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Everything posted by Synister

  1. [I]Marious Was Sitting In His Room Thinking What Marcus Said[/I] "I feel Marcus has regained his strength... Well he's in for a few surprises." [I]The Doors To The Room Bursted Open.. A Dark Figure Comes Through The Door... The Figure Walks Into The Light Revealing His Face[/I] "Hello Again,Brother..."
  2. [I]Marious After Crashing Through The Window, Looked At The Man On The Ground..[/I] "What the hell happend to you?" [I]Marious Carries Him Inside And Begins To See Through The Mans Eyes As To What Happened To Him[/I] "Well well well, It appears we have been spyed on.." [COLOR=Purple]"Who is that Marious?"[/COLOR] "I dont know, but he was attacked by a fullblood, I can tell becouse Ive seen his thoughts.." [COLOR=Purple]"Which fullblood attacked him?"[/COLOR] "I believe it was Marcus..." [COLOR=Purple]"How do you know?"[/COLOR] "I use to go off feeding and killing with him.. But that was more than 500 years ago.. Also the way this man is knocked out, it appears the way Marcus would do before he turned him into a mind slave."
  3. [I]Marious Still Plucking Thorns Off of Himself, Was Just Calming Down When Some Some one Dived Through The Window[/I] "WHAT THE F*CK! Jeeze how many times is somebody gonna sca... Nevermind... Well im thirsty is there any beer or liquor?" [COLOR=Purple]"Um yea its in the..."[/COLOR] "Den behind me." [I]Mina Is Startled Because Marious Was Some How Able To Read Her Mind[/I] [COLOR=Purple]"....right...."[/COLOR] [I]Marious Gets Up And He Opens The Door To The Den[/I] "Aw man the liquor I want is way up on the top shelf.. Oh wait duh..[I]Marious Moves His Hand To The Direction The Liquor Is, And Move His Hand Slightly.. The Liquor Then Floats Down To His Hand[/I] Here we go..[I]He Notices Everyones Mouth Has Dropped[/I] Oh how rude of me, did anyone else want anything?" [COLOR=Purple]"Uhhh...What... He..."[/COLOR]
  4. [I]Marendithis Gets His Orders And Takes Off To Hunt Down Akai[/I] [I]Marendithis Teleports To The Top of A Bell Tower At The Ruins Where He Heard The Bell Chime, He Looks Down To See Akai And A Half-Breed[/I] "Well, if it isnt the traitor Akai and whos this.. Well who ever this mut is he will die to." [COLOR=DarkRed]"Did you call me a mut! Your asking for death arent you?!"[/COLOR][I]Jin Flys Up To Marendithis To Try A Fatal Slash At The Head.. Marendithis Grabs Jin's Arm Tightly Before The Blow Can Hit[/I] "You dont know who I am do you?!"[I]Marendithis Sqeezes Jin's Arm Tighter Almost Enough To Break It[/I] "I AM MARENDITHIS! AND I AM TWO TIMES MORE POWERFUL, THAN ANY DEMON!" [I]Marendithis Swings Jin Around 3 Times And Throws Him To The Ground.. Before Jin Hits The Ground Marendithis Teleports To Where He Was Gonna Crash And Knees Him In The Back.. Jin Screams Out In Pain[/I] "As for you Akai We Will Meet Again" [I]Marendithas Teleports Back To His Chambers To Tell Thyrale About The Half Breed[/I]
  5. [I]Marious Watches Mina From The Top of A Giant Boulder Hoping That She Would Not Spot Him[/I] [COLOR=Purple]"No reason to hide Marious, I know your there."[/COLOR] "WHOA!"[I]Marious Loses His Balance And Falls Off The Boulder Onto A Thorn Bush[/I] "OWW OWW OWW!" [COLOR=Purple]"Im sorry that I scared you Marious, But..."[/COLOR] "SCARED ME! I WASNT SCARED! I SLIPPED!!" [I]Mina Giggles Becouse She Knows He Didnt Slip[/I] [COLOR=Purple]"Ok Marious I believe you."[/COLOR] "So I see youve killed Talik, I really wish you wouldve let me torture him for awile before you did. [COLOR=Purple]"Same old Marious, You wouldve been able to torture him if you showed up 5 seconds earlier... But he tried to kill me, and you know what i do to people who try to kill me."[/COLOR] "Yes.. Infact I know all to well."
