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Everything posted by Synister
Name: Magnajacklamon Apperance: [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/artfic/fanmade/Magnajacklamon.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Bio: Magnajacklamon Was Created By Damon Tarious. It Was Not Damon's Intension To Make Him, It Was Accidental. Somehow Damon Activated His Digi-Egg Of Miracles With Out Using It On Veemon.. The Result Was Terrible... Magnajacklamon Was Born, And Somehow He Was Born Into Mega Mode. Soon Damon Would Figure Out It Was No Miracle. He Turned Against Damon And Nearly Killed Veemon. Veemon And Damon Had No Choice But To Run Away. Magnajacklamon Now Hunts Down All Digimon And Digidestined, His Purpose... Eliminating Everything Until There Is Nothing Left Except Evil Digimon. Attacks: Magna Fist, Lava Shoot, Fire Rain ____________________________________________________________________ Is This Ok? PM Me
[I]Michael stopped as Selene told him to.. He pauses and says[/I] ?I have to go talk with the lycans.? [I]He looked expectantly at Selene.[/I] ?You coming?? [I]Selene stared at Michael with a concerned look[/I] "Whats wrong?" [I]Selene let her head drop.[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?I?ve been their enemy for a long time Michael. I?ve killed more of their kind than you can count. I don?t blame them for not trusting me.?[/COLOR] "They will eventually trust you Selene, but for know you stay by my side." [I]Selene put her hands on his chest and placed her forehead against his. With her eyes closed she breathed deeply. Michael kept very still. She rocked her head back and forth against his.[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Michael, Michael, Michael. What am I doing with you??[/COLOR] [I]He pulled her a little closer and whispered softly.[/I] ?Falling in love with me I hope.? [I]Selene felt her heart drop. She pulled her head away and looked at him. She truly loved his face. She could follow the lines and contours of its shape for hours. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I am falling in love with you."[/COLOR] She admitted only to herself. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"And it?s not fair to you. It was my love that got you into this, and I can only hope that it will get you out."[/COLOR][/I] ?I don?t expect an answer to that.? [I]He had sensed her uneasiness caused by his words, but the truth was he really didn?t need an answer. He had looked at her eyes and he had seen it there. He had seen their sparkle and it had given her away. He would be sated with that for now.[/I] "We will go talk to the lycans tomarow night." ____________________________________________________________________ *Wipes the sweat from his head* Whoa this is getting good lol
[I]Xero Stands Up And Stumbles Over To Mayhony[/I] "Hey everybody.." [COLOR=Orange]"Damn Xero you're majorly wasted."[/COLOR] "..No am not wasted.. I swear to drunk im not god.." [COLOR=Orange]"How many fingers am I holding up."[/COLOR] "... dah.. 14..." [COLOR=Orange]"Yup you sure are drunk."[/COLOR] "NO...I..Am....." [I]Xero Falls On The Table Passed Out[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry could'nt think of anything else
Name: Damon Tarious Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: Long Black Hair, Wears Clothes Like Davis From The Show, Yellow Eyes Personality: Damon Is A Kind Hearted Boy Who Loves Hanging Out With His Best Friend Veemon Bio: Damon Recieved His Digivice At Age 7, He Then Got His First Digi-Egg. The Day After He Got His Digi-Egg It Hatched Into A Chibomon, Whom Later On Eventually Turned Into A Veemon. Digimon: Veemon Digivolution Chain: Baby: [URL=http://members.lycos.nl/analyzersdp/Chibomon.jpg]Chibomon[/URL] In-Training: [URL=http://members.lycos.nl/analyzersdp/DemiVeemon.jpg]DemiVeemon[/URL] Rookie: [URL=http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/veemon.gif]Veemon[/URL] Champion: [URL=http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/exveemon.jpg]ExVeemon[/URL] Ultimate: [URL=http://digimon.intellos.net/paildramon.jpg]Paildramon[/URL] Mega: [URL=http://digitalmonsters.free.fr/images/saison_deux/digimon/imperialdramoncombat.gif]Imperialdramon[/URL] Armor Digivolution: [URL=http://members.lycos.nl/raidramon/hpbimg/Magnamon.jpg]Magnamon[/URL] Crest: I Dont Know Help Me Out Here Digivice: [URL=http://www.digibros.net/~digipedia/toypedia/s2images/magnad3.JPG]Clicky[/URL] oh ill do the V Digimon later
[I]Alex Heard Jim Say That He Ran Into A Door This Made Alex Laugh[/I] "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You ran into a door! I run right through them! HAHAHAHAHA!!" [COLOR=DimGray]"Something funny?"[/COLOR] [I]Jim Said As He Lifted A Book Up From Behing Alex With His Mind.. The Book Flys And Passes Right Through Alex's Head Hitting Jim Right In The Nose[/I] "YEA!!! THAT! HAHAHAHA!!!" [COLOR=Teal]"Thats enough you two."[/COLOR] [I]Mr. Freeman Said[/I] "Sorry Mr. Freeman." [COLOR=Teal]"Its not me you owe an appology to."[/COLOR] "Im sorry Jim, It wasnt polite of me to laugh." [I]Alex Says As He Sticks His Hand Out[/I] "Truce?"
