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Everything posted by Synister

  1. Name: Marius Age: Unknown [Looks in his low to mid 20's] Gender: Male Personality: Marius lives by a code of honor, he is courteous, generous and honest. He is also very loyal. When he makes an oath he keeps it no matter what the cost to himself. Apperance: [URL="http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/6366/vampirehi3.jpg"]Marius[/URL] Bio: Marius is the son of Azrael, a pure blood vampire whom served in one of the great wars. During sleep one night, Marius was awoken by the screams of his mother and father. Some humans were attacking. It was only a matter of time before they would reach him. So he attempted to make a run for the door, it was too late. Marius was pinned to the ground, he winced in pain as the burning singe of silver pierced his shoulder. The pain was enough to make him blackout. The last thing he remembered was crawling away from the burning remains of his home. "Where am I.." Marius whispered as he awoke. "Don't speak young immortal. I found you covered in human blood at the edge of the river. I have taken you to Calek's camp." a voice replied. Marius was relieved, he remembered how his father spoke of Calek and his great battles. Several years have passed, Marius seemed to form a bond to Calek as if he was somewhat family. Marius became stronger and more wise with age. It was at this time that Marius would decide to leave for awhile. He traveled across Europe and Asia for two centuries before he heard word that Calek has been killed. It took Marius a year to get back to Calek's camp, he stopped in his tracks. His eyes became enraged as he saw the camp was under attack. Marius ran as fast as he could into the battle. Weapon(s): Nexus and Nemesis (Twin desert eagles with extended clips). Clan: Mina's Clan Hope this is ok. lol if anything needs to be changed let me know.
  2. [I]Ichigo placed the spike back into its holster.[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"I'm sorry.. It's difficult to know who to trust, I have been trapped here for nearly eighteen hours."[/COLOR] [I]Ichigo said.[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"It's ok.. can you please get off of me now?"[/COLOR] [I]Asked the girl, obviously shaken.[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Right.. I'm sorry"[/COLOR] [I]Ichigo replied as he stood up.[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"Allow me." [/COLOR][I]He said holding his hand out to help her up.[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Do you know what happened?"[/COLOR] [I]The girl asked.[/I] [I]Ichigo paused before responding.[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"I believe we are trapped in a virtual world. How we got here, I have no idea. My name is Ichigo Tottori, what is your name?"[/COLOR][I] Ichigo asked.[/I] [I]They were interrupted by a pack of starving wolves making there way towards them, savoring the meal to come. Ichigo quickly brought out his Kusari-Kama and threw it's hooked edge at one of the wolves, dismembering it almost instantaneous. The girl looked at Ichigo in awe, he had such skill with his weapon, she wondered how he could be that proficient.[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]"This might be a good time for you to help?"[/COLOR] [I]Ichigo said sarcastically as four wolves surrounded him.[/I]
  3. [B]Outside of Game:[/B] Name: Ichigo Tottori Age: 16 Personality: Ichigo is a very kind person, he enjoys playing video games especialy the ones from Kratos Krator company. He is the kind of person to lay out a helping hand regardless of his feelings toward the person. Appearance: [URL="http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/2471/1135667108guys020404jv9.jpg"]Ichigo[/URL] [B]Inside the Game:[/B] Name: Ichigo Age: 22 Appearance: [URL="http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/9775/animeboyti3.jpg"]Ichigo[/URL] Weapons: One Kusari-Kama, One Katana and Ten Throwing Spikes --------------------------------------------------- Heres what the weapons look like: [URL="http://www.karatedepot.com/sites/karatedepot/images/items/wp-ni-16.jpg"][B]Kusari-Kama[/B][/URL] [URL="http://www.karatedepot.com/sites/karatedepot/images/items/wp-ni-51.jpg"][B]Throwing Spike[/B][/URL]
  4. Gabriel tossed in his sleep, the images in his head haunted him. He saw Nightmare sitting in a black thrown guarded by two black beasts. Everyone around him was dead or dieing. His heart skipped a beat as a figure crept its way out from the shadow of Nightmare. It was Serrina, Gabriel's sister.. He thought she had died due to an act of stupidity by Cain. [COLOR="Plum"]"Gabriel.." [/COLOR]Serrina whispered. Gabriel approached her, he put his hand on her cheek. A tear rolled its way down his cheek, he was so happy to see her but at the same time he had an overwhelming feeling of guilt.[COLOR="Plum"] "Do not cry little brother, death is only the beginning. Death can mean but one thing.. [B]Resurrection[/B]."[/COLOR] She whispered in his ear. Serrina then placed a light kiss on his cheek. Gabriel suddenly awakened, his heart now beating faster then ever. As he ran for the door he stopped. Something in the mirror caught his attention, he was shocked to find crimson lipstick on his cheek. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"She's Alive.."[/COLOR] was all he could say as he ran to find Mycella.
