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Everything posted by craig8429

  1. didn't they suggest their'd be a sequal at the end when they got back on the ship? I have it on dvd somewhere...but besides that I allways figured they scrapped the idea of a second one :-/
  2. I guess you missed my message a second ago? jesus lived in a whole diffrent time, his message of spreading the news was ment for people who haven't even heard of it. I bet atleast 99.9% of America has heard of it. The point is your all telling people what they don't want to hear.
  3. It?s rather obvious why he said that. In the time of Jesus what was around? Almost every civilization believed in polytheism. He was saying teach people who don't know about it. And I bet the people who are Wiccan already know about Christianity. quote: If you think there's no need to preach the Gospel, you're ignorant. If you think Jesus only tried to teach those who would listen, you're more ignorant. Jesus was killed because he preached to everyone, not just those who sought Him out. In your comment your forcing me to believe what happened to Jesus. If I was Jewish Jesus hadn't came so that means your trying to force me to make a belief of something that hasn't happened. quote: Did the people Peter preached to on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 want to hear his message? Absolutely not! They thought he and the rest of the apostles were drunk--indeed, they were...drunk on the Holy Spirit. And what happened? Three thousand, I think, were added to their number that day. And I add do you know what religion these people he was preaching too? that?s the difference religion wasn't big then. nowadays everyone knows a basic idea of Christianity due to simple TV. quote: If we're only supposed to preach to those who want to hear, then why did Paul go into places where no one had ever heard of Jesus, proclaiming His name to the Gentiles without fear? Do me a favor look what the religion of the Gentiles was. Then we will discuss more on that. Educating you is easy on the terms your putting, you have to look outside the bible. Trace back civilization where did your religion come from? Do you know? I am not trying to offend you in anyways I know we have different beliefs, but I think your not looking outside of the bible for this. Also you have stemmed a interest in me as well. I assume we can discuss this on other occasions at that :-). So I guess your my debated person.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by craig8429 [/i] [B]Can anyone tell who the person next to cloud is in picture ffac8 I think it is? I'm totally lost on who it is..... [/B][/QUOTE] But doesn't that seem odd to you either? I mean he looks alot younger in that picture then the others....
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Well if you would take a precious few minutes out of your life to read posts you'd realize their censorship rules have nothing to do with hair. [/B][/QUOTE] well oddly enough I did read. :-/ but I happen not to catch your meaning. I mind you, I am wrong I suppose. but I have actually happened to read that the law is no pubic hair thats all. So I was only refering to partly the posts about yours. And another thing I forgot to add. Pubic hair is supposivly outlawed. .....so I was technically right in saying what I did. I wasn't saying " they are allowed to show sexual organs",. I was saying I think they are allowed to show all but pubic hair. in all right I may have skipped a post and all so I am sorry. but majority I don't bbelieve I skipped more of a skimmed(sp):-/
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_guy [/i] [B]whoa.. thats like.. whoa... just plain old whoa man... lol, get thenm to watch it, please... do that soon, very, very soon... [/B][/QUOTE] they don't know what it is because they choose to think cartoons are for children.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]With all those bonuses, who wouldn't want to go to Japan? lol. That kind of stuff just strikes me as being strange, kind of freaky and perverted. Which it is. by our culture at any rate. But hey, wouldn't it be fun to go to Japan? When Drix gets voted for President, he should send all (posting) OB'ers to Japan for a 5 weeks luxury tour. lol. Just try to be respectful- get a guide if you can afford one. [/B][/QUOTE] hehe but if drix sent people to japan he wouldn't have anymore plane tripes out of the country since the president is limited..... but besides the point. I believe the just shave your pubic hair idea is wrong, I believe they won't allow where their should be pubic hair on tv.... but I suggest I haven't been their so I can't truly say.
  8. Can anyone tell who the person next to cloud is in picture ffac8 I think it is? I'm totally lost on who it is.....
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]Spellchecker. That's one problem solved already. Anyway, craig8429 (I obviously copied and pasted the name) brings up a good point. This thread is very vague. Perhaps you should go into a little bit more detail as to what you think constitutes humanity's problems. We'll use that as a structure for this thread. Otherwise it'll be a mess. I advise the moderators of this area to keep an eye on this thread. I'm leaving it open for now against my better judgment. [/B][/QUOTE] :-/ I usually try spellchecking, but I mind you when at school i'm rushing to type a paper and post messages here. I will go in to details on the problems. 1. Greed(everyone wants a cut) 2. Sharing( Ahh.....we are told from a young age, so why stop now? Be fair to each other.) 3. War(hey we are sending people to die over one mans decision) I can go on if needed.
