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Everything posted by Synister
[I]Reign heard Toshiro tell Adamu about the chain in his mind[/I] "That fool betrayed me! That is the last time I trust anyone here." [I]Reign grasps his chain and sends a blast to Toshiro?s chain ending its glow rendering it useless[/I] "Nothing more than a useless piece of metal now."
[I]Reign walks out to a limo waiting for him and gets in[/I] "Do you have what I asked for?" [I]Reign says to a man in a hooded cloak[/I] [COLOR=Purple]"Of course what makes you think otherwise?"[/COLOR] [I]The hooded man replies[/I] "Just give me what you have taken from that Egyptian woman and the museum.." [I]The man hands over five cards and Reign looks at them with the scariest smile as he laughs uncontrollably[/I] "Ultimate power is within my grasp!" [I]Reign gets out of the limo with his deck now with five new cards in it.. As he walks in he hears Jaden say that some one has stolen two very powerful cards from the museum.. Reign smiles large as he walks into his room[/I] [I]"Not only the god cards but Power of The Gods and Tribute to the Gods. They may know that Power of The Gods and Tribute to the Gods have been taken from the museum but they don?t know that I have the god cards from that woman.. I?m glad she has joined my shadow riders" He thought to himself[/I]
[I]Reign walks to Toshiro's room and knock's on the door[/I] "Toshiro open the door I have something that might interest you." [I]Toshiro open's the door and Reign walks in[/I] [COLOR=DarkGreen]"What's up?"[/COLOR] [I]Toshiro replies[/I] "I have this for you.. Consider it a good luck charm.." [I]He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a golden glowing chain much like the one he had on under his coat[/I] "This is a Millennium Chain and through it you will have the ability to hear people's thoughts and see their very move.. It is up to you to decide if you want to wear it" [I]Reign leaves to his room to get some sleep[/I]
[I]Reign Walks over to Toshiro and extends his hand.[/I] "You will have to excuse me for not introducing myself earlier.. Alex Reign.. How would you like to join me on my quest for the ultimate card's.. If you accept I will let you in on a secret, but know this.. Betrayal will lead to your fate." [I]As Reign turns to walk Toshiro notices a glowing golden object around Reign's neck.[/I] [I]"He has no idea of what lies deep within his heart.."[/I] [I]Reign thought to himself[/I]
[I]Reign walks out side to find other obelisk's who share the same evil intention's he has.. So far no one.. He notices a kid jumps out of the bushes to duel someone.[/I] "Let's see this pathetic duel, I've got nothing better to do."
[I]Reign walks through the doors to the academy with a smile on his face. He look's around at all the people and roll's his eyes[/I] "This is pathetic.. So many new duelists, this is going to be easy." [I]He says to himself[/I] [I]He gets to his room and spreads out his deck to find new strategies. He looks at his prized exodia and laughs insanely[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry gotta cut it short I got work to do
Name: Kenji Miramoto (Wish to be A Leader If Its Ok) Age: 37 Gender: Male Race: Mizukai Alliances: Mizukai Rebellion Powers: Ultimate Strength Along With Instant Regeneration Weapons: Assassin's Dagger History: Kenji was born into a Mizukai settlement.. He knew what terrible thing's the government has done and will do. It was his seventh birthday when kenji?s mother and father were out to a market trying to buy some much needed supplies. They never returned, he went looking for them.. He found them.. They were dead, both decapitated.. In a fit of rage he slammed his fists into the ground making a fifty foot crater.. With his parents dead he made a vow to protect the Mizukai race at all cost's, all he wanted was peace but he knew he wouldn?t have any until the government is either destroyed or come to a truce. For thirty years he has trained and is now the leader of his settlement. Description/Picture: [IMG]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/7624/kenji2bp.jpg[/IMG] Hope you accept :D
Name- Alex Reign (goes by Reign) Age- 18 Personality- Reign is a cold hearted and cruel person who only cares about winning. His goal is to be the most powerful duelist in all of the world and have every strong card in his deck. Appearance- [URL=http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/170/reign3gv.png]Reign[/URL] Rank- Obelisk Blue, highest Most Rarest Card- Exodia the Forbidden One (Well you did say any real or made up)
[I]Thomas Arrives At Base A Bit Late And Burst Through They Door To The Waiting Room[/I] "Damn it... now I?m going to be yelled at for being late." [I]He Sat As Still In The Seat As A Prisoner In The Electric Chair..[/I] "Play it cool you will be fine.. How bad can 10 minutes late be..." ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry for shortness ill do better on next post
Edited rank and changed my age to better fit my rank :-p
Hey just edited my post hope its better. if its no good just pm me with what needs editing and ill get to work on it
Name: Thomas Monroe Age: 24 Gender: Male Rank: Private First Class Specialty: Computers Weapons: AK 47 with extended clips, two Desert Eagles with extended clips, Frag Grenades x3 Personality: In combat he is very careful not to get himself killed or any of his other comrads killed. When not in combat he is a very funny man with many unique characteristics. He will take a bullet for any of his men just so he knew his men would survive and fight even at the cost of death. Appearance: [URL=http://www.starving-artists.net/galleries/harris/eh05--us-soldier.jpg]Thomas[/URL] Reason for taking this mission: Thomas has taken this mission becouse he will do anything to protect his country even if it means giving his life. His friends and family are somewhere in chicago and thomas will stop at nothing just so he can see his wifes beautiful face once more.
