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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. [i]lalallalalalalalala[/i] lalalalalalala go into lalaland lalalalalalala this is your happy land hapy land in your mind in your hands doze off lay your problems to rest but if you stay to long in lalaland youll brake away from the truth dont ever forget the truth dont ask
  2. Kyo had gon from frost to lost. He was in some kind of dark forest. "uuuuuuu...... this place gives me g-g-g-goosbumps...." he walkes cautiosly listening to the haunting melody of the Hoot-hoot. He takes a step and a bunch of Zubat come flying up. "GAAAHH!!" he shrieked stumbling backword. He breasthed heavilly. Suddenly he saw something wiz by. He looked to see something brown dissapear into the darkness. He wondered what it was. He then heard a large amount of footsteps. He looked behind him to see... "DODUO STAMPEDE!!!" Kyo ran for his life. He quickly jumped into a bush. He then noticed 1 Doduo left behind. It was a little one. Kyo looked over. "hey why arent you..." "DODUO!!!!!!" Doduo scresmed and pecked at him. "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" Kyo slammed Charmanders Pokeba down. Charmander arose. "CHARMANDER! EMBER!" Charmander spread embers across the ground. Doduo began hoping around. "POKEBALL! GO!" the pokeball captured Doduo and fell into the ember. It shook and made a sound. Kyo walked over and picked it up in disbelief. His hand turned red. "AAAG! FLAMING POKEBALL!" He quickly minimized it and attached it to his belt. "Yeah! We got Doduo!" He returned Charmander and contineud.
  3. Oh man! Your even better than bfore! Yay ED! The sora one looks HOT and the Naruto one had me bawling in laughter. Very good. (I dont know what I just said)
  4. HHSH part 2 in this house its time for fun let us slaughter everyone lots of blood lots of fun happy house haunted sunshine diiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee yeah yeah yeah smiiiiiiiiillleee yeah yeah have fun and die maybe if your lucky youll be mummified!
  5. HAHAHA! Seven hells, thats good.. I agree. The only reason she didnt merry whats his face is because the sun wouldnt be sayin. Blech.
  6. "FOOLS" A deep voice bellowed through the house. They turned to the door. There was a teacher who had blood going down his face and an arm gone. He was wearing a big smile. "Y...YOU IDI....IOTS! YOu Ma..ay have beat..en us techer b..b..but THE PRINCIPAL LIVES ON!" He pounted his gun toward TAnya only do recieve 5 bullets in his back. It was....... GuardianStorm this is where you come in.
  7. Hey Im just trying to help. know myfreedom of press, why dont YOU get over yourself Mr. high and mighty. Anyway, I didnt ask for complaints just read it and if ya gotta problem PM me.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B]There were FIVE Bigs. Big O, Big Duo, Big Trio, Big Fou, and I think the last one was [spoiler] Angel's, Big Five[/spoiler] Easy one: List the WolfwoodxMilly scenes in Trigun along with what episode each appeared in. :) [/B][/QUOTE] that would be 3. how many times does the Big O fight in season 1?
  9. OOC: Animangademon haas specified that NO ONE MAY KILL MR> MARKSMAN UNTIL SHE RETURNS AND EDITS! If you have a problem, PM her.