  10. I can't say im in the band, but I do agree most band members get a lack of respect. you shouldn't worry yourself because what your doing is amazingly challenging, how hard is it to catch a ball? lol( football is challenging I agree but playing a insturment is harder i believe) About the sign issue, ask him where do you want the poster then? and make a statment that they allredy have 3.
  11. I played a few months....never got in to it or anything, a few of my friends do go to competitions...
  12. You shouldn't worry, just treat everyone as a equal and you can't go wrong. people are only mean when they are "elite" as i'd say, but most likly in your grade you won't find them.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Genkai [/i] [B]I'm okay with it as long as the students don't HAVE to do it. Or use that book. If they wanna pray to whoever or whatever, they can have thos eminutes, or if they don't, they can doodle or something. They shouldn't have to use that strictly Christian book, though. [/B][/QUOTE] I dought it will last, the big issue is athiest people. they will argue the point and in the end you won't see them reading from the bible. but personally I think cool if you want to pray do it but don't force anyone.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]No if presented properly. See, you're putting words into my statement, instead of reading my statement. What I said was: It's our job to present the Gospel to the nations." Gospel means 'Good News.' The Good News is that God gave His only Son up to the fires of this world so that whoever comes to believe in Him, and [i]truly[/i] believe(not simply acknowledge), may have eternal life. When He died on the cross, Jesus went to the underworld and preached to all those who had died before His coming, that they might be saved. And then, He took the keys of death and Hell from Satan, stripping the Devil of what little power he had. Then, He rose from the dead as the King of kings and Lord of lords. He sits now at the right hand of the Father(who He is also one with), pleading the case of the saints--interceding on our behalf. He died that we may be fearless, happy, righteous and good. Anyone who has an ear should listen to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying, and act on it. Now, if I degraded any other religion with the above statement, then I have to apologize, I don't see how. But that's the Gospel. Congratulations, you've just heard the Good News. If you're being oppressed by a Christian because you're of another faith, rest assured that the Lord will deal justly with that Christian in His time. But if you are a Christian, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and you've established a personal relationship with Jesus, now if the time to stop playing around. A revival is coming to the church; a monsoon of a revival, at that. So, now is the time to rise, and make yourself prepared for the Lord's anointing--the same anointing that gave Peter the power to say "Silver and old have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." Praise the Lord who is the truth. Amen. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Dear dear justin, I'm a christian myself, but the problem is their is no reason to spread the gospel. people don't need to hear a story, of jesus, jesus's main idea was to show people willing to learn. if you take a person who isn't trying to learn it's forcing them to do something they don't want. I mean really it's her choice of what her religion is and Idoubt she wants to hear why she should be a of a diffrent religion. I mean when she made this topic she was asking a opinon on do you think it's good or bad. I understand your thought of saying yes it is bad. but their is really know reason to start telling her stories of jesus. I mean she didn't directly start telling people " I am a wiccan and I have the right idea's! so listen to my gods" Genkai- the topic is named that. when you tell people something they don't want to hear thats forcing them. [QUOTE]doin't want to socialize with you becase you're not wiccan[/QUOTE] who ever said that to you must be really stuck up. But telling people what you think is right is not right, if a person is willing to hear it sure tell but you should ask them " do you want to know a little about my religion" not a story of why they are wrong.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B]I am sorry that you feel that way craig8429. I am not trying to force anything on anyone, I was just merely expressing my views and my views are plain and simple. I believe that both Wicca and Witchcraft are bad, and that is my opinion. I am not trying to force you to believe anything. [/B][/QUOTE] I understand a 100% what your trying to say japan_86 but I mind you saying something is bad is a understatement if you've never tried it. not one person can honestly judge with out being in the position of another. We are given the right to choose what we believe. but noone has the right to tell someone it's wrong because, noone knows. If anyone can show a 100% positive proof that they're religion is right by all means stun me in disbelief. otherwise noone should be able to me the statement whats right and wrong. (Japan- i'm not directing this at you i'm just making a statement to show what I mean.) And as for justin's answer [QUOTE] Unfortunately for the rest of you, Christians are commanded to present the Gospel to the nations. That, of course, does not include attempting to force others to believe it. As yet, I haven't read where any Christian in this topic has done anything more than they are supposed to do.