  5. Gabriel shot Cain with a very cold stare, some deeds from the past filled him with such hatred for Cain. He couldn't shake the feeling that somehow Cain was going to get them all killed in one way or another. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I didn't know they let animals in this sector."[/COLOR] Gabriel said abruptly. Cain cracked his knuckles as his twisted grin turned to an angry frown. [COLOR="Red"]"It would be wise of you to keep your mouth shut boy. You don't want a repeat of last time."[/COLOR] Cain said coldly. Gabriel rolled his eye's as he stood up to leave. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You may have everyone else cowering in fear, but I refuse. All you are is rusting pile of scrap metal, weak and unreliable. Your not even worth a bullet!"[/COLOR] Gabriel shouted boiling with rage. He tossed his chair against the wall and walked out of the room. Gabriel walked into his room to pack up for London. [COLOR="DarkRed"][I]"Who does he think he is.. Showing his face after what had happened."[/I][/COLOR] Gabriel thought to himself. [B] OoC: I just wanted to make it so my character holds the utmost feeling of hatred toward Cain. I will reveal what happened in the past sometime later in the RPG.[/B]
  6. Gabriel ducked around the corner as a barrage of bullets hit the bricks. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Is that all you got!"[/COLOR] He yelled watching as a few bullets pushed themselves out of his chest. Gabriel then pulls out his desert eagle and twists around the corner. In a blink of an eye he takes two shots then holsters his gun, Gabriel looks down at the the man who now had two fresh bullet holes in each knee. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Ouch that has to sting."[/COLOR] Gabriel said as he lit up a cigarette. He takes out his cell phone and calls the police. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I just caught your number eleven on the most wanted list, you can pick him up on 108 station avenue.. My name... Xero."[/COLOR] He hung up the phone and walked down the street into an old building. Gabriel walked into the lobby then heads over to the platform and rides it to the lowest floor. As Gabriel walked in he removed the glove from his right hand to reveal a tattoo. It was a black heart with a red X striking through it. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Access Granted, Welcome Back Xero."[/COLOR] A computerized voice said in a welcoming tone. Gabriel walked into his room and grabbed a set of fresh clothes. He threw on some black pants and a black beater along with a black bandanna wrapped around his left arm. Then he took his two katanas and placed them parallel on his back. As he leaves his room toward the meeting he lights up another cigarette. Upon arriving he gets a cold stare from Mycella. Nothing scared him except that stare from her. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"What did I do now?"[/COLOR] Xero said. Mycella turns on the television to channel eight news. [COLOR="Blue"]"For the third time this month a suspect on the most wanted list has been subdued by a mysterious vigilante by the name of Xero.."[/COLOR] The reporter on television said before Mycella turns it off. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"What? the police in this town suck, im doing them a favor."[/COLOR] Xero says as he sits down.
  7. Name: Gabriel Dorian Codename: Xero Age: 22 Appearance: [URL="http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f378/Twisted_Spirit/Anime/DarkAngelRockerGuy.jpg"]Gabriel[/URL] (No Wings) Personality: Outgoing and never runs from a fight. Weapon(s): One Desert Eagle w/ Extended Clips and Two Diamond Edged Katana's Strapped to His Back. Power: Instant Regeneration - The ability to heal instantaneous upon injury.
