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Everything posted by ShadowKitty
Kitty sat outside, mind in a confused jumble. Every thing lately just didn't make sense. The main thing, though, that was bothering Kitty was the fact that Akira knew about Rem's problem, yet he never even saw her before. 'Maybe I should ask him'...Kitty thought. "Kitty," a voice from behind said. Kitty jumped a foot in the air. "Oh...it's just you Akira," Kitty sighed, relieved. "Kitty," Akira said."I'm sorry I haven't been completely honest to you. I'll tell you how I knew about Rem: You remember long ago, right, when I went away?" "Yeah," Kitty said."I thought I'd never see you again." "Well, the truth is, I was sent away by the old elf who was your guardian. She had a vision that you'd be in great danger one day, and I could be the only one to save you. Therefor, she sent me off to training for ten years to improve my skills as a fighter. When I came back a month ago, she told me you left for civilization. She told me now is the time for what she propesized ten years ago to come true. She told me to save your friend on the night the moon is full. And, well......you know the rest." "Whoa!" Kitty sputtered, dumbfounded. This was way too much than she bargained for. "So what the elf said came true last night?" Akira looked down. "I'm afraid not. This was something that you yourself could have stopped. The real thing is something much bigger than that." "Oh," Kitty replied. "Then what is that thing I can't stop alone?" "The old fairy didn't tell me," Akira said, shrugging. "I'll guess we'll find out ourselfs, eh?" "Yeah," Kitty said gloomily. "It would be alot easier if I did know." "C'e la vie" Akira said grinning. He looked up at the sky. "Hey Kitty, remember when we used to sit outside and look at the stars." "Yeah," Kitty grinned. "You would always say that if you had a nickel for every star up in the sky, you would..." All of a sudden, Akira kissed her. Kitty was shocked. She was about to pull away, but there was something in the air that night; the sweet breeze, the sapphire blue sky twinkling with stars, that made her never wish it would end.
On another note, I spotted a Teen Titans comic book @ Borders the other day and it's weird 'cuz in da comix they have more characters. Maybe next season they'll have these unsung heroes appear.
I GOT VOLUME 4!!!!!! *Grins like a loon* What sucks is that Ryou didn't kiss Ichigo*Glares evily* But volume 4 was good. It was free of typos this time^_^ Now to wait 4 volume 5.....
Bri walked in the park. It was her favorite place to go, because it always eased her troubles. As she walked, people stared at her. She ignored the stares; she was well used to them by now. Who wouldn't stare at a cat-eared teenage girl, she thought with bitterness. She managed, though, to accept the fact she was different from everyone else. As she walked, she saw a baby blue bird on the grass, wings bent and scraggly. Bri knelt down and picked up the baby bird. The bird gave little shallow breaths in her hand. "Don't worry, little fella," Bri whispered, stroking the bird."I'll get you fixed up right away..." but it was too late. The bird died. Bri put the little thing down. "It didn't even have a chance to live," she muttered to herself. " Why does life have to be so fickle? If only I could do something about it..." She trailed off. Why am I even bothering, Bri thought. I came her to relax... that's all. She then turned and walked away. **************************************************** Stickfairy, when are we getting our decks? I'm just curious. Thanx!
Kitty sat for a while with Rem. Akira walked up to the two of them. "You okay, Rem?" he asked, looking at her. "Yeah, thanks." Rem replied, smiling at Akira. "Who are you anyway?" "Just a friend of Kitty's" he said, half-smiling. "Huh?" Rem said, confused. "Kitty, you never told me he was your friend." Kitty shrugged. The truth is, she never expected to see him again. "The stars are pretty tonight," Kitty said, avoiding the topic. "Look! I can see my zodiac constellation up there." "Phwee?" Rem asked, looking at Kitty. That was weird, Rem thought. Kitty never usually was this strange. Oh well, Rem decided. She'll tell me in time, 'cuz that's what friends do.
