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Everything posted by JazzLady22
Eeeep! I have been a fan of Petshop of Horrors for a looooooong time, and yes, no one else seems to have heard of it :eek: . The anime, when I saw it, turned out to be a disappointment, because they picked the stories that had nothing to do with D and his past. Those ones, in the manga, to me are most intriguing. And you're right, in the manga he's much more huggable. He still has that mysterious beauty, but childlike cutesy-ness as well, especially where chocolate is concerned ;). One of my favorite parts in the manga was when [spoiler] Orcot was trying to get D to follow him with a box of chocolates, but then another man (who, consequently, is trying to eat D) lures him away with better chocolates. So... CUTE! [/spoiler] Volume 4 comes out in January! I can't wait! And, in the anime, was anyone else annoyed by Orcot's persistant claims that D was selling drugs?
Well, I don't know, Dagger. Of course I was disappointed; the movie lacked the sophisticated kind of evil he brought to it. But if the arguement is that there wasn't enough time for him, then they could have trimmed the battle scenes, [spoiler] Pelennor Fields in particular seemed a little lengthy, especially some of the Oilphant tricks with Legolas, even though they were quite enjoyable. [/spoiler] They might have also trimmed some of the Frodo parts. After all, he may be the Ringbearer, but LOTR is not only a story of the Ring itself, but every person it affects in Middle Earth. A couple of Sam's scuffles with Gollum could have been cut in favor of a Saruman scene. I was also looking forward to that scene where Pippin discovers the Palantir. The way they did it was too quick, [spoiler] with him finding it on the ground. [/spoiler]
Heh, you noticed that too, Dagger? I was trying not to laugh, because no one else was, and it was awkward. But I failed. Of course, the audience laughed at very innapropriate moments, like the scene with Shelob. :eek: What annoyed me was some of the audience members who hadn't seen any of the movies or read the books, and had to LOUDLY ask what was going on. Gack. Anyways, one of my favorite parts was [spoiler] probably when Pippin was singing. I'm just the biggest sucker for all that emotion and angst that went into it, plus he had a gorgeous tenor voice. More innapropriate laughing, I guess some idiots thought his voice was girly. I could have done without the close-up shots of Denethor eating... even though they screamed visual symbolism... [/spoiler]
About Orlando: I was a Billy Boyd and Viggo type girl from the start ;) And I do agree, I liked Orlando at first, but the fangirls ruined it for me. And so did the friend I sat next to during my first viewing, who squealed every time he popped on. And when he wasn't on, she say loudly, "Yeah yeah yeah, get to Legolas!" About the aforementioned gay subtext, Dagger: Lol. It did seem like Aragorn was about to kiss Legolas in that scene, especially since his elven robes looked a bit like a wedding dress, if I do say so myself.... And about the Witch King line: They needed to instill some girlpower into the movie. The only other girl characters are Arwen and Galadriel, and both are quite passive, unless you count Arwen's little scene in the Nazgul in Fellowship of the Ring. That scene is straight from the book, but the dialogue definately isn't, and I don't remember it being much of a climactic moment. I'll have to read it again.
OK, so this thread kind of died. But let me try and kick the horse one more time before we write it off as dead. I also never like the implied Vash/Meryl pairing in Trigun. They never have real conversations, mostly just awkward silences. And whenever Vash is going through one of his depressed phases, she never knows what to say, and leaves all the comforting up to Millie or Wolfwood. I think Vash is better matched with Rem (no, she isn't his real mother), and Meryl is better matched with someone who doesn't require conversation as much as abuse. Hmmmm, maybe Legato? And I happen to like Tenchi/Ryoko. Maybe I'm biased because Ryoko is my favorite character in the show. Meh. I never liked Tenchi/Ayeka, per se, because I don't think many guys would survive long with such an uptight girl.