[I]Michael slumped against the wall next to Selene and placed his hand in hers as he began the change. It was long and slow with so many bullets to regenerate, and it was painful. He began to growl and moan in pain, but the light squeeze of Selene?s hand calmed him. When it was over he was still bleeding from some of the wounds.[/I] "For now we have to get back to the hideout to heal for awile." [I]Selene Nodded.. They Both Stood Up And Quickly Headed Back To The Hideout. They Got In And Michael Dropped To The Ground Very Tired[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Rest for now Michael, I shall rest to."[/COLOR] ____________________________________________________________________Its Short I Know But Ive Got A **** Load Of Chores To Do
Thats Fine With Me, Anything To Make It Interesting
?They?re coming.? [I]Selene whispered and gave the signal to raise their weapons.[/I] 3...2...1 ?Now!? [I]Letting instinct take over she opened fire on what were once her soldiers.[/I] [I]The light blue bullets punctured the breast of the young man in front. His body bounced backwards as he fell, suffocating from the unleashed synthetic sun. She whirled behind a dumpster as bullets came at her from the right, but they soon ended as Michael came from behind and shot the immortal in the head. She saw, as she always did, the wince just before Michael pulled the trigger, and the momentary look of anguish that crossed his face. He was a doctor?s intern. Killing people was not a part of his nature, despite his recent changes he had managed to stay the same at the core. It was in that moment that the enemy retaliated. A dozen death dealers dropped from the sky to swamp the lycan?s. It happened in a flash. Selene unloaded the rest of her clips at the intruders, but it was of little damage. They were moving to quickly, for she had been trained to shoot lycan?s, not her own kind. She dropped back down to reload when she heard the howl of the werewolf. She knew that Michael?s cohorts had changed and would attempt to rip the vampire?s throat. She also knew that they would not succeed. She looked to Michael and he seemed to read her mind.[/I] ?Enough!? [I]He hollered and hoped that they would obey. With growling protests the lycan?s hurtled the vampires and scrambled up the buildings. Once sure they were safely out of sight he turned to Selene who was rapidly firing at two vampires who were approaching her awfully fast. He briefly noticed that her bullets were having no affect, but the anger inside him at seeing her in danger seared. In moments he had transformed into the hybrid. In a flash he was in front of her, and slashed the face of both vampires. They moved to get behind him. They were quick, but he was quicker. Sliding behind them he grabbed the leg of each and slammed their faces into the ground. No longer in the way of his view he realized in an instant his mistake. He had forgotten the other death dealers and in horror watched as 4 of them unloaded silver bullet after silver bullet. Allergic reaction or not the shear impact of it all knocked him to the ground. He could hear Selene scream and then watched as the leader raised his gun. Moving in spite of his wounds he slammed the captain with everything he had in him, then recovered and grabbed Selene all in the same instant. Without stopping he bolted. He ran as fast as he ever had and used every ounce of his genetic power to propel him through the dark alleyways. When he was about to fall over he stopped and set Selene against the wall.[/I] ?Selene?? [I]he touched her face gently.[/I]
Ok People The Rpg Starts Tonight Edit: Sign Ups Are Still Open
[I]Marious's Eyes Meet Mina's Sending A Shiver Down Her Spine[/I] "The Council!! How am I going to explain this transformation.. They will try to kill me." [COLOR=SlateGray]"No they wont Marious.. Will They Mina?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"I really dont know."[/COLOR] "Well, I guess it doesnt matter really.. We should go now." [I]They Head Out The Door[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry Its Short Im Tired.. Oh By The Way DuoMaxwell U Should Make A Second Chapter So People Still Know The Rpg Is Still Up In Running.. Well Thats What I Think.
