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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. Crap.... the text turned out horrible. I was using impact but when I saved it it looked like that.... DAMN YOU .JPG!!!!
  2. This is a good banner if the text turns out right. Hope so...
  3. [i][b][color=silver]Kyo saw the small grass hut sitting there looking..... dull. He walked up to the door and knocked a few times. He looked down at his watch. 11:01. The gym closed at 11:30. "Never heard of a 20 minute battle!" he said and walked inside. It was a rather small arena, a big circle. There was a young trainer sitting in a straw chair. She looked to be about Kyo's age. She stood up. "Do you wish to challenge me to a Pokemon battle? I warn you, Im really good." "Im Kyo Ryu from Frost City and Im here to win! You ready to battle?" " I am Gym leader Gina. If you came to win you ay as well turn back. We will use 6 Pokemon each. If you have less, make do." " I accept. Lets roll!" Gina and Kyo grabbed a Pokeball and stepped back. "Ratata/Wurmple GO!" The 2 tinny Pokemon. "If you use grass and bg Pokemon your doomed. Ratata! BITE!"[/i][/b][/color]
  4. [b][i][color=silver]KYo reached the windowsil and climbed in. He returned his other 2 Pokemon. He looked over at Kain who was still sleeping. He then walked over and grabbed his pack. He gobbled the last of his bread and looked at a map. They were in Edgewood. He prepared for a journey and looked out the window. Starr was gone, perfect. He swiftly grabbed onto his rope and scaled down. He pulled the sheet string, he might need it. After packing it into his backpack and ran around the building, carefull of the windows or doors. He came into town. Most places were still open. He ran around, being carefull not to be caught by a Jenny. He remembered what the other Jenny had said bout working on another case. He was pretty suspiciouse looking. He saw a Pokemart and quicly rushed in. He came to the counter. "Hello can I buy 3 potions?" He held out 600 dollars. "Sure." He gave the man cash and got his potions. The man was gonna say have a nice day but Kyo was already gone. He ran around town as if he was looking for something. He then spied the treasure. The Edgewood Pokemon gym.[/b][/i][/color]
  5. Oh my GOD! THat thing is GEORGEUS! I cant believe it... 2 hours. That kinda stuff takes dedication like crazy. Can I have it? Your blue bannner will be up for grabs again. This one will be seen a lot! I post like crazy! PLEEEAASSEEE???!!!
  6. [b][i][color=silver]Kyo sat down in a chair. Kain was passed out. He had saved some bread from dinner because he knew he wouldnt be sleeping any time soon. He took a bite of the bread and petted Charander who was tromping around happily. It had really let its victory go to its head. It suddenly stopped by the window and stared out at the dark feild. Kyo noticed him. He stood up. "What is it CharChar?" He asked using the new nickname he had given it. Charmander signaled to come over. Kyo came over, leaving his picture of Charmander eating an apple on the chair. He looked out the window to see a bunch of HootHoot outside. He looked at the clock. 10:45. He carefully crept out the window with a Pokeball. He wispered up to Charmander. "You guard the apartment." H walked toward one, stalking it in the darkness. He opned a Pokeball. "RATATA! GO!" The mouse pokemon came out and pounced at the unsuspecting Hoothoot. "SCRATCH ATT--- huh?" He noticed that Ratata was preparing a bite attack. "But wait! Thats not what I said!" Ratata sank its teeth into Hoothoot KOing it. "Look out Ratata, Im gunna catch it!" But Ratata didnt move. It repeatedly scratched at the Hoothoot. Kyo suddenly realized thus was a mouse attacking an owl. Ratata must have had a bad incedent with a Hoothoot. He returned Ratata, potioned Hoothoot, and captured it. Charmander and Doduo lowered some sheets and he climbed up.[/b][/i][/color]
  7. [i]die[/i] DIE I sometimes whish everyone would just DIE Leave me alone! Just DIE JUst go over there and DIE Why cant all of those people just DIE Why cant my whole school just DIE Why cant everyone I know just DIE Why cant everyone in the whole world DIE The pain is overwhelming.... I wish it would DIE Why does everyone have to DIE Why do I want everyone to DIE Why cant I just........ live
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xai [/i] [B][color=crimson] I remember showing my aunt a manga(Inu-Yasha) one time, and her reaction was funny. She didn't really care about the nudity, but went on and on about the violence and fighting. O_o It went something like this: [b]Me:[/b]This is what I was talking about. [b]Aunt:[/b]Oh my! They're fighting each other. Look! She already killed a girl!(referring to when Kikyou pinned Inu-Yasha to the tree with her arrow) [b]Me:[/b]Um... that's a guy. His name is Inu-Yasha. And he's not dead. [b]Aunt:[/b]*turns to another page that happens to have nudity* [b]Me:[/b]*braces self for her reaction* Erm... what do you think of that? [b]Aunt:[/b] Oh, it's just a boob. But this book is just so violent! It's awful! [b]Me:[/b] O_o I guess I should try to find something more "family friendly" they would like and sit them down and watch it. Might open a few minds.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] HA! The way you described it "familly friendly" might be nudity packed. Yikes. You shouldnt let your manga collect dust. [quote]Just imagine a six year old running around saying "Zako? Zako Zako![/quote] Thank god my little brothers aint six. Oh wait they are! AAnd they love the show! NOOO!