Name: Gabriel Ives Age: 19 Power: [I]Iceman:[/I] generates subzero cold that freezes anything in its path, forming water vapor into various ice shapes, can shield himself in organic ice form with enhanced strength, durability, and cryomorphing powers Codename: Frost Appearence: [URL=http://img227.imageshack.us/my.php?image=frosthuman0pd.jpg]Frost Human[/URL] Transformed Appearence: [URL=http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=frost8bz.jpg]Frost[/URL] Personality: Kind and gentle, Gabriel is a very nice person who gets along well with others. Bio: Gabriel has just recently figured out he was a mutant by accidently freezing his moms favorite flowers. He didnt even want to he was thinking about winter and how the flowers would freeze. _____________________________________________________________________ Is this ok if not ill add more to bio when I think of more
i added my gender to my post XD
Name: Hiro Kenichi Age: 24 Gender: Male Height: 5'7 Appearnace: [URL=http://img352.imageshack.us/my.php?image=swordsman1rn.jpg]Hiro[/URL] Weapon: Dai Katana (two handed katana) Personality: Hiro is a tough renegade whom doesnt take no for an answer. He will strike at any foe whom insults him. Other Info: Hiro learned the way of the samurai at the age of fourteen. ill leave his past for later in the rp :-p
Boy people must love to be evil creatures...
I use banner maker pro 6 also it works fine if u know how to use it. but if there is a better program id like to see it to
Name: Michael Age: Unknown (Looks to be in his mid 20's) Race: Angel Sub-Race: Archangel Appearance: [URL=http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/m/i/mikewaters/angelmichaelew3.jpg]Michael[/URL] Weapon of Choice: The sword shown in picture Bio: No matter the situation, no matter the challenge, Michael stands ready with his sword and host of Angels to protect and serve all who call upon him for assistance. He clears the path of obstacles, he gives us strength and courage to carry on during the dark times in our lives. He fills us with hope, inspiration, and faith that the Universe is always on our side. Michael protects against negative or psychic attack and astral debris that can cling to our energy fields.
This is so cool, because just a few weeks ago I met Elisha Cuthbert on a train. She had just finished a scene for the movie house of wax. We spoke shortly and she seems like a very nice person. She even gave me her autograph it was awesome. By the way if you don?t know who Elisha Cuthbert is ill give you some titles she?s been in. She was on the show 24, she was in Old School, and my favorite The Girl Next Door. Anyway I?ve babbled on to much lol
Ya there is a star trek game out its called Star Trek: Shattered Universe.. I dont like star trek but i watched an episode of xplay and found out about it
Is it ok if I use my character that I posted in Jians thread. if not PM me Name: Shade Moltox (Darth Moltox) Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Miraluka (Like Visas from KoTOR 2) Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v704/LordRevan88/ShadeMoltox.bmp]Shade Moltox[/URL] Side: Sith Weapons: Two Single Blade Red Lightsabers Side of the Force: Dark Skills: Master Security, Master Computer Force Powers: Force Choke, Force Lightning
[I]Kuro also walked in and sat down. He orders a cup of chai tea, a troubled look appears on his face[/I] "Kuro are you ok?" Arni asked "I'm fine... It's just odd how we all met.. It's odd because we all have symbols... I feel as if we all met once before.. It even felt like I have met that Drecht person before also." He pauses to take a sip of tea "What I am trying to say is somehow fate has brought us together for a reason." [I]Kuro finishes his tea and walks outside[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry its short couldnt really think of anything else
Name: James Fredrico Codename: Darkness Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v704/LordRevan88/Non%20Star%20Wars/Darkness.bmp]Darkness (Thanks to Hero Machine 2.0 for creation)[/URL] Bio: [CENTER]~Twealve Years Ago~[/CENTER] [CENTER]James was only twelve years old.. There was a knock at the front door, he was in his room doing homework.. James hears a man talking to his father about something.. When he looks through the crack of the door he sees his father and nobody but him.. James than sees something that will effect him the rest of his life.. The tip of a sword thrusting its way through his fathers chest.. His father drops to the floor dead.. He listens as his mother runs to his fathers aid.. He then sees as a sword slashes his mothers throat.. James watches as his mother lays on the floor bleeding to death.. He listens as foot steps walk out the door and the door slams shut.. James runs to his dead parents.. He cries as he holds his mothers hand tightly grasped in his hand... He then says "Ill get whom ever did this to you.. I SWEAR I'LL KILL THE BASTARD WHOS DONE THIS!". Many years later james got involved in the assassin buisness just so he could try and get close to the killer of his parents.. He met up with a woman, whos parents were also murdered when she as oung.. James decided to join up with her so he wouldnt be alone.[/CENTER] Weapon of choice: Two fully automatic Uzi's with extended clips Affiliation: The Hanzo's ____________________________________________________________________ Is this ok if not I understand