[I]Alex Was Walking In The Halls To Get To Class.. He Wasnt Hated Like The Others.. People Liked His Power.. He Was Then Stopped By The Assistant Principal[/I] "Hi Mrs. Jones." [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Hello Alex."[/COLOR] "What do you need?" [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"The principal needs to see you right away."[/COLOR] "Ok im on my way there anyway." ____________________________________________________________________ I Could Change It If This Isnt Ok
Name: Darious Age: 36 (360 Demon Years) Gender: Male Race: Half Demon Team: Hunter Appearance: [URL=http://vcl.ctrl-c.liu.se/vcl/Artists/Jack-Buck-Jr./graphic%20tab%20doodles/orc-half-demon-2.jpg]Here He Is Ignore The Orc Teeth[/URL] Companion: A Falcon Companion?s Skill: Explore Bio: Darious Was Captured By The Hunters 20 Humen Years Ago. He Was Told That If He Didnt Join The Hunters He Would Be Tortured Until He Dies. He Didnt Care Much About Dieng But He Decided He Would Probobly Get Killed Eventually By The Demons So He Joined Them Personality: Extremely Loyal To Night, Chaotic Yet Calm, Despises Demons Weapons: Razor Sharp Claws That Can Almost Cut A Diamond In Half Rune: Blood Rune ____________________________________________________________________ Hope This Is Ok I Love Your Hunters Rpgs
Selene Has Been Taken Buy Amgoddess
Ok You Are All In I Need A Few More Lycans And Vampires... Also Selene Is Open Who Ever Wants Her Pm Me
[I]Lucifer Draws Out His Sword And Charges Toward The Angels... In One Quick Slash He Takes Out A Dozen Angels... He Then Charges Downwards Toward Jin... He Stops Right At Him And Yells[/I] "COLLER!!" [I]As His Eyes Turn Red Again.. Lucifer Sends A Beam Of Darkness Towards Jin[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry its short but its really late
OOC:This Is When Marious Turns Hybrid [I]Marious Walks Over To Mina To Check If Shes Ok... Mina Caughs And Some Of Her Blood Enters His Mouth[/I] "Oh no...AHHHH!!!" [I]Marious Drops To His Knees Screaming In Pain As His Body Transforms.. Mina Gasps And Starts To Scream[/I] [COLOR=SlateGray]"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO HIM!!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"I DONT KNOW!"[/COLOR] "RAGGHHHH!!" [I]Marious Is Now Completely Transformed.. His Skin Is Dark Black.. Teeth, Claws, And Chest Like A Werewolf.. He Has Become The Most Powerfull Creature Amongst Vampires And Werewolfs[/I]
Sorry i havnt posted in awile i forgot i was in this rpg ____________________________________________________________________ [I]Mahoneys Cell Rings...She Answers It[/I] [COLOR=Green]"Hello?"[/COLOR] [I]"Hello Mahoney..."[/I] [COLOR=Green]"Who Is This?"[/COLOR] [I]"Its does'nt matter, but I know you're going to steal the zeal crystal.. I would watch my back if I were you though, because the zeal crystal is going to be mine." The Caller Hangs Up[/I] "Who was that Mahoney?" [I]Mahoney Stays Silent And Relizes Xero Was There[/I] [COLOR=Green]"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?"[/COLOR] "Making bombs and downloading area schematics...Oh yea and playing Ru.. Its not important right now."