  9. People I wouldnt wanna room with... That girl with the squeaky voice from gatekeepers 21. Her (along with any other squeaky voiced charachter) would drive me to shove a knife through there voice box. I would also have no one from Gavitation of any other gay charachters and you should no why. O.o I would not share a roomwith Knives because he might find out im human and chhhhhhck, my head is off. No one happy or I would just kill them. Nobody who is obssesed with fish. Thats just scary. No Haruko from FLCL because Im scared of the effect of that guitar on my head. Not to mention she might drive me bonkers. I think thats all...
  10. taking the stairs down to Hell wishingly wantingly your so-called destiny cant wait to be there cant wait to see there can wait to breath there to see if its real solving lifes mysteries all to late wonderaing about your fate Is there a heaven is there a hell no one can tell nobody knows tell me the truth where do you go? are you a ghost? reincarnation? life after death? spirit world? tell me! Oh wat you dont know dont believe everything you read dont believe everything you hear you live off of every breath because death is your greatest fear.
  11. [i][b][color=silver] All of them suddenly turhned to the door as kyo burst in and ran to the counter. He reached the desk and slammed down a Pokeball. "You gotta heal my Charmander! Its suffering from a rage overdose!" "Chansey! Strecher for small fire Pokemon stat! Dont worry, we'll have him better in no time!" Kyo breathed hard. He looked over to see all the thers staring at him. He breathed heavilly as e realized who they were. "You guys are here to?" He asked. "Well I guess I answered my own question there. So whats up?" "We were gunna gett a hotel. Now that your here, you can share a room with Kain." Kain snapped his fingers in dissapointment. "So has anyone else caught a new Pokemon?" He then noticed Nitsuke. Their eyes locked. RIVALRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sam noticed the evil glare and enterupted. "Well, I caught this Torchic!" And so they shared their stories.[/b][/i][/color]
  12. darn haikus dark it is dark out so dark at night this place is low tide, waves way back so mysteriouse who knows wjat lies in the deep but Im not down there millions of sand crabs white yet invisible, yikes better watch your step when the sun rises dissapear the sand crabs will farewell brave sand crabs lots and lots of sun the beach is so briht at day high tide, wakes way up
  13. Did ya PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGNUP??? I need a lot of people.
  14. [b][i][color=silver]"Well? I challenged you! You gunna battle or what?" "Ill battle. A 1 on 1. But Im warning you, Im and expert." "Blah blah blah bring it on!" Both of them took their places and reached for their Pokeballs. Kyo placed his stereo on the ground and flipped it on. [size=1]So you wanna be a master of Pokemon![/size] The opponent grabbed a Pokeball from his belt and stepped back. Kyo grabbed one too. "Smeargle! I choose you!" The little whit Pokemon appeared in the arena. "GO Charmander!" Kyo screamed throwing a Pokeball. The two terror tailed Pokemon stared each other down. [size=1]We all live...in a Pokemon world.[/size] "Charmander HEADBUT!" "Char! Charmander!" The Pokemon screamed. It came charging in. "Smeargle! Make him see red!" The freakish white Pokemon swiped its tail across Charmanders eyes. It began to stumble around dazed. "HA! Big mistake. Charmander RAGE!" A fiery aura rose around Charmander. Its eyes turned orange. "Chaaaarrrrmmmaaannnddeeeeerrrrr...." It growled angrilly. The opponent looked scared. [size=1] master of them AAAAALLLLLL![/size] "RAGE TACKLE!" "CHARRRRRR!" The Charmander came flying in and punched the Pokemon flying. It went soaring into the air. [size=1]POKEMON![/size] Charmander breathed heavilly, smiled, and fell down. Kyo ran up to it and returned it. The other kid went running toward the town. "Ah! I better go to!"[/i][/b][/color]
  15. [b][i][color=silver] Kyo sat at one of the tables with a bowl of ramen. He slurped and thought hard about where he was going. He finished up and looked at the needle thing. It suddenly lit up and beeped. Kyo ran over to the nurse. She handed him a tray with his two Pokeballs and a bonus potion. "The potion is for beginner trainers wandering through here. These woods are dangerouse so be carefull. Your Pokemon are fully healed, we hope to see you again! Oh yeah, if you have any trouble, officer Jenny is right next door." "Thanks. See ya!" Kyo said as he walked out into the darkness again. He went over to the office of officer Jenny. "Hello? Mrs. Officer Jenny?" "Officer Jenny here!" The blue haired woman said. "Well, whats wrong? Spit it out, Im on an important case." "Oh, um, Im inda lost. Can you point me outa this forest?" "Just go strait that way. You should reach the outskirts of the forest. From there you should go right to reach a city with a center. Oh, and when you walk out wear these sunglasses to avoid blindness." She said throwing him some sunglasses. "Remember to keep safe. Bye!" "OK see ya" he said leeving. He popped on his sunglasses and began heading west. He could barely see with these sunglasses on, but he was guided by a large light. The end of the forest! He looked around a little then took off the glasses. He looked to the right. He was in a big field. The forest continued on the left and to the right off in the distance tthere was a city. To his surprise only 1 other person was in the field. Probably because there were only a few Pokemon out there. Just 4 or 5 Ratata. He began waking. He came across one of the Ratata. Perfect target. He threw a Pokeball and Doduo came out. "Do-du-o" The Doduo stared down the Ratata. "Doduo! Peck attack!" The bird Pokemon spang out after the rat in a fury of pecks. Ratata jumped back at the attacks. "RRRRATATA!" The tiny Pokemon screamed as it tacked Doduo. Dodou simply shook it off and took a fghting stance. "OK Doduo... quick attack!" The doduo charged at Ratata and kicked it into the air. It went flying into the air. "Pokeball! Go!" Kyo screamed. He lunged the red and white ball and it cought Ratata in mid air. It hit the ground aand shook a little. Suddenly it bounced. Kyos eyes widened. BOOP. The little light went off. "Yeah! We caught Ratata!" KYo screamed. He ruturned Doduo then ran up and picked up the Pokeball with Ratata. Suddenly the other trainer came running toward him. "Your pretty good, but are you ready to battle?"[/i][/b][/color]
  16. Its funny how one can like a pop singer and a hybrid/metal band at the same time. Personally I dispise Clay since im a pop flamer, but Numb is my current favorite. I have liked LP from the first song they made and am still a big fan!
  17. Forgive him hes only ten.... I like the banner. I agree that the text is a little hard to read, but I rad it nevertheless. I think the image works well with the background but the black aura should be blue.
  18. Hmmm.... I liked then when they first came out. I used to sing the words to Hash-Pipe all the time. Then there was that weird wedding song. But I never heard anything else of them. I liked them and Alien Ant Farm for a little while but I was mainly hooiked on LP. oh well.... "come on and kick me, come on and kick meeee.. woahwoah, you got your problems...woah woah.... I got my *** wipe... woah woah... you got your big Geeeeeees I got my hash pipe" or somefin like that.
  19. OK its been later... I cant save ya ferever KKC and Alastor are accepted. Isus, ya just need a longer bio...
  20. Well Chichiri, in that sceen, Naruto had been poisoned and he decided to stab himself in the hend to get it out. If you look at the first banner, he is bleeding and sweatdropping because the girl (sakura) is asking if he gets of on pain and Master Kakashi is telling him he will now bleed to death so he iis laughing then grimacing.
  21. Hmmm...... Im not gunna post one today.... I hired another reporter but they hevent posted yet. Thanks for all comments and criteque there will be a new one tommorrow.
  22. whatizzup dizzog? I love the new banna's. The naruto ones are great and the cheeze cracked me up. And thew other was alrght to. gtg.
  23. umm....... its a bit flashy..... literally..... and theres a black box at the bottom..... and the text is unreadable..... and I almost had a seizure..... but it has nice cropping!
  24. the pic is good but DANG that gun is............ tis has gotten me in trouble at school so I won say it. Anyway its a much better drawing than anything I could ever do. Pretty good but knives is so.... happy lookin. Oh well. Next time draw a bock as the gun, tats what i do.
  25. [b][color=red]Kyo continued through the dark forest. His Charmander was lighting the way. all kinds of Paras and Zubar and nocturnal pokemon were walking around. Kyo was still thinking about the doduo he had caught. It was hurt really badly and he had no potion. They keep going down the roadwhen the came across a bunch of lanterns on each side of the road. "I wonder whats going on?" Kyo asked. They walked closer when suddenly a large building came into view. It was surroundedby torches and surrouned by trees. THe only spot of sunlight in the whole forest was over the center... still not visible. They entered. Lots of other trainers were reting and walking around. There was a restaraunt and a staircase that said "trade center" on it. "Welcome to the Pokemon Center! We can heal your Pokemon back to perfect health. Would You like to heal your Pokemon?" "Uhh... sure" Kyo handed her his Pokeballs and took a seat. [/b][/color]
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