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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. Kyos Doduo stoo on the field. Ginas Surkit was on the other side. Kyo, "What does Surkit do again?" He asked puzzled. He staed at the Pokemon. It was just.... so.... weird looking. "You gunna attack?" "Umm... i... know nothing about Surkit." Sweatdrops for all.
  2. well, I personally am 12. I started a 12 plus RPG for violence, and I do not enter sex-related RPGs. Personally I think it should be allowed and if an RPG starter is under that age then, well, long as there not spamming who gives? Tch, theyve probably seen worse in manga.
  3. Tredy? Me? O.O Thats funny enough to make me smile. *laugh=common, smile=rare* Wow thats interesting. Ive heard my mom talk about Rolingstone.com but I hardly EVER watch MTV. Ill have to check it out.
  4. Jurassic Park: My first movie obsession. It was really great, being a six year old who watched Beevis and Buthead it wasnt surprising that I loved this movies violence. I became a dino freak. The Lost World: Oh hell yeah i loved it. The biggining was kinda boring but as soon as my favorites, the raptors, [soiler]started taking out random people[/spoiler] I was happy. O_O Jurassic Park 3: This one was the newest. I liked it a lot because it introduced new dinos and gave the raptors major credit, but all the death happened [spoiler]at the beggining![/spoiler] All Japanese Godzilla flicks: Hail godzilla. Nuff said. American Godzilla: My other early movie obsession. I loved it. I laughed, I (hehehe) smiled, it was a pretty good remake with a nice soundtrack. Pokemon the first movie: A really great begginning. It features the first real violance in Pokemon. It had maning and action and cracked me up. Pokemon 2000: Wow. Thi was a truly great movie. Awesome music, pretty good story, and a nice opening scene. Very well done combo of computer and anime. Pokemon 3: It was pretty damn good. Probably the best PKMN movie yet. The action scenes were gret and the whole Unknown thing was creepy. # 4 wasnt very good. Blood The Last Vampire: I am still haunted by the chiropterans. I dont look out the window, I dont go out in the dark. Wow. Ninja Scrool: First anime movie I ever saw. Partially got me into anime. Great flick despite the nude sceens. Very bloooooody. X The Movie: My favorite anime movie still. Very bloody, awesome and unexpected ending, and best of all, humorouse. Shrek: Extremely funny with a great plotline. A sertain line inspired me in social studies. The Emperers New Groove: Funniest movie I have ever seen in my short life. Spriggan: Blood. More blood. Lots of blood. Sudden storyline catchup.......... then more blood.
  5. Those are amazing. Very well done. I love them. Your an inspiration to all paint users. I like the Chobits one most because it looks like you inverted the colors.
  6. Anime faces change. 5 years ago I would have never guessed Astro Boy was anime but 20 years ago I woulda been obsessed. Giant robots seem to be the only definets now. Why? Why not the big eyes and round faces? Because newer american cartoons always seem to imitate anime. Sometimes Gundam becomes Dexters Lab! The face of anime is near impossible to find.
  7. OOC: Oops OOC2: I knew lying about my birthday all the time would come back to bite me. (on Yahoo! Im like 100) Kyo stepped into the arena. He was ready. Then he dicide to get Nitsuke as angry as humanly possible! "Only 3 huh? Gues I wont be using one of them!" His confedence tripled. Nitsuke went red. He wasnt sure who to pick. Ratatta would be smart but it was strong. Hmmm... he decided not to use Hoothoot. "Go Ariados/Charmander!" They called out. Charander emerged happilly. "Charmander! We have to win because Nitsuke did!" He called out. Charmader understood. "Charmander! FLAMETHROWER!" The tiny orange salamander launched a full flame attack. "Ariados! Agiltiy!" Gina called. The huge bug moved out of the way of the blast. It immediatly let out a jiant web attack. The webs came soaring top speed. Charmander got a funny look and used another flamethrower. It burned the web faster than the web came. The flame hit the ariados for a one hit KO. "Ariados return!" Gina said greevingly, "Go! NINCADA!" The flying bug Pokemon came out in a ninja-like pose. It quickly flew toward Charmander. "POison Sting!" Carmander never had a chance to dodge. It breathed heavilly. "Charmander RAGE!" Charmanders eyes began to go to orange and red. A fire surrounded him. Charmander clennched its fists and began running. It jumped and punched but the bug dodged easilly. Charmander came running again but it tripped! Nitsuke burst out laughing. Sam got angry. Nincada swooped in and tackled it flying. "Charmander return." Kyo remembered how high Rattatta ad jumped to attack Hoothoot before. "GO RATTATTA!" He screamed chucking the Pokeball. But he had no clue what mstake he had made. Without order the Rattatta came flying forward and tackled the Nincada. It stmbled back a bit. "Nincada, POISON STI..." But before Gina could finished, Rattatta took it down and bit. The others were scared. Nitsuke stood and screamed... "CALL IT OFF!!!" Kyo stood in horror as the Rattatta slashed the Nincada. "Nincada return!" Kyo was stunned.
