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Stryder Hiryu

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About Stryder Hiryu

  • Birthday 06/10/1984

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  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Officer:Great job Stryder. Weve been trying to catch this one for weeks. Ten:No problem...poor basterd never saw me coming. Another night has gone bye and another mad man put to justice. Ten makes his way back to his apartment. Leaping from wall to wall, rooftop to rooftop. Ten opens his door. Puts his outfit in the closet and wears his pj's. he lays i bed and looks at his picture of his past wife. Ten:I miss you babe... Ten kisses the picture. He closes his eyes. His mind drifting off to sleep. Tens ki power tends to fuel his dreams. He begins to feel certain peoples power lvls, on Earth and the Universe. He feels an evil energy, dark and pure anger. He sees the two figures killing and destroying the people he swore to protect... Ten:No! i must stop those--those monsters from taking over the earth. I know now what my true destiny is..i KNOW why i have this power. I must meditate on this. Ten prepares his vacant room for his ritual. His mind dives into the past, back when goku and vegeta fought agaisnt the forces of evil. He sees the many sacrifices they both made to stop evil dead in its tracks. Ten now slowly comes to, his body in a sweat his muscles ache. His rage...rising until his ki energy spills out from his body and fills the room with light and flames. Ten looks at each hand brimming with rage and fire. He now is a Saiya-jin. With this new ability he trains, trains for the time where he wll fight evil. His only driving force is jini...his love.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Book Antiqua] Name:Stryder Hiryu Age:24 Gender:Male Race:Human Weapons:One sword.Handle is on the side.Back end hooks around elbow to create a spike and the front end reaches past the fist (2 1/2 ft or so) to create the other end. One grapple hook to cling to walls and edges.One machine tiger and hawk. Apearence:Height 6'2'' :Weight 190 lbs :Eyes/Halr color Black Wears Black shoes that are laced(double knot so it wont un-tie) Kachki(sp) Dickies with a black belt. Wears a green under shirt and on top is a black low v-cut shirt (so you see the green as well) Has white tape wrapped around his forearms. Covers the bottom half of his face with a knotted green scarf with matching sash wrapped around waste which flows down right side of leg. Hair spiked up or set free. Bio:Stryder Hiryu wasnt always called that. Infact his real name was Ten Roberts. Born and raised in America,He led a normal life went to grad school and has been with his high school sweetheart for about 5 yrs. He and his girl jini were walking down the street for some food at a hotdog stand. Jini saw it and ran ahead while Ten siad he wanted to get a paper first. A faint sound but coming fast of a speeding car caught tens attention. He look for jini. Jini ran out of the crosswalk...Ten began to yell to her but the city noise was too loud. He tried to run but was pushed and shoved by the hustle and bustle of the people.Then silence...Ten ran to her,never seeing her get hit due to obtructions of view (trees,parked trucks,Etc.) She was bleeding,body spasming from the truama. He sat there with her in his arms as wept uncontrolably. People scattering around looking for payphones. Others digging into pockets or purses for cell phones. Ten gave Jini one last kiss goodbye, her lips still warm as if she were sleeping. Later that night Ten began to train...to train for a way to keep people from dieing and saving lifes from those whom wish to take it. He studied all art forms of martial arts,meditated for a way to grasp his ki and use his life force to cure others. His body and mental state are at peak form,Fast, cuninng, strong,and has ki energy but knows not why? . It is jini who Began this virtue of life but its saving lives that keep him going... Personality:Fun loving and very funny but only to his close cirlce of friends. But otherise on the norm. He doesnt really know his true decendant because 400 yrs have passed since the great battles of goku and vegeta that he could be related to anyone of the Z Fighters. But he chooses to say hes human on a acct. that he looks like it ( or maybe hes saiyan?) Stats 36,000,000 to divide up in the sections below. Strength:6,000,000 Defense:6,000,000 Agility:8,000,000 Speed:7,000,000 Ki energy:2,000,000 Intelligence:7,000,000 His unkown use of ki questions whether he is human or not but he'll use it in his sword (like a lightsaber) Any ?'s or edits let me know.[/FONT]
  3. real soon.I heard in the fall maybe?and they are going to skip like the first10 episodes or something like that(dont know the exact number)
  4. you couldnt have been anymore wrong(well you could)Gohans power lvl is so weak after the buu saga since he doesnt train and works instead.The real ? is who would win in an all out fight,Goku or Vegeta?Im putting my money on VEGETA
  5. Name:Alka Cold Weapon:Nunchucks(spelling?)-just one Bio:Fun loving,Always energized ready to fight. Weapon type:wouldnt that fall under weapon?Maxi's weapon I guess ill be on the journy to destroy the two swords.
  6. yea you would like that moment you vegeta hater lol
  7. I too like the Dodgers but they can never get it together. [b]Edited[/b] And i really do think that they bought the world series since they dont have a salary cap.I read that they are going to buy some part of Iraq? [COLOR=orangered][size=1]That was uncalled for. And clean up your post quality; proper punctuation and use of spaces goes a long way. -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
  8. If you can see out of one eye then your not blind Blind-Without the power of SIGHT;Unable to SEE;SIGHTless Oh yea,i also belive in stem cell research but not for christopher reeves that guys a a moron it should go to people born handicaped.hehehe
  9. Why oh why does the curse still live on? the sox had a chance to end it but they had to keep pedro in.Damn he was useless he was throwing 85 mph FAST balls in the strike zone and of course yankees would get a hit.I do not know what the hell was going through the pitchers coach head but it wasnt the game.this will probably be the closest they get to a world series in another 100 yrs.I just wanted to kill myself. Sigh.Tell me what you think of the yankees or the Red Sox.If you do not know about the curse then ask me and ill help ya out.
  10. Also on that big black/white dragon battle it also helps if you have atained glenn's double excaliburs(i think thats the name?) anyways with it you can perforn his third tech attack.And that X-Strike helps too.As for your third character just anyone should sufice In orader tog et glenns two sowrds you have to go back to his bros gravesight i think it is? and with his first sword he awkens the second.Im not sure which dimension sorry been a long time since ive played
  11. Hey guys not to toot my own horn but i am a master at a chracter that people have no idea what to do or counter with since he
  12. Ok just so to let you guys in on some info that you may or may not know.Have you ever heard that we only use 10% of our brains?And if we used 100% then we could do crazy stuff like fly or use the force?Well that is true in a sense.We humans use every little part of our brain but can only use a certain amount of it at a time.Get it?You cant drive a car while reading a book and talk on the cell phone all at the same time(otherise youd die in some horrific yet cool way)Our brain can only take in so much.I just wanted to let you guys know just incase you hear this and think otherwise.the thought of tapping into our full potiental of our brain is not true since we already do it.Agian as for the focusing of your chi
  13. omfg...toriyama wanted it to be a boy because it did translate to the word brother and son not ''sun'' or broh-thier'' what a joke Tsukasa_hack
  14. Well maybe his penis comes out of hiding when ready to procreate and king cold did call him his son and cooler his brother...yea so there you go
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