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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. sorry.... BLAME KIEKO! She poot me up to this. Well Im not doing THAT anymore. Syk can close this now....
  2. Is this thread also for your site? I just clicked on your picture and :faint:. Those are amazing! I didnt notice you were the same illustrator that made that one manga. Wow. As I said, best pictures ever. Especially the battle one.:faint:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by K.K.C. [/i] -James (PKMN) - *Glomp* Search for bottle caps half the day away and play tricks on people. [/B][/QUOTE] O_o FAvorites Soujiro: Id offer him into my house and give him some food with an intellegent coversation. Kaoru: Beg to join the dojo Sora: Battle him CRim: talk to him then get bored and kill him. ()_() LEAST favorites: I swear to kill the cast of Reign the Conquerer Ill have more
  4. [i]line[/i] walk in a strait line never break single file no one different everybody the same we have become a line unending unchanging dont be different dont be the loner follow the croud dont try to stand proud youll be brought down unless you take charge show them the truth show them theyre ignorence shatter the steriotype cut the lines
  5. I can crop banners now! My first didnt turn out to good but...
  6. what are you talking about? The background was part of the image.
  7. question: why doent that site work? question: where did you get those images?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875] Dragon Ball Characters: A job, so that they stop wasting their time worrying about fighting. D: A very thick glove. color] [/B][/QUOTE] Amen to that. I feel sorry for D. Chichiri (FY): A tee-shirt that says NoDA! real big on it. Alexander(Reign): Hundreds of pants. Lots of pants. More and more pants. Give him pants. Give his army pants. Ash Ketchum(Pokemon): all 351 Pokemon Did I mention pants for Alexander? Pegasus(YGO): A new English voice. (my mom thinks hes gay) Jemes(PKMN): O.o Saito(RK): Soba and sigaretts.
  9. :faint: that is awesome! you made that yourself? too cool! so you actualy get to use that? wow.
  10. :faint: I remember being amazed by the first version... ...that is quite possibly the most beutiful web art Ive... ...ever seen in my entire life.
  11. ARE YOU READY? this could be painful now step into the arena and brace yourself ARE YOU READY? to take this risk tie a cord to your back and step toward the cliff ARE YOU READY? to fight to the death break someones neck punches in the chest ARE YOU READY? to fall from this height scream out in fight plummet towards the earth FIGHT sweat drips down your cheeks you wonder if you made a mistake you could be cooked like steak JUMP you hold your breath and fall you let out a screem this isnt as fun as it seemed last punch, last inch, 1 neck craks, 1 cord snaps you took to much a risk
  12. [i]blood obsession 2[/i] a knife to your throat I wisper words in your ear what is your death wish the knife slides across hit the flood droplets of blood spewing cross the floor then throw down your corpse and then I just walk away a blood obsession
  13. I DISPISE WAR MOVIES!!! Pay attention. I was THINKING of that buritto when I wrote it but its complete fiction. And chapters.
  14. Ill try to add a chapter to thi everyday. Its just common interesting thoughts that i think. Enter my world. Chapter 1 is here. ______________________ Crash. Crash. Boom! Tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat. Badoom! Tatatatatat screech screech tatatat boom boom tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat. ------silence-------- thump?.thump thump?thump thump thump?thump thump?..thump.. and a series of other thumps. There you have the sounds of war. The constant tat of guns. The crashes and explosions of bombs. And the thumps of falling corpses. A sad song is played as a funeral. And I couldn?t be happier. I sit and eat a burrito as I stare mindlessly at a TV screen. Watching the war movies. They?re so BORING. I begin to wish that I were in a real war. But of course I don?t really want that, do I? I sometimes imagine myself working for the Japanese military. I go around in a helicopter dropping bombs on random European countries. This is what happens when you watch to much TV. Its poison for your brain. I don?t really like war movies. I just watch them if their on. I could care less. I really like watching Japanese animation. Of course in modern America this labels me as a freak. I don?t care. Live action movies are usually just to real for me. American cartoons are always just stupid. The few exceptions are usually rather boring. I watch them all anyway. I hope to grow up to move to Japan. I want to learn the language, move there, and animate. Anime, video games, manga, movies, its all in my head. I hope to create at least 1 RPG epic while in my anime career. They?ll probably be on the same storyline, the anime and game that is. And they will both be based on the manga! That?s what Ill do. Got to go now, fame grows over years. Issue 1 coming soon.
