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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. At least ouve heard of it... anyway its really great. I reccomend it if youu like comedy and action. The first DVD has 3 episodes.
  2. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Kyo watched the flying dude. [I] if these are our recruits we'll need a lot of luck.[/I] Kyo was standing on the school building. Tamaki caught Kyo out of the courner of his eye. [I] Its that guy.[/I] [I] He saw me.[/I]Kyo held out his arm. The power bracelet shined. Tamaki suddenly forgot he saw him and Kyo dissapeared yet again. [I] NO ONE can see me[/I] BUM BUM BUM!!!
  3. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Tamaki: Anyway... who was that freaky guy? Selenay: ARE YOU NUTS!?!? Tamaki: Aw come on just tell me Selenay: That was Kyoto. Hes really freaky, everyones afraid of him. He never talks... Tamaki: Oh... he sound scary, but I could beet him up if he attacks us. Kyo is standing against a nearby tree. Kyo: Your over confident ZAP! He dissapears. Tamaki: Right.... anyway, need a ride home?
  4. Kyo no Ryu

    Dark Starfire

    Andrew, Micheal, And jordon got back up. Andrew: You son of a... He came running toward the man and tried to punh him when he started floating. He had a purple aura on him. It was as if he was being held up by the throat. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. They looked over to see Kyo standing with freaky eyes. Jordn: Thats Kyo no Ryu!!! Kyoto the dragon!!! Jordan ran off. Micheal stared in amazement. Micheal: Please stop! Please! Dont kill him! Andrew fell and Kyo dissapeared...
  5. name-Kyoto age-15 gender-male weapon-Energy bracelets attacks-lightning blast, psycho energy, earth raiser personality-calm, quite, smart. bio-Kyoto has always been quite. He never tried to make friends. No one ever joked with him because they were scared of him. It is said that someone insulted him and he threw the kid 30 feet back. Some people think he has some kind of powers. Only he knows the truth. features- coming soon powers- Jupiter is al thats left...
  6. I voted for Deedlit bacause it was funny and short. I dont like to read long posts.
  7. Very good you are accepted. I too hope the mods dont mind.
  8. You are an otaku boards moderator for version .23 (in the year 2020). By now, OB is a vertual reality board where members can not only talk but go into special battles as their favorite anime charachters. But thats where your problem comes in. Some hackers have gained acces and are repeatedly using viruses or hacking into Bann files and banning other members. You have no clue who they are but you know that each hacker mainly prowls in a certain forum. Your mission is to hunt them down and ban them. You also found out that the only forums they play in are: Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Gundam, Dragon Ball, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon, Trigun, Zoids, Hel*sing and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Let the banning begin!!! Name: Age: Description: Bio: Forum: Weapons: Only 1 mod per forum. Night Night
  9. My favorite battles. You been done opened a big can o' worms... Ill give 1 for now... the battle between Jing and the anchor in the King of Bandits Jing manga. He has to use empty wine bottles to breath underwater and the person hes with accidentally drinks them instead of doumping them. Then the strongest attack Jing has wont work on the anchor so he blasts the chain controlling it making it to hot to handle. Another is the final battle in FLCL. "ITS THE CLIMAX!!!" Naota goes all red with the guitars and stuff it was COOL... Or Dilandau vs. Van in the Escaflowne movie, it was dark and bloody and very good. Not as good as it could have bee though. Im just glad Dilandau lived. Bt hey it got better when that guy gets stabbed. But by far the coolest battle in that movie is the beggining with Van and the slaughterfest.
  10. Name: Kyoto Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Description: Ill get to that... Weapon: .45 Colt revolver, Fire Crackers Bio: A rutheless vampire with quite a nice rank. Hes not very strong for a vampire but he still has demon speed. He uses the firecrackers expertly and wins every battle hes in. He is often called Kyo no Ryu, Kyo the dragon. He is well known for the dragon style of fighting he uses. The only enemies that have survived his attacks went crazy. Hes not exactly happy about these "Necromancers"
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]*yawn* Love Me Do by The Beatles always reminds me long car rides. When I was younger my mom would just take long cardrives to relax. So I would fall asleep. And she's a Beatles freak (therefore making me one) so it stuck. [/B][/QUOTE] All beatles songs remind me of cars... anyway heres a list, Linkin Park: A place for my head: reminds me of all the freakin annoying normal kids that tend to bug the living crap outta me. It makes me feel like I finnaly get to tell them off. Linkin Park: Runaway: Reminds me of harsh times that I wanted to run from. Linkin Park: Papercut: Reminds me of the video. That was freaky. Linkin Park: Numb: Reminds me of Kikaider Linkin Park: Somewhere I Belong: Reminds me of me for some reason. Linkin Park: One Step Closer: Reminds me of HEADBANGING!!!
  12. How many people have heard of or seen Generator Gawl? Its a hilariouse 12 episode series with lots of action. Its about these guys who went back in time to stop the generators (evil robots) from being created. It turns out to be extremely funny. I got the first 3 episodes for 6 bucks. I highly reccomend it. Who else has seen this? Use tags.
