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Everything posted by craig8429
FF8 was allways looked down upon, but you have to realize it's a love story, the majority of ff gamers are male i'd say, how many of your average male like love stories? not many. besides that I personally think ff8 was pretty nice the card game was amazing and the graphics for the time were good.
Murphy seemed really depressed :-/ but you have to admit most of it is right, everything can allways go wrong their is a big possiblity of failure. [QUOTE]In a hierarchically structured administration, people tend to be promoted up to their level of incompetence.[/QUOTE] I really understand that, I mean no matter what you do you will allways be under educated in something. pretty much the same thing sara said....actually exactly the same thing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] The head and neck are off according to body proportions, the eyes are a bit out of place, and the body looks a bit too plain. ^_^ But it's still a nice picture. Since it's just a sketch, I'll give you credit for some things. Keep on drawing![/size] [/B][/QUOTE] hmmm what do you mean the eyes are out of place? if you mean the eye lshapes the one eye is ment to look a little diffrent because he is looking towards something. Also I add thank you.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ares [/i] [B]I think it's okay. Your eyes are pretty well done, and so is the mouth. Keep practicing and you'll be good, I can tell. Draw one hour a day. It's a cool picture. I like it, but you need to keep the hair more neat, especially if you're drawing it like that. Nicely done for a novice I must admit. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] See, the hair I usually would do neater and all but I had two problems on it lol. 1. his hair is really messy for a anime character it's everywhere. 2 when drawing it I lost track of a decent pencil and I was drawing with a thick edge >_< but thank you! I will be working on it alot more just because, it is a hobby of mine.
I seen it about 2 months ago...I found it ok. the gore wasn't to bad but I don't think it was that bad. now that sex scean DEAR GOD horrible it was.
Well I drew something, i'm not great at drawing i'm like a novice drawer I guess but here it is. Saddly it's a picture from my camera since I haven't recieved my scanner yet>_< it's still a sketch ... it's wartar from decendant of the dark.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Which goes for most things :D [/B][/QUOTE] upgrade your mozilla to firebird and you'll have no problem at all.
I do not agree. People have lives, they can't allways post every month and in cases many months, we can't say they are not coming back because they just maybe.
I guess it has changed me, but what it has changed is really hard to say.it changed me by ruining alot of plans to watch anime instead of friends. but besides that I did get to watch alot of good shows >.<
Heh I do that type of stuff with friends often. Always at the movies before the opening creidts. We dance to the stupid music they play, sometimes we even walk out in the the middle of the theather and just dance till they kick us out >_
I Want To Do Something, I Just Don't Know What
craig8429 replied to erinzyger's topic in General Discussion
Well I must say thats very horrible. if you want to do soemthing be friends with the person be their shoulder to lean on. things will be rough for them but, if someone is there as a true friend and supports them they will get better. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hiachi [/i] [B]Looks very cool, much like Shinobi.....although I only played the one on PS2 about 2-3 times.....all in the first level, but all in all, it was great! [/B][/QUOTE] I was just about to suggest it being a female shinobi. but the graphics seem rather good lets hope it's better then the shinobi game >_<
Be straight with her walk up to her and say "hey" start a convo. if she seems to like you ask.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] Heh, no. PSAT is the Pre-SAT [I think]. We take 'em in ninth grade in Georgia. I've already taken the SATs, which was last year in seventh grade. It was like this Duke-sponsered thing, and if you got a high enough score, you got to go to this camp. ^_^ The camp was surprisingly the best three years of my life.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] We have Presat's and Psats here. they are both diffrent things.... maybe they call presat's psats outside of pa since we have two tests with a name like that. I am a 100% sure the Psat is a test for 11th graders trying to show they learned stuff and can reach state average.
Anime whats your personal outlook on........gundam seed
craig8429 replied to craig8429's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Umm... Craig, I didn't quite say 500 dollars. I said the 50 epidodes on DVD in the box set will run between $150 to $200 not 500. Sorry if I confused you.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] no it was my typo lol, i'm rather sorry I was typing in my computer class and forgot to look over it :-/ hehe 10 bucks a ep is rather pricey so 500 would be rather.....ALOT! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] Anime_guy, I just listed six anime conventions in New York to you. Do you read the thread at all?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Mal where did you get a listing if you don't mind me asking? And for the person wh asked about crazy friend's. Yes my friends are crazy they do alot of stupid things and can become obsessive over anything :-/
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I think Alabama should have a stinkin' state-funded scholarship. That's what I think... As for the SAT, we don't even take it after 8th grade over here. At most, I'll be taking the PSAT and the ACT. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Psat's? where are you from justin? Psat I thought were the pennassesment tests. I never knew they where anywhere else.... I'll be taking my PSAT test this year and I may take Sat since pa doesn't use the act tests.... :-/ Edit: I just noticed you said Alabama.
Racist! wow, the man just seems like he wants to make people work for what they want. Well On another note, I don't think race determines what you can do. it's the enviroment your surrounded in. I personally believe that their are good teachers who are able to teach these people yo a higher standard, but since the class ignores the teacher and makes a mockery of them what can they do.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I think it is funny how people are attempting to put a Robin Hood-esque (god, I love that suffix) twist to stealing anime by saying that it helps the industry in the long run. Let?s face the stone cold truth, downloading a fan sub is theft, it is a crime, and it should be. Fan subbers take licensed material, add subtitles, and then distribute that material without the consent of the artists that created it or the corporations that license it. The main argument for fan subbing seems to be that people that download fan subs tend to use it to determine what anime they will buy. While I understand the point, I fail to see how it justifies theft. I could make the same argument about shoplifters that steal clothes. They wear clothes, and they do occasionally buy clothes, but only if they enjoy them after they stole them. Personally, I don?t care whether or not you download fan subs; just don?t convince yourself that you are doing any thing other than stealing? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE thats exactly what i've been trying to stress here, when you fan sub the industries lose. it's still a crime no matter what you try saying.
Have you ever wished life was just plain simple?
craig8429 replied to GreenEyedDragon's topic in General Discussion
I really wish everything was as easy as you wish, but we really can't wish because their is no chance in getting that. people are diverse and have their own wills so their is no chance in it :-/ -
Really more then I can count... I bought a imported ps1 so I could play anime games. well here is some of the major ones I can think of Suikoden gaiden's cownboy bebop tekken battle toshiden but for my ips1 I have about 24 games almost all are anime related.
I'm currently believing that it's seph but it's a clone. I mean remember when we seen hojo last? we hadn't seen much of him in the game so he could have easily made another clone of seph. Maybe their is even two? maybe one is younger and one is the original clone.....
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
craig8429 replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
I personally would get rid of depression, I don't really have alot but hey who needs it? -
Stupid things you thought of or did when you were young
craig8429 replied to DragonArcher's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]In Church there was a song we sang called "I'm Justified", or it least it says that a lot. Anyway, as a kid, words like "justified" don't really make any sense. So I was under the impression everyone was saying "I'm Just a Fly". I was close. Naturally, my childhood humor kicked in and I added "I'm just a fly.... BUTT." Because anytime that anyone says the word butt, it's just hilarious. My siblings found it funny anyway, and they're much older than me. [/B][/QUOTE] You had that crazy song also! lol Well I use to think that black and white tv's used people with no color >_< -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]I'm not overlooking any facts (you even quoted me saying, "Yes, they are technically breaking the law..."). What I'm saying is that if the companies that bring over anime don't seem to mind, is it really wrong? Illegal and wrong are two different things. Do you think something is right just because it is the law?