, another gun sounded, some people get choosed, by a bullet, enter the stomach, kids sworm out, evacuation, most kids make it out, some still in. 6 killers lock the doors from outside, 7 kids are locked inside, all of the killers pry their way in, to find the kids and commit their sins, now its time, here comes the crime, hiphop school adventure, escape the torture![/center] Ill let wonna you gals start. Heres the low down: [center]6 kids aare trappedd in a big 2 story middle school with a bunch of assasins god knows why the kids are completely unarmed except SOMEONE happened to have bobby pins perfect for unlocking doors any door can be picked any lock can be picked If you wanna chuck someone out a window there is only 1, on the staircase, every other window is SEALED SHUT All doors are SEALED SHUT and cannot be picked All bathrooms are SEALED SHUT (dont ask) the food court doors can be picked and food may eaten or used as a weapon anything may be picked up and used if its not to heavy[/center]
  16. [i][b][color=silver]Kyo walked around aimlessly like a brainless starving pillbug that had been stabbed until the point where he could only walk and do nothing about it as he slowly bleeds to death as well as dies of starvation. In other words, he was lost, hungry, and his legs hurt. Doesnt stuff like that just............ make you wanna stab a pillbug? "G-g-go Ch-Carmander" The cheery orange and yellow Pokemon sprung out with its happy littl cry. Kyo was enveous of the joy. He grabbed a few logs and to charmander's surprise, started a..... campire? But things cme to light as he revealed a gan of food, human and Pokemon. But the second he did they were surrownded by Taillow. "U-u-u-uh oh." OOC: he stutters in hunger...[/i][/b][/color]
  17. Okay.... 5 girls a boy and.... um..... a not sure..... OK Ill start this now. Anyu: Miriki Chichiri: Ashley Storm: Damai Erin: Kelly Kyo: Kyo KKC: Cay Kieko: Chris
  18. I think hes being sarcastic.... I think SOAD rocks. Pretty awesome music and I agree with most of their views on the world and I love hard rock.
  19. Okay that banner right there is just rediculus. In a good way. In an awesome way. The faded pick is good but what in the heck is on his arms? It has great text but theres just 1 problem... lately a lot of your banners are too similar. Think outside the box. -_^
  20. Okay we need 1 more person. Must be a boy, due to the fact that there are 5 girls. Come on someone.
  21. umm.... that was a compliment dude. Okay then: The Lagato banner was really great. The shodow picture blended perfectly with the background. It was a really great quote that fit perfectly with a nice font and coloring.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Bit Cloud's NA voice actor is Richard Ian Cox, who also plays Inuyasha and Ramna Saotome. I've only seen a few episodes of Zoids, but I thought that his performance in Inuyasha was certainly one of the dub's highlights. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] He also plays in X men evolution... Personally I think the best Japanese voice cast is Samurai X OVA Seiyuu. Kenshin and Kenji had the perfect voices. Everyones voices matched their personalities perfectly.
  23. I liked them a little. My mom had the cds and they were pretty good but they were stolen. Oh well, their newer songs suck, and the usage of the word ******* was getting mind rotting.
  24. Actually that one was made a while ago like 3 weeks. I was gunna make a picture of a star and the n I started making random lines. I liked it and wanted to make it my new banner but I didnt. So BOOJA!
  25. Kyo no Ryu

    Stones Of Neir

    [i][b][color=silver] Kyo just kept walking. He had actually brocken into a whistle. He wistled an unfamilliar song, something that seemed foreign, something so sad it made him grin. This boy had seeriouse problems. He just kept walking and whistling. After about three and a half minutes he stopped and looked around. He started playing the song again. He was still walking through that area, which by this point had become a desertlike wasteland. He didnt care where he was. He probably didnt know since he was whistling with his eyes closed. He could be standing in a pen of venmous snakes and he wouldnt care. He just kept going. His song ended and he started another. Something still sad but in a happier way. Like joyfull death. He opened his eyes just as he stopped whistling. He had reached the end of the wasteland. He was standing at the beginning of a forest. A big one. He looked at the nearest tree and jumped to grab a brach. He flipped up and stood. He started another song. He walked and hoped along branches. It was gunna take a while to get through.[/i][/b][/color]
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