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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. Cocky arent you? Its alright but the idea has been around for a while... Fartmaster had a Trigun one kinda like that on his otaku a while ago.
  2. name: Kyoto age: 17 alter name: Septer Beam alter description: his hand turns a dark black then fires a large purple beam. Home: Native Personality: Just like the main charachter guy Bio: Not much is known about his past. HOLY never kept records of him until he was a first degree. He is known as one of the strongest rebellers... appearance: Usually in disguise as a holy member with sunglasses and short blue/black hair
  3. I know there are plenty of people who like Gungrave and you can discuss it here. I just bought this game and I love it. You just walk around with jiant bullets blastingthe living heck out of people with unlimited ammo. Um.. gotta go, ill edit
  4. Ah, but the ending is different! Trust me. The manga and anime have next to nothing the same. If your afraid of spoiled endings fear no more
  5. Who other than me has read the FLCL manga? Its owned by Tokyopop and the first issue is out. Its not nearly as confusing as the show but still a little. Like most manga its a heckofa lot different than the anime. It still is good though. Definetally a must read.
  6. Its going to have 2 decks. The Black Rose deck and the Kite deck.
  7. no no no, its artwork is from the guy who did art for Trigun just like the game. Not the story. But itll still be cool.
  8. Rurouni Kenshin SERIOUSLY needs this. There would be like a post for each episode, not to mention the series is still going. CB really doesnt have all that much and Ive really never seen a Tenchi thread going through the back pages of the forum... Trigun is alright but, well I dunno,.,.,.,.,. I do know that Yu Yu Hakusho is horrible, YuGiOh and DBZ are alright and Digimon and .hack have quite a bit of disscusion... but what should really be worried about are Microsoft and PC, maybe they could be merged...
  9. I am only in 7th grade and everyone is saying im to old for pokemon. They even said it in 3rd grade... I completely disagree. Your neer to old for Pokemon. Heck Ill watch Bob the Builder if I want to... Pokemon is my favorite show of all time and Ill never stop watching no matter what the people say! Thinks: That was dramatic *slips on ketchup spill* that was pathetic!
  10. Finnaly a Nintendo Gamecube Final fantasy game. I know it hasnt come out yet but untill it does what do you think it will be like? Look good look bad??? I think they made it to make up for the horrors of FFX2...
  11. Gungrave is a video game from the guy who made Trigun. Tons of people have been saying they want an anime for it and its here
  12. This one is easy. All pop songs remind me of each other! But seriously Linkin Park songs usually make me think of two things, me and anime. Its like all my favorites combined! When I listen to 311 it reminds me of happy times. Disturbed reminds me of religeon... Slipknot reminds me NO RELIGEON. Finaly System of A Down reminds me of how corrupt some governments *cough* are.
  13. Hate to change the subjject but how about a Rurouni Kenshin forum? it has plenty of episodes and tons of thing to discuss. Heck I could keep the forum alive personnally. I can think of plenty of other Kenshin fans who agree...
  14. I have just read the newest issue of Anime Insider and...... there IS a Gungraze anime!!!! Its based on the game and owned by Pioneer animation.
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