  6. Name: Marious Age: Unknown (Looks Like Hes 20 Profile: Marious has a taste for fresh blood from unexpecting victoms. Humen food has no appealing taste that he enjoys, but he will eat it if he has no choice. He has been a clansman since Solhijou's father began ruling the clan.. Marious was away from the clan stalking some food, when he heard word of the great leader's death. After he found out that his leader was murdered, he promised to help Solhijou find her fathers killer.After awile he became impatient that he could not find the killer, he was enraged that someone would do such a thing, as a result Marious started feeding on countless amounts of humens out of vengence.. Race: Fullblood [URL=http://www.geocities.com/m-o-l-e/Spook4/a-vampire.gif]My Apperance[/URL] Weapons: Two Uzi's With Extended Clips Magical Item(Please Allow Me To Have These): Ring of Psionics(Can lift things with my mind and push&pull things with my mind), and a Ring of Telepathy(Can talk in peoples minds, read minds, and see memory's)
  7. [I]Marendithis Apears Right Infront Of Thyrale[/I] "My lord, I am sorry to bother you.. I feel it is my responsibility to hunt down Akai." [COLOR=Red]"You can hunt him down if you like, when you find him.. kill him slow, and painfully.."[/COLOR] 'Yes my lord, It will be done." [I](Thinking) " I must kill Akai, He may have once been my friend, but if your an enemy of Thyrale, your an enemy of mine."[/I] [I]Marendithis Go's To His Chambers To Get His Greatest Weapon, And His Gauntlets of Extreme Power[/I] "Ah my great Shadow Edge, With It I Will Take Akai's Soul.. With my Gauntlets, I will crush his body..." [I]Marendithas Will Await For His Complete Orders Before Leaving[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ If This Is No Good Ill Edit It So Just Let Me Know
  8. Name: Marendithis Race: Demon Age: 5,437 Gender: Male Appearance: See below Bio: Marendithis Has Been A Servant Of Thyrale For Many Years. He Was A Good Friend Of Akais, But When Akai Betrayed Thyrale, Marendithas Vowed To Hunt Down Akai No Matter What, Even If They Were Once Friends. Marendithis, Now Ready To Fight To The Death With His Old Friend, Awaits For Commands From Thyrale... Weapon: Shadow Edge(Two Handed Sword That Fits In One, Has The Ability To Steal An Enemys Soul), Gauntlets Of Extreme Power(2X Strength) Spells: Teleportation, Shadow Blast(Stuns Enemy Within 10Ft Diameter For A Limited Time), Demon Rage(When Hes About To Die or Get Knocked Out He Go's Into Rage And Cant Be Controlled, Will Attack Anyone Within Range) Hope This Is Acceptible [IMG]http://www.powermonger.net/gallery/Dark%20Legecy%20Demon%20Knight%20no%202.JPG[/IMG]
  9. [I]Slade Looks At Robin[/I] "Long time no see Robin... I hope your enjoying yourself, Becouse I am. Oh and say hello to Darkfire." [I]Robin Charges Toward Slade But Only To Find Out Its A Hologram And Flys Right Through It Crashing Into The Wall[/I] "Hahahaha oh come now robin, you didnt actually think I would show up now did you?" [COLOR=Red]"Save it Slade.. When I find you your gonna be put away for a long time."[/COLOR] "You find me... Hahaha im far from there you fool." [COLOR=Red]"I will catch you Slade, Even if it takes forever I will catch you."[/COLOR] "Unfortunatly you dont have forever... You have maybe, oh I dont know an hour... Youll see, Bye bye. [I]The Hologram Disappears[/I]
  10. [I]Slade Awaiting Word From One Of His Men Finaly Gets A Call On His T.V Screen[/I] "Have you delivered the invite to the club?" [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Yes Sir, And I Think They Dont Suspect A Thing"[/COLOR] [I]Slade Becomes Angry As His Delivery Boy Says "I Think"[/I] "YOU THINK! I DIDNT HIRE YOU TO THINK! I HIRED YOU TO DO WHAT I THINK!!!" [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Im Sorry Sir..I.It Wont Happen Again Sir."[/COLOR] "I know... [I]Slade Pushes A Button That Detonates The Communication Device The Delivery Boy Has[/I] ... Now youll never think again.. HAHAHAHAHA" [I]The Delivery Boy's Head Blasts Of And He Falls To The Ground[/I] "Now all Ill do is wait untill the club opens up..." _______________________________________________________________________ Slades Lost It Cant You Tell
