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Everything posted by Synister

  1. Name:Thomas Orwin "Tommy for short" Age: 16 Description: Brown eyes, Spiked brown hair, Black leather jacket, Torn denim jeans, Black leather boots Personality:Always outgoing, Very nice, Respectfull to his friends, Helpfull to others(Except Bad People) Bio: Tommy has been training since he got his first torchic on his 9th birthday and he won the Johto League Championship at the age of 12, he has one hope and that is to become the Hoenn League Champion... But there is trouble,Thomas had overheard a conversation about a group of thiefs stealing ordinary pokemon and turning them dark. Thomas was concerned that they will not open the Hoenn League Championship if these theives are not stopped, So now Thomas will be out to stop these evildoers Starting Pokemon: Blaziken, Swampert Shadow Pokemon You Catch: Absol, Crawdaunt, Sneasel, Latias Side: Good
  2. [I]In Abunai's Hideout Abunai Feels A Surge Of Energy Run Thruogh His Body[/I] "Finally the first of the essence is mine and that essence is [COLOR=Red]FIRE[/COLOR], My warriors must be doing very well." [I]Abunai Decides To Test His New Elemental Power Out[/I] "Im going to test this power on my remaining bandits." [I]Abunai Walks Over To The Bandits Barracks And Lets Out A Mild Blast Of Fire Upon The Sleeping Bandits[/I] "Not bad, All of them dead in one quick blast of Fire." [I]Abunai Waits For The Next Essence To Reach Him[/I] Sry for shortness i been sick
  3. [I]At This Time Abunai Has Made A Phantom Of His Hideout That Would Trick Someone If They Try To Sense The Real One. They Will Only Sense The Phantom Hideout[/I] "With the phantom hide out there will be a copy of me with 1/4 of my power. This is perfect, I will obsorb all of there essences when the phantom me fights them. Then they will have to fight the real me at full power containing the ultimate element...[B]DARKNESS[/B]" [I]Abunai Watches His Orb As The Elemental Brats Decide If They Should Go And Save The Village Or Go And Attack The Source[/I]
  4. [I]3 Hours Are Up, Abunai Watches Through His Orb As His Warriors Make It Into Kaisui's Town Binging Terror And Destruction To Everyone[/I] "All is well, My warriors are doing quite good. Hmm I guess my warriors killed all of the two elemental brats brothers." [I]Abunai Thinks Too Himself For A Second[/I] "Maybe I should plant the images of the two elemental brats brothers being slaughtered in there minds, giving me the time to make a phantom verion of my hide out, then no one can track me." [I]Abunai Starts To Place The Images Of The Destruction Of There Town In Kaisui And Chi's Mind[/I] Sry for shortness had bad night last night
  5. [I]Abunai Stands At A Shining Orb Chanting A Location Spell Using Some Of Kaisui's Hair That was On Her Fathers Vest[/I] "Hmm, It appears that those two elemental controlers have picked up my trail. Well there using a dragon to get here faster, Ill handle the dragon by a simple Draconas Combustion spell." [I]Abunai Chants The Draconis Combustion Spell On The Dragon Kaisui And Chi Are Riding[/I] "HA HA HA HA, Little Brats Say Bye Bye Two Your Dragon." [I]Abunai Watches Through The Orb As A Flash Of Light Imploads The Dragon[/I] "Well that explosion shouldve killed those two brats... WHAT IMPOSSIBLE!" [I]Abunai Looks Through The Orb... The Smoke Where The Dragon Imploaded Cleared, The Dragon Died But The Brats Still Remained. Although Badly Damaged From The Explosion There Stood Chi Holding Kaisui In Her Arms[/I] "They escaped death this time but they wont when I face them all.The dragon disappeares until it has enough energy to return." [I]Abunai Sits In His Thrown Sharpining His Sword For The Execution Of Kaisuis Parents Tommarow Morning[/I]
  6. [I]In Abunai's Hideout[/I] "All is going well, My warriors have already destroyed 6 towns with a total death count of 417. If they continue at this rate they will reach the town of those little elemental brats in 3 hours." [I]Abunai Go's Back Down to His Dungeon[/I] "Greetings again, My prisoners." [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Why are you going to kill my daughters?"[/COLOR] "I am going to kill them to absorb there essence, and the essence of the others like your daughters." [COLOR=DarkOrange]"I dont understand."[/COLOR] "When I take the essence from the ones who control the elements, It will form the ultimate element thus making me the most powerfull Elemental in the universe. And all I need is a drop of there blood to gain there essence." [I]Kaisui's parents looked confused Thinking "What can he mean by the ones who can control the Elements?"[/I] "Oh and by the way, im going to kill you both in 24 hours." [I]Abunai Leaves Them To Suffer While He Heads Back Up To His Hideout[/I] ____________________________________________________________________ Um Ohkami my hide out is impossible to locate by any type of magic or spell so um if you dont mind id like you to find the hide out later on in the rpg. You know like show up in the exact time im about to kill the parents.PLEASE