[I]Nick Sits By The Fire Getting Stoned And Drunk[/I] "Whoa.. This fire is cool.. Flamey,Flamey,Flamey.." [I]He Then Turns And Yells[/I] "YO! KARL!" [I]Karl Walks Over To Him[/I] [COLOR=Gray]"Hey man, Whats up? I didnt even notice you were here."[/COLOR] "Ya I drunk here and got drove.. But its all good.." [COLOR=Gray]"Hey man you going to the seniors party?"[/COLOR] "Hell ya man im gonna be there.. Im the provider dude.. I gots ther good stuffs..." [COLOR=Gray]"OH SHIT YOUR BAGS ON FIRE!"[/COLOR] "Ha..Ya..Thats alright its just pot..I have a whole basement full." [I]With Those Words Nick Falls To The Ground Fully Asleep..The Bags Now Completly On Fire Sending Pot Smoke Around Everywhere[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Hope this is ok
Selene sat perched above the city, reveling in the rain as it beat upon her forehead. Somewhere within the dark reaches of her mind she knew she should be cold, but vampires were always cold. She had grown quite numb in her time as an immortal. Opening her eyes Selene looked down upon the lights. It never failed to amaze her just how bright the night could be in a city of lights. She was a creature of the night yes, but she had all but forgotten just what it felt like to be in utter darkness, but all that had changed. This time she had had her fair share of darkness, the kind that comes from within and without. The last month had been spent hiding in the never-ending shadows of the subway system, tunnels, and sewers. Not as glamorous as her life had once been, but she cared little. She had made her choice and she would live or die by it. Shaking her thoughts away Selene focused on the task at hand. There were four vampires below her; death dealers like she had once been, but they were not seeking lycans. This time they were looking for her. She looked to the left to the alley where she knew Michael and his lycans were waiting. Taking a deep breath she walked to the lip of the roof overlooking the lycan?s. Casually, as she had done so many times before, she stepped off the edge and plummeted 100 feet to the ground, landing right in front of Michael. ?Nice.? He smiled just a bit. She felt something flutter, but it was so faint she barely noticed it. ?They?re a block away. 3 minutes.? He nodded. ?Right then. Let?s make this quick. Try not to hit anyone else.? He hated this type of warfare. These trivial little battles in which all too much blood was spilled and nothing was accomplished. He despised the fact that he couldn?t come up with a better plan than these mere assaults upon the vampire?s numbers. He knew they would never win this way. They didn?t have the numbers, or the strength, and both were diminishing every day. Yet he hadn?t been able to come up with a better solution. The lycan?s were restless, and he could do nothing but placate them ?They?re coming.? Selene whispered and gave the signal to raise their weapons. 3...2...1 ?Now!? Letting instinct take over she opened fire on what were once her soldiers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok Sign Ups Name: Gender: Race: (Vampire, Lycan, Human, Half Vampire (Ill Allow One Person To Be Marcus As A Hybrid If Youve Seen The Movie At The End The Dead Lycans Blood Is Pooring Into Marcus's Mouth) Weapon(s): History: (Optional) Bio: Apperance: (Pics Will Do) Ok Heres Mine Name: Michael Corvin Gender: Male Race: Half Vampire/Half Lycan Weapon(s): His Claws, And Radiated Bullet Guns Bio: If Youve Seen The Movie You Know... If Not, Look It Up Apperance: [URL=http://www.entertainmentnutz.com/movies/reviews/U/underworld/underworld2.jpeg]Hes The Guy[/URL]
Name: Nick Kerns Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=www.personal.psu.edu/ users/m/l/mls495/]Clicky[/URL] Personality: Nicks A Party Animal, Hes The Drug Dealer (He Sells Pot Most Of The Time But He Has Other Stuff), He Makes Fake Id's, Hes A Player ____________________________________________________________________ Is This Ok If Not Im Not In
Sign Up The Third Stage of Human Evolution [M - LV]
Synister replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[B][CENTER]-Sign-up-[/CENTER][/B] Name: Alex Moore Age: 16 Sex: Male Appearance: Tall, Brown Eyes, Black Spiked Hair, Normal Clothes, Personality: Strong, Athletic, Ladys Love Him History: Alex Is The Captain Of The Track Team Of The High School. His Father Died Two Years After He Was Born. He Grew Up And Went Off To Highschool.. One Day During A Comet His Stomach Swelled And He Couldnt Move Untill It Left. When It Was All Over Alex Felt Strange.. He Was On His Way To School, He Was Running Late.. A Bus Was Comming.. He Didnt Have Time To Move... The Bus Passed And He Was Still Standing There... He Now Knew He Had The Power To Walk Through Anything. Power: Can Walk Through All Things (Like Shadow Cat On X-Men) Power Holder: His Dads Old Platinum Ring hope this is cool i g2g -