  11. "I was cought in a flashback, when all of the sudden I saw my father. He told me that deep within my mind I will find a supernatural power.. Well Obviousley ive unlocked my power. ill tell you more later but right now i have to find what the purpose of my gift is... Sometimes Change Is For The [U]BEST[/U] ... [COLOR=DarkRed]"...Fine but as soon as you find out you let everyone know. Do we have a deal."[/COLOR] "Deal..."
  12. Name: Slade Wilson Code-Name: Slade/Deathstroke Age: Unknown Side: Um duh what do u think Powers/ Abilities /Gadgets: Slade Wilson is capable of using 90% of his brain capacity, making him a master tactician. He also has heightened strength, agility, stamina and reflexes. In addition, he has rapid-healing powers and is immortal, being able to return from the grave and regenerate himself. The right eye he lost has since been restored with an artificial eye, equipped with infrared vision. Slade also has years of combat training. He is above average in hand to hand combat and is skilled in use of all kinds of weaponry. Description:[URL=http://www.imagetown.net/images/60068397.jpg]Slade From Above[/URL] Personality: Slade Wilson is a very complicated man. He is a man of honor who operates under a strict code of ethics, yet his sense of morality is flawed. Slade is a man who believes in using deadly force, and at times has acted as judge, jury and executioner for those he deems without honor or worth. Slade is, however, particular about the jobs he chooses, often turning down jobs that would compromise his personal moral compass, such as it is. In some occasions, Slade has fought on the side of angels merely because he believed in the cause. Other times, he has taken cases and committed acts other heroes would be disgusted by. Slade, however, is a man capable of extreme devotion, whether it is to his family, friends or ex-lovers. He has always sought to protect those who have been close to them, and would not hesitate to lay down his life in exchange for theirs. His greatest tragedies have been his inability to prevent the destruction of those who have loved him. The death of his sons and ex-wife continue to haunt Slade. He is tortured by his helplessness to have saved them. Slade is also a man who has a hard time expressing his feelings. His lack of expression made him neither a good father or husband. At times, he has distanced himself from those he loved for their own protection. On separate occasions, he curtly cut ties with Rose Wilson, his daughter, and Pat Trayce, his lover, in a effort "save" them from his way of life. Despite his recent changes, Slade remains a man of mystery. Whether he will walk the side of angels or take the path to hell remains to be seen. You never know quite what to expect from him... And he would have it no other way Weakness: out of all this stuff i typed i cant even remember somone help me out here Small Bio: As the enigmatic archenemy of the Titans, Slade sends his underlings and robots to do his bidding and perform his various unsavory tasks. Not much is known about him other than that he is a very dangerous, highly resourceful individual. He has known connections to the Hive Academy, Cinderblock, Plasmus, Red X, Thunder, and Lightning (among many others). Cunning and intelligent, Slade is probably the greatest menace that the Teen Titans have ever faced. He understands the importance of careful planning and delicacy in achieving his goals, a character trait that is highlighted by the fact that he is rarely ever directly involved in any of his underhanded dealings. Slade watches the Titans extremely closely, and could have easily dispatched them at any time. Instead, he slowly manipulated and challenged the Titans in a scheme that ended with Robin in Slade's hands ready to do his every bidding. By tricking Robin into finding his hideout, Slade managed to control Robin by threatening to kill the rest of the Titans if Robin didn't follow Slade's every order to the letter. Slade noted the similarities between Robin and himself, and deemed Robin to be his apprentice. Luckily, the Titans managed to foil Slade's plot and save Robin. However, Slade managed to escape relatively un-singed and the Titans have no idea as to what his next plans are.
