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Everything posted by craig8429

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!! i'm buying it them screens give me meaning to play ps2 again!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]I love chat rooms and I am a big fan but there are some real sick people out there. I'm not for closing them down ,but I'm for better supervision. The people on AOL don't care if there is a 46 year old talking to a 15 year old onlie and that is a problem. I believe they should make rooms for teen that only teens can get in; they could ask a quesrion a question that no grown up can ansewr to seperate the teens from the online jerks. [/B][/QUOTE] So hold on, your saying a 46 year old is not allowed to talk to a 15 year old? I'm sorry to say but freedom of speech gives us the right to talk to any age person. a 46 year old who demands sex is what should be worried about.
  3. I'm a vandread fan I guess, I have it on dvd somewhere around here..... I like the females :)
  4. Hmmm I wouldn't mind finding a local anime club myself. Saddly seems their our none around :-/ So if anyone in the state of Pa wants to start one i'm all ears lol.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeShogun888 [/i] [B]I think anyone who gets Perfect Blue will definitely enjoy it. [/B][/QUOTE] You should go in to detail if your trying to get people to watch it. Prefect blue is good as I said very well done art style, but the story lacks a little. I give it maybe a 6/10
  6. Well I had a horrible Bio teacher. He would never teach, finally all the people in his class started playing pranks and he flipped out. I can't really say I had a problem with him, but he didn't teach at all...
  7. Chatrooms shouldn't be shut down, but I think chatrooms should be moderated by people to catch some of these people.
  8. I enjoy eating ramen's noodles >_< Yes I can cool, I can cook very well at that, but usually i'm just lazy.
  9. I usually just do a search for graphing calculator games, and grab tons >_<
  10. Well I just tried the link and I must say.....it's dead >_< I did go and search on anime animemusicvideo.org but I still am getting inconclusive results.
  11. Whats your personal outlook on. gundam:seed. I think Seed is quite amazing. Finally a Gundam that isn't all for the earth federation or opposing group. (that was my 1st true thought on this amazingly good series.) Gundam Seed focuses on more then just Gundam fights it draws you in to the characters and makes you want to watch more, this is truly a gundam that rivals others.
  12. Dear god man! Pray they don't lol j/k Most likly you have no reason to worry. ibut did the officer take points off?
  13. I'm not sure if this was suggested yet but tokyo tower. I hear it has a wonderful view.
  14. Err this maybe odd but I am a fanboy of decendant of the dark. it's a yoai but not hardcore.... so I don't know how it could be defined lol.
  15. I've only seen like 2 eps of ff:u. I can't say im a fan A few people I know loved it. so i'll have to check in to buying it or renting it.
  16. Well i'm young I agree. I'm 17,so i'm still in school ect. Well anime is not big at all in pitt. I mean there is one anime store about 4 hours away. We do get alot fo anime posers.. and people that spend all their time on one anime and never watch anything else.
  17. You'd be surprised, people like to complain about anything they can. I personally feel that this lady is being a total hypicrit. if she doesn't want the child to watch "pokemon" fine don't make a issue of it, but insted get rid of your tv. Everyshow on t.v. has a little bit of a viloent streak. heck lets get rid of the news too! I mean it tells about violent crimes. this lady is a lunitic.
  18. Perfect blue had a nice design style, the story was ok but, I did enjoy it too.
  19. First anime.....I'd have to say speedracer that counts.
  20. I've watched it a few times. I personally have to say I enjoy it... but I am a fan of the creator....
  21. I wish I had......... 1.Sano's jacket 2.kenshins kantana not the sakabak(sp) 3. possibly the hardest to obtain.................................A Semi-automatic 45 casual with "jesus christ is in heaven now" on the barrel.(hellsing)
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