  8. Thats quite short but makes sense so.... your accepted.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roxanne Leifen [/i] [B][i][color=lightpink]The latest movie i saw....was [B]Finding Nemo[/B] Yes I know. Strange. But The part I loved the most was "Knick Knack" the little snowman in a snowglobe cartoon in the beginning. I thought that was the funniest thing i have ever seen in my life. Its cute as well. [spoiler]He tries to bloow up the snow globe but he just creates a huge blizzard in it and he is floating around.[/spoiler] [/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Hah! I watched it 4 times in the last week! So yeah ths is it. Its a really great movie. One of the funnies Disney flicks ever. The dory lady just makes me laugh to death. [spoiler] wow I wish I could speak whale![/spoiler] :laughs: Second only to the Emporers New Groove.
  10. To bad you only saw the first two. My friend ought the first 2 DVDs but I only saw 1. The second 2 episodes are much better than the first. They main gut IS a little too invinsible. The humor is in the manga.
  11. OOC: MY BIRTHDAY IS IN AUGUST!!!!!! Kyo glared. "shes lying shes lying shes lying shes lying" he muttered to himself im hatred. Every time he said it his rage grew, just like Charchar. His eyes began to turn orange in rage as Nitsuke and Gina sent out their Pokemon. Fire surronded him. His eyes began changing from orange to red. "shes lying shes lying shes lying shes lying" more and more fury. Nitsuke was winning the first match. His eyes got darker and darker as he turned red and the imaginary fire around him grew huge. Starr looked over at him. "You akay?" She asked. He didint reply. She poked him. "OUCH!" she yelped as a burn appeared on her finger. Kyo was ready to rip the enemies pokemon to shreads and..... just.... just EA THEM OR SOMETHING!!!
  12. So wait, Elefunk isnt their first CD? Whats the other one? Im interested. And Papa sings the chorus.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chichiri's Girl [/i] [B]I was wondering how in sven hells you could even [i]listen[/i] to that song when you hate Justin Timberlake that much. But with him or not I still love that song. and I'm deffinatly not his biggest supporter....That's sad though that your friendwon't download the song cause of JT Manic. I mean who cares who is in it as long as you like it. Oh well...his loss....They played that song all the time on my old station. And I'd still be listening to it if we hadn't moved.*walks off grumbling about being an Army Brat* [/B][/QUOTE] HAHA! More seven Hells... anywhoo... I dont really care that hes in there it doesnt matter, I love the song and cant tell hes in it. Haha army brat. *giggles* You crack me up. Your ALSO one of the only people who replies to my threads.
  14. Sweetreyes your probably right. This is especially expressed in Rurouni Kenshin. Note te bad guys have norrower and wideer eyes while good guys eyes are HUGE.
  15. I guess I cant let Naruto go unmentioned. This is one AWESOME manga. Ive only ead whats happened in Shonen Jump and Im in love. EXTREMELY bloody and hillariouse, just the wy I like it. Its got drama but its dramatic acton. Bestly, it breaks away from swords and samurai and visits ninja. I find this interesting.