  10. Kyo returned Charmander to his Pokeball. He was all ready to go, but first he wanted to visit his mom. He left the school, getting his last look at the building. He quickly caught a bus to Frost City. When he got home he hugged his mo nd told her that he had to go. "Ill...miss you kyo.. and remember to change your underwear EVERY DAY...." "Yeah mom I will. Love ya! Bye!" With that Kyoleft on his Pokemon journey. "Hmmm... first I should find a weak trainer to battle. Brrrr........ cant wait t get outa here." Kyo ran out toward a snowy field. He was finally OUT! He looked around. It was the coldest place in frost city. He kept going when suddenly a trainer came from nowhere into the field. "Hey you!" the kid screamed. He was carying a radio, "Get ready to battle!" The kid flipped the radio on. [size=1]Everybodys gotta be a master, everybodys gotta show their skill[/size] "Go Sunkern!" The little seed Pokemon arose. "Big mistake, CHARANDER!" "Char! Charander!" "Charmander FLAMETHROWER!" [size=1] Its a whole new world we live in.[/size] The huge flame engulphed the poor seed and it was a one-hit-wonder. [size=1]And be the best that you can be......Pokemon oh yeah[/size] "I WIN" Kyo screame. "AAG! I lost!" The kid ran off and left his radio. Kyo couldnt catch up so he kept it. ___________ lyric changes were purposeful.
  11. Now Ill tell you, I have never seen this but my mom ALWAYS talks about the wire hanger sceen. I just saw the clip on I love the 8os. THAT WOMAN WAS PSYCHO! She went crazy over everything. Not to mention she had freaky eyebrows. But the wire hanger scene will haunt me forever. "WHAT IS THIS? WHAT IS IT? I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU! NO WIRE HANGERS... EEEEVVVEEEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!" oh my god. If you have seen this express your thoughts. My mom said she would rent it for mothers day... yikes.
  12. Thank you to all of you. Heres vol. 4! [size=4] The otakus must speak![/size] Hello all otakus. I would like to generate discussion on [size=3]Otaku Holidays![/size] for example, every year there could be a celebration thread fo otakuboards anniversarys. Therre could also be a mod appreciation week! If anyone has any ideas please post! Maybe we could take this to the feedback section. The other news comes soon. [size=4]Cant have homework AND otakuboards?[/size] I understand that plenty of you have SO MUCH FREAKIN HOMEWORK you have no time to takuboard. WHen you get back then all these new posts pop up like freakin crazy. YOU ARE LOST! So I would like to request something of the people who are on here more often. Especially RPGers. Please dont post to often. Even I should lay off. Unfortunate people like that dont even get to join RPGs! So just..like...take a chillpill.
  13. FRi. Nov. 7 12:09 DAY REVIEW I woke up. I ate breakfast. I got ready for shool. I barely mde the school bus. I sit in the 3rd seet. I am tortured beyond rashonal belif by the kids behind me. Who gives a damn. I walk into the school. Climb the stairs. Put my crap in my locker, and sit down in my seat. Oh boy. More torture. Thank god its a halfday. If it aint the other kids its the teachers. I think they envy my brainpower. The ORT is passed out. I take it. I turn it in. I rread and begin writing depressing poems. First mod suddenly begns. We do next to nothing in our 18 miutes, which gives me more time on my depressing poems. Next class. We are still doing nothing. I have finished 2 depressing poems and wrote a third one that was happy. Next class. I write a hilarious song while the tv plays for 18 minutes. Next is math. My favoite. We actually DO stuff in here and I write a poem that remains unfinished. On the bus. Less torture. Run home. On OB IMMEDIATLY. Get a few PMs, send a few, type this crap.
  14. [i]Happy Huanted Sunshine house[/i] welcome in before we begin we need to cut off your head this house is just for the dead take that frown turn it upside down this wont hurt at all you wont even fall *chop* all done have fun this poem aint over its just on the run! (part 2 later)
  15. [i]mind nuke[/i] My brains xplodin So many thoughts So many things that dont matter. Why think about things that dont matter? "what happens when you die?" "what is the purpose of matter?" Whats goin on? In my head? how long do you bug yourself? Until your dead? Yet you forget it all when you go to bead time to rest my head nuff said.
  16. K.K.C. and Alastor very good. Anime_Guy, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? Come on people have you seen Kill Adam. This stuff has got to be HUGE.
