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Kyo no Ryu

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Everything posted by Kyo no Ryu

  1. HAHAHA!!! Theres this gay kid in my class whose askin for a mouth full of led (damn him). anyway I HAVE CREATED THE FINAL VERSION! I hope.
  2. No, Thank YOU for liking it. Heres the avi.
  3. okay, I have recieved better images from Chichiri over AIM and hope this works.
  4. AAAAAAA!!!!! Weasel attack!! Ag! Ouch! My freakin nose! Oh yeah I trie it again and it looks wayyyyyy better.
  5. If this doesnt come out right I hope Im mugged by a dozen starving crazed weasles.
  6. Woah woah, I didnt draw telesouth, I cut up a picture. If youve forgotten I dont beieve n cussing. Heres another version of chichiris banner.
  7. this one isnt all that. [I] A Place for my head the poem[/I] [I] I watch how the moon sits in the sky on a dark night, shining from the light of the sun[/I] What a sight the moons fake light Dances across the sky Sky so hi [I] but the sun doesn?t give the light to the moon assuming the moons gunna owe it one[/I] Their not alive They don?t strive To drive Each other down In the ground No greed Among the nonliving [I] Makes me think of how you act with me you do, favors then rapidly you just turn around and start askin me about things that you want back from me[/I] Who do you think you are? Your wrong by far If you want something, work Do something This wont work Tidings I wont bring [I] I?m sick of the tension sick of the hunger sick of you actin like a owe you this. Find another place to feed your greed while I find a place to rest[/I] Leave me alone Drop the phone Don?t contact Don?t react Go away Go and play Get out of my face Find your place Lose the race You disgrace I don?t owe you Let me sleep Let me rest Let me find a place for my head [I]I wanna be in another place I hate when you say you don?t understand.[/I] No! Don?t speak! Don?t ask! Don?t blink! [I] I wanna be with the energy not with enemy a place for my head[/I] You make me sound like the bad guy But its all you I don?t have to give you anything You helped and you want pay? You donated your strength And you want something in return Without permission Is that your mission? Go away You?ve made yourself unwanted Die
  8. ....................what the hell inspired that poem?...............is that about you?............holy crap.........thats what happens when you give in to every steryotype thrown at you........its my favorite yet.....I shouldnt have read that poem........._._._. Be shure to check out my latest pieces.
  9. Here is the story of Kyo. There may be a part 2. Story of Kyo CH 13 NEWSFLASH: a series of wildfires have broken out all over Southern Japan all the way up to Kyoto. Officials are bewildered at the speed and rapidness of these fires. Not much is? CH 10 NEWSFLASH: More information on the Japan fire, only 8 people have been found dead, all of them were combat masters. They have all spoken the words Kyo no Ryu. These words have not yet been trans? CH 68 NEWSFLASH: *Spanish stuff* CH 17 NEWSFLASH: Good news, a new show is coming to Cartoon Network, its called? CH 233 NEWSFLASH: Hi and welcome to Tech TV. For all you anime fans out there, there are a series of wildfires spreading across Japan. If you call 465-6792 with the translation of this ?Kyo no Ryu? they can save Japan. 4-6-5-6-7-9-2 ?Hello Tech TV. I have the translation. Kyo the Dragon,? ?thank you for your cooperation!? CH 233 NEWSFLASH: It has been confirmed that Kyo no Ryu means Kyo the Dragon. CH 13 NEWSFLASH: Kyo no Ryu. Also known as Kyo the dragon. Apparently Kyo is the name of a fighter who defeated each master before burning down their dojo and their hometown? CH 10 NEWSFLASH: Latest news on Kyo no Ryu. We are on the scene, only 1000 feet away from the burning city of Kyoto. We have discovered that this ?Kyo? is armed and dangerous. If you see anyone suspicious run for your lives. CH 17 NEWSFLASH: New episodes of Pokemon and YuGiOh! ?I think I like this channel.? Kyo said in his new America home. ?and soon, Ill take this place too, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!? And so the journeys of Kyo continue.
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Thats great! Pure jenius! Nice car and perfect font not to mention one hillariouse quote! I like it a lot.
  11. Holy crap where the heck do you come up with this awehotsweeool crap? (awesome, hot, sweet cool). That poem reminds me VERY much of .hack//sign. Please dont change it, its perfect as it is. And please look at and post in my poem thread.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mimmi [/i] [B][b]"Losing My Religion"[/b] by R.E.M [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]Life is bigger It's bigger than you And you are not me The lengths that I will go to The distance in your eyes Oh no I've said too much I set it up That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I don't know if I can do it Oh no I've said too much I haven't said enough I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try Every whisper Of every waking hour I'm Choosing my confessions Trying to keep an eye on you Like a hurt lost and blinded fool Oh no I've said too much I set it up Consider this The hint of the century Consider this The slip that brought me To my knees failed What if all these fantasies Come flailing around Now I've said too much I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try But that was just a dream That was just a dream..... [/SIZE][/color] - Mimmi[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah yes. This was my favorite song back when I was 6. I have still not figured out what the song meens, I just love it. These lyrics are different then what I thought, not surprising. But the second verse... that was gold. And I think you left a part out.
  13. HAHAHA! Thats funny! I dont know why but it is. You shouldnt squish the picture like that. Can I see the picture's origonal.
  14. Kyo no Ryu


