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Everything posted by Synister

  1. Name: Shade Moltox (Darth Moltox) Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Miraluka (Like Visas from KoTOR 2) Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v704/LordRevan88/ShadeMoltox.bmp]Click (Thanks to Hero Machine 2.0 for creating my char)[/URL] Alliance: Sith Side of the Force: Dark Class: Guardian Force Powers: Drain Life, Force Resistance (Give User Medium Resistance To Force Powers) Lightsaber/Weapons: Two Bright Red Lightsabers Bio: Shade is said to be the last of his kind, because his home planet Katarr was destroyed. He blames the Jedi for his planets destruction, and has sworn an oath that he would destroy them all. He found out there was a ship carrying Jedi, so he accompanied the sith when they boarded the ship and started to destroy it from the inside. Before he could reach the Jedi the ship was beginning to collapse so he took an escape pod and landed on the opposite side of Dxun. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope this is ok
  2. [I]The pain in Kuro?s hand finally stops... All of a sudden an almost blinding light shoots from his hand... As the brightness clears Kuro realizes he?s wielding a sword.. The sword was as white as snow and glowed as bright as the sun.. He saw a girl coming toward them she said "Excuse me for this interruption, but I thought I just heard someone yell around here...."[/I] "If you turn around you will see why we yelled.." Kuro said calmly [I]A horde of freshly summoned demons were quickly being created... Kuro quickly charged at one of the shadow demons, and in one quick slash he took it out with his light sword[/I] "These things are child?s play! everyone attack!!" ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry have to get this battle started
  3. [I]Kuro gave a cold stare at Drecht... For some reason he felt a bond with him.. Not a good bond, but one that enemies sometimes share... The marking on Kuro's right hand begins to shed a very bright light[/I] "Ahhh! My hand burns!!" Kuro yelled "Whats wrong Kuro?!" Arni replied "I Dont know! But whom ever Drecht is hes not good in spirit! I can sense it some how.." ____________________________________________________________________ Sure its short but Light and Shadow are enemies just pointing it out... even though its everyone pretty much knows... its like Yin and Yang but thats another story
  4. [I]In a meditated state, Kuro sits quietly upon a tree stump at the edge of a calm flowing river. He sits listening to the sleek sound of the wind, all of the sudden he hears the shrewd bark of a dog coming closer. Kuro awakes from his meditated state, and notices a wet nose inches from his face. He jumps up screaming like a little girl..[/I] "Ahhhhhh! Get it away! Its going to eat me alive!" [I]Out of nowhere a woman jumps through the bushes and scares Kuro even more[/I] "Ahhhh!" "whoa! Damn! You act like you have never seen a dog before." I have! ... Just never that big..." Kuro replied "Well.. anyway my name is Arni Regani, you?ve already met my dog. His name is Reg." Said the woman [I]Kuro puts out his right hand and the two shake hands.[/I] "Pleasure to meet you Arni, my name is Kuro Nyoko... Umm you can let go of my hand now.." "Sorry.. It's just I noticed you have a marking on your hand... I have one too, see." "Wow I thought I was the only one who had one.. I need to ask to you something... I need to find out more about these markings and was wondering if I can accompany you to where ever it is you are going."