MillieFan, you just brought up another issue for Trigun fans. How does everyone feel about the low quality of most Trigun fanfics? If you read Trigun fanfics, you know that there's maybe about 1 decent fic per four or five pages on FF.net. And being an amateur writer, who writes an occasional fanfic herself, some of the writing styles are just cringe-worthy. I don't pretend to be an expert on writing, but some of these people are too lazy to use spellcheck, or get a beta reader. What's more, some of them have no knowledge of the show! The author that MillieFan mentioned, Vashra BloodReeper, is a prime example of all the awful things happening to the Trigun section on FF.net. She is the current reigning queen of OOC; she doesn't even try to get, say, Meryl and Millie in character. In one rather lemony story, Meryl calls Millie several rather sexual pet names. Excuse me? Prim Miss Meryl? I don't think so. There are some good ones, however. Like say, Last Chance, by Shandrial. If we had more writers like her, the Trigun section would be a much happier place. So anyway, what do you all think?
I saw RotK last night. And I was speechless. WOW. It certainly was one of the best films I'd ever seen. I've tried to make this as spoiler free as possible, as I still don't know how to use spoiler tags. :wigout: I was relieved that they fixed Faramir's character a bit. He was one of my favorites in the book, and I was annoyed that he seemed like an arrogant little papa's boy in Two Towers. But in RotK, he was a bit more like Tolkien's honorable man that I know and love. I was, however, disappointed that they left out his relationship with a certain someone (I don't want to spoil it for those of you who haven't read the books) at the Houses of Healing. In fact, they left out the Houses of Healing completely in favor of more Frodo scenes. Well, that's what the extended DVD is for. Everyone else was pretty much portrayed accurately. Aragorn in particular. I think Viggo Mortensen was amazing in the role, and following FOtR I became a huge fan of his. Ian McKellen and Billy Boyd were amazing as well, especially in their scenes together. Legolas, however, had a total of about 7 lines, all of them enigmatic words of wisdom worhty of Yoda himself. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Legolas more of a cheery guy who liked to sing at random and prance through the forests? All in all, a fabulous, totally incredible experience, and I can't wait to see it again. But one more thing: was the whole situation with Arwen in the book? I don't remember it. I haven't read ROtK in a long time. But something tells me it wasn't.
Hmmmmm, I never thought about Meryl/Millie before. But now that you mention it, it does make a bit of sense. I am a HUGE Millie/Wolfwood fan, and I think they make one of the cutest couples ever. But now that their getting together is pretty much impossible, what's to stop her from moving on? And I don't like Vash/Meryl, as I said earlier. And they do compliment each other very well. They have a great friendship, as well as respect for each other. Throughout the whole series, they have supported each other, and for the most part, did everything themselves, without the help of Vash or Wolfwood. They have some cute little bickering moments, but I can't remember them ever really fighting. So now that I think about it, it's kinda... sweet. :love:
I ended up receiving two: one for Christmas and one for my birthday. They scared the heck out of me, but I couldn't tell my parents that I didn't like it, because I didn't want to seem ungrateful. A little story about me and Furbies: I was babysitting at this kid's house, and she had a Furby on wheels (I guess they had just made them?) Anyways, I was playing hide-and-seek with her, and she was hiding under the bed. While she was crawling around under there, she accidentally woke up the Furby, who rolled out right up to me, and said something along the lines of: "Me hungry. Play with me! Aaaah, big light!" I've been scared of them ever since.
Sorry you have to move, honey. I moved out of my old house two days after Christmas, so I know how it feels to want that so badly for Christmas. I guess that means my two year anniversery in this house is coming up, ne? So anyway, what I want for Christmas... well, I'd like to just be able to relax and look forward to my favorite holiday, like I do every year. I've been so busy with schoolwork and such, next thing I know, Christmas is in less than a week. It makes me so sad that I missed all the excitement and waiting that I usually enjoy. And now that I have everyone's presents, I think I can finally get excited. In fact, putting this in words, I just realized that Christmas is in less than a week. YES! *Cheers* I'd also like the Extended Version of Two Towers (LOTR), because I'm just a dork that way, I guess. :beer:
I can see Rem/Vash in ways I could never see Meryl/Vash. I mean think about it: they never have meaningful conversation (or any conversation, for that matter), whenever Vash was upset or depressed, she didn't bother to ask what was wrong, and any interaction between them usually ended violently. Maybe Meryl is better suited for someone less talkative, and more psycho. (I see what you mean, MillyFan. Must... not.... plug... fic) But Rem/Vash? You can see the love there. They can talk to each other, they genuinely enjoy each other's company, they trust each other, and they share common interests. Plus Vash even admits to her that he loves her. All together now: AWWWWWW! But unfortunately, there are little to none good Rem/Vash fanfics out there. But in case anyone's interested, here's one, full of romance and angsty goodness: [url]http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1562004[/url] Heh heh, since MillyFan couldn't, I have to, since I think you kids will enjoy it. Is it against the rules to post the link to a fanfic? Anyways, that's my bit.