Akira and Kitty ran into the woods. " We have to save Rem. Her memories will consume her and she will betray us," Akira said as they ran. "How do you know all of this?" Kitty asked. "Hah," Akira said, smiling a little. "That's my little secret." "Phwee?" Kitty said. She still didn't get what was going on. Everything just seemed weird to her now. She didn't know what to think, except to move foward. "Here," Akira said. There was a large clearing of trees. There were two figures, one of a small child, slightly blurry, like a mirage. The other person was kneeling, like she was in pain. In fact, she looked alot like... " REM!!!!!" Kitty screamed, rushing foward. The mirage child looked up at Kitty, and it's eyes suddenly turned bright red. Kitty was flung back by some odd force. She landed on Akira. "Rem.... I have to save.... uhh." Kitty passed out in Akira's arms.
* It's o.k., Guardian Storm^^. Thank u for hearing me^^.*
For the people that watch cartoon network before Tonami(sp?).
ShadowKitty replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in Noosphere
I sort of like Totally Spies, but it's not too serious. There aren't any episodes where you want to scream, "I can't wait for the next episode!!!" Teen Titans, however, makes me do that every week. -
I think Good Charlotte is cool. I like "Anthem" and "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous" and their new one, "Hold On." They're quite catchy. But I like Simple Plan better.
"I'm sorry, Kitty Moon." said the voice. Out of the shadows stepped a boy with flame-like red hair. In his hand he held a bow and arrow."My name is Akira. I didn't mean to scare you.I just needed to talk." Kitty glared at him. "Well, you did an awfully good job getting my attention. Now spit it out; who exactly are you and how did you know my name?" Akira looked stunned. "Kitty... don't tell me you forgot your old child-hood friend!" "Uhhh," Kitty said, dumbfounded. It's true she remembered him, but she haven't seen him since she was 6. "Oh, well. That's not my point "said Akira, breaking the silence. "What I wanted to talk to you about was your friend, Rem." Kitty's ears perked up at the mention of Rem. "What about Rem?" Kitty asked anxiously. Then a thought popped into her mind. "Hold on. How did you know that Rem was my friend? Were you stalking me? What did you do to Rem??" Kitty cried as she started to throttle Akira. "TELL ME, TELL ME, TELL ME!!!!!" "Wait! Wait! Stop! I didn't do anything to her!!!!" cried Akira as Kitty started to whack him with her boomerang. Kitty stopped. "Then what's going on with Rem?" she demanded. "I was getting to that..." grumbled Akira as he rubbed his sore head. "Her memories are taking control of her mind."WHAAAAAT?" shrieked Kitty. "Why? What's going on????" "I'll explain to you later," said Akira. "Now follow me." ************************************************************* I just want to ask why no one's been including me in their posts lately. I always have to post just to make everyone sure I'm not dead.*softly sobs* I know there's another story going on, but it would be nice if not only Inuyashagurl_15 kept tabs on me. If what I'm saying sounds selfish and conceited, I'm sorry. I don't want it to sound like that. Luv, peace and pocky!!!
I never saw the Mario cartoon, but I have heard of the Sonic one. I never liked it. I saw one episode on Toon Disney once and almost cried. But I like the new one, Sonic X, 'cuz I know what's going on!!!!^_^ Besides, didn't the old ones have Princess Sally in it? I hate her. She's a prat. Sonic deserves better.
Replying to what eternal otaku said 'bout Slade and Batman: I totally agree!!!!! There are soooo many connections between Batman and Slade that it's not even funny!!!! I'm just disapointed that the episode last Saturday was probably the last( for season 1, that is). Now it will be reruns next week, I suppose. But Teen Titans rule^_^
O.K., here's my bio!!!!(Tee hee, second thread) Name:Bri Age:15 Gender:Female Race:Part human, part anthro cat Deck: Deck of rebirth Weapon: Amulet with mystic powers that warp time and space. Description: Tall, with long black hair with red highlights, and kitty ears. Wears a short sleeved black shirt w/ a white long sleeved shirt underneath. Long black skirt, with black sneakers. Bio:Mother was an antro cat, and her father was a human. Her father's relatives never liked her, so she was sent to live with her Aunt (Mother's side) when she was 6.