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B]I am sorry that you feel that way craig8429. I am not trying to force anything on anyone, I was just merely expressing my views and my views are plain and simple. I believe that both Wicca and Witchcraft are bad, and that is my opinion. I am not trying to force you to believe anything. [/B][/QUOTE] Preaching and telling people their religion is wrong can fall hand in hand. when a person talks to another saying OMG your a wicca ect thats downing anothers religion their are many casses when preaching is considered trying to influence people. plus even know you say preaching is good it's still pushing others religion's down.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Welcome to the boards craig. Anyways I haven't seen any of SEED yet but it looks rather interesting, I'm sure it delivers what every good gundam series does: Plot development, character development, etc. Anyways like I said, I haven't seen SEED so therefore I really can't say that much about the series. Anyways I hate to burst your bubble about Zeta but it won't be coming out until next year in March with all 50 episodes and the price will run about $150 to $200. So I sugguest all of you major gundam fans save up your money and prepare to buy the box set when it comes out. Also the first episodes of Gundam SEED should hit the shores of the United States sometime in 2005, and another side note about next year, Gundam Formula 91; a movie will be released directly after the release of Zeta so you get to choose between two awesome gundam series.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] thank you for the nice welcome! Gundam seed has a few problems, but from what I sewe the series is rather good(a few reused cells a few to manytimes) Well I'll be saving my money I suppose, 50 eps for 150 is a decent price! I also have hopes the movie will be good because I'm starting to like the gundam series....
  17. [QUOTE]You(like most people) are confusing Wicca with Witchcraft. Wiccans either believe in the Goddess and the Horned-One or just the Goddess(Dianic Wiccans). Witchcraft on the other hand doesn't require a belief of any God or Goddess in order to practice it.[/QUOTE] I've also noticed alot of people refering to wicca as Witchcraft. Christan people shouldn't go around screaming and forcing people to believe in something they don't, but since we have freedom of speech we are given the right to choose who we listen to. Everyone here who is arguing about how christanity is right, your not thinking of the views of others. Everyone has their own opinons noone can stop that. Noone is forcing anyone to change religions so quit trying to force others to believe yours. When people try forcing people to listen what happens? They begin to hate listening. Also remember one more thing, people are raised diffrently. Some people are rasied christan and choose to stay that way. a millions have a diffrent religion then you, because of how they were raised. so don't force people in your belief's.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xyandar [/i] [B]I also like the atlas. It has awesome offence and defence but the speed is a little slow lol. [/B][/QUOTE] i'm a atlas fan myself, the offence is the best on the game for me and the defence stands well enough.
  19. I'm to lazy to bother with the whole week. Not really anything I enjoy doing I guess.....
  20. Humanity has alot of problems? I guess that depends what you think is a problem, as I see it their is little problems. if you really want to comment about humanity atleast give a good idea what you consider a problem in humanity. Wars a problem... but not a big one in my opinon, War is caused by leaders who want more power/popularity but thats my thoughts.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]craig, Delaz... here is a key quotation for you. Which you should have seen had you ead the start of this thread.... Now, what did you notice from there? Perhaps you caught the fact that she was enquiring about people on OB. Who, out of OB members they would like to be? Please, keep it on topic. This is about people on OB who you would like to be. [/B][/QUOTE] I know Baron, I was typing for another thread and had two windows up, and I put it in the wrong window :-/ very sorry.
  22. Xray panty vision >_< hehe i'm a male I can't help but to think what the whole x-ray vision would be like....
  23. craig8429


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Conna_da_fox [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I was wondering how many of you have jobs. And if you do, what is your job. And if you don't, what kind of job do you want? Anyway, I used to have a paper route. But I quit about after two months, for one I hated it and I was always gone and unable to do it anyway. I remember how there was always this one bump I was never able to avoid on my bike. Well, with the weight of my and the papers... I always got flipped off. The first time(when I didn't know about it) I hit the dip and then came the bump... BAM! I was flipped off my bike and it landed on me, while my papers scatered everywhere. I spent five minutes finding my papers. That always sucked. But I've always had a few jobs in mind of what I've wanted. Maybe in the science range for one or perhaps a writing/drawing job. Those have always been my thoughts of interest. So anyone else want to share? If you have a little story(like mine to share) please tell.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] ! I have no job, im a professional lazy person. I am looking for a job but at the moment no one is hirering.
  24. Really I think more places should have the shoe idea, it keeps the floors alot cleaner. Just out of respect people should take their shoes off in anyone elses home.
  25. I'm not a fan, it's one the only FF games I hated, the story was horrible. on the upside!!! they had decent music....
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