OOC: Damn Im Late Sorry For That Anyway Ein Doesnt Talk Alot So Dont Expect Alot From Him. IC: Ein Walks Through The Halways Lonly And Sad... He Hears Whispers Coming From Behind Him [COLOR=Sienna][I]"Death Angel"[/I][/COLOR] Whispered one student [COLOR=Green][I]"Black Plague"[/I][/COLOR] Whispered Another Ein Continued Walking Before Being Tripped Buy The Captain Of The Foot Ball Team.. [COLOR=Blue]"You're such a spaz Crow!"[/COLOR] Crow Gazes Into His Eye's Striking Fear Into The Captain.. Crow Gives A Slight Smile And Whispers [I]"You Are My Friend Now... But Im Affraid Your Going To Have An Unfortunate Accident."[/I] The Captain Quickly Runs Away Out Of Fear For His Life... He Runs Out The Building Trying To Get To His Car... He Made It Halfway There... He Didnt See The Maintenance Truck Coming... He Was Ran Over, And His Head Was Crushed By The Rear Wheel Of The Truck.. As The Truck Passed, The Mangled Corpse Was Gushing Blood... Ein Just Calmly Stands Up And Walks To Class... ____________________________________________________________________ I Sure Am Graphic Aint I... Oh BTW No One Knows Crow Caused It
Name: Ein "Crow" Reign (Hes Called Crow Because Its The Bird That Represents Death) Age: 18 Nationality: American Grade: 12 Appearance: Think Gothic, He Has Long Black Hair, Wears Black Fishnet Long Sleeve Shirt Over Black T-Shirt, Black Pants, Yellow Eyes, Bottom Lip Pierced, Eyebrow Pierced. Personality: Depressed, Lonly, Shy, (Later In Story... Chaotic) Bio: Ein was born in Manhatten NY July 24, 1986. Hes never been social or active around anyone, because when ever he made a close friend, his friend would either go crazy, commiting suicide, or just straight up die. He tries to keep his distance from making friends because he dosnt want anyone dieng. What do they whisper about you: "Its the black plague..." "Oh no Death is here." ____________________________________________________________________ Hope This Is Good
[I]Marious Jumps Through The Door Tackling Marcus[/I] "You little worm! I knew I should've killed you when I had a chance! You and Victor will pay dearly for what you've done!" [I]He Grabs Marcus Off The Gound, Lifts Him Up And Throws Him Right Into The Rack Of Deer Antlers... Marcus Quickly Regenerates As He Slides Off The Antlers[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"You did'nt expect that did you Marious"[/COLOR] "How come I regenerated so rapidly like you just did?" [COLOR=DarkRed]"Ha, Mina's not the only one whos an experiment, Marious"[/COLOR] "What Do You Mean!!!" [COLOR=DarkRed]"You are not a full-blood... You are a hybrid of Vampire... and Wherewolf... The virus that lies with in you was temporarly postpond and will activate as soon as a drop of Mina's blood touches you... BUT IM NOT LETTING THAT HAPPEN MARIOUS, BECAUSE IF I DID YOU WOULD BE MORE POWERFULL THEN THE HIGH COUNCIL FORMED IN ONE BODY!!!!"[/COLOR] "NNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" ____________________________________________________________________ Hey if this isnt ok ill delete it but I think it would be cool, besides I have a really good idea
[I]Marendithis Has Been Captured By Thyrale.. After Hours Of Torcher And Pain He Had A Chance Of Escape... He Quickly Grabs Shadow Edge And His Gauntlets... He Teleports Out Of The Chamber And Finds Himself At The Citadel of Breodia the Shattered..[/I] "I better leave this place and never return.." [I]"Thyrales Been Using Me All This Time... I couldnt control myself... Some how he took control over my mind and body.. I was going to flee with Akai, but Thyrale got to me before I had a chance"[/I] "I must find Akai and beg him for forgivness." [I]Marendithis Flies Around Everywhere Searching For Him Until Finaly Hes Found Him... He Teleports Infront Of Him... Akai Is Shocked[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Come to finish me right Marendithis!! OK LETS GO THEN!!!!"[/COLOR] [I]Akai Leaps Forward To AttacK[/I] "STOP!! I DIDNT COME TO FIGHT I CAME TO APOLOGIZE!" [COLOR=DarkRed]"APOLOGIZE!!! YOU JUMPED AT THE CHANCE TO KILL ME!"[/COLOR] "THYRALE CONTROLED ME!! I WANTED TO RUN TO!! BUT BEFORE I COULD HE TOOK OVER ME!!" [I]Tears Pour Down Marendithises Face.. Akai Though Unsure Knew He Was Sincer[/I]