  8. This is a direct continuation of the season finale of the hit TV show Heroes. If you have not seen this show I strongly suggest you see it before you Role Play this. [B][I]Sylar laid quietly on the ground, blood pouring out of the open wound on his chest. He struggled to keep conscious but he couldn?t. His eyes faded white as all of his past victims flashed before his eyes, including a vision of his own demise. Sylar gave no worry to it, he knew what was going to happen. He assumed his vision would come true. As he was about to lose consciousness Sylar heard Peter and Nathan talking, although they sounded distant as his grip on life began to slip away. Suddenly Nathan wrapped his arms around his brother and quickly flew into the air. Sylar had to try and pick himself up, he knew that if he didn?t try he would surely die. So with what little power he had left, he attempted to lift the manhole cover using his telekinesis. It began to rise about an inch as he grew eager. Sylar?s face grew pale as his eagerness turned to sheer horror when he realized that it wasn?t him lifting the cover, it was a man but all he could see was his eyes. Sylar knew who it was he could recognize those glowing yellow eyes from anywhere.[/I] ?Impossible..? [I]Sylar whispered to himself. The man raised his hand and forced Sylar toward him, then down the manhole. [/I] ?Impossible? I see everything Gabriel!? [I]The man replied as he slammed Sylar against the sewer wall. Sylar reeled as new pain filled his body as his opponent's strength was greater than he remembered. The constant throb of his wounds coupled with the constant stench of untreated water quickly made nausea fill his stomach. The once proud self-appointed destroyer of specials was now on the verge of dying or vomiting, although Gabriel didn't know which would happen first.[/I] ?You?re suppose to be dead.. I watched you die..? [I]Sylar said before being interrupted.[/I] ?You saw what I wanted you to see Gabriel!? [I]The man replied angrily as his haunting eye?s begun to glow brighter, seeming to cast a glow in the otherwise pitch black expanse of the Sewer conduit. Sylar could not help but stare into the floating orbs, although he wanted desperately to look away from the hate that burned within them. [/I]?Why are you doing this..? [I]Sylar begged to know. The man laughed in a menacing tone before replying. [/I]?I can?t have you out in my world. It belongs to me, you had your time Gabriel.. Your time is over!? [I]The man spat. Sylar tried to resist, but he failed. This was not the way he had envisioned his death. A solitary clank followed by metal sliding along concrete echoed all around as the man picked up a steel rod, hesitating slightly to allow Sylar to imagine his fate before he plunged it through Sylar?s lung, pinning him to the sewer wall with an otherworldly force. The man laughed as he watched Sylar suffocate on his own blood.[/I][/B] Sign Ups: [I]You may use Existing Characters from the show or Create your own.[/I] Name: (Anything) Age: (16+) Description: (Picture or Writing) Abilities: (One Major and One Minor) Location: (Anywhere you want.) Good or Evil: Biography: (One paragraph or more please.)
  9. Name: James Monroe Age: 23 Ability: Telekinesis What you would like to improve on: Nothing, James has mastered his ability. Appearance: Black spiked hair, Grey hooded sweatshirt, Beige khaki pants, White sneakers, 6'1ft tall, Average build, Grey eyes. Ability History: James discovered his ability at the age of seventeen. He stayed up late studying for a biology test. The next morning he woke up shocked as he noticed several of his belongings where floating around the room. James wanted to scream but he was to scared. His belongings soon dropped as James began to stand up. This continued for the next few days, he thought his room was haunted. Until one day he came home from school, tired and fatigued. All he could think of was getting a nice cold beverage from the fridge. So he made his way over to the fridge and opened the door, as he reached in to grab a soda it moved toward his hand. Now James was really confused. So he tried again this time he looked over the counter at the TV remote. He concentrated on the remote, to his surprise it began to levitate toward him. From that day forward he began to master his new ability. Family: James comes from a wealthy family and is an only child. His father owns a multi-million dollar casino in Las Vegas and his mother owns a chain of five star hotels. Ability Description: The power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force.