  13. [I]Jack Makes It Deep Into His Mind And Sees His Power Then Activates It...[/I] "So this is my power..." [I]Jack Snaps Out Of His Flashback... Soon A Bright Light Engolfs Jack Entirly... As Jack Emerges, His Body Is Covered In Silvery White Clothing....[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"What the hell... Whats happening to Jack?"[/COLOR] [I]Jack Slowly Starts To Levitate Upword.. Everyone Looks At Him In Shock...[/I] "Now I Am Complete... Thank You Father." [I]Jack Levitates Downword And Walks Toward Aurora[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hold it right there Jack.. What the hell just happened to you?"[/COLOR] "Relax David, Im not going to hurt anyone. I just need for Aurora to know ive just went through a dramatic change." [COLOR=DarkRed]"Thats Obvious Jack... Just tell me how..."[/COLOR] "All will be told soon."
  14. ooc sorry i havent posted in awhile i broke my keyboard out of madness when my computer crashed _______________________________________________________________________ [I]Jack Decides That It Would Be Best If He Were To Keep Silent Untill A Flashback Cought Him Off Guard... His Body Collapses To The Ground... Its No Flashback... Hes Stuck In His Mind...[/I] "Where am I ...[I]He sees his father as if he was really there...[/I] Father.. Y-you died seven years ago...How are you here?" [COLOR=Blue]"I am a memory son, and one of many...I've brought you here to tell you of a supernatural power you harness deep within your mind..."[/COLOR] "A memory... Im in my mind... SUPERNATURAL POWER?!!" _______________________________________________________________________ Um Blanko can u please decide what power i have?
  15. im gonna have to agree with Takuya on this one Zanarkand. She did say no legendarys.If there was legendarys id be stocked up with them but im obeying the rule. _______________________________________________________________________ [I]Jack Wonders How He Will Get Down Since He Has No Water Pokemon[/I] "Hey David how am I going to get down? I have no water types. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Someone will have to let you borrow one,otherwise I dont know."[/COLOR] [I]Just As David Finised Speaking A Giant Sized Pokemon Emerged From The Water...[/I] "What is that... It looks like a giant turtle." [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]TORTOL TORT TORTOL[/COLOR] "Hey Metain whats that pokemon saying?" [COLOR=Purple]"It said a fast moving thing hit it in its head."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]TORTOL TORTOL TOR TORT[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"Now its saying that it knows which way it went."[/COLOR] "This is good news... Hey Tortol how about joining up with me and helping out?" [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]TORTOL![/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"It said yes"[/COLOR] "Well alright first let me send one of my others back to storage." [I]Jack Sends His Lunatone Back To Storage And Captures Tortol Without A Problem[/I] "Tortol knows which direction the sub went, do you still want to go back in time now David."