  17. Sounds like a good idea Shy. Daily Otaku........ [size=4] It has begun![/size] On a minor note, the mini version of Kill Adam has begun! It is called Welcome to the gang! [size=4] Banner Boy back on the sceen.[/size] For those of you who didnt know, one of OBs greatest banner makers, Evolved_Dragon, had lost his banner making abilities a month ago. But now he has regained it and will be making beutiful banners once again! Be sure to PM him random requests and keep him on his toes, he loves banner making. Be sure to visit his thread! I know I will. I know tis was short but the next issue will have [size=4]HUGE[/size] coverage! See ya!
  18. Your gunna need to expand BIG TIME! This isnt just some throw off RPG you gotta TYPE! And callsign is nickname.
  19. Kyo no Ryu


    "So what should we do?" Kyo asked, "we dont ha... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!" That was all the kid could make out. He wasnt even paying attention. He was scetching. He had a beutiful pencilation of Hundrenda huging his wife Melina. The kid had written some Japanese stuff and flipped th page. He looked over at Lani, then Ty, and started drawing them as they landed. The group just jabbered on which was fine as long as he got to draw. After about 10 minutes he had finished. Then he looked up at Kyo and....... just Kyo. He thought about how Kyo must feel without a mate. But Kyo looked just fine. He shrugged it off and continued right at the second he finished a picture of kyo with a big smile and peace sign, the came to a conclusion.
  20. Warning, only people ages 12+ may apply due to violence. [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Tical/s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Tical/bg.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Tical/su.jpg[/img] As you likely guessed its a younger version of Kill Adam. If these images arent working, please contact me.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Oh my gosh, this is the easiest question I've ever been asked. Dragon Ball Z, hands down. That is the worst dub I've ever heard in my life. The voices are stupid, they change from season to season, and all the villians have that same stupid "gruff" sounds going on. I don't know, it just bothers the heck out of me.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You can say that again. With the extreme violence of this show it was NEVER meant for CN. Maybe more people would like it if they hadnt taken it. At first they werent even aloud to say "die"! Can you believe that?
  22. OOC: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! That was so much like a bad zombie movie I nearly died laughing! And now to make things interesting... Kyo and Calista lied dead. Mr. Kyoshiro was standing, using his last inch of life o try to pull the konai from his neck. "you lost?" Said a deap voice penetrating the silence. "M....m..mr....pri....ci....al...." Mr. Kyoshiro reached farther up. This man had a strng will to live. That or aniron throat. Suddenly the other man shot him right in te back of the head. Mr. Kyoshiro fell to the ground and died next to the other 2. "Weaklings. I wonder hw the rest are doing? And of course my star pupil, Mr. Marksman." The man walked away laughing.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alastor [/i] [B]Well it might not be all that bad. I thought Shrek was a kiddie move but it turned out to be funny. So yo never know.. just because it looks kiddie doent mean it not a good movie. [/B][/QUOTE] No cartoon (well, except the emperers new groove) is as funny as shrek. I think Elf just looks retarded. My 15 year old football playing anime freak cousin wants to see it tough. He thought it was hillariouse when he screamed SANTA!!!!!!! I know him! I think it just looks... Like a waste of 2 million dollars. Blech. And who is that actor guy?
  24. The most emotional moment EVAAAA!!!!! mm... I agree with WW2 : [spoiler]in the end of samurai X reflection we see kenshin, deseased kenshi, walking down to the dojo to see Kaoru. The deseased Kaoru is coming out to see him. Kenji has a battle wit Yahiko and wins the sakabatou. Then Kenshin and Kaoru meet at the spot where he had said goodbye to her. Kenshin dies in her arms....long silence....credits....and then we see Kenji and his wife walk by the spot. The wife asks about weather he thinks theyll be happy together. He says yes...[/spoiler] another is from Trigun. Wolfwood prepares to shoot out a bunc of people. Vash screams "WHAT HAPPENED TO THOUGH SHALL NOT KILL? WHAT THE HELL KINDA PREACHER ARE YOU?" I laughed, I cried, it was all good. Ill be back with more.
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