  16. Thanks Manic, your the only one who ever replies to my threads here. I remember when my mom told me about JT being in that song and I nearly hurled. I agree, shut up is pretty funny. [i][center]shut up, just shut up, shut up[/center][/i]
  17. Starr and Nitsuke heade toward the jym. They turned a corner to see Kyo about to enter the jym. Nitsuke's face turned red. "IM GUNNA GO FIRST!!!!" She screamed as she dashed toward him. She prepared to bunch the crap out of him when he turned around surprised and ducked. "Hey I made it first fair and square." Ntsuke got angry as a huge bulging vane appeared on her forehead. Kyo noticed this and quickly slipped into the gym. Starr put her hand on Nitsuke's shoulder. "Just let it go come on, if he loses we'll have front row seats." An evil smile spread across Nitsuke's face as fire rose around her. "Lets go...."
  18. so thats what you were working on last night. wow that pretty good. The whitw text works well but you can barely see the word dragon.
  19. Will you ever cease to amaze me? That is beutiful. The blue aura, the 2 shades of blue, the text, the placement of the white lines, all so perfect. 10/10 as usual.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by haruno_sakura [/i] [B]Naruto never fails to make me laugh, which is why it's my favorite anime right now. Anyway, one of the funniest moments is in Episode 3 when [spoiler]Naruto is staring down his rival Sasuke, because Sakura, his crush, really likes him, and then someone bumps Naruto from behind, forcing Naruto and Sasuke to kiss while all the Sasuke fans stare on in horror. Also, in the same episode, I couldn't stop laughing when Naruto transforms into Sasuke to get closer to Sakura, and when they're about to kiss, Naruto gets diaherria (sp?). OMG, it really came out of nowhere, and I couldn't stop laughing.[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler]yeah the kiss thing scared me in the manga. It comes out of nwhere and at first you dont notice the bump. IVE GOT THE R-R-RUNS!!!! LOL[/spoiler] I always love when Kenshin omes home with Megumi and [spoiler]Kaoru beats him with the wooden sword[/spoiler] LOL!
  21. Does anyone else listen to this band? Theyre like a hip-hop-R&B combo. Very cool band. They sing about... pretty much anything. Those of ou who have no clue about them they sing "Where is the love?" and variouse other songs. Personnally I like the songs "Get Retarded" and "anxiety ft. Papa Roach". [i][center]people killin people diyin children hurtin hear them cryin if you practice what you preach and dont you turn the other cheek father father father help us send some guidance from above now people got me got me questionin wher is the love?[/i][/center]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CharmedImmortal [/i] [B] ~Inuyasha= ramen, ramen, ramen for him! [/B][/QUOTE] ~Naruto=ramen, ramen, ramen for him! Kyo (Samurai Deeper Kyo): his own body Kazuma (s.CRY.ed): some manners, for dealing with holy. Kyoske (soultaker): a new life
  23. [quote]Just as many Americans are obsessed with aisan women, Japanese people are obsessed with big eyed white people.[/quote] thats what Anime Insider Magazine said. O_o
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cahoots34 [/i] [B]FAKE is one of the best mangas I've come across. Its refreshingly frentic pace and wry humour make it one of my very favourites. (It's just behind X/1999, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, and CCS.) If you're a fan (or at least tolerant) of shounen-ai, I'd reccomend this _very_ highly. [/B][/QUOTE] I heard that Fake is just like Gravitation... I just recently got the first issue of Ragnarock. Great manga. Very action packed, extremely funny, your average shounen manga. Youll like it if you liked things like RK
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by valerie [/i] I'm sorry, but that is very ignorant on your part. You won't even give the guy a chance just because he's considered 'pop'? Think outside the box, you aren't limited to listen to listen to one or two types of music. I like tons of songs/muscians, from all genres of music. You might too, if you gave them a chance. [/B][/QUOTE] Mind your own business. I have reasons for disliking a bunch of lipsinking soft singers who have hundreds of girls swoning over their voice. All those songs are the same damn thing over and over. I heard invisiblew and thought it was Justin Timberlake then I heard him and thought it was some really bad emiem copier and I can never tell Nsync from Bacstreet Boys. Ramble all yoiu want Ill never agree.
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