  10. Edit: Mods please close this I have to work on the story more.
  11. Sign-Up Name: Sinister Power: Intuitive Aptitude (The ability to analyze complex systems and intuitively understand how they work without special education or training.) Personality: Sinister is insane, he believes that he should be the only person with power. The only "Real" special person in all of the world. Synister has been hunting down others like himself to try and find a way to integrate their powers into himself.. So far he is yet to succeed.. A true villain bent on one thing.. Ultimate Power. Description: Height 6'1, Weight 168lbs. Synister has spiked black hair and slate gray eyes that would send a shiver down anyones spine. Synister wears a long black trench coat and fingerless gloves, along with studded wrist bands and belt. Hope you don't mind but I'm basing my character off of Sylar from the NBC show Heroes. If not I understand completely.
  12. Need balance? I can try playing two characters Sign Up: Name: Revor (Ree-Voor) Age: 44 Gender: Male Race: Elite Rank: General Appearance: [URL=http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/SaberScorpion/Halo/elite_screenshot.jpg]Revor[/URL] Weapons: Plasma Sword, Dual Needlers Specialty: Stealth Bio: Revor has an extreme hatred toward any being not of the covenant, particularly Spartans. He was captured by humans and tortured for several months. The day he was to be executed the covenant showed up, and in one bloody massacre they took out the prison where he was held. He now finds himself being transported to a ship on it's way to the planet called Harvest. Can't think of much else I'll think of more if we ever get this RPG rolling.
  13. Name: Spartan-1140 , Rage Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Spartan Rank: Sergeant First Class Appearance: [URL=http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/2000/spartan1140uv0.jpg]Rage[/URL] Weapons: Battle Rifle, Magnum Specialty: Sniper Bio: Rage has been in training for the past three years. He has been training in stealth, and infiltration. Rage has also achieved an award for excellence in marksmanship. Upon completing his training he was sent to the Harvest outpost where he will be part of his first mission. My bio sucks lol but I swear I will do my best if aloud to partake in your RP
  14. Name: Sinister "Grimm" McKnight Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5295/sinjb7.png]Sinister[/URL] Fighting style: Proficient in Karate and Jujitsu, also a Master Swordsman Personality: Cruel and ruthless, known to have killed someone just by looking at him in the wrong way. He will turn your biggest dream into your darkest nightmare. (If personality isnt good I'll have to edit it.)
  15. [I]Darth Maldox feels a tremor in the force.. It was powerful, a type of power he had never felt before. He knew he had finally reached the destination the emperor asked him to go. Lord Sidious once told Maldox a tale of an ancient power hidden on Kashyyk, an object of power that no other being can detect even a Jedi. It was said that only the true heir of the Marka Ragnos blood-line would be able to sense its presence and control its power. Darth Maldox moves closer, he could feel it beneath his feet. He takes out his two light-sabers and stabs them into the ground. Maldox turns in a 360° circle, he steps away from it and lifts up the freshly carved earth using his force whirlwind. Maldox orders his droid too stay and watch for intruders. He jumps down into the hole, upon landing he looks up from the bottom. It appeared to be thirty feet to the surface. [/I] [I]Darth Maldox approaches a very tall door with writing on it.[/I] "Blood of the master is the path to power." [I]Maldox read off the door. He then knew it must mean that only the blood of Marka Ragnos could open the door. There appeared to be a sharp pointed object attached to the side of the door-way. Maldox removes the glove from his left hand and pierces it on the pointed object. The blood leaks down into a small hole, and the door creeks loudly as it begins to open. An extraordinary blast of force power slams into Darth Maldox sending him heavily into a wall.[/I] [I]Maldox stood up and looked in the door.. There was nothing the chamber was empty, he didn't understand.[/I] "All this way just to get blasted into a wall?! This is ridicules!" [I]Darth Maldox yelled in anger. The ground around him began to shake and crack. That large blast of force energy caused a massive tremor in the force. Every single Jedi and Sith must have felt its power. Maldox jumps out of the hole and walks back to his cruiser.[/I] "Lord Sidious, I found no object of power there..." [I]Darth Maldox said with anger on a com-link.[/I] "You are mistaken my young apprentice.. Return to me immediately." [I]Lord Sidious commanded.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you don't like this I'll just delete the post however I have a plan to go with this. The power will ultimately lead to my demise but not yet
  16. [I]An obsidian sith cruiser lands on Kashyyk. A tall masked man steps out of the ship accompanied by one NK-Necrosis battle droid at his side. Maldox hears rustling in the bushes, he ignites his saber and waits to see what is coming.[/I] [I]Out of the bushes leaps a jedi wielding dual green light-saber's. The jedi slashes downward towards Maldox's head. Maldox reacts quickly with a counter strike upwards, slicing a large wound into the jedi's chest. He drops his two light-sabers as he winces in pain grasping his chest. Maldox then begins to raise his left hand, the jedi begins to levitate. Maldox then uses a force pull and the jedi's chest explodes as his heart bursts through his chest. Maldox releases his grip and the jedi drops to the ground dead.[/I] "You should have never interfered with the emperor's will." [I]Maldox says as he walks away into the jungles of Kashyyk.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know its short but I have limited time on computer right now.
