I found out in an issue of Anime Insider that Gainax Studios is re-releasing the series and is digitally remastering it with Dolby Digital 5.1, and a Director's Cut of episodes 21-24 as well as the two movies which represent 25 and 26.
I have found out that the director of Cowboy Bebop(Shinichiro Wantanabe) has a new series called Samurai Champloo and it hasn't even came out in Japan. I hope it is just as awesome as Cowboy Bebop was.
I've seen previews for it and wanna know if it is any good cause on Halloween I am going to have an Anime horror fest and I want ot get as many Anime horror dvds as I can get before Halloween.
Anime is really popular where I live cause I always hear people talking about it and it gets me so excited cause I know other people love and watch the same Anime and it just makes me to wanna scream ANIME FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the top of my lungs.
I am starting to get into some of Masamune Shirow's(Ghost in the Shell) work and this Anime is one of them. And I'm wondering if anyone here has seen it and if it is any good.