Wolfwood and Midvalley together? Really? Wow, that's certainly unexpected. I withdraw my adamant claim that Wolfwood is straight :whoops: And you know what? I guess now that I think about it, I can picture that. I am a diehard K/L fan. They were really the only shouen-ai pair that I could see happening. The whole semi-masochistic (at least on 'Gato's part) master/servant relationship interests me. And when you look at it a certain way, Legato's devotion to Knives is actually kind of cute... you know, in a sick, psycho way. And from the few manga scans and translations I've seen, that's what Nightow had in mind. But Wolf/Vash? That's part of a little group I like to call fanfiction yaoi. Vash has never showed any sort of interest for the opposite sex (at least in the anime, I don't know bout the mangas) and has actually been repulsed the few times a guy has hit on him. So I guess W/V will have to live on in the countless fics of rabid yaoi fangirls. Knives/Vash? Yaoi AND incest? Lol. No, I don't think Knives is really in love with Vash, per se. Since he puts their kind on a pedastal, so to speak, he thinks that him and Vash are the only ones worthy of living. But I don't think it extends much further than an obligatory brotherly love. I guess, now that I think about it, Vash kind of has an Oedipus complex. But Rem isn't technically Vash's mother (do him and Knives [I]have[/I] a mother?) so I think that pairing is adorable.
Eeeeeeek, I'm with Karma on this one. State my opinion, and run. I think NGE is a great, groundbreaking series, and deserves every bit of recognition it gets. But the best ever? No. Keep in mind that this is my opinion. It was a bit too depressing for my tastes. I like an anime that will lighten the mood every once and a while, but Eva seemed to be on a constant moody downward spiral. That's precisely the reason I can't sit through Grave of the Fireflies. That raw kind of emotion actually hurts to watch. Another thing, I didn't feel I could really relate to any character. Shinji, Rei, and Asuka seemed polar extremes of what teenagers are, and while some people could definately relate to what they were going through, I couldn't really make a connection with any of them. Except Kaworu. When I first met him, I really liked him and could relate to him. That changed :eek: I couldn't give you an example of a perfect anime if I tried. I know all the ones I like are flawed. But maybe for people without my annoying little preferances when it comes to anime, NGE is about as close to perfect as you can get. I'll stick with my happier, more simple animes. For now. OK, continue discussion, kids ;)
Well, I've been seeing a lot of 'Favorite Anime Couples' threads on these boards. But let's face it, it's much more fun to talk about couples you think were mismatched, and there are a lot. So which anime couples do you think would end in divorce court? Give me the show, the coupling, and a DETAILED reason why you think they wouldn't last (it can be an implied pairing or popular fanfiction pairing). For example: I think the Spike/Faye pairing in Cowboy Bebop is all wrong. It might be blasphemy to say so, but they wouldn't have anything to do but gripe at each other all day. Sure, they might have made a connection at the end, but couples should be able to talk about little things too. I haven't seen the two of them just talk casually together at any point in the series. They don't seem to like or hate each other, it's just plain indifference. Correct me if I'm wrong... I might just be missing something. Go to it, kids! No spam, please.
i :love: legoto 2! OMG! OK, Molletta, you're right, that doesn't work. It takes a little twisting, but Knives being banished sounds right to me. All the time he was on Gunsmoke, he barely interacted with humans at all. He lived in a kind of exile status, not really doing anything big and obvious against humans (unless you count July, but he hid behind Vash). And after July, he was unheard of for about 20 years. I think Rem didn't favor Vash much more than Knives at first, but rather Vash wanted to spend more time with her, took more of her advice to heart, and liked her a lot more than Knives. At least I thought that until she cut his hair in a style that meant a lot to her... but she might have cut Knives' hair the same... I'd like to expound on that, but I need to reread that particular story in the Bible...
