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Everything posted by JazzLady22
Hmmm, let's see. My 2nd cousin, Nick Burns, has held about 6 political positions. He used to work in the State Department in DC, was the U.S Ambassidor to Greece and Belgium, and now he's in the UN. They even made fun of him on the Daily Show, lol. Not as interesting as yours, but hey.
I'm not sure what I think. Molleta DOES make a very good point, and I'm pretty confused about the whole thing too. But being a blind optimist, I prefer to believe that Knives lived. In response to Double B. Daigo's post: sure, a second season or OVA (wishful thinking, I'm sorry to say) would be very nice, but what bothers me is that I don't know what they'd do with it. They could make something really good, or really awful that Trigun fans with hate with a passion, and perhaps ruin the first season for new viewers Besides, do you really want it to go on without Knives as a villian, or Wolfwood and Legato? I'm just saying this hypothetically, I know there's not much of a chance. I'll have to just satisfy myself with the manga.
I love Outlaw Star, it's such an enjoyable series. Anime Guy, if you're willing to spend 45 dollars, Sam Goody has the DVD's in sets of 9 or 8 episodes. Or you could just spend 90 and get the whole series. You could also go to FYE, but they cost more, and I don't trust them. *Growl*
Well, let's see... The first anime I saw, like many people here, was Sailor Moon. It was kinda shoved down my throat by the kids I babysat, so I didn't really enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I like it now. Next were a few more I didn't like, Pokemon and Digimon, also shoved down my throat (and I still don't like it). I didn't have a very high opinion of anime. I watched some Gundam Wing on Toonami a few years later, and I liked it, but I wasn't hooked in yet. Then I met my friend Tania, a full-blooded otaku. She took me to Spirited Away, and I loved it. Then she introduced me to Cowboy Bebop, and I was hooked from then on.
maladjusted, it's at the very end of the credits, at least on my DVD it is... As for what Knives did when he woke up, I'd like to think he stayed his hilarious, psycho self. It'd be depressing if he didn't.
I don't know if it was the lighting or not, but a few times Legato's hair changed purple. I did notice Spike's hair changing black. But as soon as I noticed, it was gone. *Whoosh* But those kinds of things, like hair color changing slightly, happen in every anime. Have any of you seen Nightwalker? In one episode is eyes are yellow, then they're green. How do they do that? :therock:
Yes sir, Alucard is the main character in Hellsing. In that case, YAY! That makes me so happy! Hellsing is a great show, morpheus, you should really watch it.
Xai, friend, savior, that is a beautiful site. Thank you so much! *big hug* If anyone has any other sites with good pictures, please share.
Wow, can't wait. Excuse my ignorance here, but can anyone give me a basic outline of the manga? If its too much of a spoiler, just e-mail me. By the way, will it be available at Barnes and Noble?
:bawl: You are so lucky. We're still struggling to get one at my school, "Because people like it" just isn't enough of an excuse for them. Sigh. We're trying to convince them it's an Art form, since I go to and Arts school, but I don't think they bought that. We have a sponsor, why does it matter? *smacks After School Activities Director*
I've watched an anime called Hellsing, and it's fabulous! I'm not sure if we're talking about the same one, because as far as I know, it was "Hellsing" and not "Van Helsing."I don't think I've ever heard of a "Van Helsing." If it is the one I'm thinking of, you should watch it. What channel and what time?
:love: Ahhhhhh, Tenchi and Ryoko. Keep dreaming, everyone, it's healthy... Sure, a lot of people have said this before, but I am a devoted MilliexWolfwood fan. I don't know, I just always saw them working out, ever since ep. 9. The way they interracted was SO cute! And then they got together in 23! Which makes it even more sad... :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: My runner ups go to the triangle Inuyasha-Kagome-Kikyo (gaaaah! I can't decide who I want him to be with! Even though Kagome gets on my nerves, Inuyasha seems to really like her, but now Kikyo doesn't hate him anymore... CONFUSED!) and Ranma-Akane (Akane you fool, you've got him, TAKE HIM!)
Thanks MillieFan! We have the same favorites? Cool. Yeah, I have the DVD, and that does happen during the credits of 26. It shows Vash walking into the town with Knives and waving at Meryl and Milly. Grrrr, curse you Cartoon Network, they just showed the episode 1 credits for every episode. Why they did this, I don't know. Maybe it cost less money to use the same credits?
Anime Which Animes Are Dubbed Best/Worst?
JazzLady22 replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Otaku Central
Hmmm... Good: Cowboy Bebop was very good, you have to look very close to see that the mouth movements don't match the words. I loved the Trigun dub, but Legato has a great Japanese voice (that Voice Acotr also does Duo and Count D!). I liked the Ranma dub, Shampoo's voice is so cute! Gundam Wing was OK, but Duo sounded like a 40 year old man (which he was, I guess), but I loved Quatre and Wufei. Bad: Evangelion was just awful. Asuka just made me twitch. Nightwalker was pretty bad too, I can't describe why. Shido was just a little off. Vampire Princess Miyu annoyed me because I thought Miyu sounded a bit like Daria, plus I love Larva's Japanese voice. And I didn't like Weiss Kreuz. Although the outtakes in English were hilarious, I can't stand some of the voices. -
Hey everyone! Well, I can't pass a Trigun thread without giving my opinion on this great show, so here it is: To date, Trigun is my favorite anime. Except for maybe Meryl, I love all the characters to death. Vash is my favorite; it really touches me how he doesn't want to kill anyone. I've just seen too many animes with heroes that just mindlessly kill their opponents; this was a great change for me. And he was just so sweet, I'm a sucker for sweet guys. His devotion to his morals and the woman who taught them to him was so cute to me. Some people complained that they didn't like it how it went from a comedy to a drama halfway through. It just worked for me, and it went interestingly with the character development. At first you think Vash is this crazy, random guy, but little by little they show his character to you. My fave episodes were: 9-Murder Machine- C'mon, you guys know you love Wolfwood. Just nod your head yes. He and Vash make such a cute pair (friends, I mean. Don't get any ideas, yaoi fangirls :wigout: ) 12-Diablo- I always really liked this one, it really started up the show. Legato is one of the coolest villians ever. 23-Paradise- I hate this episode! Hate it, hate it, hate it, it was so sad! And by hate I mean love. I can't help it, the end was so touching, I cried. And animes don't usually make me cry. 24-Sin- Yet again, so sad, and yet so good. 25-Live Through- This one was all over the place emotion-wise, and I kind of liked that. And even though I hate Meryl, the hug was very cute. I really liked 26, but it isn't my favorite. Mostly because it left me wondering what happened next, then I couldn't sleep, then I was tired during school the next day :sleep: . Anyways, that's all I have to say for now. If you disagree with any of my views, feel free to say so, but go easy on me, I'm new. See you all later!