  17. Name: Darth Maldox Age: 24 Type of light saber: Two Red Single Bladed Light Sabers (One Hidden under His Robes) Appearance: [URL=http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/5085/maskedmaldoxwo1.png]Darth Maldox[/URL] Personality: Darth Maldox is cold and ruthless, he shows his enemies no mercy and has little patience. Bio: Little is known about Maldox's past but rumor's have been spread that he is a descendant of the Marka Ragnos blood line. At age four he began training with a sith master by the name of Ulith Naar. He grew into a great sith warrior slaying many jedi until this very day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry bio is short but I figured id leave some mystery for the actual RPG
  18. [I]Later that night.. Hiro walked out of the room and went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. Ian went out side also carrying two beers.[/I] "Have a beer you look like you could use it."[I] Ian said smiling[/I] "Thanks." [I]Hiro said as he accepted the beer.[/I] "So whats it like being an assassin?" [I]Questioned Ian.[/I] [I]Hiro looked at him for a minute and began to speak.[/I] "You think of all the men and women you killed almost every night.. Nightmares.. You wonder who they were and what they did for a living, or whether or not they had a family that they would never return to." [I]Hiro said to Ian [/I] "Man thats intense.." [I]Ian said[/I] [I]Hiro gazes up at the stars and continues his story.[/I] "Every assignment you wonder if it will be your last one. I've killed many for money.. Blood money." [I]Hiro said[/I] [I]Hiro then walked back into his room and started to clean his weapons.[/I]
  19. [I]Hiro turns to 47 and speaks to him in Italian, being a world class assassin you must have an advanced knowledge of International Linguistics.[/I] "Quando colpiamo il nostro nemico, colpiamo duro. Giusto come i vecchi periodi." [I]Hiro said to 47.[/I] "Nessun superstiti?" [I]47 asks.[/I] "Sì, nessun superstiti." [I]Hiro says[/I] "What the hell are you two babbling about?" [I]Aaron asks as they reach Ian's door.[/I] "Just old war stories Aaron nothing to be concerned about." [I]Hiro tells Aaron[/I] "Well we're here." [I]Aaron says[/I]
  20. "I'll cut the power the circuit board has to be on the roof." [I]Hiro said[/I] "You should go through the ventilation system. I'll meet you inside." [I]47 replied.[/I] [I]Hiro climbed a utility latter on the side of the building and looked around the roof for the circuit board. He planted a small patch of C4 on it and set it to twenty seconds" Hiro ran and dove into the vents just before the explosion. The power in the station went out along with all camera systems and radio.[/I] "Bad idea arresting me you idiots just sealed your fate." [I]said Aaron to one of the officers guarding her. [/I] [I]Hiro dove out of the vents guns blasting away at who ever he could see. 47 soon entered and pulled out his shot gun so well hidden in his guitar case. 47 blasted a guards head clean off.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok this is my short post I dont want to take all of the fun :)
  21. Sorry I haven't posted my computer has been screwing up... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Hiro held on to Aaron for awhile. He feared he may never see her again.[/I] "Thank you Aaron... but it's not safe for you here anymore.. I fear that my being here has triggered the feds. There will be at least ten to twelve of them so I'm asking you.. Please run Aaron, run as far as you can from here. Respect my wishes please.." [I] Hiro said with a very concerned look on his face. He pulled her closer and kissed her on the lips. Aaron shuttered as Hiro's lips pressed against hers.[/I] "Go Aaron please. I don't want you to die here. Just leave me my guns.. If I have to go out then there is no better way then in the blaze of fire" [I]Hiro said with Honor.[/I] [I]Aaron placed Hiro's guns next to him and walked out of the room.[/I] "Goodbye Aaron.." [I]Hiro whispered with a tear crawling its way down his cheek.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats all I can think of for now I cant think of what the Feds part should be lol