  16. [I]Jack Was Standing Around Hoping Nobody Would Take His Masterball.. He Then Looks At The Waves And They Were Odd In One Place[/I] "DAVID!!! COME QUIKLY!!!" [I]David Ran To Jack As Fast As He Could[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"What is it Jack?"[/COLOR] "Look at the waves there..And there, do you notice how some waves go the opposite way of the others...Thats not natural it has to be man made." ____________________________________________________________________ Sorry for shortness
  17. Ok i deleted that post from earlier it was kinda stupid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Jack While Flying On Metains Back Decides That Its Time To Get Some Fresh Air[/I] "Hey Metain, lets go outside and get some air." [COLOR=Purple]"Of course Jack."[/COLOR] [I]As Jack Was On His Way Outside He Bumps Into David And Two Other People[/I] "Hello David, whats going on you look concerned?" [I]David Tells Jack About What Happened With Aurora[/I] "This isnt good David, we must find her." [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yes I know.. By the way this is Hope and Shinobi, Aurora and Nate's Parents."[/COLOR] "Pleasure to meet you...Wait a minute where is Nate?"
  18. [I]While walking along jack noticed a giant hole in the ground... As he walked over to it, a huge Metal type pokemon bursted out to capture its prey.[/I] "HOLY ***** WHAT THE ***** IS THAT THING!!!" [I]Giant Platinum Wings, Huge Teeth, Great Blue Eyes, Two Short Arms, Right in Jacks face[/I] "Hmmm looks like a steel type... OK IT'S CHARCOLT TIME!!!! [I]Jack Sends Out His Charcolt And The Battle Commenses... The Creature Attacks Charcolt With Swift... Charcolt Quikly Dodges The Attack And Counters With His Take Down Attack... They Both Crash Into The Wall... The Other Pokemon Uses Psybeam... Direct Hit On Charcolt... Charcolt Struggles To Get Up And Manages To Give One Final Attack..His Fireblast....The Other Pokemon Is Hit Criticaly... Jack Throws His Last Ultraball At The Pokemon..1...2....3... The Pokemon Is Cought And Charcolt Faints From Exaustion[/I] "You did great Charcolt... Return for some rest." [I]Jack Takes The New Pokemon Out And Gives It A Proper Analysis[/I] "Well hello big guy, Im Jack your new best friend." [COLOR=Purple]"Where are the other Pokemon of your kind?"[/COLOR] "First of all how the heck are you talking to me and your mouth isnt moving,And second of all im not a pokemon I am a Human." [COLOR=Purple]"I am Psionic and I can communicate with you mentaly."[/COLOR] "Oh cool your like my friend Aurora... Anyway your my new friend, and you will be following me on my quests... Well I have to add you to my pokedex so do me a favor and try not to move alot. [I]Jack Scans The New Pokemon Its Stats Are: 8'4 ft tall, 305 pounds[/I] "You're quite heavy what have you been eating?" [COLOR=Purple]"Mostly the plants I find around here."[/COLOR] "Hmm I Better scan for the type of metal thats formed around you." [I]Jack Takes Out A Little Device That Scans Types Of Metal...Jack Is Stunned By The Results...[/I] "P-p-p-p-PURE PLATINUM!!!" [COLOR=Purple]"What is Platinum Jack?"[/COLOR] "Its the most precious metal on the earth, um What is your name?" [COLOR=Purple]"My name is Metain."[/COLOR] "Well Metain Youll be in my party from now on I just gotta send my Aggron back to storage." [I]Jack Sends Aggron Back To Storage And Then Continues On Ahead To Find More Pokemon[/I]
  19. [I]Jack Decides To Let Charcolt Out For Some Air And To Get A Proper Analisys[/I] "Hello Charcolt im Jack your new friend." [I]Charcolt Gives Jack A Hug Bu Rubbing His Head Against Jacks[/I] "Well Charcolt im gonna get some more data on you, so please try not to move." [I]Jack Scans Charcolt For His Height & Weight[/I] "Well you are a big one, 5'9 and 200 pounds not bad." [I]Jack Snaps A Picture For His Pokedex[/I] [URL=http://hometown.aol.com/cherwaitsonu/images/charcolt.bmp]Charcolt[/URL] "There we go all done, Charcolt return." [COLOR=Red]"That was a pretty cool pokemon Jack."[/COLOR] "Thank you Ruko." _____________________________________________________________________ Have School project sorry for shortness