  5. Thats real cool! i like it alot! Thank you!
  6. Hey I Need An Avi And Banner of Darth Revan Off of Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic. For The Avi I Want A Close Up of Revans Mask And Have It Say Lord Revan For The Banner I Want A Pick Of Revan Holding His Saber With These Words Under Him "Bow Down To The True Sith Lord" If someone can do this for me ill be very greatful
  7. Yea that helps alot thank you
  8. How do I get my name changed from DemonicElf to another name. Becouse lots of people i know have changed there name. Please tell me
  9. [I]Raion Quickly Runs Out At The Monster And Take's One Quick Slash[/I] "Ha you missed!" [I]The Monster Said[/I] "Oh did I now?" [I]Raion Replied With A Evil Grin On His Face[/I] "WHAT!!! HOW!!! AARRGG!!!" [I]The Monster Growled In Pain As His Right Wing Slid Off[/I] "Raion might not ave been a good idea" [I]Halthan Said With A Slightly Concerned Voice[/I] "What do u mean?" [I]Right As He Said That A Sharp Pain Over Took Raion?s Right Eye[/I] "AAAHHHH MY EYE!!!" [I]Somehow The Monster Was Able To Quickly Shoot Something Into Raion?s Eye Causing It To Explode Raion Quickly Collapsed And Went Unconscious[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Ok Its Short... But Its Interesting... If its not ok that i cut off its wing just let me know or ill have to delete the whole thing
  10. [I]Raion Walks Back From The City To The Camp To Check On Things.. He Calls Out For Tankan But He Gets No Reply.. He Calls Out For Namia There Is Still No Reply.. He Walks Over To Namias Tent Hoping To Find Her.. He Sees A Piece Of Paper On The Floor.. He Picks It Up And Reads It[/I] "Damn! I need to catch up with him! He will need my help!" ____________________________________________________________________ I Know Its Short But I Got Shit To Do
  11. OOC: Can Someone Go Ahead And Pick Some Bad Ass Weapons For Raion... Its Raion Ok Not RHIAN!!! IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS "RAY...ON!!!!! RAYON U GET THAT RAION SOUNDS LIKE RAYON!!! im not mad i just like caps.
  12. Reserve me the position of Inigo Montoya.. Well if u think thats ok.. I mean.
  13. Wow I Love It! What Program Do U Use Id Really Love To Have It?!?!?!?!?!
  14. [I]Raion Sits Peacefully In His Chambers Meditating, He Was Meditating On What His Father Use To Tell Him "The path of the Shinjiro clan is one of constant wandering, one of a constant call to duty. Chaos is everywhere, and so is Law. The Greater Balance must be constantly guarded against those who would seek to destroy it, even among the mortals and the lesser gods. But one thing must always remain close to your heart, Without honor there is no victory." When Out of Nowhere An Arrow Hits His Wall.. An Then Three Fly Over His Head... He Hears Loud Screeches of Death.. He Then Realized His Clan Was Under Attack By A Group of Deus's Minions[/I] "Lord Give Me Strength!" He Yells [I]Raion Charges Outside Meeting One Of The Minions Face To Face, In A Burst of Anger Raion Lifts His Mighty Sword And Slashes Down Cutting The Minion Clean In Half. He Continues On Fighting Until There Is One Minion Left. The Last Minion Shoots An Arrow At Raion Hitting Him Straight In The Shoulder.. He Shrieks Out In Pain, He Then Runs Up To The Minion And Slashes Him From His Left Shoulder Down To His Right Hip. Raion Then Collapses To The Ground Unconcious[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Hope This Is Ok I Have To Go If It Aint Ill Edit Later
  15. For Those who have been in the previous Blood Virus u know my char and for those who dont here it is Name: Marious Age: Unknown (Looks Like Hes 20 Profile: Marious has a taste for fresh blood from unexpecting victoms. Humen food has no appealing taste that he enjoys, but he will eat it if he has no choice. He has been a clansman since Solhijou's father began ruling the clan.. Marious was away from the clan stalking some food, when he heard word of the great leader's death. After he found out that his leader was murdered, he promised to help Solhijou find her fathers killer.After awile he became impatient that he could not find the killer, he was enraged that someone would do such a thing, as a result Marious started feeding on countless amounts of humens out of vengence..(Update) Marious Recently Found Out That He Was A Hybrid Between Vampire And Lycan Race: Hybrid (Vampire/Lycan) [URL=http://www.geocities.com/m-o-l-e/Spook4/a-vampire.gif]My Apperance[/URL] Weapons: Two Uzi's With Extended Clips
  16. Hello id really like a animated avatar That says DemonicElf and i want it to flash white to black like a strobe light someone plz make me this plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz thanx in advance
  17. Name: Raion Leader of The Shinjiro Clan (Raion Japanese for Lion) Age: 27 Race: Murhyrr Class: Shinjiro Warrior Weapon of Choice: Shinjiro Sword of Flames (Does fire damage if u played any of those deadly alliance games you know) Weapon Style: Fury of Shinjiro What side they're on: Shinjiro Clan (also the resistance) Why they fight: They are afraid of what will happen if it is not returned. History of the character: Raion is the leader of the Shinjiro clan which was made by his ancestors 300 years ago. His father was a leader and his grandfather before. Raion fights for one reason and one reason only... Honor ... Shinjiro Warriors have a life goal, That goal is to win great battles during life. The Shinjiro clan closely follow the ways of the samurai. If they are shamed in battle they must take there own life?s. Body: A Murhyrr Hair: Long Orange Mane Skin: Tanish Fur Eyes: Golden Yellow Build: Heavily Built, Strong, Tall Clothing/Overall Appearance: [URL=http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/g/u/guee/lionwarrior.jpg]Raion[/URL] Hope this is ok if not ill understand.... well i might say a few bad words but ill understand BTW: Id like for someone others to be in clan and also someone to play as my Brother... If thats ok.
  18. Name: Raion Leader of The Shinjiro Clan (Raion Japanese for Lion) Age: 27 Race: Murhyrr Class: Shinjiro Warrior Weapon of Choice: Shinjiro Sword of Flames (Does fire damage if u played any of those deadly alliance games you know) Weapon Style: Fury of Shinjiro What side they're on: Shinjiro Clan (also the resistance) Why they fight: They are afraid of what will happen if it is not returned. History of the character: Raion is the leader of the Shinjiro clan which was made by his ancestors 300 years ago. His father was a leader and his grandfather before. Raion fights for one reason and one reason only... Honor ... Shinjiro Warriors have a life goal, That goal is to win great battles during life. The Shinjiro clan closely follow the ways of the samurai. If they are shamed in battle they must take there own life?s. Body: A Murhyrr Hair: Long Orange Mane Skin: Tanish Fur Eyes: Golden Yellow Build: Heavily Built, Strong, Tall Clothing/Overall Appearance: [URL=http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/g/u/guee/lionwarrior.jpg]Raion[/URL] Hope this is ok if not ill understand.... well i might say a few bad words but ill understand
  19. Name: Skarloc Age: 120 Race: Elf Appearance: [URL=http://merchantprince.homestead.com/files/pix/skarloc.jpg]Skarloc[/URL] Personality: Skarlock is very protective and kind hearted, he will do anything as long as it is not evil or stupid.
  20. [I]Marious Slowly Followed Behing Mina And Tj Trying Not To Be Spotted.. But Being As Aware As She Was Mina Quicky Spotted Him[/I] [COLOR=Purple]"Why do you try to be sneaky Marious?"[/COLOR] "Well I have to..." [I]He's Cut Off By Tj[/I] [COLOR=SlateGray]"You will never be sneaky."[/COLOR] "Why is that Tj?" [COLOR=SlateGray]"Number one your claws make a slight scratching noise as you walk, and two you always follow Mina."[/COLOR] "I have to follow Mina.." [COLOR=SlateGray]"Why do u have to follow her?"[/COLOR] "A very long time ago I took a walk in the city and when I went to turn the corner I heard a screaming. I looked into the alley where I heard the screams.. It was there I first saw Mina, she was being attacked by three men.. I quickly ran to her aid and killed those men... From that day forward I made an oath to protect her, until my life is ended." [COLOR=Purple]"That was so long ago Marious. Im old enough to take care of myself you know."[/COLOR] "Yes Mina I know that.. But when I make oaths I keep them." [COLOR=Purple]"Im happy your not dead Marious.. Ok lets get back to looking for the answers."[/COLOR]
  21. Name: Mike Fesko Age: 24 Eye Color: Reddish Brown Hair Color: Red Gender: Male Personality: Smart, Outgoing, A Ladys Man. Mike is the provider of parts and car specialties, Including spoilers, NOS, Custom Rims, Spinners, Neons, and Paint. He mostly provides parts for DSV, but he wont hold back on others. Appearance: [URL=http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/l/i/lillissy84/quint.jpg]Click Here For Free Money[/URL] Gang your in: DSV but only a little Car Make: Daimler Car Model:2004 Chrysler ME 4/12 Car Color: Metalic Silver Horse Power: 850 - 1856 Modifications(Details Below): Snooper S4 Radar Detector, Custom Interior, Custom Wheels, Stage 4 Turbo, Dreamspeed coil-overs Koni dampers(Suspension), White Strobe Neon Under Car, Bucket seats, Fully loaded with all up to date satelite modifications Picture of car when stock: [URL=http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/sowhatsitcalled/images/chrysler_me_four_twelve.jpg]Here[/URL] Snooper S4: The Snooper S4-Neo contains geographical co-ordinates of all ''Fixed'' speed monitoring systems and many officially designated ''Accident Hotspots.'' They have been stored on the database that is constantly monitored and updated by a data collection team- ensuring that you are alerted to every potentially hazardous stretch of road and danger spot. The S4 also comes with 360 degree built-in laser as standard that has been designed to detect all types of mobile laser speed monitoring systems. The result? Your Snooper S4 will alert you to nearly every speed monitoring system- whether Fixed or Mobile for total security and awareness Interior: dash and most interior panel dyed black and silver. 3 autometer guages in fiberglass pods in passenger side airbag compartment. alpine cva1000 monitor receiver, alpine dvd player, sony playstation, polk audio 61/2. mtx thunder amp. ignite push button starter, razo shifter, black and silver guages. Wheels: 19" Razor Line (my name brand Wheels in RPG)
  22. Name: Zander Velarious Reaper Name: Shadow Blade Soul Age: 2027 Appearance: [URL=http://hellfire.orcon.net.nz/reaper.jpg]Click Here.. No Here
  23. Name: Bruce Banner Super Hero Name: The Hulk Age: dont know how about 37 Super Powers:The Hulk possesses superhuman strength of the Class 100 level, enabling him to lift (press) in excess of 100 tons. The Hulk only attains this strength level when he is enraged. In a totally, calm state his functional strength is significantly less, perhaps in the 70 ton range. In human form Bruce Banner possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in no regular exercise. In times of stress the Hulk's adrenaline level escalates, causing a corresponding escalation in strength. This is not accompanied by an additional gain in mass, but does appear to promote increased levels of energy efficiency. To date the Hulk has never apparently been provoked into demonstrating a maximum output of strength; hence, its upper limit remains a mystery. In addition to great strength, the Hulk's body possesses a high degree of resistance to injury, pain, and disease. The Hulk's skin is capable of withstanding great heat without blistering (up to 3,000° Fahrenheit), great cold without freezing (down to -190° F), and great impacts (he can survive direct hits by field artillery cannon shells). It is possible to injure him: he could not, for example, survive a near-hit with a nuclear warhead. The Hulk's highly efficient physiology renders him immune to all terrestrial disease.The Hulk can use his superhumanly strong leg muscles to leap great distances. The Hulk has been known to cover 3 miles in a single bound. Biography: Bruce Banner was the son of Dr. Brian Banner, an atomic scientist, and his wife Rebecca. Although Rebecca deeply loved Bruce, who returned her affection, Brian hated the child. Possibly an alcoholic, Brian Banner was driven by an insane jealousy of Bruce for being an object of Rebecca's love. Brian Banner finally murdered Rebecca and was placed in a mental hospital. Bruce, a highly withdrawn, intellectual youth, was raised by his aunt, Mrs. Drake, and internalized his great pain and rage over his childhood sufferings. Eventually, as an adult and a genius in nuclear physics, Banner went to work at a United States Defense Department nuclear research facility at Desert Base, New Mexico. There Banner met General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross, the Air Force officer in command of the base, and his daughter Betty. Banner and Betty Ross eventually fell in love with each other. Banner designed and oversaw construction of the "gamma bomb" or "G-bomb," a nuclear weapon that had a high gamma radiation output. Banner was present in the instrumentation bunker at the test site for the first underground test detonation of the gamma bomb. Observing that a civilian had breached security and entered the restricted test area, Banner told his colleague Igor Starsky to delay the countdown while he tried to get the civilian to safety, Starsky, secretly a Soviet agent, did nothing, confident that Banner would die in the explosion, bringing the project to a halt. Reaching the civilian, a teenager named Rick Jones, Banner threw him into a protective trench. Before Banner could get himself to safety, the gamma-bomb detonated, and intense waves of radiation reached the surface. Banner was irradiated with highly charged, radioactive particles. Due to an unknown genetic factor in his body, Banner was not killed by the radiation, which instead caused him to transform frequently into the vastly powerful, green-skinned named "the Hulk" by the military present at the test site. Description: [URL=http://www.hulklibrary.com/hulk/images/hulk-from-the-movie.jpg]The Hulk[/URL] Gender: Male
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