  15. [i]large explosion[/i] Martha: Bastards! [i]gunshots and roars[/i] Bill: We'll never make it out [i]roars from other direction. Bill turns to see another 10' monster[/i] Martha: not two! Bill: Ill take this one [i]tons of gunshots and roars[/i] Martha: These damn chainguns SUCK! [i]gunshots and roars then sudden clicking. Martha ends fire.[/i] Martha: what the hell was that. Bill: my l-l-l-last bullets [i]Martha holds trigger but gets nothin. Both look at monsters. Monsters grown a little.[/i] Martha/Bill: Oh SHIT! [i]Martha and Bill run. Martha passes out in 2 seconds from shock. Bill is eaten whole. Monsters roar. Other monter picks her up by legs. Other monster fights for corpse.....[/i]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Sigh..... I'll respect mal's wishes by not commenting on that. But so you know, there's no such thing as "a yaoi." I would personally hate to room with Nanami, from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Pretty or not, she just may be the brattiest character [i]ever[/i] created, and I shudder to think of what the show's creator was on when he decided to give her even the tiniest supporting role. .....Then again, I might enjoy having the chance to deal her grievous bodily harm. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] watever... Im just afraid OK? Im not against yaoi. Drop it. One person I would never roommate with is ALAXANDER THE CONQURER!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! He walks around in a GOOLD THONG! Just kill me. My mom teases him and "Pegaysus" (as she calls him) all the time.
  17. [i]blood obsession[/i] covering the walls spewing from your now dead corpse obsession with death watching the blood spray its crimson covers my blade decapitation corpses everywhere and on me is not a scratch red flows down my sword down I stare at you from your carcus blood spews out such an ugly corpse I stab through your head this is my bad obsession obsession with blood
  18. K that turned out horrible. Heres my best baner ever Im retreating for now.
  19. Viper? Oh hell did I read THAT wrong. Sorry. SOMEONE said vampire
  20. Hey Im not trying to start somethin. Im just afraid of what might happen to me if I room with a yaoi NO OFFENSE. N E way, on topic. Id never wanna room with Any Digimon. The big ones would destroy my house and the little ones..... I would grab them by the neck and just not let g until their eyes roll into te back of their head.
  21. I know you probably wont let me in anyway.... but I want to be a southern vampire instead of neutral.... Took me 40 mnutes n the bio.... *sniff*
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B]:therock: Maybe the Oompa Loompa self tan appeals to some of the population? As well, as A really bad bleach job. Who knows. I think I'll get a copy when I get back home and find out what it's really all about. Besides, before I found graphic novels in regular book stores I thought that's how all of them came because the place I usually got them had everything wrapped in plastic. All hail the Oompa Loompa Manga girl!:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] OOmpa LOompa HAHAHAHSHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is great OI almost died lauguing. Oompa Loompas may be scary but if I sw THAT lady walkin down the street Id be more afraid of the snake tounge. Looking at the cover it just looks like one more meaningless hentai. Trash. Not fer my eyes.
  23. [i]24 ways to die[/i] stabbed in the back snap your neck trip over a crack never ressurect slit your wrists drow yourself dont react know over a bookshelf get crushed jump off a building stab yourself death is what I bring head in TV head in a blender head in a toilet choked by suspenders press on your temple swallow fire spontaneus combustion or something quicker death of shock eat to much catch a disease I dont give a duck heart attack hire assasins hire ninjas get yourself in the electric chair as long as your dead I dont care as long as I see your corpse Ill never feel dispair
  24. Eh, its alright. I dont like how his arm is raised but its btter than anything I could do. Wery nice. Cool smile, awesome hair. and dont mind whats his name, hes just starting controversy on purpose.
  25. heh, its alright. Love the text but the 2 different colors doesnt work welll. Whoops! bbedtime!
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