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Everything posted by craig8429

  1. [QUOTE=PaganAngel]So there's zillions of threads out there about what character you'd like to be, what character you'd like to date, and so on, and so forth. But on a more realistic note, which character most resembles you? First for me is Misaki from Angelic Layer... I have an absolute inferiority complex about my height, or lack thereof. I can't stand it when people pick on me about it, and if another person says, "you're 14? You look like you're 12!" I swear I will jump off a bridge. Minoru in Chobits- I'm the lonely prodigy... I can relate to a lot of what he goes through. Is it possible to replace someone you really cared about? Furthermore, is it right to do so? He was a character I could really identify with. And now the fun stuff: Ryuichi from Gravitation. OK, so I can't sing worth a crap, but I have a tendency to call things shiny, attach a "na no da" at the end of every other sentence, and I'll occasionally tote around a stuffed bunny. When I'm in my hyper moods, I'm basically Ryuichi incarnate.[/QUOTE] I'm sorry to hear your complex on your stature. I'm not a tall male myself being very short isn't nessecerly a great thing but we all learn to cope with it. So on topic which character do I relate with most. Suikoden V's drawing is anime so I hope no one mines me using a character from a game that has anime styled characters. The character I choose would often be Shigure he was just very laid back and didn't want the hassle.
  2. How I feel about grave of the fireflies often is based on my opinions of real life. For some anime fans fantasy is always what keeps them entertained looking for a act of fighting or violence. However seeing the MyOtaku Community I see many people who love/would love this movie. Its story is plain out riveting and the art style is really well done. Through out the movie you often feel very involved with the characters and the continuous development of the main character and his sister really makes you just want to cry at parts. On another note, this film really does provide a different view of WWII.
  3. My favorite bad-*** character, I personally would have to say my favorite bad-*** is Aya from Weiss Kreuz. During the series he provided the typical bad attitude with a sense of reasoning. Focusing on his primary objectives Aya would not stop even if he had to attack his over friends. This is one reason I feel he made a real impression.
  4. You can never be to organized, but I do over take the bounds with my computer space it needs to be clean at all times.
  5. Wow I remember this thread a long time ago being made, I believe it was closed then also...... But my favorite color would have to be green, green just has allways appealed towards me.
  6. SpeedRacer. I know almost everyone has heard the name, but its so underrated, about 85% of the people I know don't even consider this anime which it is. Also its hints about the creators thoughts of americans just made it a funny series.... Also I add its under rated because most people blow it off forgetting it >_<
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Molleta [/i] [B][color=green] Craig, as to your saying if there are so many aborted babies... I am uncomfortable with that statement, and I can't really pinpoint why...It just seems like an excuse. After a staement like that, I was slightly surprised the hear your stance on abortion overall.[/color] (off-topic)Baron, I like your new avi and banner. [/B][/QUOTE] hmm I am totally against it, but you can't stop the many that happen everyday, so why not harvest the cells and help... it does make me sound really rude but, I'm just suggesting not to waste what they are allready losing.
  8. I've had a few.....mostly from being stupid and running in to junk >_<
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]This is where I have a problem. I'm totally and whole heartedly against abortion. Granted, I'll listen to other's peoples veiws. Jenna knows this. But, I there are other ways to harvest stem cells. Aborting babies for stem cells just gives women an excuse I don't belive they should have. The statistics will change. Over 86% of women abort because they just "don't want the baby", only 1% for rape... Now it's going to change to 86% of women abort because "it's to save other lives". I hate trying to justify murder. [/B][/QUOTE] Im also against the idea of women aborting just to give stem cells. but if a female is having the abortion they should give the cells just to help society. I'm totally against abortion myself....it's a horrible thing(minus when a female is raped but I still think it's wrong)
  10. I've been a fan of fist of the north for a long time ^____^ my real question to you, is the remake worth picking up? I have the original allready.