    As Lani walked toward the grop Kyo shuddered. He glared at her. They were as bd as the other two. Kyo suddenly dissapeared into the Earth. They all looked at the whole. "The kid was amazed by all of this. "what the Hell was that all about?" dr. Alston asked. Lani looked over. "Kyo is unhappy with me because of what tornadoes do to his land. He's a sourpuss." Lani replied. Ty looked over. "come on Kyo. cant you come out of the ground for once?" Kyo arose again. "as long as I am not required to be in her area." He walked up to Hundrenda. "so whats goin on?" "I woke up after 6000 years". "oh right..., have you seen Melina?" Hundrenda's face became stern.
  15. WARNING, SOME INCORRECT LYRICS Linkin Park- ? FRom the top to the bottom bottom to top i stop in the core ive forgotten inthe middle of my thoughts taken far from my safety the pictures there the memory wont escape me but why shuold I care? Theres a place so dark you cant see the end sky caught back a shotgun which cant defend the rain dance keeps dripping acidic questions forcefully the power of suggestion lookin through the eyes shut lookin throught the rusty-rided dust a small spot of light flood the floor and pores over the rusted world of pretend and the eyes ease open and its dark again FRom the top to the bottom bottom to top i stop in the core ive forgotten inthe middle of my thoughts taken far from my safety the pictures there the memory wont escape me but why shuold I care? FRom the top to the bottom bottom to top i stop in the core ive forgotten inthe middle of my thoughts taken far from my safety the pictures there the memory wont escape me but why shuold I care? In the mmory youll find me eyes burning up.... the darkness holding me tightly until the sun rises up movin all around screamin of the ups and downs pollution manefested and preptual sound the wheels go round and the sun creeps behind street lamps chain linkin concreat a little piece of paper with a picture drawn floats on down the street till the wind is gone and the memory now is like the picture was then when the papers crumpled up it cant be perfect again FRom the top to the bottom bottom to top i stop in the core ive forgotten inthe middle of my thoughts taken far from my safety the pictures there the memory wont escape me but why shuold I care? In the memory youll find me eyes burning up.... the darkness holding me tightly until the sun rises up now you got me cought in the act you bring the thought back Im tellin you that I see right through you now you got me cought in the act you bring the thought back Im tellin you that I see right through you now you got me cought in the act you bring the thought back Im tellin you that I see right through you now you got me cought in the act you bring the thought back Im tellin you that I see right through you now you got me caught in the act you bring the thought back Im tellin you that I see right through you now you got me cought in the act you bring the thought back Im tellin you that I see right through you now you got me cought in the act you bring the thought back Im tellin you that I see right through you In the memory youll find me eyes burning up.... the darkness holding me tightly until the sun rises up In the memory youll find me eyes burning up.... the darkness holding me tightly until the sun rises up and there you have it
  16. FN: Kyo LN: Kyoshiro NN: Kyo no Ryu Age: 12 Year: 4 DSP: Charmander(MY FAVORITE!), Totodile, Treeko, Pikachu, Syther Hometown: Frost City Appearance: 4'11" black fuzzy hair, purple eyes, blue tunic, blue jeans. Persona: quiet and acts crazy until he's around friends when he becomes cheerful and friendly. Go figure. shouldnt there be a bio?
  17. Ummm... okay, its interesting. umm.... I found it.. intreguing.Pleas make more, Im interested in seeing what other things you can do. Be sure to check out mt banner thread.
  18. Thank you to everyone who has helped me in accomplishing this great banner. I also miss the simon avatar. From this point further I want pure comments and criticism.
  19. Kyo no Ryu


    The Tsunami came closer to China shore just as Kyo and the kid crossed the border onto the very same beach. "AAA!! TSUNAMI!!!" the kid screamed. "stand back". Kyo stood in front of him. There was a millitary base close behind him. A camera picked him up and Ty saw him on screen. "Its Kyo!" he almost shouted. He rushed through the hallways until he was outside. He looked down to the beach and saw Kyo with the kid. The wind was blowing in Kyos face, making his gi flow. His eyes turned yellow. He somehow knew Ty was behind him. Ty knew he knew. Ty fired a heat ray at the coming Tsunami. "NO NEED FOR THAT" Kyo yelled over the rushing waves. Ty knew what he meant. He shut off his beam. The earth started to shake. Kyo raised his hand and a jiant wll of Earth rose along the beach. The wall was so high when the Tsunami hit it barely lapped a few drops over the top. Kyo turned around. "sup Ty?"
  20. oh, yeah, I never notice edits. sorry. I tried your instructions...
  21. OK I figured out how to make the text bigger but how did you come up with that color?
  22. Wo w thats not half bad. Not even a quarter bad. I like the firyness. The avatar isnt as good though. I cant exactly tell what it is. Hmmm. Is it a gun firing? Oh well. Banner: [b]9/10[/b] avatar: [b]4/10[/b] keep practicing. And check out my thread.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Is this a not-so-subtle hint to shorten my siggy? lol. I'll shorten it, to set a shining example in these dark times. Look well, Alex, for it is your sacred quest to shorten your siggy. I'm not bothered by long sigs, in fact, I enjoy seeing what kind if idiotic AIM excerpts people put in there. But, if the majority wants their browsers to display better, then I agree to trim my sig, much like how women trim certain areas, I will trim my special area. [/B][/QUOTE] Dont worry your signature isnt that bad. Most of its largeness are short lines. I rather like reading your IM conversations.
  24. ..........-.....___....----.....nothin. Window shopping. Holy crap. How? How did you come up with such an interesting similie? Wow. It almost....makes my unafraid of the dark....almost.
  25. heres a new one. I hope you people like it! pS: POison Tounge, I dont understand.
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