Kitty looked out of Rem's door, puzzled. "What's up with her lately?" Kitty thought. "She's been really defensive lately." Kitty was concerned. She didn't want anything to happen to Rem; it was because Rem was the first person she made friends with when she entered civilization. Kitty walked out the door and into the cold midnight street. She didn't need sleep. She never needed sleep, after what happened to her parents. They were cruelly murdered in front of her very eyes when she was just a toddler. After that, she was raised by a wise elf who was friends with her parents. Kitty walked for a little while, tring to free herself from the cruel memories. "Hey, you!" "Wha?" Kitty said, bewieldered. Suddenly an arrow whizzed past her cat ear. "Don't move! I mean you no harm!" cried the voice.
I love Tokyo Mew Mew! It's like Sailor Moon crossed with Captain Planet ('cept not cheesy). I have volume 1-3 and spotted volume 4 at B+N!! Wouldn't Ryou and Ichigo make a sweet couple^^ 'cept Ichigo's still attached to Masaya (who's a dork. who takes a shower w/ a cat anyway?) It is super cool and is one of my fav. manga.
I love Sonic x!!!!! I have only seen three episodes (all dubbed, on fox box) but i love it already!!!! I like the episode when Sonic and Knuckles fight. Knuckles seriously went crazy, and that was funny. The voices are different than the video game, some for better(i.e. Amy Rose) some for worse (Tails, Sonic). i like the series cuz it's has characters from the video game, unlike the other one w/ the comic book characters(no offense, but i despise Princess Sally. She's annoying) i can't wait for Shadow to show up (He's beyond cool. Cooler than Sonic, even! He reminds me of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho) The theme song is catchy too. ^^
Just for u all to know, the last episode was with Robin becoming Slade's apprentice. I can't wait 'till Saturday ^_^
Kitty sat next to Rem in the meeting. Dango was talking, but Kitty's mind was else where. She was still in a jumble about the events that happened recently. Rem had burns, Dango was talking about his father who she always presumed was dead, and that strange man tried to kill her!! It reminded her of the warning the old elf (Since she grew up in the wild, in the woods) told her before she left for civilization. "Beware, young Kitty Moon; i see in danger in your future. The warriors of the zodiac will be in great peril, and so will you! Look for the omens, my child, and take great caution in who are your allies and who are your foes; if you are too blind about your commrades, it will mean your destruction!" Kitty always presumed that at that moment the elf had too much too drink. But now it all started to make sense...... "KITTY!!!!!!!" Kitty jumped a foot in the air. Selenay was glaring at her. "Please pay attention, o.k.?" "Alright, alright!!!" said Kitty, a little embarassed. "Please go on, Dango..."
I LOVE TEEN TITANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's one of my Saturday cartoons favorite!!!!1(Aside from Kenshin and Sonic X) Don't you love Beast Boy in the school episode? Especially the part in the end w/ Raven asking, "Does Beast Boy have a brain?" and Beast Boy starts laughing hystarically.It's alot like an anime with the exaggerated facial expressions and big sparkly eyes. Last night's episode was cool!
Kitty stands in Selenay's living room, trying to comprehend what just happened a half hour ago."Who was that?"Kitty thinks to herself. "That man..... his voice is so familiar.... where have I heard it before?" Kitty stares at the floor, lost in thought. "YO,KITTY!!!!!!" She looks up. Rem is looking at her, smiling."What's on your mind, hm?" "oh, it's nothing!!!" Kitty says in a voice a little too laid back than she was feeling now." Come on, let's go see what's delaying the meeting."
Half a block away Kitty is dashing to the house. "oh no, I'm gonna be late!" She sobs, running at top speed. All of a sudden, a voice behind her says,"Going somewhere?" Kitty whrils around, just to meet a hand grasping her throat. "you're not in a hurry, are you?" the evil voice growls.
[color=purple] Name: Kitty Moon Age: 15 Gender: Female Sign: Virgo/Earth/Mercury Weapn: Boomerang! Abilities: Earth Spells such as earthquakes, minor wind spells. Features: Short, lilac hair with kitty ears, yellow eyes with silver flecks. Short sleeved open black shirt, over a white tube top. black tight shorts. Bio: Half cat, half human, who can control the earth. She was taken away from her parents and was forced to grow up in the wild. She is a peppy, perky girl who makes friends easily. If I need to change anything, let me know! [/color]