  11. I don't do to many weird things with food..... But one I can think of is..... I dip my frenchfries in the little frosties at wendys. oddly what is really gross is what my friend does he adds ketchup to soup freaky it is....
  12. their are so many aborted baby's anyways, I don't see a problem in it. if a mother is aborting the baby it's dead anyways, why not help others?
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GuardianStorm [/i] [B]::gapes:: Paintballing?! Lucky!!!!! I hate you!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] hehe if you want you can come I have a extra gun, saddly you may need a plane ticket :)
  14. Free candy, and a chance to egg a few houses....... why wouldn't I go :) Well I'm not going but I am going to be paintballing with a few people from like 8:30 till like 3 am.......so all is fun
  15. Hmmm thats really odd... about the dvd coming out so quick. but I would go see it but I doubt it to be out near me.
  16. :-/ im one of a kind in my family. I am the only one who even watches t.v.... and thats on occassions
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [b]GTO[/b]- [i]GTO[/i] or [i]Great Teacher Onizuka[/i], is really hilarious. Though this is a bit more adult because of how [spoiler]perverted[/spoiler] Onizuka is. It is also very cool. . [/B][/QUOTE] I thought I was one of the only people who thought onizuka was [spoiler] perverted[/spoiler] all my friends just think he is rather normal.....I guess that means they have alot of problems! my favorite is the akira manga....it had a lot more detail then the movie. Gto-he is a great teacher >_< and it's just plain funny And Priest- it's just cool....he is a vash thats violent.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I, too, hate the Yankees. I'm not even a big baseball fan, but I can't stand Clemens and I can't stand the Yankees. Normally, I'm a Braves fan; but for now... Go Marlins!! -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] yea I got my money on the Marlins now, I despise the yankee's that are just so.....last year :D
  19. totally spies is american all the way, it was created for the fox kids network, but a few months later it changed to abc kids network and then the show got canned.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] *runs through thread wearing New York Yankees sweatshirt and cap*[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] *laughs* 5th inning and sox's are holding a 5-0 lead muhahaha! I guess soxs will be going to the series......shocking I had it figured for the yankees.
  21. *Note to self Mitch should never gain the power of the world.* I don't really like the ideas of having another hitler, even know a clone form of hitler wouldn't be evil since he'd recieve a really diffrent lifestyle. But rather shocking......your ideas are
  22. if I ruled the world for a day,I would store a few nukes for the next day.....that way I can be ruler of the world for a long time :) besides that i'd probably do what any other great ruler would do.......abuse power!
  23. [QUOTE]Who thinks the Sox are gong to beat the Yankees tonight! I DO! What does everyone think?? What?s your opinion? Personally, YANKEES SUCK! Let?s go Red Sox!! But that's just me... What do you all think about Pedro defending himself by throwing 72 year old Zimmer to the ground? If Zimmer hadn?t of charged at Pedro, the he wouldn?t have gotten thrown on the ground! What do you think of Trots 3 run homer last night? Eh? DO OR DIE tonight! At Yankee stadium! On Fox! I think... (Sorry if this sounds like spam, but it isn't! I just want to know what people think of all this stuff!)[/QUOTE] I personally am a big fan of the Red Sox?s but, they haven't been playing that good against the Yankee?s I wouldn't be surprised if they lose.
  24. I'm not really a fan of rap myself but DMX is pretty cool for a rapper, I listened to a little of his new cd it?s not bad at all for rap..... Plus if you've ever happened to read up on DMX he litterly suffers for his fans by starving himself/not sleeping days due to concerts
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B]I think that the research is wrong. Like come on, are scientists trying to play god or something. I just don't think that it is a good idea. The idea of them taking cells from unborn babies really makes me upset. It also grosses me out too. [/B][/QUOTE] There is no doubt its wrong, but if you had a loved one that could benefit from the cells wouldn't you at least want the chance? This could really benefit society in many ways; people with aid/cancer now have a hope. Its better then just dying, I am all for it.
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