  20. [I]Jack Remebers He Read A Book That Told Of A Legend, A Legend Of The Ruins Of An Ancient City That Was Home To Many Undiscovered Pokemon[/I] "No,No it cant be possible." "What are you talking about Jack?" "Aurora your gonna think im crazy, but if the book I read years ago is true, we may have found The Ancient Ruins Of Bouldor City." [I]Aurora Looks Confused[/I] "Well according to the legend, the city was the home of many undiscovered pokemon... I believe now that legend is anything but a legend." "It is a possibility, but highly unlikly." _______________________________________________________________________ Sorry for the shortness but im very tired
  21. [I]Jack feels a sudden rumble and a large roar the roar sounding like a charizard but more loud coming from the left[/I] "What was that, it sounded big whatever it was." "Maybe we should check it out." "No Aurora, it might be dangerous.. Ill go and check it out you all move on ahead." "But jack what if you get hurt?" "I can take care of myself Aurora, I have the help of my pokemon." [I]Jack moves on to the direction the noise came from while everyone continues forward[/I] [I]To his amazment he sees a new pokemon who looks like a charizard, but is Blood Red and has different features[/I] [I](Thinking) "Holy Smokes A New Pokemon"[/I] [I]Jack opens his Pokedex to find out the pokemons info[/I] [I]Pokedex "New pokemon data added Press Screen For Info"- Jack pushes the screen - "Charcolt the evolved form of Charizard."[/I] [I](Thinking) "Charizard had an evolved form all this time and now Im gonna catch it. But first i must weaken it[/I] "What the.. Its sleeping well that makes it easy to catch it. [I]Jack throws his only ultraball right at Charcolt..Direct hit..The ball moves.. Once.. Twice.. Three times and Charcolt is cought[/I] "YES I COUGHT MY FIRST NEW POKEMON... Wait a minute that was way to easy... [I]Three sets of eyes glissen and stare at Jack making a mean ROAR!!![/I] "AHHHHHHHHH RUN AWAY!!!!!!" [I]Jack out runs the Charcolts but he knows he will see them again[/I] "Hey guys Ii cought a new pokemon named Charcolt."
  22. [I]Jack looks at David with a sad look[/I] "Well David it really is painfull to explain this, but if i must i will." [I]David sits and pays attention to every little detail[/I] "I Got it from my father when I was thirteen, after I cought my third pokemon Torchic. He was so proud of me, thats how I got the masterball." [I]David looks at Jack uncertain[/I] [COLOR=Red]"I see... And how did your father get the masterball?"[/COLOR] "My father was the top researcher of Silph Co. and he finally completed a two year project. The project was the C.W.P Device which means Communication With Pokemon Device. With this device the way people and pokemon communicate with eachother would be revoloutionalized through out the world.The president of Silph Co. was so pleased that he made my father the CEO of Research&Development and also gave him a masterball." [I]David starts to understand why Jack has the masterball[/I] "That was the very same day I cought Torchic, and thats the day my father gave me the masterball. My father was a pokemon researcher, that is why he got the masterball. He was so proud of me that is why he gave me the ball." [COLOR=Red]"But jack its been almost seven years, how can you not use the masterball?"[/COLOR] "Becouse its the last thing my father gave to me...Becouse he died in a car accident that day.. Its the only thing I have of his to remember him by... Now you know why I have the masterball."
