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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. Actually that was different and it was on 16..... go figure. Hows this?
  2. [center][i]Name: Kyo Kyoshiro Age:12 Race: African-American (black) Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Black corn rolls Appearance: (brace yourself) white hooded sweatshirt, white sweatpants, white air force 1s, white teeth, white leather gloves, white sunglasses. Bio: Born into a poor familly, he lived pretty badly till he was 7. (O.o) When he turned 7 he found out his familly had plans to drop him off at an orphanage becaus they couldnt pay for him. Only 4 days after he had been ropped off some rich dude who only wore white adopted him. He was a very nice father who only had one strict rule, always wear white. Kyo had no problem with that. Personality: Everyone wants to be a rapper, he is. Hes cheerful and nice yet super-cool. As you may have guessed he is the school DJ.[/center][/i]
  3. GAh! I hate these darn files! It was so cool too..... try this one... does it work?
  4. Heh, I guess so. I made an actual new one.... I wwas careful with text. This is my new favorite.
  5. Kyo no Ryu

    Stones Of Neir

    [color=silver][b][i] Kyo arrived at a shore. Just across this sea was his island. He didnt want to go back because it was a 2 day boat ride and he was low on food. He would have to go to the city. He took a few steps when suddenly a peace keeper appeared along with a man with a huge gash in his side. The swordsmith wasn dead! "Thats him! Hes the guy!" The peace keeper turned toward Kyo. Kyo's eyes widened. The peace keeper went chasing him. If he killed this guy there would be peace keepers all over him! The peace keeper pursued him for quite a while, completely obliviouse to the fact that the swordsmith had just bled to death. Kyo turned many corners trying to escape. The peace keeper turned another corner an kyo was gone. Suddenly kyo came flying down onto the mans shoulders and stabbed down. He then walked up a nearby cliff and did everything in his power to knock a rock over. He did and the rock fell, making the peace keeper incident look like an unfortunate accident.[/i][/b][/color]
  6. Kyo no Ryu