OK, Molletta, I'll try... :) Right, IloveBebop, there are quite a couple random appearances by apples (i.e- Chapel carries one, Knives takes a bite out of one on the SEEDS ship right before he goes evil), so that could very well be a backhanded reference to Adam and Eve. But like Molletta said, the apple seemed to be more of a redemption symbol, as Wolfwood only got to taste it after he decided not to kill Chapel. I think Knives did manage to corrupt Vash a bit, but for the most part, was not very successful, as Vash managed to overcome Knives in the end. Some people have suggested God and Satan, and I don't buy that either. Vash isn't that infalliable. As for Wolfwood, hmmmmmm, he's an interesting one. He kills (and using a sacred symbol to do it), curses, uses the Lord's name in vain, has sex out of marriage, and end up double-crossing nearly everyone on the show. When you think about it, he's more duplicitous than Knives. The only thing I can think of right now is that the Devil's helper was named Wormwood, but that could very well be a coincidence. I don't really buy that he's just a paradox... but I can't think of anything he might represent. Either that or Nightow was making fun of priests when he created him...?
Are you [I]trying[/I] to drive me insane? Heh heh, I'm so curious now. Enjoy it! *Sadly looks at Trigun #1* Can't wait 'til #2 comes out. It's January, right?
I got the Trigun manga yesterday! *Dances* It is very, very good. It's a lot like the anime, but at the same time different. I don't want to tell you much more since it'd be spoiling, but the beginning is pretty much episode 5 of the anime, and the rest is episodes 7, 8, and 14, but with some differences. Plus it's very informative in parts. I'd recommend it! *Grin* Now I just have to wait 'til January for the next one, *sniff*. (I know what you're thinking, Metatron! Don't mock us!)
Yeah, I know! The lady was practically screaming at me for, ahem, "wasting her time with this nonsense." I gave her the author and publishing company and she STILL didn't believe me. Then finally she looked it up on the computer and said, "We won't have it until November." What a psycho. Yes, we all have to learn Japanese. And Metatron can teach us... *evil snicker*
Oh, you are truly, truly evil. *sob* You even made me cry. *sneaks into your room and steals mangas* MWAHAHAHA!
Ohhhhh, so that's why when I went to get it, they told me next month. The lady even tried to convince me it didn't exist. I'm really curious too! It driving me insane, I want to read it! Who would Dark Horse retailers be? Comic stores?
Lucky. Only speaking 1 language really sucks, lol. Yeah, I have to admit the whole summary WOULD be a bit much *embarassed grin*. I'm just irritated that my local bookstores are being so evil, and I really would like to read the 1st one at least. *Stabs Barnes and Noble people* Leaving it at this would be a bit spammy, so I'll just give my input in the discussion... I was confused as well on that last line, but whoever said that he would keep on not killing people but for his own reasons, I agree. He just doesn't seem like the kind of person who would change that. As for whether Knives died or not, don't even get me started. I could go on for hours, contradicting myself. You really could look at it either way.
Hi Metatron! Have you read the whole Trigun manga series so far? (The 3 Trigun mangas and the 8 Trigun: Maximums) If so, where did you get them? The 1st one is supposed to be out in the U.S, but none of the stores are carrying them yet. Where did you get yours? Can you summarize everything that's happened so far? If you don't wanna spoil it for anyone, just PM or email me :) .
Hmmm... well, it really does depend, because sometimes the manga is soooo different than the anime. Those of you who read/watched Vampire Princess Miyu or Trigun know what I'm talking about. Sometimes one will have a more interesting storyline than the other, and sometimes more thought gets put into the manga. Lack of music is no problem, I can just get the soundtrack and play it while reading, lol.
One more thing about Inuyasha: (this isn't really a screw-up but whatever) in the English dub Kaede has this Irish or Scottish accent. If I'm not mistaken, they're in feudal Japan. I'm just expecting her to do a jig any minute :laugh: