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Sweet Pie

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Everything posted by Sweet Pie

  1. [color=indigo][size=1]Point agreed there [b]Winter[/b]. HYDE isn't a pretty boy. Not even good-looking I say. But maybe average?[/color][/size]
  2. [QUOTE=wrist cutter]I haven't heard it but haven't liked any of his singles yet, don't think the album's going to change my mind. Say, what's the band he leads? Aren't they doing something? It's not as important as his solo work of course.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1]He isn't that bad. Frankly, he don't sound so good, though. Sometimes, I thought he was not singing but just shouting...I don't know. Sorry, I don't know the group he was leading... Yeah, probably, the thing he's doing with his band is more important than his solo career. Don't look like he's giving his best shot.[/color][/size]
  3. [color=indigo][size=1]Anyone bought [b]HYDE[/b]'s [b]666[/b]? It's quite nice. Like the song [b]HELLO[/b]. The song [b]Shining Over You[/b], isn't that bad too...[/color][/size]
  4. [color=indigo][size=1]Thanks for the compliment & criticism. I'll take it into considerations ^_^ Thank you so much. I'll improve on my drawing ^_^ Best Regards, Sweet Pie (S.P. ^_-)[/color][/size]
  5. [color=indigo][size=1]Okay, here's a few of my artwork. Please gives comment or criticism or whatever so that I can improve my drawing. *p/s: I couldn't upload this on the [i]Fanart[/i] in the [i]myOtaku[/i] because the size is big as in 750 x 1200 pixels. I'll try to resize them. You know, they put the max size is 750 x 1000 pixels, is it 750 in width and 1000 in lenght or vice versa?[/color][/size]
  6. [color=indigo][size=1]A lot of you are into Jrock....and I don't seem to know some of them because I'm not a huge fan of Jrock. I just don't seem to understand...I'm a fan of Jpop...I....[/color][/size]
  7. [FONT=Century Gothic][color=red][b][size=3]Chapter 1 & 2[/FONT][/color][/b][/size] [color=indigo][size=1] Chapter 3 coming soon.... *p/s: comments and criticism are welcomed. Best regards, Sweet Pie (S.P.^_-)[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=indigo]Hmm...I got a pic of Gackt from his newest (I think) music video. He looked good ^_^ *p/s: If you wanna watch the music video, private message me, ok? ^_-[/color][/size]
  9. [color=indigo][size=1]It's kind of sad to look at some artist. Some of them were in the showbiz for about 10 years, they still survive, e.g: SMAP. They still very good though. It's more painful if some of the singers that we REALLY, REALLY loved, left the showbiz.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=indigo][size=1]I agree, some artist need to take a break from showbiz. But I thought he looks okay in this live performance music video, can't remember the song...it's a slow song...a love song, if I'm not wrong. Anyone heard the name [b]Daigo Stardust[/b]? He's pretty new to the showbiz though.[/color][/size]
  11. [color=indigo]Bad guys always get to beat up the good guys, cool...And, the bad guys always gets the best gadgets and often smarter than the good guys.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Do you mean that if we chose to take part in the [i][b]Cartoons[/i][/b] catergory, we have to do both [i][b]Fanart & Original drawing[/i][/b]? When is the deadline? Where do you sign up? I might be joining..though...[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Yeah, the story's good, but hated when [spoiler]Nakago, Nuriko, Chiriko & etc. die[/spoiler]. It breaks my heart. I'd say one of the best manga by Yuu Watase but still, I like Ayashi no Ceres better. Sorry! *_*[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I could help you but if the story suits my style, sorry! I got inspirations form [b]Yuu Watase (Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi no Ceres etc)[/b] and [b]Minekura Kazuya ( gensomaden Saiyuki, Saiyuki RELOAD etc)[/b] I've got my own style, I think ^_^; But don't aspire to be a professional manga artist, though. Part-time maybe, depends. But still, it takes time to draw a manga. is your story a [i][b]shonen or shoujo[/i][/b] type? Or sports type? If it's a sports type, gulp, I think that's my weakness ^_^;[/color]
  15. [color=red]Chocolate[/color] ++ Chapter 4: On my own [size=1]Jesse was really, really sweet, yesterday. My Dad wont' be back. It's still 5 days away. I strolled to the cake shop. And sat at the booth near the entrance door. A man, in his 30s, came with a notepad in his hands. "May I have your order, Miss?" "Can I have a Chocolate Swiss Roll and A cup a Mocha?" I said. He nodded and went behind the counter. I stared out of the window. A beautiful scenery. Big trees and daisies grown not far away. The man came back with my order. "There you go, Miss." I took my time, enjoying the rich chocolate flavour. It's just six in the afternoon. It's too early to cook dinner. I'm all alone, so, today, I'm going out and act like a babe, and, make myself unrecognizable even by my classmate. Just to relief my loneliness. Kind of weird, huh? I went up to my bedroom and ran through my wardrobe. I settled on a pair of a pleated mini-skirt and a white shirt. I'm looking like Namie Amuro, funny. Damn. I look truly gorgeous with that make-up, like someone you'd die for. That's me, baby. I stepped out of the house and, of course, locked the door. The air outside was refreshing. The sun had already set. I was walking down the streets and noticed that the people around me, especially [i]man[/i], were drooling over me. I felt good and a little nervous...because I'm not used to this kind of attention! On the other side of the road, a group of guys, maybe around their 20s were whistling at me. Damn1 Now, I regret dressing like this. I was a little clumsy and stumbled upon a guy. I fell on my butt. Ouch! The guy pulled me up on my feet and muttered his apology. This is the way I like it! This is me, but not the [i]real[/i] me! Walking thorugh the busy streets, watching and admiring people. Amazing.