  13. Can we start now? No one else has replied in a while. Im really looking forward to this...
  14. I havent seen the whole series but this takes place 100 years later... SD GUNDAM THE LAST BATTLE In the very distant future there is peace in the land of Neotopia. Machines and humans work together to keep everyone happy. Nothing exciting has happened for 100 years. But on the first hour on the first day of the 100th year of peace something horrible happened. Everyone was in the town square doing the countdown. "Five, Four, Three, Two, O" The huge crystal bal was about to drop when it exploded. In Its place stood Tallgese. Of course the new leader of the gundam force saw this and instantly remembered the stories of Tallgese and he ran toward the base. Talgeese, "You humans will all bow down to me! Or else... You will die!HAHAHAHAH!" He started shooting missles every where just for fun. The people were running around screaming and yelling. Talgeese just kept laughing. The gundam force leader immediatally called upon the gundam force. Captain, Zero, Bakunetsumaru, Sandrock, Deathscythe, and that motorcicle guy. (some new peoople). They all came out to fight Tallgeese. Zero, "You have some nerve coming here after 100 years". Tallgese,"You wont be able to beat me this time because I HAVE BACKUP!!!" From the sky comes a revived and modified version of Zapper Zaku, Commander Gouf, The crazy guy, The twin dudes, Zako, And the leader of the Zaku force. Baku," Oh... fudge". Talgese gave an evil laugh, "They have become my mindless slaves! HAHAHA!" The battle was log and hard but without Shuud alive to activate the souldrive the gundam force was destroyed. Tallgese took over the world. But the gundam commander is putting together a second force to battle the zakus. But the problem, the zakus have srt up tons of obstacles filled with enemies that must be travelled to reach the zaku force. The new team will consist of 7 gundams... heres the sign up Name Universe (lacroa, arc, etc...) Primary function Bio Weapons Special abilities Have fun :)
  15. Wha???Nobuhiro Watsuki aint dead.... is he??? I hope not... I wish I had the cash to buy the whole series... but thats crazy, Im crazy. Keep em coming folks...
  16. I have the first 4 manga issues and I love it! I have information that it will come to Toonami in 2004. I have no further info accept that volume 5 comes out on the 15th.
  17. So who else saw these OVAs and this movie and loved them? This is for all of them. Post about the ones youve seen and dont read posts about ones you havent. [B]Samura X The Motion Picture[/B] I really liked this movie. Very bloody which is always to my liking. We get to see the ultra awesome Saito and the guy I feel sorry for, Sanosuke, in battle. the movie is truly good but its too dramatic for the fact that it isnt sad. [B]Samurai X Reflections[/B] This was very sad. Yet very good. It had some nice battle scenes and it was coo how Sano saved him, well, sorta. [spoiler] It was extremely sad to have the knoledge burt into my head that Kenshin is dead and RK is over.[/spoiler]. Poor Kaoru. Maybe theyll continue the series with Kenji... [B]Samurai X Trust/Betrayal[/B] This was awesome. Period. Im tired and cannot say any more so bye bye.
  18. That is a very hard choice between these 3... Holes- I like this book because it pieces everything together so well that by the end you have no questions left. I read it for the 4th time today. I forget the name- There was this book that I read in 5th grade that I can neve remember the name of. It was about some big storm that hits Alaska like every 10 years or somethin... Around where i live lots of people read, Artemis Foul- Its about this genius 12 year old (how could I resist?) whos gotta be the smartest person in the world. Anyway he wants to steal a bunch of gold from elf people. Its got a lot of action. One of the other OBers (I think he got banned) told me about a good Godzilla book. I havent finished it yet but its pretty cool in my opinion. I live near a library:)
  19. The second one will hit store shelves November 5th. Get ready for yet another Fooly Climax... only 2 issues.
  20. ITS NOT A CARTOON! Its anime. And it wasnt 4 years was i... well yeah I guess it was. I still play the old GB Games and still buy the forgotten mearchandise. It makes me sad to think of how it was abandonned. But most of all, every night I sleep with my best friend, the Charmander pillow. ITS ALIVE I TELL YOU!!! I was especially playing the GB in the week withot power...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B]Either Reloaded Sucked or Revolutions is gonna be prety bad.... The first matrix was amazing! it took over a year to make Reloaded... now 4 or 5 months later the 3rd 1 is coming out... how much work did they put on this?? The matrix revolutions is a movie do want to see but i dont think it will be too great [/B][/QUOTE] They filmed the second 2 at the same time. They were planning to release Revolutions as soon as reloaded hits DVD.
  22. Thats pretty good. Are they about to kiss? Anyway I love the cell shading. Can you make one called blood after the snow? (hehehe)
  23. Its also illegal. You get caught you get in trouble. Luckily it doesnt happen often. I felt that the bad drawing made it easier accept in battle scenes. I hope that more people who have read it reply... please keep this alive
  24. Thats the spirit! Spoken like a true FLCL fan. Nice to get someone who agrees on the drawing. Hopefully more people who think like you will reply. Thanks scrmingfangrl I needed that.
  25. Oh come on its not that bad. I wish I could draw like that. its really not bad at all. I like this series. It may not have as much action as the show but its still cool.
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