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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. Kyo no Ryu


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krademon [/i] [B]I thought no-life actually came from posting a massive number of posts in a short time. Like 2000 in a month or two? [/B][/QUOTE] HAHA! That might be me soon, I made like 30 just yesterday. Anyway the only thing pontless posts, overuses of smilies/capitals, weird grammer, and bad speeeling will get you is banned.
  2. you press [spoiler*]then[/spoiler*]. I agree, I totally lost myself. When I saw that fatefull moment I just held back tears like crazy. It was hard too. It sucks that thw tiger died and Kenshin didnt[spoiler]live[/spoiler]
  3. Well aparently the generators are android. On thefirst DVD the only one that "changed" was Gawl. He just kinda transforms. If youve seen Soultaker its like that.
  4. [color=silver]It HAS begun! [center]Otakuboards.COM[/center] A group of hackers have entered the otakuboards website. They are systematically breaking down threads and banning members. They have already shut down Yu-Gi-Oh!, the video Game threads, Inu-Yasha, and avatar request. You must stop them, it is your duty as a mod. The 10 moderators will meet at the abandoned portal to the Inu-Yasha thread. REady? Oh yeah, first poster gets a prize, READY? GO![/color]
  5. All right! Yu-Gi-Oh! has been replaced and someone claimed Pokemon so when she signs in and he wriytes his bio it will begin!
  6. K-win NGE_King 14 description coming soon He has been a mod since 2 years ago when the NGE forum was created. He has taken great interest in stopping the fiends that shut down the Inu-Yasha and Video Game threads. He has decided to ttem up with Gundam and protect the site. Neon Genesis Evangelion The Eva Berserk Now we just need Pokemon, Dragon Ball, and.. dont remmber
  7. Alright! Just 4 more! Everyone accept mr. mystery are accepted.
  8. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Kyo: This should be interesting... He watched as everyone began running toward Kaworu. They saw the enemy and readied their weapons. Kyo watched from above. Kyo: I dont get it. Why are they doing that? He watches them start getting knocked down by the alien. Kyo: Whats the point? Why? He watches Tamaki get thrown. Kyo: I... I... Im gunna help. I MUST!
  9. Sorry IF. No stats no stamp. You are the weakest link, goodbye!
  10. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Kyo: Look I already know the reason. We gott save the world before this big fat war starts and Stelenay: THIS IS SERIOUSE!!!! Kyo: uhhhhhhhh, you people annoy me he dissapeared and reapeared on Tamaki's head. Kyo: See Ya! He forced a lightning bolt down into his hand and began going up while laughing insanely. Tamaki: You sure those are powers, he dresses like a majician, is it majic? Selenay: Im gunna,,, deap breaths....so what about that date? Tamaki smiled brightly. Kyo: I might end up killing the...I forgot about that curse!
  11. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Kyo: This is crazy.... WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Tsuki: Excuse me.... Kyo: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ENEMY! He punches her in the stomach Tsuki: WAAA!!!! I knew it! Selenay: Are you nuts!?!?!?!? Kyo holds his head and starts walking backward. Kyo: u.....aaaahhhuhuh....rrraaaah...uh..aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! He suddenly dissapears. Everyones jaw dropped.
  12. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Kyo looked down at the fight he jumped down andput his hand over Kaworus head. He fell asleep. He cured the eye disease and picked up Victor by the color. He dropped him and looked over at the awakened Kaworu. Kaworu came charging toward Victror but Kyo clothes lined him. Kyo: Selenay, you are in grave danger, a curse is upon you. You and Tamaki must get ot of here so the aliens lose track. Ill take care of theses 2 (he turns around) IDIOTS!!!!
  13. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Kyo looks at the uncontiouse Selenay. Tamaki comes running toward her. Kyo dissapears. Victor and Kaworu start talking "in private". Tamaaki pics up Selenay. [I]Whats with that guy? SHe saved him and he dissapears? What kind of gratitude is that?[I] Kyoto appears in a tree [I]if only they hadnt seen me, none of this would have happened. Its my fault. If I hadnt attacked at the same time, she wouldnt have to suffer my curse attack...[/I]
  14. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Suddenly the alien started shaking violently. Victor: Is it gunna blow? Kaworu: Is it gunna combust? Selenay: Is it still alive? Tamaki: zzzzzzzgggaaaaaa...... Kyo: Its dead all right, but its calling opun forces above us. Tamaki: How will we beat them? Kyo: I mant literally. THey all look up to see a huge blue robo alien land on the ground. ALien: RRRRAAAAAUUUUURRRRRRRRRR Tamaki w/ green face: IT IS ABOVE US!!!! Kyo jumps up and punches it with a lightning fist but is absorbed into the aliens stomach. elenay gets angry... she screams and fires a huge beam of light and the alien explodes. Kyo goes flying out and dissapears as blood flies. Everyone stares.
  15. Kyo no Ryu

    Dawn Spirit

    Kyoto 13 male Ill get the features soon. wooden boken Very fun loving but definatelly not normal. Hes an anime fanatic and loves using his powers Like the others he was born with powers. But he could care less. All he wants to do is have fun and watch anime. He loves to reinnact scenes from shows using his powers. Once the aliens come he wants to use his powrs and his wooden bokken to help his middle school friends save the world. Psychic
  16. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    OOC: duh! Were about to battle it! Alien: I have been sent for the purpose of your destruction. Selenay: Help me!!! Tamaki: Ill save you! Tamaki and victor come running in. Victor readies his weapon while Tamaki flies above the 10' monster. Suddenly the monster flingd its hand up and the hand streatches and grabs Tamaki by the face. It quickly throws him into Victor. Kaworu comes ot from hding ready for battle but thmonster swings around his tail and it strikes him in the leg causing him to fall. Kyo jumps down and fires a psycho beam t the monster. To his surprise the monster swallows the blast. Kyo: This wont be easy.
  17. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    OOC: Things are about to pick up. Kyo, from a tree, spied on the others Kyo: worthless BOOM!!! The school roof suddenly erupts in a huge smoking explosion. Tamaki and Victor immidiatelly hit the deck. Kyo creates a psychic barrier that bloks several glass and debris from hitting him. Fire and smoke come pouring out of the building. If any teachers were in there they were dead. Suddenly another explosion knocks down the walls. Kyo uses his powers of Earth to raise a cloud of dirt that covers the fires. Tamaki blows away the dust. Tons of debris and one or 2 corpses cover the ground. Selenay goes running in the direction of the school. A freaky green alien monster emerges from the rubble. Alien: Finnally Ive found you!
  18. Everyone is accepted so far... and Ive decided mods can only joinf they are hackers (Terra wanted to join...)
  19. That is very hard a question it is, but the following comes to mind it does... when Kenshin introduces Megumi and Kaoru starts ruthelessly whacking him over the head with the wooden sword. Then Megumi says what a violent girl... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
  20. HAHAHAHAHHAHA that was hilariouse. Especially when he said donuts were in and Yugi accepts. And the spoiled brat part.
  21. Awe man..... thats cold. After asking you no BEGGING you to make it... Maybe B_S will make it, unless you change your mind... and what program fdo you use?
  22. The Knives and Hellsing ones are nice even though it was a mess up. I like then 10/10 each.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tical [/i] [B]The best opening theme of all time has got to be soultker. [/B][/QUOTE] I almost agree. That is one heck of a theme song. Its over a minute long. Another good one is the Generator Gawl theme "I want out". Its pretty rockin. Also the Samurai Deeper Kyo theme. I believe irs Blue Requeim.
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