[/size] [color=indigo]There'll be Chapter 5, more interesting. Unexpected ^_- PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS STORY.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Yay! [b]Tackey & Tsubasa[/b] came out thier new album. Gotta buy them! Anyone knows that that [b]Gackt[/b] & [b]HYDE[/b] starred in a movie [b][i]Moon Child[/b][/i] The story's in a Chinese channel on cble here. Pity I don't get to watch them but I'll get them from a LaserFlair shop, bet, they have ^_^ Anyway, who's in their teens here? Anyone? It's seems like most of the people who is active in this thread are in their 20s. True?[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Please look properly in this forum. There's already a [b]Ayashi no Ceres[/b] and [b]Fushigi Yuugi[/b]. Please put your comments there. I'm not trying to act like a mod but it's true that there's already a thread by the same name lalready exsist.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Anyone have read [b]Saiyuki RELOAD[/b]? THose who have, discuss it here. What do you think of the story? I'm currently on Vol.3. Minekura Kazuya is a skillful manga-kan (manga artist)![/color]
  19. [color=indigo]The most meaningful song and also a very touching song is [b]suka-retto (scarlet)[/b] from [b]Ayashi no Ceres[/b]. A beautiful piece.[/color] _+_+_+_+_+ English Translation +_+_+_+_+_ [size=1]Can you still see your dreams in the distant, starry sky? Are they more vivid than they were when you were little? When one forgets to put the emotions that overflow in her heart to rest, they burn the color of passion. I used to believe without a doubt that I could reach my dreams, no matter how far off they were. But that me from long ago now sleeps inside my heart. Dreams are more fragile and fleeting than a glass rose, so then why are we destined to dream? Sometimes two dreams can turn into love, but there are also times when they can't. Even when they're alone, people want to share their feelings, but it can be so hard. Words are powerless to express one's feelings, and sometimes they become a silver knife. Even when they're alone, people want to share their feelings, but it can be so hard. Words are powerless to express one's feelings, and sometimes they become a silver knife. I used to believe without a doubt that I could reach my dreams, no matter how far off they were. But that me from long ago now sleeps inside my heart.[/size] _+_+_+_+_+ Japanese Lyrics +_+_+_+_+_ [size=1] haruka na hoshizora ni yume wa mada miemasu ka? osanai ano hi yori azayaka desu ka? mune ni afurete tsunoru omoi nemuri wasurete jounetsu no iro tatoe tookute mo kitto tadoritsukeru tsuyoku shinjite'ta ano hi no watashi ga ima mo kokoro de nemutte-iru GARASU no bara yori mo hakanakute moroi no ni yume miru koto wa naze sadame na no deshou futatsu no yume ga ai ni natte ai ni narenai koto mo atte hito wa hitori da to wakariaitai no ni nante muzukashii kotoba wa muryoku de toki ni wa gin no NAIFU ni naru hito wa hitori da to wakariaitai no ni nante muzukashii kotoba wa muryoku de toki ni wa gin no NAIFU ni... tatoe tookute mo kitto tadoritsukeru tsuyoku shinjite'ta ano hi no watashi ga ima mo kokoro de nemutte-iru[/size]
  20. [color=indigo]Ok, I started reading manga when I was around 4? 5? I can't remember but I do remember that the first manga I read was none other than [b]Doraemon[/b]! I still remember some part of the story ^_-[/color]
  21. [color=coral]To [b]Anime Otaku[/b], the girl with the watermelon is [b]Mutsumi[/b]. A whole new series, huh? You mean the characters are different? Or they stay the same?[/color]
  22. [color=coral]Sorry [i]oshi[/i], I liked [i]Ayashi no Ceres[/i], better than [i]Fushigi Yuugi[/i] ^_- I read tha Ova, manga [spoiler]Toya was very ill and he might die leaving Aya with his daughter, what's her name? Sorry, I forgot her name. Really, if I'm not wrong, Toya died after saving Aya & his daughter. I don't know if there's a continuation. If there's one, then maybe Toya isn't dead.[/spoiler][/color]
  23. [color=coral]Another guy that'll melt me would be [b]Nakago[/b], Fushigi Yuugi! Who wouldn't? Although he's a bad-boy, he still is very loyal & intelligent ^_^[/color]
  24. [color=coral]No, no! Hakkai & Sanzo is mine! he! he! he! Currently over here, there's saiyuki RELOAD, the continuation to the 2 season of the anime. Currently, on Vol. 3. The anime, I've watch both the first & the second season. Love them. There's Seaon 3 of on VCD/DVD on sale, but it's in Chinese, I cant's read chinese. I'm currently waiting for the English subtitle, though. So i read the mang only first because it's almost the same as the anime on Season 3. [spoiler]Sanzo & company, have this make-over. Goke is sexier, he! he! he! Kou-taichi also goes through a transformation. new clothing. Kou looks hot inhis new clothes. I'll find a pic of him in the new clothing for you guys, okay?[/spoiler][/color]
  25. [color=coral]Speaking of Jpop, anyone knows SMAP? If yes, which guys in them do you like? I like [i]Kimura Takuya[/i] he's now around 32 but looks like 20. He's also a actor, a top actor. If you don't know him, he's the spokesperson for [i]Levis[/i], Japan. Really, for the girls! They've been in the Showbiz for about 10 years, approximately. One of the songs they sang was [i]Lion Heart[/i][/color]
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