  22. [I]Hiro and Aaron ran for cover behind an alley way.[/I] "Son of a bitch! I knew it! I should have killed him back in Germany all those years ago! I was known as Ashe back then!" [I]Hiro said out loud. He took a quick glance around the corner and spotted 47 on the roof[/I]. "Aaron I'm going to try something, if I get hurt you have to run." [I]Hiro said to Aaron as a confused look formed on her face.[/I] [I]Hiro took out his twin silenced desert eagles and quickly twisted around the corner and took two shots. Up towards 47, one bullet flew passed 47's ear and the other dug into his right shoulder. As the bullet hit 47, the sniper went off hitting Hiro in his left shoulder. Hiro ran in agony back behind the alley way. He grabbed Aaron's hand and they ran as fast as they could away from 47.[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for when I said back in Germany I'll leave that up to you quicksilver
  23. "Not average? I noticed..." [I]Hiro said in a mocking tone He took Aaron by the hand and pulled her around the corner.[/I] "I'm going to tell you something.. I'm an assassin hired by the Yakuza. My job is to take out this list of targets. I know that you are a hacker.. and your skills could come in handy so I extend to you my friendship, and also my protection. However.. If you get in my way I will feel no guilt what so ever in taking you out." [I]Hiro explained before they boarded the plane. The flight was short, they walked out of the airport meeting a limo driver in front of the airport.[/I] "Your baggage is at the hotel sir, room 136." [I]The driver said[/I] [I]Hiro nodded before he entered the limo. The driver brings them to a hotel and drops them off. When they get into the room Hiro goes into the closet and pulls out a large bag. Inside is an entire arsenal of weapons and cash.[/I]
  24. [I]Hiro smiled and put his gun back into its holster.[/I] "Your reputation precedes you 47.. or is it Mr. Julio? or perhaps Mr. Byrd? Dont look so surprised I'm in the same line of work and I know names." [I]Hiro said[/I] [I] To prove it Hiro picks up his cell phone and dials in a number. 47's phone begins to ring[/I] "Now then you asked who we are.. I am Hiro and this girl is Aaron, she followed me here I'm trying to decide whether or not if I should place a bullet through her. And the answer to where it is that we are going will soon be known." [I]Hiro explains[/I] [I] 47's cell rings again this time with one of his contacts numbers. He answers it and then soon after, he hangs it up.[/I] "Well then I guess all of us are going to Washington D.C." [I]Hiro said waiting to see what 47 does.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry if this is a short and mediocre post but I'm busy right now and dont have much time.
  25. [I]Hiro is disturbed by the gunshots in the hall way so he waits a few hours until the person inside is sleeping. He crawls out his window and slips in through the strangers window. Hiro notices that the stranger is fast asleep, so he does a quick sweep of the room and takes her guns. He holds his gun to the persons head. [/I] "Wake up." [I]Hiro demands[/I] [I]The girl wakes up and is a bit startled. [/I] "Who are you and why did you follow me from New Jersey?" [I]Hiro asked while still holding his gun to her head.[/I] "My name is Aaron... Who are you?" [I]Aaron replied already knowing the answer. [/I] "You can call me Hiro.. Now answer me! why are you following me!"[I] Hiro demanded again. [/I] [I]Hiro cocks the gun like he was about to fire but he saw a tear roll down her eyes.. She reminded him of his girlfriend. He lowers the gun and walks out, but before he does he takes the clips from her guns. Hiro takes the elevator downstairs and jumps into his car, and drives to the airport.[/I]
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