  23. [I]Jack gets into the helicopter and takes out his sketch book filled with beautiful sketches of pokemon around the world[/I] [I](Thinking)[/I] "In a few hours I shall be sketching brand new pokemon." [I]Jack's thought was interupted by Chi as she yeld...[/I] [COLOR=Red]"IS THAT A MASTERBALL!!!"[/COLOR] "Yes it is and I..." [COLOR=Red]"WOW, IVE NEVER SEEN ONE UP CLOSE BEFORE"[/COLOR] "Well..." [COLOR=Red]"HOW DID YOU GET IT?!"[/COLOR] [I]Jack had a sad look on his face as Chi asked that question[/I] "My father..." [I](FLASHBACK CONTINUED)[/I] [I]The Ground Was Wet And Slippery, Jack's dad didnt see it coming. As his dad was turning the corner an eighteen wheeler truck smashed into his car killing him instantly... A knock at little jack's door surprises him while playing his favorite game... He answers the door...Its a cop[/I] "Yes, officer may I help you? [I]The officer looks down at little jack with a sad look in his eyes[/I] "Jack.. I-I dont know how to tell you this... Yo..Your dad.. he-he's.. Dead... Oh god im sorry jack. [I]Little jack collapses to the ground and burst out crying[/I] "How did he die?" [I]The officer tells him the whole thing[/I] "NO...HE..CANT..BE...DEAD.....FATHER!!!!!!" [I](FLASHBACK ENDS)[/I] "I dont want to talk about it right now Chi, Im sorry." [COLOR=Red]"Its ok jack just tell me when your ready."[/COLOR] [I]Jack looks at her with a small smile[/I]
  24. [I]Beeb Beep Beep The Alarm Clock Sings As Another Wonderfull Morning Begins[/I] "Wow what a great night sleep, well I guess I should start getting my gear together." [I]Jack Gets Up And Makes His Bed Then Goes To One Of His Storage Centers[/I] "Well which pokemon should I bring on this adventure([I]Looks Around[/I] ) I think ill take my Sceptile, Aggron, Blaziken, Lunatone, Mightyena, and Manectric. These pokemon havnt been out in a bit well lets get them some fresh air." [I]Jack Takes Each Of The Pokeballs And lets The Monsters Have A Awile To Enjoy The Sun[/I] "Well you all have fun while I pack a few things." [I]Jack Looks Through His Pokeballs And He Noticed He Still Had That Masterball That Was Givin To Him By His Father[/I] "Oh wow I still have this, I remember the day i got this from dad" [I]FLASHBACK[/I] "Daddy I've cought my third pokemon today." [COLOR=DimGray]"Thats amazing Jack , Remeber what I always say..."[/COLOR] "Always Try Your Best And Never Give Up Hope." [COLOR=DimGray]"Thats right, oh and I almost forgot the President of Silph Co. sent me this ball. Its called the Masterball and you can catch any pokemon without failing."[/COLOR] "Without failing, thats cool!" [COLOR=DimGray]"Yes it is, and its all yours."[/COLOR] "ALL MINE THANK YOU DADDY...YOUR THE BEST...I LOVE YOU DADDY!!!" [I]Jacks Dad Gave Him The Biggest Hug, And That Was The Last Hug He Ever Got From His Dad. His Dad Was On His Way To Work That Day,It Was Raining The Ground Was Wet And Slippery...(FLASHBACK ENDS)[/I] [I]A Tear Rolls Down His Eye[/I] "Ill make you proud dad." [I]Jack Packs The Rest Of His Gear And Puts His Pokemon In Their Balls He Heads Out To The Hotel[/I] [I]Jack Makes It To The Hotel And Gets Up To The Room[/I] "Oh hello.. Is this everyone?"
  25. Name:Jack Lowbatt Age: 20 Gender:Male Personality:Trustworthy, Smart, Willing to go on at an inch from death Description:Brown hair, Hazel eyes, Black boots, Blue jeans,Chain belt that holds pokeballs, White tanktop, Buff body, Six pack, Black leather cutoff gloves, Black Bandanna Bio: Jack has neen training since he was 13 years old and is now a full time pokemon breeder. One day a very close friend of his named Chi told him about a new discovery in Mount Pouliko of the possibly that a new species of pokemon lives there. So Jack packed up his gear and headed out to the hotel to catch the helicopter. Pokemon: Sceptile, Aggron, Blaziken, Lunatone, Mightyena, Manectric Reason for going: To find new pokemon and breed them into our environment
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