    Stones Of Neir

    [b][i][color=silver]Kyo stood on the edge of a small cliff, only 25 feet. It looked over a small house. The house was owned by a bladesmith. A single man that made very nice blades. He had givin his greaest one to an evil warrior. The warrior loves the sword and wants there to be no equal. He hired Kyo, a dark assasin. Kyo stood waiting. Suddenly the man came walking out with someone else. The swordsmith carried a blade.... he would go first. Kyo jumped and began sliding down the side of the cliff. He came flying down to the path where his switchblade dug into the unsuspecting mans side. He quickly collapsed. The other man drew a short sword. He was armed! Kyo got and idea. Hit hit the switch on the blade and swung. The blade came off the hilt and went soaring into the mans head. He collapsed. Kyo walked over and grabbed his blade, reataching it. He washed it and kissed it then resheathed it. "Didnt even need to use the powers."[/i][/b][/color]
  7. wow... somebody is obsessed... Heres one where I DIDNT screw up the words. SOULTAKER!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roxanne Leifen [/i] [B][i][color=lightpink]Oh they did "No one like you"? OMG! I absolutly love that song. But one thing that im gonna have to get off the subject about is, well Queen looks/seems/sounds just like X-Japan. Ok here is how i see it...: Queen - *major rock band in the 80's in america, & have big hair* X-Japan - *major rock band in the 80's in Japan & have big hair as well.* That is how i see it. Its like...wow...See they both have their good songs, and bad songs that no one seems to care for.[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats hilariouse! But didnt almost all rock bands in the 80s have big hair? I dont really know much about queen I just love their songs. How does Bohemion Rhapsody make you smile??? Its a sad song. And Eugi, who is Alice In Chains?
  9. 1: Hellsing boxset 2: Phantasy star Online for G-Cube 3: Shonen Jump Vol.1 Box Set 4: King of Bandit Jing all DVDs (saw the first DVD and wanna see MORE!) 5: Any other cool manga there ya go, Im here till SUNDAY!
  10. Well, if you go to Waldenbooks then they have how to draw manga starter kit! Its in a green plastic box.
  11. Rounin Warriors: I have been here for like 2 months and have YET to hear anything about it. Ive only seen like 2 episodes and its a pretty cool series. Its kinda like Saint Saiya. Pretty darn cool for somethin so old. Also believe it or not next to no one talks about Lupin anymore.
  12. How many f you have heard of/listen to queen? Their like an 80s band or somethin and they sing a bunch of rock songs like Bohemien Rhapsody and Champions. The Bohemian Rhapsody is truly a piece of work. Opinions. [center] is this the real life? is this just fantasy? caught in a landslide no escape from reality open your eyes look up to the skies and see Im just a poor boy I need no sympathy cause Im easy come easy go little high little low any way the wind blows doesnt really matter to me......[/center] Bohemian Rhapsody opening. ^
  13. that Hellsing one is HOT! Did you put the text in yourself? Cause if you did then wow. You neever cease to amaze me little dude.
  14. Thats just it. I cant figure that OUT! Minimize everything? How?
  15. I change mine like every 2 weeks. I couldnt figure out how to save my desktop but I do have the image Im using!
  16. hey thats really good but its a bit big. Here it cant be more than 100X500.
  17. ...... Im not changing the Cowboy Bebop one..... heres a banner for King of Bandit Jing. Its an alright series. This banner is.... weird.
  18. [center][i]Listen to my sweet techno beat, a dance in my seet, as the music goes on, we party on, buncha 12 and 13 year olds dance across the floor, no one gets bored, dont go out the door, I play some funky songs, variouse hip-hop, as I help everyone, to make the roof drop.[/i] As the emcee drops beats, everyone thinks they so sweet, tryin to break it down, they all over the ground, gunshot sound, CD still goes round, school surrounded, all the kids confused, another gun sounded, some people get choosed, by a bullet, enter the stomach, kids sworm out, evacuation, most kids make it out, some still in. 6 killers lock the doors from outside, 7 kids are locked inside, all of the killers pry their way in, to find the kids and commit their sins, now its time, here comes the crime, hiphop school adventure, escape the torture! Sign up: Name age race eye color hair color appearance bio personality.[/center]
  19. I completely agree. The card game and manga had 3 threads each and the are not ".hack//SIGN". The name should definetally be changed. It should also be in the series column w/ Zelda and Pokemon.
  20. I have figured out all aspects of making paint banners. Ill start by giving you my newest but not greatest banner. RK rivals.
  21. I didnt see that one! Oh hell yeah that is hot! But a little to hot. The bright letters dont work with the picture.
  22. Kyo 19 bad large black stone that he wears on a chain a switchblade, it uses the combination powers f lightning and dark. When it touches someone a shock spreads through their body. coming soon.... he is very silent since being an assasin didnt give him much time. He is very cocky and NEVER feels anything but happiness He is a very skilled assasin who has killed many. He comes from the evil island of Neir. He is a close friend of Izumi though, as stated, he doesnt speak much. After he found out about the 6 warriors of the same blood as the origonals he immediatly knew he had a challenge. He searched to find someone who would pay him but none would. He decided that he would go out and defeat them on his own.
  23. Can someone please tell me what in the hell a l33t is? like slang? Or do you just put an 3 as all of your e's?
  24. The solar beam was about to launch when suddenly Kyo's face lit up. "what took ya?" he asked. Gina got confusud but it was to late to stop the charging. "Doduo, Quick attack!" The charging Surkit didnt hve enough time to doodge. It was sent steadilly back. "Duduo, DRILL PECK!" The Duduo was running toward the tiny Pokemon but it dodged. Duduo was going so fast when it came to the wall it put one foot on and pushed sending it backward. It stumbled right past the tiny waer PKMN and stopped right behind it. Just as Surkit tuned around it was Drill Pecked into an excellent KO. "But, but. Oh fine. Surkit return, heres your badge." Gina said in a low tone. Kyo took the badge. "YEAH! I WON MY FIRST BADGE! Doduo return!"
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