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Everything posted by Synister
[I]Reign smiles at Ceres[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"I now activate Swords of Revealing Light and I play one card face down! Now I attack your face up monster!" [/COLOR] "You activated my trap! Magical Hats!" [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Not so fast! You activate my face down card! Trap Jammer! Now Hayabusa Knight attack his monster![/COLOR] [I]Alex's life points hit zero[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"NOW RETURN TO THE SHADOWS FROM WHICH YOU HAVE COME!"[/COLOR] "I may vanish but Marik is still very much a Shadow Rider Leader! You will not beat him so easily![I] Alex vanishes to the shadow realm along with the millennium rod.. Reign walks over to Ceres and smiles again[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Come on we have to get back to the academy.. I have visions that Marik might be going there he too is after the sacred cards"[/COLOR]
[I]Reign looks at Adamu in shock[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"What are you doing here! You left star all alone at the academy?! Alex just sent a lot of shadow riders there! I?m doing fine by myself I got him down to 2000 life points![/COLOR] [I]Reign then concentrates back to Alex who just laid down a face down card[/I] "I end my turn.." [I]Reign then has Hayabusa Knight attack again[/I] "You activate my trap card magic cylinder!" [I]Reign is hit by his own attack directly to his life points making him and Alex equal in life points[/I]
[I]Reign sees how hurt Ceres is he then looks at Alex[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Lets get this over with Alex."[/COLOR] [I]Reign draws five cards[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"So its twelve thousand life points I see all right ill have to finish this quick.. I play Hayabusa Knight in attack mode.. I then activate Scapegoat.."[/COLOR] [I]Reign smiles[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"And now I equip United We Stand on Hayabusa Knight! For every face up monster I control I increase the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 800 points. That brings Hayabusa Knights Attack and Defense to 5000/4700! Now attack his life points directly Hayabusa Knight!"[/COLOR] [I]Hayabusa Knight special ability two attacks per battle phase.. Hayabusa Knight does a massive 10000 damage to Alex's life points leaving him at 2000 life points.[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"I end my turn!"[/COLOR] [I]Alex looks at Reign in shock.. He had no idea that Reign knew that strategy[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit: Forgot to add Hayabusa Knights 800 Atk and def cause hes a monster two
[I]Reign runs at Alex at tremendous force knocking him against the wall[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Dont you ever touch Ceres again![/COLOR] [I]Alex looks at Reign and smiles[/I] "Then let?s settle this once and for all.. Shadow Games! Ill even let you and that pathetic girl team against me!" [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"And if we win?"[/COLOR] "If I lose my soul gets trapped in the shadow realms for all eternity and the millennium rod will be destroyed.. However if I win your souls will be trapped and your keys will be mine leaving me to do as I please to the duel academy."
[I]Alex looks deep into Ceres's eyes as if he was seeing her very soul[/I] "Becouse she can get me to the Sacred God Cards you are mearly bait Ceres." [I]Ceres's necklace shines a very bright blue glow and Alex starts to feel great pain.. Something was happening to him.. The shadow field collapses and Ceres is put down Reign then shouts out to Ceres[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Touch him with your necklace!"[/COLOR] [I]Ceres runs and touches Alex with it and a blast of shadow and light pushes her away as she looks up she sees two Reigns.. one in full black robes and the other in White[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Thank you Ceres now run to the academy and warn the others.. Ill take care of this." [/COLOR] [I]Reign said in a very calm tone as if he knew what it was he had to do[/I]
[I]Alex laughs in an evil way[/I] " Dear I don?t need you.. I need the chosen one! HAHAHAHAHA!!" [I]Alex sends ten of his shadow riders to the academy to capture Star[/I] "Let's see if your friends can deal with ten shadow riders."
[I]Alex holds Ceres with a shadow force field[/I] "You wanted answers so I will give them to you! I was created by the hate and darkness in Reign's heart.. He was so angry when Marik tried to turn his sister to a shadow rider that he became insane if he didn?t tackle Marik he would have never brushed against the millennium rod forcing me to take control" [I]Reign then says another word but this time he only had the strength to get one out[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Necklace!"[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------ remember Reign is the good half and alex is the bad half
[I]Alex stares at Ceres with the most sinister looking face[/I] "Welcome Ceres!" [I]Reign is able to say in a few words before Alex takes back control[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Ceres run its a trap!"[/COLOR]
[I]Alex saw Toshiro defeat his shadow rider and was very angry at Adamu[/I] "YOU FOOL! HOW DARE YOU INTERUPT!! [I]Out from his coat he pulls out the millennium rod and waves it in the air and says some words in Egyptian as he sucks Adamu?s soul to the prism[/I]
[I]The shadow duelist laughs crazy[/I] [COLOR=Red]"I flip over one of my face down cards MAN EATER BUG![/COLOR] [I]The flip effect of man eater bug destroys Ceres monster[/I] [COLOR=Red]"I Then play Black Luster Ritual![/COLOR] [I]His two face down cards flip over as they are tributed showing another Man Eater Bug and Lord of D.. Out comes Black Luster Soldier[/I] [COLOR=Red]"I play one face down card and put Black Luster Soldier in defence mode and end my turn."[/COLOR]
[I]The shadow rider starts to smile[/I] "I play three cards face down and end my turn."
[I]The shadow rider arrives and walks up to Ceres and activates his duel disk[/I] [COLOR=Red]"Lets begin!"[/COLOR] [I]The shadow rider draws five cards[/I]
"Agreed! My shadow rider should be there by now. If anyone so much as follows you here I will destroy Toshiros soul" [I]Alex walks over to his table of cards and prepares his best deck[/I]
[I]Alex hears Ceres and smiles[/I] "So be it!" [I]He sends a message to his most elite shadow rider.. He sends his top shadow rider with Obelisk the Tormentor[/I] "You will have trouble with this one Ceres!" [I]Alex laughs heavily[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"No! Don?t do this ALEX!!!"[/COLOR] [I]Reign yells[/I]
[I]Reign sees Adamu running toward Toshiro in his mind[/I] "Shadow Barrier!" [I]Reign says and with that a barrier swarms around Toshiro and the shadow duelist[/I] "It won?t be that easy fool!" [I]Reign says to Adamu through his mind.[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"You have to stop this Alex!!"[/COLOR] [I]Reign indeed had two sides to himself Alex was his darker side and was somehow forced out when he brushed against the millennium rod as he tried to stop Marik from turning his sister to a shadow rider[/I] "I will never stop! You are weak and you will always be weak Reign!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Text In This Color Is The Good Half Reign[/COLOR] Regular Black Color Is The Evil Half Alex
[I]Reign stops the noise and responds this time in a vivid tone[/I] "You.. Have to.. Help.. Me.. Dont let him control me anymore.. I c..Cant stop him alone!" [I]Reign snaps back into being crazed "You cant escape me Reign!" A voice in Reigns head says[/I]
[I]Reign responds in a most cruel tone[/I] "You will be part of this whether or not you want to be." [I]Reign sends a very high pitched sound to Ceres knowing it will hurt her head[/I] "HAHAHAHAHA!"
[I]Reign throws on a new modified chain that not only allows him to hear and see people?s thoughts but also communicate telepathically.. He hears Ceres in his head say "Man, I wish I knew where Reign was. I really need to ask him something and it's important. Gawd where is he."[/I] "What do you want Ceres?!"
[I]Reign at his base begins to send out shadow riders to the academy all with duel disks that allow them to trap souls of the loser into the prism however if the shadow rider loses his soul gets trapped instead[/I] "Get going bring me back all of the keys and bring Ceres to me.. Unconscious if you can.?
"Look I am not one who just tells all everything about me now leave me alone." [I]Reign says to Ceres as he walks to his room and locks the door[/I] "I have to prepare.." [I]He whispered to himself.. He opens the floor panel and puts the five cards in his deck.. Then he opens a second panel and picks up his black robes.. He escapes out his room window to a motor cycle and takes off to his base in the city.[/I]
[I]Reign took his key and chained it around his neck.. He then walks outside to a limo and gets in[/I] "Its time.." [I]He said with a smile on his face..[/I] "It will be risky.. So instead of getting there deck.. Lock there souls in this prism.." [I]He gets out of the limo and it takes off[/I] [I]?The sacred cards will be mine..? He thought to himself[/I]
"Your necklace?" [I]Reign looks at her necklace and sees what it is.. He quickly jumps from a straight face to a nervous face[/I] "I have to go now..." [I]Reign quickly rushes out the door to his room.. He takes off his necklace and destroys it he knew it would lead to his discovery[/I] "This is getting risky ill have to play it safe for now." [I]Reign then hides the three god cards and the two special cards under a hidden floor panel[/I]
[I]Reign with an awkward look on his face responds to Ceres with[/I] "I suppose I am a bit of a loner and I am kind of shy." [I]Reign says with a straight face[/I]
[I]Reign hears about the sacred keys and a smile comes across his face[/I] "It will be an honor to protect the sacred cards chancellor." [I]Reign says as a bead of sweat drops from his brow[/I]
[I]Reign walks out of his room to the hallway he picks up his deck and sits at a bench looking over it[/I] "If anyone challenges me they will e defeated within two turns now that I have these cards in my deck." [I]He says as he stares down at the three god cards and the two special cards[/I] "Tribute to The Gods special effect trap sacrifices the opponent?s active monster and adds its attack power to any monster I choose.. And Power of The Gods special effect magic adds 1500 attack and defense points onto my monster with the highest attack points on the field.. Let?s see someone try and duel me now." [I]Reign says to himself with a grin on his face[/I]