  7. [I]In Abunai's Dungeon[/I] "Well what an interesting suprise my bandits brought me, Two Humans." [COLOR=DarkOrange]"what do you want with me and my wife?"[/COLOR] "I want you to suffer knowing your daughters will be dead by mid day tommarow." [COLOR=DarkOrange]*(Thinking) "No, not Chi and Kaisui"*[/COLOR] "Oh, and dont worry you will die more slowly and painfull than your daughters." [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Y-You MONSTER!"[/COLOR] [I]Abunai laughs in an evil tone as he leaves back up to his hideout[/I] Kaisui's Parents=[COLOR=DarkOrange]Dark Orange[/COLOR] Sry it short my cat kept me up all night becouse she meows to much
  8. [I]Back In Abunai's Hideout[/I] "Well I think its time to send some of my warriors to seek out the brats who can control the elements." [I]Abunai go's to the barrack's to round up some warriors[/I] "You twenty warriors, I have personaly assigned you to track down the Controlers of the elements and destroy them." [COLOR=SeaGreen]"Yes master... Is there anything else you request?"[/COLOR] "As a matter of fact Yes, I want you to have some fun so dont mind destroying the nearest towns and villages on your way there... Oh and tell them Abunai Teki Sent You." [COLOR=SeaGreen]"As you command master... We will not fai..."[/COLOR] "Whoa dont even say it, the last people who said that jinxed themselves." [I]The warriors pack up and head out to locate and destroy the Elemental Controlers. They will arive by mid day tommarow[/I] Warrior=[COLOR=SeaGreen]Green[/COLOR] ~By the way im once again sry its short but ive been studying for a test and im tired~
  9. What ever is in [COLOR=Blue]blue is the thugs[/COLOR]... [COLOR=Red]whats in red is Abunai[/COLOR] [I]Meanwhile Back In Abunai's Hideout[/I] [I]The thugs who attacked Kairi return to bring the news of her death[/I] [COLOR=Blue]"Sir we have takin care of the girl you ordered us to kill"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"That's odd.. I didnt gain her essence.. YOU FOOLS!!! WHO EVER DIES BY MY COMMAND I GET THERE ESSENCE WHICH MEANS SHE ISNT DEAD!!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"My lord... We Are Sorry... We Wont Fail You Again..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"No you wont will you.. Well will have to make sure of that."[/COLOR] [I]Abunai takes out his sword and quickly slashes the thugs taking them out in one hit[/I] [COLOR=Red]"Foolish idiots.. No body fails me and lives."[/COLOR] Sry it couldnt be more but im tired ill type more later
  10. Name: abunai teki (dangerous enemy) Gender: Male Age: 29 Appearance:[IMG]http://artgeek5000.com/sketch/dark_lord.jpg[/IMG] Weapon: Enchanted Broad Sword Element: Ah Ah Ah Only I Know Bio: Darkness has shrouded this once noble warriors heart and soul. He first found out about the elements from a young boy named Hoichi. Abunai, soon after finding out about the controlers of the elements, wiped out Hoichi's memory.(Find out more as the story begins) Personality:Dark, Ruthless, Fearless... If anyone gets in his way THEY ARE DEAD
  11. Name: Abe Simpson Age: Noone is sure of his age Picture: [IMG]http://www.thesimpsons.com/bios/images/bios_family_grampa.gif[/IMG] Bio: Not many people know that Abe Simpson is a highly decorated veteran of the Second World War. Even fewer people know that he is the inventor of the toilet and the man who made cats and dogs hate one another. No one knows these things about Abe because no one listens to him. In fact, they usually leave the room when he starts to speak. Father of Homer Simpson, grandfather of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, Abe, aka Grampa, lives in the Springfield Retirement Castle where he enjoys soft foods and company of his friends. Abe was lucky enough to briefly find success in his retirement as a writer for the award-winning Itchy & Scratchy cartoon series. That career came to an end when he publicly scolded the entire cartoon industry at an awards show. He has won no awards since then. Hope this is good please inform me
  12. Name: Ein Reign Age: 16 Race: Changling Description: Black Hair, Orange Eyes, Platemill Armor, Big Scar Across Left Cheek Bio: Ein Has A Lot Of Hatred In His Heart Yet He Plays On The Side Of Good... He Has But One Wish And That Is To Get Revenge On The One Who Took His Family Away From Him.(Youll Find Out More During The Story) Weapon: two daichinkies(Swords That Are Attached To Wrists) Hope Thats Ok For Now
  13. Name: Ein Ridley Race: Elf Age: 20 Appearance:Wears a hooded leather cloak, carries a Sword only family may use Gender: Male Weapon(s): Has A Sword Past Down From Generation To Generation Bio: Ein was born in Helm's Deep where he trained endlessly to fuffil his familys legacy, Which is to bring about peace to Humanity, Dwarves, And Elves alike. __________________________ l Hope I Did Ok Its My First Post l
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